Hola, mis amigos, I am back with another chapter of The Balancers of Mortals!

Been a while since my last time, sorry about that. If you want to know why there hasn't been an update for some time go to my recent chapter of Black Roses, I've written the explanation there.

Now, I've been told by several people about some misspelling I've written in the previous chapter. I'm not annoyed about my mistakes being pointed out to me, on the contrary, I'm glad they did. It helps me make sure I don't make the same mistake again. So if you see another misspelling or have advice on how to use better grammar or punctuation then feel free to message me.

I've added some scenes in chapter 2 when Doctor Brown meets Godzilla if you guys want to check it out.

Okay then, enough talking. Why don't we get this chapter on the go?

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Godzilla or RWBY, so please support the official release.

Oscar wiped the sweat from his forehead having finished hoeing the dirt for a new batch of corps. Looking straight ahead Oscar watched as the large Faunus stood in the middle of the field again. It's crazy that it's been a whole year since the Grimm attack and since the large Faunus that saved them, began living with him and his aunt. Which he has to say was a little getting used to at first.

The first month was a bit challenging for Oscar and his aunt as the large Faunus had accidentally walked in on his aunt showering or changing several times and has walked around naked around the house or barn. Of course, whenever his aunt scolds him, he would always look at her with confusion. Which lead them to attempt in teaching him how to read and speak. So far, they haven't had any luck with him speaking but he was beginning to understand what they were saying.

They've managed to get him to understand decency within the second month which was a big win for them, especially for his aunt. He's learned to help do some of the heavy liftings around the farm which Oscar was very thankful for. They also gave him the name Faun only until they find what their real name is.

During the year there were several odd things that happened as well. One of them was the Grimm, there hasn't been any sign of them for the longest of time. Don't get him wrong, Oscar is glad that there haven't been Grimm sightings, but for them to just up and completely disappear was still strange. Oscar once wondered if it had to do with the presence of their large Faunus companion here.

Another odd occurrence was the crops, they were growing at a very unnatural rate. Usually, it would take two to three months for the crops to grow to maturity, but now it only took about three weeks!

"Oscar, Mr. Thomas called. asked if you could go help unload some supplies that just came in." Olivia said from the porch.


"Oh, and Mr. Thomas mentioned that some of the supplies might be a bit too heavy. So be sure to take Faun with you and buy some groceries while over there." Olivia added.

"Alright, I will." Putting the hoe away and dusting some dirt off his clothes, Oscar approached the large Faunus. "Hey," His voice gaining the attention of the Faunus. "Uh, Mr. Thomas asked if we could help him unload some supplies for his store, wanna come?" The large Faunus simply stared at him, "I'll just take that as a yes…" Communicating with someone that doesn't talk was still pretty awkward

Oscar packed some snacks and water since he was unsure how long the job would take. After that, the two males headed to Tenby.

The entire trip was mostly quiet as usual with only Oscar talking from time to time while the Faun listened, or at least he thinks he is. When they reached the town, Oscar noticed there were a lot more people in the town, a lot of new faces.

Some of the new people were sending strange stares as well as timid glance there way mainly in Faun's direction. Guess he can't really blame them though, Faun was tall, taller than anyone in the Tenby, not to mention he had multiple Faunus features. It didn't help that Faun was giving an intimidating aura as well, not that he can help it though it was just in his nature. It took the people of Tenby sometime before they got used to Faun though it was a lot quicker with the Faunus than with the humans. It might be because Faun was a Faunus like them, but he had a feeling it was because of something else.

Arriving at the store Thomas was talking to the delivery truck driver before spotting Oscar and Faun heading his way, "Ah Oscar, Faun, just in time."

The truck driver nearly jumped at seeing the large Faunus. "Whoa, he's a big fella."

"Yea, his name is Faun. I'm Oscar by the way." The farmer boy lifting his hand out.

Staring down at the boy the truck driver shook his hand, "Nice to meet you, Oscar, I'm Brian." He then looked up to the large Faunus next. "Nice to meet you too Faun." When Faun said nothing but merely stared at him Oscar awkward laughed, "Sorry, Faun doesn't talk."

