"Your turn." Mezo stated, after explaining his Quirk to the female. Yuko looked up at the ceiling in thought, as she came to a realisation.

"No one really knows about my Quirk, huh?" She asked, though it was more to herself, than to the male beside her.

"Well," she began, looking at the male, crossing her legs in her chair. "My Quirk isn't anything like yours, or really anyone else's in the class. It doesn't really have anything to do with my physical ability. My Quirk is called Draco. I'm able to, I guess summon a dragon." She smiled as she thought of Night, wondering what he was up to at the moment.

"A dragon..." Mezo mumbled, "at the USJ, was that dragon...?" He trailed as Yuko nodded.

"Yup. His name is Night, he's my best friend. My Quirk allows Night and I to have a certain connection. He can feel what I'm feeling, and I can feel what he's feeling. Sometimes we have this ability to talk telepathically, but it's rare. My Quirk, I guess you could say...works like a game. There's levels to a dragon. Night and I have reached the highest level, level three. But that's not all. When Night and I are together, I'm able to summon a weapon, it doesn't work if he isn't with me though. Oh!" She remembered, quickly pulling her sleeve up, and showing her tattoo.

"I gained this when my Quirk manifested. It'll glow when one of us are feeling a strong type of feeling. Sometimes it'll burn me cause of Night's ability to produce blue flames." The tattoo was a black dragon flying, with its wings spread. A katana with flames surrounding it was in front of the beast. The only color seeming to be the red of the dragon's eyes, as it seemed to glare at anyone who looked at it.

"And that's about it. But depending on if I can summon Night or not, you should know my abilities without my Quirk." She grinned, a hand on the back of her neck.

"I train a lot on my free time, so I've learned to be quite stealthy, and I'm pretty fast. I'm also really good with aim, though not with weapons like guns. More like throwing knives and a bow." Mezo nodded at her explanation, seeming to be in thought.



"Team Shoji and Toshiro, practical exam."

Yuko stood next to Mezo, the two examined their surroundings. The female of the two made slow steps forward, few ways past the pillars surrounding them, she was able to see the exit.

"He's probably somewhere up there." She pointed to the gate, Mezo nodding, agreeing with her. Mezo had his limbs shaped into a eye and ear, while Yuko began to cautiously move forward, silencing her footsteps.

Yuko fell to her knees, just as Mezo called for her to duck, as a bullet whizzed past her. The two moved quickly hiding behind a pillar, as multiple gun shots rung out, aimed at them.

"That was quick." Yuko muttered, as she stood beside Mezo against the pillar, as he peeked around it.

Monitor room

"You know, Yuko's never really talked about her Quirk, I wonder what it is." Mina pointed out, Denki and Eijiro nodding in agreement.

"I think I may have a clue what her Quirk might be." Izuku cut in, his eyes never leaving the screen.

"At the USJ, the dragon that showed up, I think it was hers. It wouldn't leave her side, and listened to every command she gave it." He explained, causing Eijiro and Shoto to remember as well.

"Oh yeah!" Eijiro nodded, "I remember, she kept calling it Night, and even had it keep us from flying off when the Nomu and All Might fought."

Recovery Girl continued to watch the screen as she listened to the students behind her. They all began to make up theories what the female's Quirk could be. Though the heroine didn't comment, she knew what the dragon rider's Quirk was, and she knew how much harder she works to keep up with her classmates.

Yuko would constantly ask to use U.A's many training grounds after the Sports Festival. She'd stay after school a lot, and would even come on weekends. Her dragon was always there to accompany her, but didn't participate in the training. Recovery Girl and many of the other staff would secretly watched.

Yuko was always working on some way to upgrade her physical abilities, being her Quirk had no effect on such things, unlike her classmate's. She'd always find a way to overwork herself, sometimes going as far as to fall unconscious. And even after getting scolded by the heroes, not once did she stop.

"All my classmates have really strong Quirks, and if I want to keep up, then I have to train! I know I'm going to fall and even injure myself, but I have to work hard to keep up!"

Though she was requested, she didn't think highly of herself. Yuko sometimes would even approach the heroes at U.A, and ask them about the things she could improve on. She not once gloated over the fact she was capable of something others weren't, like her aim. But, she chose to work on things she wasn't. She didn't look down on her peers, or anyone at U.A, but found herself learning from them. Even approaching someone and complementing them after seeing them do something she thought was amazing.

Recovery Girl found her quite the person.

With Yuko and Mezo

Yuko ducked around the pillar, silencing her footsteps, just as Snipe threw a smoke bomb. She quickly tightened her mask, as she walked with chosen steps, listening for the movement of the hero they were up against.

"You're being too rash!" Snipe shouted as Shoji charged towards the hero.

'Gotcha.'Snipe approached the multi-limbed male, as he held his hands up. Yuko smirked under her mask, as she moved quietly.

"Aren't you giving up a little too easily?"

Yuko move quickly her hand reaching for his arm, the cuffs locking around the hero's wrist.



Yuko removed her mask, smiling at the hero. "Hello sir!"

"Team Shoji and Toshiro have passed!"

Monitor Room

"Snipe didn't even notice her!" Mina's raccoon-like eyes sparkled as she watched her friend grin at Shoji and Snipe in victory.

"Yeah, really makes you curious what her Quirk might be!" Ochaco grinned.

"Shoji also did a good job helping by drawing Mr. Snipe's attention away from her." Izuku added.

