Just so we're clear, this is gonna be a OP SI fic with heavy smut and probably graphic violence. If it helps, imagine the SI having a giant wiki in his head or something like that. This was originally supposed to be pure smut, but I've decided I'd add some plot as well, so I apologize if there are plot holes lying around. Also lacking any beta testers, so please excuse any grammar mistakes.

This ain't kansas. Was my first thought after taking in my surroundings. Stone walls surrounded me, and I guessed I was in a castle of some kind. It definitely looked like a bedroom, seeing as I was on a bed. Chuckling at the thought, I quickly got off the bed and looked around a bit more thoroughly. I saw a wooden chest, confirming my earlier suspicions about this being some kind of medieval castle. Did some Medieval obsessed maniac kidnap me? Walking towards the chest, I opened it to find clothes only not the kind I was used to. I think the pants were called breeches or something. And was that a tunic made out of wool? Shrugging, I covered my almost naked body and walked out of the room. A servant quickly noticed me.

"Lord Stark! The maester requests your presence immediately!"

I paused at that. Lord Stark? Where have I heard of th- oh. Taking note of the wolf on the shirt of the servant, I quickly remembered where I've heard of the word. Westeros. Hiding my internal turmoil, I nodded at the servant and followed him. Fucking hell, I'm in westeros! My first thought afterwards was thinking this was a dream. The pinching of my arm told me otherwise. Thankfully, I had quick adapting skills, and tried to think of what I remembered of the story. It was soon interrupted when we reached an old man with a chain on his neck.

"Lord Stark, I have grave news. The crown declared Lord Eddard Stark a traitor, and has imprisoned him, Lady Sansa and Lady Arya while killing the Stark forces in Kings Landing." The old man, Maester Luwin I believe was his name, looked very serious. My eyes widened as I realized I was in westeros as Robb Stark at the start of the war of the five kings. Bloody fucking hell, this was interesting. But at the same time, I grinned internally. I thought Robb was an idiot in canon, and this was my chance to save my favorite family in the game of thrones. And if I played this properly, I'd be king. Yes, I would make this work.

"What? My father would never betray king Robert!" While organizing my thoughts, I made sure my outwards appearance showed shock and anger.

Maester Luwin shook his head wearily.

"My lord, I find it as hard to believe as you do. Should I send ravens to the other lords of the realm?"

"Yes, please do so maester." With that, I turned on my heels and headed towards the training grounds. A few guards and man at arms littered the area, chatting or practicing their moves. They paused as they noticed me though, before going back to what they were doing. I grabbed one of the training swords hanging on one of the racks. I was fascinated to find out that my head filled with instinctive knowledge, and my body soon moved on its own as I practiced sword techniques I've never known on men around me clapped wildly until a wolf decided to grace us with its presence. Panicking for a second, I brought my sword up only to remember that Robb Stark had a wolf.

"Gray wind?" Said wolf barked at me before rushing at me and licking my face. Being the animal lover I was, I grinned and patted him on the head. By now, the sun was past noon, and my stomach was grumbling. Heading back into the castle, another servant called me.

"Lord stark, the food has been prepared." Thanking him, I walked into the hall and saw Theon Grayjoy. I was mixed on my feelings on him. One side of me wanted to kill him immediately, while the other side paused. Theon Grayjoy betrayed the starks in the show and books, but never actually killed any Starks. He did lead Rickon to his death however, and sacked winterfell. I sighed and decided to deal with it later. Nodding at the two on the table, I made my way to the head table.

"Robb, the castle rumors tell me that Lord Stark was captured by the Lannisters." Theon said, looking at me.

"Aye, its true. They'll probably tell me to stand down and submit myself to treason, but I'll kill all of them and rescue my lord father."