"Oh, it's all good. So Thomas, where do you want the boxes?" Brian asked, opening the back of the truck.

The next 30 minutes Oscar and Faun carried the boxes inside for Thomas. Placing some of them in front of the empty shelves Thomas had previously cleared up while the rest were placed in the back storage.

"Drive safe, Brian." Thomas waved, Brian simply replying with a thumbs up before driving off.

"Mr. Thomas, did you order something else from the Kingdoms, because this seems like a lot more than your usual stock." Oscar pointed out.

"Ah yes, would you like to see." Approaching the stack of boxes Thomas opened one. Peering inside Oscar's eyes widen from seeing the contents.

"Is that-,"

"Dust? Why yes, it is." Taking a Dust crystal out he held it in front of the Oscar and Faun to see. "Ever since the decrease of Grimm activity around these parts, a lot more travelers, merchants, and Huntsman have been coming by here to rest and stock up on supplies. Some of our recent visitors asked if they could place an order for certain supplies to be delivered here, this box of Dust being one of them."

Oscar picked up a Dust container, looking on the side of the container he recognized the logo on it. "You bought Dust from the Schnee Dust Company? Aren't their prices pretty expensive?"

"Normal yes. But I know a guy that knows another guy that gave me a pretty decent discount." Oscar chuckled at the older man. Mr. Thomas always seems to find a way to get what he needs. He prays to Oum that this doesn't get him trouble though.

Godzilla picked a red Dust crystal from the box, sniffing it and stared curiously at the crystal. What is this? The power that's coming off it feels so similar to the radiation he absorbs yet, it's different somehow.

Before anyone could he react, the crystal glowed in his hand. Oscar and Thomas's attention were grabbed by the glow. The red glow from crystal grew brighter before diminishing completely, the red color of the crystal fading into a black color and then turning into dust.

Oscar and Thomas were completely shocked by what just happened. "Wha-What just happened?" Oscar is the first to break the silence.

"Incredible…the Dust crystal." Thomas said.

Godzilla tilted his hand letting the dust remnants of the crystal fall to the floor. He stared at his hand when a faint red glow coursed through it before fading away.

"He absorbed the Dust crystal. In all my years I've never heard of someone completely absorbing Dust before, only manipulating it with their Semblance and weapons."

Oscar then realized that the Dust crystal was gone, "Mr. Thomas the Dust crystal, isn't your client going to be mad?"

"It's only one crystal I'm sure he won't notice." Thomas reassured patting the young boy on the shoulder. "Hey, why don't we finish organizing putting these on the shelves," Thomas opens another crate and picking out a couple of Dust containers, "And then you can take Faun here to Doctor Brown. I'm sure he would love to hear about we found out about our big fella here." He said looking up at the large Faunus.

Oscar smiled at the older man before picking two Dust containers and crystals. All the while they were sorting the Dust items onto the shelves, Godzilla stood by while staring at the Dust within the crates.

After another good solid ten minutes of sorting and taking the extra crates to the back storage, Oscar said his goodbyes to the older man and then headed to Doctor Brown. Unfortunately, when they arrived at the clinic/laboratory, Brown's assistances informed Oscar that the Doctor was out of town and that he would be arriving tomorrow.

Instead, Oscar told the two Faunus siblings about what happened with Faun and the Dust crystal, and like Doctor Brown, Emma and Ethan shared the same look enthusiasm when finding out something new about Faun. They of course immediately tested this with a Lightning Dust crystal and then powdered Ice Dust. Both resulted in the same thing with Faun absorbing the power from the Dust and turning it black.

While they knew Faun was absorbing the power of Dust, they couldn't detect any readings of Dust within him. Instead, there was some other unknown reading coming from him. Emma and Ethan weren't sure as to what the readings they were seeing were, but they felt it was something very ominous.

"Is there something wrong?" Oscar asked, having noticed the concern looks upon their faces.

