Happy 2020 everyone. In honor of the new year, here is the last chapter.

GIJose: Glad you enjoyed it. It's where I got the inspiration from. No, I don't plan to have any more flashbacks.

Agent N: Yep, they were always great back before Barry was a selfish jerk.

Wall: Yep, the show, at this point, is the WestAllen diaries, not The Flash. I'm leaving the concept of Killer Frist up for interpretation.

Guest 1: Glad to hear it.

West House

Late afternoon

"I can go in and get her if you want," Caitlin offered as Barry parked the family car in the driveway of Joe's house.

Barry was suddenly thankful he had driven rather than just speeding over; it had allowed him to get his thoughts together. Otherwise, he might have decided to take Caitlin's offer, but that was the coward's way out. And Barry Allen had never been a coward.

"No. You were right earlier; I need to face Iris, even if part of me doesn't want to," Barry said with a sigh.

"I'll be there the whole time," Caitlin promised as she placed her hand on his.

Barry smiled weakly before he turned off the car. The pair then got out and walked towards the front door. Usually, Barry would just walk right in, but he thought it best to ring the doorbell this time. After a few moments that felt like an eternity to Barry, the door opened and Cecile stood on the other side.

Cecile smiled at them before gesturing at them to come in. Barry, after a brief moment of hesitation, walked in, Caitlin following him. Quickly, they spotted the Wests. Joe was sitting in his chair, holding Nora, who appeared to be asleep. And sitting on the couch, looking like she was about to face Zoom, was Iris, eying Barry like he was about to vibrate his hand through her chest.

"Hey," Barry told her awkwardly, not knowing what else to say.

"Hey," Iris said in the same tone and then silence descended on them.

"I'm Caitlin. It's nice to meet you," Caitlin said politely as she walked over, holding her hand out to Iris.

"Iris. You must be Barry's…wife," Iris said, the words feeling strange on her tongue as she shook Caitlin's hand.

"For about two years now," Caitlin said with a smile.

Iris nodded, absorbing this. Barry had been married for two years. The news made a feeling she couldn't name bubble up in her. She would later realize it was jealousy.

"And how is my little Snowflake?" Caitlin asked as she dropped Iris and walked over to Joe and Nora, smiling down at daughter as she opened her eyes and squealed as she saw Caitlin.

"She's fine, like usual she's been an angel," Joe assured her with a smile.

Seeing Barry smile at them with so much love and pride, Iris felt the strange feeling in her chest get worse. Barry looked over at Iris, the smile leaving his face at the look on her face. Something Joe picked up on.

"You know, we have her bag upstairs," Joe mentioned as he got to his feet, handing Nora to Caitlin. "In her room."

"I'll go get it," Cecile said as she quickly walked up the stairs.

"Up for a drink?" Joe asked and Caitlin, struggling to keep a straight face as she caught on, nodded as she followed Joe into the kitchen, leaving Barry and Iris alone.

"Subtle," Barry said and he and Iris shared a laugh, the tension breaking momentarily.

"Very," Iris agreed and it was quiet for a moment.

"So…what are you doing here Iris?" Barry asked, getting to the point.

"I wanted to see you, to see both of you," Iris said and Barry resisted the urge to laugh.

"Obviously not enough to come see me when I was in a coma. Or when I woke up. You didn't even call me Iris," Barry said, struggling to keep his anger in check.

"I didn't know Barry," Iris said and Barry stared at her incredulously. "When dad called about you, I never picked up and I deleted all his messages. I only found out about you for a friend a few months after you woke up."

"And you never called or came to visit after you found out," Barry noted and Iris was silent, shame faced. "But why should I be surprised right? I'm just the son of a murderer who can't accept the truth."

Iris winced, the use of her words that she'd thrown in Barry's face that night so long ago feeling like a punch to the stomach.

"I didn't mean that Barry," Iris said immediately.

"Yeah you did," Barry said confidently. "You may not have actually believed what you said, but you meant them because you wanted to hurt me. And you did."

"Barry…I'm sorry," Iris said, trying not to cry.

"I know. But it doesn't change anything. You know, when we were kids, I had a crush on you," Barry said, surprising Iris. "Everyone could see it…everyone except you. For a long time, I thought I loved you. But that night, when you said that about my dad…I realized that you didn't give a damn about me."

"That's not true Barry," Iris said immediately but Barry shook his head.

"No, it is true. Somewhere along the way, you changed from the girl who held me as I cried the night my mom was murdered. That girl would never have said the things you said to Joe that night. She would never have used my dad to hurt me. And she would have never stayed away for five years over something petty," Barry said and Iris looked on the verge of tears. "You changed Iris, and I don't like the person you've become."

"So…where do we go from here?" Iris asked, taking a few moments to compose herself.

"Well that's up to you. I don't trust you anymore, I don't even like you anymore," Barry said, not trying to be mean but being honest. "I have friends now who are there for me, who don't make fun of me."

"I never made fun of you," Iris interrupted.

"My sad, nerdy dream. Isn't that what you called my excitement about the Particle Accelerator?" Barry asked and Iris flinched. "Whether you realize it or not, you made fun of me Iris. And now I have friends who don't do that. I have Joe and Cecile. I have a daughter I adore and a wife that makes me happy to be alive. Whether you want to be a part of this or not is up to you. I will always care about you Iris…but I'm not gonna put myself and my family through trying to build a relationship with someone who doesn't care about anyone but themselves. So if you wanna leave, go back to Keystone. If not, maybe one day, we can be friends again. It's your choice Iris."

Barry then walked into the kitchen, making Iris put a hand to her face as her shoulder shook with sobs.

So, that's it. It may seem like it has no proper ending, but the fact of the matter is that, in many situations like this, there is no proper ending or magical fix. People don't just magically get over things like this; it takes time to heal, if it ever heals. So I thought this was a nice way to end it.