Theon and Rickon look startled at my words, but I ignored it. I hoped to stop Theon's betrayal of me by using his respect of me and my lord father. And by keeping him close to me and not send him to Balon, I wouldn't have to force him to choose a side. Lunch finished soon enough, and I headed back to my room. The rest of the day was spent getting onto terms with what happened today. Gray wind was lounging beside me, seemingly noting my inner turmoil. I sighed at the thought of having to deal with politics soon. After all, I was just an internet surfer and couch potato on earth. Now apparently I was now the lord paramount of an seemingly fantasy world. And a commander of a upcoming war. Fuck. I also had to deal with my 'mother', now that I think about it. How to get the Vale to join me...house Tully with the notable exception of the Blackfish was filled with idiots in my humble opinion. Granted, Hoster Tully was also cunning but he was old and didn't have much life left anyways. His daughters however, one was apparently my mother and the other was my aunt that refused to help me in the fucking war or at least that was what happened in the books. Then again, it was Petyr Baelish that was pulling strings. If only I had a way to get him killed. I respected him a lot while watching the show, but he was too dangerous to keep alive while I was now playing the game of thrones. There was also Daenerys Targaryen to deal with as well. Too bad I didn't have the money to hire a few faceless man, I sighed. Varys was also a dangerous foe to consider. Then there the Boltons and the Freys. Fucking Freys. I wondered if I should just kill the Freys. Heh, that'd be nice. By that time, the sky got dark outside and another servant told me it was time for dinner. This time I saw Bran Stark, and remembering his abilities I considered keeping him here. After all, I had all the information I needed. But then again, the only reason he went north in the first place was because of Theon. Dinner finished soon enough, and Maester Luwin informed me that he finished sending all the letters to the northern lords.

"That is good, maester. Has there been any news from kings landing?" I asked the maester, who shook his head. Sighing, I thanked the Maester and headed towards Gray wind. Gray wind was outside, and joined me as I took a walk around the castle. The cold north air embraced me, and I took it in gladly. I was more of an summer person back home, but the cold air felt like the embrace of an mother. It was definitely comfortable, and it was with a smile that I finished my walk. Nodding and greeting all the servants and guards around the castle couldn't hurt either. Heading to my bed chambers and lying on my bed once more, I closed my eyes.


I groaned as I got up from my bed. Blearily looking around the room, I idly wondered where I put my fucking phone. Blasted thing didn't ring today for some reason. Blindly groping around the room, I felt confused when my hands made contact with wool. I didn't have any wool blankets in my home. Then last night hit me like a truck and I groaned again as I remembered I had to deal with politics today. Because I didn't have a clock I didn't know what the time was but I was usually up by 7 am at home, thanks to my job. And judging by the lack of servants and the semi dark sky outside, I guessed it was roughly the same time I usually woke up. Yawning lightly as I got out of bed, I wondered towards the main hall. Finishing an early breakfast thanks to the early rising cooks, I decided to ransack the library. After all, there might be lore that might've interested me that was unavailable in the books or show. A few hours in the somewhat large library sounded nice enough, and I might be able to find a journal or something similar from my predecessors? Ancestors? Hmm...Either way, I turned course towards the library. Upon entering the room however, I found my attention sucked onto a pretty and young servant girl cleaning the room, on her knees. That wasn't a problem in itself, but her skirt was hitched up, and exposed whatever she wore...or lack there of. Say what you want, but I was a healthy young male inside of a teenage body with puberty, and it was obviously a turn on. The girl obviously had no idea what was going on, and didn't notice me until I grabbed her healthy arse. She squeaked and turned her head, and turned red at noticing me standing behind her. I just grinned at her and gave another squeeze, making her blush heavily.

"Nothing under your clothes?" I asked casually, though my grin betrayed my feelings. Her blush just got deeper, and she wasn't able to say anything.

"Not answering your lord?" I tsked, giving her arse a healthy smack. Another squeak left her lips, and looking at her face turn even redder, I was surprised she didn't faint yet. She wasn't struggling against me though, so I slipped a finger into her lower lips, noting with amusement at how wet it was. She moaned and pressed her body deeper into my finger. Sticking another one inside, I slowly pulled my fingers out, before smashing them back in. Moaning more deeply, the girl looked aroused and terrified at the same time. Pulling my fingers out, I smacked her arse again and took my breeches off, revealing my cock at her.

"Unable to talk? Why don't I help you open your mouth." I grinned wickedly at her. Her eyes widened at my size, but she obediently opened her mouth and took my whole member in it. Struggling at first at my size, I forced it deeper until I hit the base of her throat. She obviously chocked on it first, but quickly got used to it as I abused her mouth repeatedly.