"Huh, oh no, nothing is wrong," Emma reassured. After having recorded everything Ethan told Oscar they would present this new information to Doctor Brown once he returned. The young farmer boy said his goodbyes to the two Faunus and exited the building.

When they were outside Oscar lead the large Faunus to another store to buy the groceries his Aunt had left him in charge of. While Oscar was inside buying everything needed for the week, Godzilla waited outside. His eyes scanned over his hand that he held the colored rocks and sand in remembering the oddly familiar power that he absorbed from it. He felt the radiation within himself increase a lot from just those rocks compared to the large amounts of time he spent absorbing the radiation from the sun. He could himself stronger now than before. He needs to absorb more.

Godzilla must have been staring at his hand for quite some time because he heard Oscar's voice in front of him again. "You ready?" Godzilla looked towards him with his usual gaze. Oscar notices how the large Faunas had his arm up in front of him. "Still trying to wrap your head around what happened. Me too."

The two made their way back home with Godzilla carrying the heavy bags for Oscar. When they got home and they set the groceries in the kitchen. The rest of the afternoon went, as usual, Oscar finished up the rest of his chores, Olivia started making dinner, and Godzilla stood in his usual spot outside absorbing the last of the solar rays before the sun goes down.

Later when the sun had gone down, Oscar and Godzilla headed inside to eat. During dinner, Oscar told Olivia about the Dust Thomas was now selling in his store. As well as how Faun absorbed the Dust. As expected, Olivia had the same reaction as Oscar did.

After dinner, Oscar went up to take a shower while Olivia cleaned the dishes. Godzilla stood outside the front porch with his eyes closed. Breathing in through his nostrils he took in every scent he could pick up. The humans didn't know but the Dust crystals had a very faint scent to them, one that seems only he can pick up and right now he was searching for that scent. Opening his eyes, he glared at the shattered moon. He needs to absorb more.

The sounds of footsteps approaching behind him grabbed his attention. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." Olivia apologized, she stood by next to him and gazed up at the night sky. "Beautiful isn't it. One of the benefits of living out here, being able to see the stars clearly compared to living in the Kingdoms."

Olivia moved her gaze to him, "You know this past year has been the most interesting time of our lives, honestly, before you entered our lives, we've been practically living the same routine every day for the past five years. I mean it still kinda is, only now, we have someone else to spend it with. It's also been easier having another man around here to help out with the farm even if all you're doing is moving or holding up heavy things." She said with a smile. Her gaze returning to the sky." A sad expression then formed on her face. "But you won't be staying here forever are you?" When Faun merely turned his head to her, she continued. "You don't belong here, and I'm not saying that because you're a Faunus or Hybrid Faunus or whatnot. But I have a feeling you're meant to be somewhere out there. I know when that day comes, Oscar's going to be sad about it. You're the first friend he's made that not someone from Tenby, plus when I see him now, he's like the same happy little boy he was five years ago." A tear slid down her cheek which she quickly wiped away. "Sorry, I didn't mean to have you listen to all this, I just wanted to thank you, for making my life as well as Oscar's life, bright again." Olivia bowed at the large Faunus headed back inside.

"Oooozzzzkeeeeeer…" Olivia spotted dead in her tracks, hear the raspy but quite deep voice she turned back around with wide eyes. "W-What did you say?"

Godzilla turned his head to face her. "Oooozzzzkeeeeer."

A smile formed on her lips. "Ha hahaha! Oscar, come down quick!" Olivia shouted in the house.

Seconds later Oscar quickly came outside in his PJs having thought something bad had happened, "What? What happened?"

"Listen. Go on Faun, say it again." Olivia motioning him. The large Faunus looked between the two before opening his mouth again, "Oooozzzzkeeeeer."

Hearing the large Faunus try to his name brought a smile to Oscar's face, a burst of laughter filled with glee followed next. "Haha! You said my name! Wait, can you day aunt Olivia's name?"

"Yea, O-li-via." Olivia slowly said.


"You're speaking. You're speaking!" Oscar yelled out. Both family members rushed and hugged the large Faunus. Godzilla tensed up from the sudden physical contact. Normally if someone or something tried touching him, he would give a warning growl but after a year of staying with these two, you could say he's warmed up to them. Still, this type of physical contact was strange to him. It might be because they were weak humans as there were no strength in their attempt to crush him, but he could also sense no sign of aggression from them.

Pulling back from the large Faunus Oscar and Olivia looked up at him. "Hey, I know this might be too much for you right now, but since you can sort of say our names. How about saying yours, i-if you remember your name that is." Oscar said with some hope in his eyes. But when the large said nothing and merely stared at him his hopes died down a bit.

Seeing her little nephew looking a little down, she decided to try something. "I'm Olivia," Placing a hand on her chest, "O-li-via."

"A-And I'm Oscar, "Placing a hand on his own chest, "O-s-car."

And you are?" Olivia asked. The king of monsters looked between the two, having heard them say their names and then stare at him he understood what they wanted. They want to know his name. The king of monsters turned his face away from them. He's not like them, he's not human. He does not have a name like they do. Does he.

As he recalled memories of his life, he slightly widens his eyes at one of them. The old human who entered his chamber. The dying old human that saved him. "Goodbye Gojira. My old friend."

Oscar and Olivia were both a little down when the large Faunus turned his head away. As they were about to lose hope, his raspy low voice spoke once more. "Goooojiiiiirrraa." Again, their heads lifted up and looked at him with wide eyes. Placing a hand on his chest the king of monsters breathed in through his nostrils and spoke once more. "Goojiiraa." His voice was still raspy but a little clearer now.

"Gojira?" Olivia tested the name. "Is that your name?" A slow nod from the large Faunus made both family members smiled and looked between themselves. "We know his name. We know his name!" Oscar and Olivia both jumped with joy, their loud voices bringing a discomfort the large Faunas ears.

The next day Oscar and Olivia both had Gojira say more and more words which was exhausting for the king of monsters. The rest of the week Gojira had very small conversations with people in Tenby and by small, only one to three words are exchanged with him. Ethan and Emma are practically the only ones that manage to get a full sentence out of him the Pine family.

Though while Oscar and Olivia were glad to hear Gojira finally speaking, they noticed something strange. He started disappearing a lot lately often times during the afternoon. Oscar was sad the first time when he disappeared thinking he had up and left without saying goodbye. But was surprised and happy when he came back. For the next two weeks he would leave and return the farm sometimes covered in dirt or dust. Olivia figured that Gojira just wanted to explore the wilderness, though she would appreciate it if he would tell them when he was leaving.

Besides that, everything seemed to be going great for all of them. That was until…the rampage came.

"Oscar, are you heading out?" Olivia shouted from the kitchen.

"Yea, Mr. Brown is should be arriving to the town right about now. I wanna check if he found anything about Gojira." Oscar replied grabbing his backpack and placing a couple of sandwiches.

"Okay, stay safe, and don't forget to buy flour and sugar from the market. We need them to bake the cake for Thomas's birthday."

"I won't, bye."


With that settled Oscar started walking to Tenby. It was strange, to say the least, after being accompanied by Gojira for so long, walking alone again felt weird. It was a lot quiet now that he can't hear the loud steps of Gojira.

Oscar's eyes fell to the floor. He wished Gojira would accompany him again.

When he arrived at Tenby, Oscar headed to the market to buy the flour and butter his aunt needed to bake the cake afterward he made his way to Doctor Brown's office, and just as luck would have it the Doctor was just unpacking is things. "Ah, Oscar, so glad to see you again."

"Hey Oscar." Both Mice twins waved.

Oscar returned the wave. "Hey. It's nice to see you too Doctor Brown. How was your trip?" Oscar asked, placing his bag of ingredients on the floor next to him.

"It was great! Met a lot of Faunus along the way and I got to see a couple of Huntsmen in action." He grinned. Oscar chuckled at this, feeling a bit envious at how Doctor Brown was able to meet some Huntsmen. He always wanted to meet one in person.