"mmpph!" With a groan I emptied my load into her throat, with her helplessly drinking all of it as my cock stopped her from doing anything else. Once I finished, I let go of her head and she chocked as she dropped to the floor. She was still filled with obvious arousal however, and my softening dick quickly hardened again. I grinned as I flipped her onto her knees again, and she squealed as I forced my dick straight into her dripping wet pussy. The poor girl came almost instantly, and I plowed the girl as she came repeatedly after before finishing deep inside her. As I pulled out, the girl moaned incoherently at the sheer pleasure she received. However, she was apparently conscious enough to look at me pleadingly, and who was I to refuse?


After spending a lot more time than I should've in the library, I found out I missed lunch courtesy of a panicking servant looking for me. Waving him off, I strolled towards the kitchens and grabbed something filling to eat before heading towards the training grounds.

It was like this I spent the next few days, either training in the yard or 'studying' with the cute girl I found out was named Nancy. I just hoped she wasn't pregnant after this. Anyways, until I got some ravens from the various northern lords, which were various ways of saying they were coming. Meanwhile however, I've gotten a letter from my dear sister Sansa, telling me to stand down and come to King's Landing to swear fealty to the proper lord of the realm. My first instinct was to send a blunt fuck you to the 'king', but I held back despite how I hated the little rat. Instead, I prepared Winterfell for war. Of course, the various soldiers and commanders knew I was gonna shove a giant middle finger at the iron throne, but it didn't hurt the morale of my soldiers when I told them how I was gonna storm the shithole they called King's Landing and re-take my sister. Of course, I was also looking forward to meeting her...personally. After all, it technically isn't incest, is it? Anyways, I also decided to send a raven towards the Reach. The Tyrells were probably the most overpowered house in the whole realm, albeit with a bit of a moron as their head. Olenna on the other hand was a genius, and she probably knew that despite the large force of Renly and the Reach combined, Tywin Lannister and the westerlands or Stannis and his force would probably out-maneuver the summer knights. And I also knew Renly was likely going to die, and tried to get an alliance going before Littlefinger fucked everything up. I also sent a letter towards the Riverlands and the Vale, despite knowing the Vale was technically under Littlefinger at this point. Which was also why I planned to visit my aunt in person, and attempt manipulating my 9 year old cousin. Then I remembered what my mother was doing, and sighed before sending her a letter telling her to come back to Winterfell with Tyrion Lannister. If I played all my cards right and prayed hard enough, I might actually get myself a decent spymaster. Tyrion was probably one of the only characters that might actually be able to challenge Baelish and win, though if I had to bet it'd be on the latter. Sighing deeply as I stepped back into the castle after training in the yard again, I noticed the Maester looking for me.

"Maester Lewin. You wanted to see me?" I walked towards the old man.

"Yes my lord, I've gotten letters from Hoster Tully promising to stand behind the North in the war against the crown." He replied. I already expected this, but I was still happy to confirm it. The Blackfish, my uncle, was also a brilliant commander and I needed someone like him to fight against the likes of Tywin or Stannis. I also idly wondered on getting a mercenary band since I was pretty sure the Lannisters had the Brave companions, but balked at the price. ...Maybe the wildlings? Ha, nah. The sheer amount of infighting would probably finish my army before the Lannisters even touched us.

"Very good, now how to deal with the Freys.." In canon, Robb married a Frey woman. Or would and should've if he wasn't a moron led by his dick. And I sure as hell wasn't going to, despite Roslin Frey apparently very pretty. No, I had plans that regarding the Reach and a specific Tyrell that should tie down the vast resources of Highgarden to my Campaign for the crown, not that Renly knew that yet. All I sent him was a letter asking for help in saving my sister and getting revenge for my father. Since I knew Renly was going to die anyways, it probably wouldn't take much for me to change my plans from revenge to the crown.

"The Freys are a very treacherous lot my lord.." Maester Luwin said, worried. I actually paused though. Why did I need to cross the Twins again? Ah, because Jaime and Tywin were separated, and I needed to sneak on Jaime and cut them off. Of course, Luwin likely didn't know this, and probably thought my worry was because of the lack of movement despite their liege lord under siege. Anyways, within the week the various lords of the realm joined me, and I received a letter from Renly saying that he agreed to the terms provided I bent the knee after. The wiki said I had roughly 20000 men, 10000 less than the any one of the Lannisters armies. Frey forces equaled roughly 3000-4000, but most of them were morons as well. Anyways, I soon got the lords of the north together, and we were all joined at the great hall soon enough.