"Also, during my travel, I've been hearing some strange stories recently occurring around the world. One was that a couple of fishermen said they witnessed a long aquatic creature killing a Sea Feilong. Sounds pretty crazy right," Oscar and the twins nodded their heads. "I thought so too, but the way they described the creature and the looks on their faces, convince me that what they're saying is true. But enough about me, how are you and your aunt?" Doctor Brown asked, pouring himself some coffee into one of his beakers.

"We're doing good. Though I kinda wish it would rain a bit. The heats' been killing me out in the fields."

The Doctor chuckled at the young boy, "I hear you. I almost fainted when I was in Vacuo, though technically that was my fault for not bringing enough water with me."

"Heh, oh uh, Doctor Brown, have you found anything about Gojira?" Oscar questioned.

The Doctor let out a deep sigh and sat down. "Unfortunately, no, whenever I described his appearance to anyone, they thought I was making it up. Not even people who've met hybrids before believed me. Wait Gojira?"

"Yea, his name is Gojira." Oscar said pulling a couple of sandwiches from his backpack and handing them out to the doctor and his two assistants.

"Thank you. You gave him a name?"

"No, he told us himself."

An excited expression came across the Doctor's face. "He speaks now?! Oh, how wonderful!"

"Yea, but only in a couple of words though. I don't think he likes talking that much." The young farm boy stated.

"Oh well, that's unfortunate. I was really hoping to ask him a few questions about himself."

Oscar smiled and looked at the Faunas twins. "Well, if you're thrilled about him being able to speak then you're going to love to hear what he can do now."

The twins and Oscar began telling the doctor about Gojira's abilities to absorb the power of Dust. The twins showing Brown a video they recorded of Gojira's absorption ability. They explained to him that while he absorbed the Dust, they couldn't detect any sign of the Dust's energy within him. The news fascinated Doctor Brown had never heard of someone being able to simply absorb Dust only the manipulation of it.

"I would love to see this personally. Do you think you get Gojira to come and do it again?" Doctor Brown asked Oscar.

"Sure," Though he'll have to catch him before he disappears first.

As they were finishing their sandwiches, Doctor Brown told them more about his travels and the strange stories that were being told around Remnant. Some of the stories frighten Oscar a bit, like people disappearing in the new forest that recently developed out of nowhere west of Sanus. Others were interesting, like some regions where there was high activity of Grimm either diminished quite a lot or were completely wiped out. Doesn't that sound familiar.

After finishing their sandwiches Doctor Brown accompanied Oscar outside. "Thank you for visiting Oscar and thank you for those delicious sandwiches."

Oscar smiled, "No problem, I'll go look for Gojira and bring him before the end of the day." Just as the young farm boy was going to say goodbye, he noticed how cloudy it got.

"Well would you look at that, looks like your wish for rain will be coming true today." Doctor Brown said ruffling the young boy's head.

"Heh, yea, well I'll see you-." Whatever Oscar next few words were going to be were drowned out by a loud high pitch roar. The high pitch roar echoed for a couple of seconds before complete silence. Both Oscar and Brown's eyes looked up into the sky wondering where that roar came from. "What…what was that?" Oscar questioned.

"I don't know. I've never heard anything like-," Immediately, screaming and yelling came up ahead. Some of the Faunus began fiercely attacking people. Faunus who weren't attacking tried stopping the ones who were but ended up being attacked themselves.

Oscar witnessed a bear Faunus claw the chests of several people. Another Faunus began attacking their own family, the father desperately trying to get his wife to snap out of whatever was possessing her. "By the gods. We gotta help them!" Just as Oscar was about to run and help his fellow townsfolk, Ethan came crashing through the doors knocking both Oscar and Brown to the floor.

Oscar looked towards the male twin and was shocked at how Emma was furiously beating and scratching her brother. Doctor Brown quickly rushed over and pulled the sister off. "Emma stop it's your brother!" His word came onto death ears as Emma tried escaping the older man's grasp.

More screaming came behind Oscar. He regretted looking back, seeing the rampage of Faunus beating, biting, and clawing humans and other Faunus alike. The bodies that laid motionless on the floor overwhelmed the boy with fear. A sickening feeling in his chest rose when he spotted the gruesome state some were left. His body was completely frozen. The cries of fear and rage were all he could hear.

Oscar was too shocked to notice the approaching shadow coming from his right. The fear he was feeling a moment ago was replaced with pain. Oscar's body skipped across the floor for a short distance. Holding his arm in pain Oscar looked up at his attacker. Walking towards him with blood dripping from their claws was a bear Faunas.

"Oscar!" Doctor Brown cried out. Emma who was still in his grasp finally managed to free herself and pounce on the Doctor, bringing them both down.

Oscar stared at the bear Faunus with absolute fear. His craze eyes freezing the young boy in place. As he got closer, he raised his hand up to slice the boy in two but just as he was bringing his claws down Thomas jumped in and pulled Oscar out of the way.

Thomas grunted in pain as he hit the floor. Oscar was shocked to see the older man but gasped when he saw claw marks on his back. "Mr. Thomas."

"Oscar…go." The older man said, but Oscar was too shocked to move, "Go!" Thomas yelled this time snapping the boy back to reality. Oscar got up and ran away but stopped short when he was tackled to the ground by a female panther Faunus. Oscar caught her wrist before she could claw his face, with his other he tried pushing her face away. The panther Faunus growled and ripped his hand away from her face, then grabbing him by the neck she began choking him. Oscar tried removing her hand away but could not find the strength to do so.

"No!" Thomas cried out, he tried getting up only to fall back down when the bear Faunus dug his claws into his back earning more cries of pain from the older man.

Oscar felt tears in his eyes as he looked up at the Faunus woman. Her wild eyes staring down at him as she applied more pressure to his neck. He could feel it, the lack of oxygen in his body. His muscles giving away, his vision becoming blurry. He's going to die. "Aunt Olivia…I'm sorry…"

But before Oscar's life could leave his body, the woman received a kick so strong it shattered the bones of her right arm and sent her flying to the side. Oscar gasped and coughed, oxygen finally returning to his lungs. Looking up he couldn't be more than glad to see who it was. It was Gojira.

"You're here…you came, you-," Oscar words were swallowed back down when he saw the look in Gojira's eyes. They weren't like the wild craze eyes some of the Faunus had, no his eyes were filled with absolute rage. His glare sending shivers down Oscar's spine.

Gojira approached the hurt panther Faunus who struggled to get back up. She took notice of the large approaching Faunus, growling fiercely at him before jumping at him. Gojira simply raised his hand and caught her by the neck. He glared at the feral Faunus in his grasp, clawing at his arm with little hope of succeeding in putting much than a scratch on his arm. His glare never leaving the Faunus eyes as he applied more tighten his grip before Snap!

Oscar's eyes widen when he witnessed the woman's body go limp.

Gojira loosened his hold, letting her body drop to the ground then walked over her and continuing on. The Bear Faunus sensed Gojira approaching and removed his claws from Thomas' back. Walking over to the large Faunas he charged at him with a full intent to kill, but before he could get close enough, Gojira reached over and grabbed the bear Faunus by the face, lifted him up like he was nothing, and slammed his head to the ground causing cracks on the ground. The Bear Faunus laid motionless on the ground. Gojira got up and again continued forward.

Several rampaging Faunus noticed Gojira and charge at him. The king of monster raised his arm backhand one on the head the force of hit instantly killing him, the king then grabbed another by the face who tried pouncing on him flinging and flung her into a building. He swung his tail around knocking two other Faunus back. His bring down his hand down he slashed another across the chest, blooding spewed from the Faunus wound as he cried in pain.

One of the rampaging Faunus managed to pounce on his back but soon regretted it has Gojira's sharp dorsal fins stabbed into the Faunus body. Gojira reached behind him and grabbed the Faunus before pulling him over, tearing his body from the dorsal fins that stabbed through his stomach and chest, and slamming him onto the ground. Raising his foot, he stomped the Faunas on the chest his foot going through the chest.

Gojira heard more growls and screams up ahead, removing his foot from the dead body he walked on. He grabbed a female Faunus by the wrist and stabbed his claws in her stomach and ripped out her guts. While still holding onto the female's wrist he lifted her up and slammed her body on top of another Faunas who ran at him the force crushing both bodies.

He grabbed another Faunus by the face and threw him into another. Walking up to the downed Faunas, Gojira raised his foot and stomped the leg of the Faunus underneath the one he threw the body at, snapping her leg in half which earned him cries of pain. He raised his fist and drove it into the back of the head of the male Faunus, splattering blood and brain all over the Female underneath.

Gojira stood back up and continued onward.

Oscar could only watch as Gojira continued to massacre every Faunus that attacked him, his eyes filled with terror as Gojira killed people he knew without a second thought all the while maintaining those same hate-filled eyes.

Oscar's attention was ripped away when cries of pain were heard from his left, looking over he saw Doctor Brown and Emma on his back, her nails digging into the side of his face while pulling his hair left to right. With one strong pull and a shifted of her body, she caused Brown to slam his face on to the ground to which she immediately took advantage of and began repeatedly hit on the head with her fist. She was then tackled from behind by Ethan who took hold of her from behind. Seeing the struggling look on Ethan's face, Oscar suppressed all the fear he was feeling and sprang into action, grabbing hold of Emma.

Emma violently struggled in their grasp; it took Oscar and Ethan everything they had to hold Emma back. "Emma Stop!" Ethan's voice seemed to only fuel Emma's rampaging nature. Her sharp nails dug into Oscar's arm and tore some flesh. Oscar cried out in pain and release her. She then headbutted Ethan in the face, staggering back Ethan held his nose in pain.

Emma quickly turned around and pounced on her brother, when they hit the ground, Emma, repeatedly slammed the back of his head on the ground. Oscar looked in terror when he witnessed blood spilling under Ethan's head and the sickening cracking sound each time his head hit the ground. After a couple more slams to the head, Emma let go of her brother, his body laid motionless on the ground.

Oscar looked up at Emma with fear as she lifted herself from her brother's corpse. Looking ahead she began to approach Oscar, panting and glaring hatefully at him. Oscar scooted back but his sudden movement caused her to run at him. But before she could get close, she was grabbed by the throat and hoisted up.

Gojira held the mouse Faunus in the air, squeezing the life out of her. Emma responded by franticly kicking and scratching his arm. Her loud coughs of breaths of her windpipe being crushed and wide eyes caused Oscar to gasp. He was going to kill her just like everyone else.

Oscar ran up in front of Gojira, "No stop, don't kill her please!" Gojira!" The king of monsters' eyes shifted down to Oscar, the anger in his eyes never leaving them. Then he did something that shocked Oscar. Reaching over with his free hand, Gojira grabbed Oscar by the front of his shirt and lifted him up a bit, giving a threatening growl. "Please Gojira. Don't kill her." Oscar pleaded in a shaky voice. He would be lying if he said he wasn't scared out of his mind right now.

Gojira's whole demeanor shifted a but when he stared in the frightened eyes of the young boy. His eyes soften for a second before turning to an annoyed look. His ears picked up sounds of feet approaching him from behind. Glancing over his shoulder he saw several Faunus running at him, at least ten of them. Gojira gave a snarl, dropping Oscar and Emma on the ground.

Gojira growled as he turned around towards the incoming wild Faunus. His breathing became heavier and heavier in sync with his chest rising and lowering. He clenched his fists tightly, his growl grew louder, finally taking one last breath in through his nostrils and gritted teeth, he puffed out his chest.

And let out his legendary roar.

Any type of glass in Tenby shattered, some houses and stores collapsed. At one point Oscar swears he felt the ground tremble to Gojira's roar. The roar lasted for about ten seconds, but those ten seconds had to be the most deafening moment Oscar or anyone in Tenby has ever experience. Oscar felt like his eardrums were about to burst even when he was covering his ears.

After Gojira's roar died down, Oscar hesitantly looked back up. Seeing all the Faunus who were running wild either laying on the ground or on their hands and knees.

"Wha-what going on? One Faunus said.

"My head hurts."

"What is this!" Another shouted seeing the blood on their hands.

As more commotion arose from the previously wild Faunus, Oscar stood up. "They…They've calmed down…" Doctor Brown spoke from behind him.

People who hid in homes and stores began walking back out again. Watching the downed Faunus with weary eyes. Family of some of those downed Faunus too afraid to approach their loved ones.

Oscar's eyes moved from the Faunus to Gojira who stood tall in front of all of them. His head turned to face the young farm boy. His eyes no longer held those rage-filled ones instead they were cold ones. Oscar was about to say some until he heard a gasp next to him. "Ethan!" Emma shouted rushing to her brothers' side. "No. No no no no no…please no." Tears welled up in her eyes as she lifted her brother's lifeless body. "Ethan!" She cried hugging his body tightly. Doctor Brown gave a sorrowful look as he went to hug the crying twin.

She wasn't the only one who cried, others who came out from whatever possessed them to go wild cried when they noticed they corpses of friends and family all over the town. Others paralyzed by the sight of blood they were covered in.

Just then, Oscar noticed Gojira walking off. Quickly getting up Oscar ran after the large Faunus. "Wait, where are you going? Gojira, stop, stop!" Finally getting in front of Gojira halting the large Faunus in his place. Oscar stared up at him. Gojira moved his gaze from him to the sky above. Oscar followed his gaze realizing seconds later what he was trying to say. "Are…are you leaving?" Gojira nodded his head. His answer causing the young boy to hang his head down. "Why…?"

"Search…for...sky…roar…" Oscar raising his head after hearing the large Faunus voice. "You're going after whoever caused the Faunus to go crazy." Gojira slowly nodded his head, walking past Oscar he continued ahead. Oscar turned around, "Will you ever come back?" This time Gojira didn't respond but kept on walking.

Around Remnant news, stations began reporting large strange and violent occurrences.

News 1# "Faunus around the world have gone crazy after hearing a loud roar in the sky."

News 2# "Reports of bodies found sliced up into pieces with lines of webbing within the mysterious forest that suddenly appeared west of Sanus.

News 3# "Mistral has gone completely dark!"

News 4# "An explosion of fire erupted 100 miles from the Kingdom of Atlas, melting snow peaks over a 5-mile radius."

News 5# "Something enormous has been attacking both Grimm and boats in the ocean…"

News 6# "Reports of people seeing large mountains moving…

News 7# "Large tracks marks of a creature found at several destroyed Atlesian bases…"

As more and more reports were being told of the strange events that have been occurring before and after the Faunus rampage and roar in the sky around Remnant, people felt extremely anxious, some thought it was the end of the world, others thoughts it might be some new Grimm, and some thought theses were signs of the Gods returning.

Godzilla's glare hardens as his mind replayed the events back home, the war that tore is reign apart, destroyed his home, and killed other Titans. All because of him. Images of the three head golden dragon revolved around his head, causing him the clench his fist in rage. He was here now, as are the others, meaning the war is still on.

And that this King has much work to do.

AND DONE! Whelp there you have folks, chapter three of TBOM. As you saw, there was quite the gore scenes in this. Still trying to determine whether to change this to M rated or keep it T considering nowadays teens see far worse things than before, in my opinion. I'm not going to writing lemons in this story, maybe in a separate story. I don't know, never wrote one before, I'll probably just flip a coin to it later.

There will be some mature talking and flirting and such in some parts of the story but that's about it. If I decide to change my mind on it, I'll let you guys know ahead of time.

Something else I would like to point out is, the story isn't going to just revolve around Godzilla. Some chapters will revolve around other Titians. None of them are going to have semblances or Aura since their natural Titan strength, endurance, abilities, etc are already makes them stronger than anyone on Remnant.

Well that's it for this author note. I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you all next time PEACE!