Hey, guys. I'm back with a new story.
So, this story is gonna be about the Legends, and them having Loki on the team. One or two members of the Legends may leave in this story, but Loki will remain on the team for sure. There will also be a new member of the team joining near the end of the story.
Alright. Let's get to it.
Chapter 1- A New Enemy
Loki smiles as he ducks under a laser blast from one of the Time Pirates. He throws one of his daggers into the neck of the offending Time Pirate, who instantly collapses. He then picks up the Pirate's laser gun and starts firing away at the Time Pirates, who start falling one after the other.
Pretty soon, all the Time Pirates are dead. Loki stands over the body of the last one he killed, then looks around at Nate, Ray, Mick, and Nora, who made up the rest of the strike team.
"Well. This was rather easy. I'm starting to get a little bored, to be honest. We haven't had a real challenge since I joined you," Loki says.
"You clearly haven't done a lot of stuff like this, because if you had, you'd know that saying something is easy is the best way to bring bad luck," Nate says in response. Loki just laughs.
"Well. I think we're done here," Ray says. Then, getting on comms, he says, "Time to pick us up, guys!"
A few moments later, the Waverider appears overhead and touches down. The five Legends board the ship, which immediately takes off.
The five make their way to the bridge, where Zari, Mona, and Charlie are waiting for them. "Good job, guys," Zari says.
Nate sighs. "Sara couldn't have picked a worse time to leave the team. I know she wanted to spend time with her son and all, but with all these aberrations and anachronisms thanks to Thanos, we could really use her," he says.
"Hey, you've done fine as captain, Nate," Ray says.
Nate nods to Ray in thanks. Then, Loki asks, "So, where to next?"
Gideon pops up in front of them. "While you were taking down the Time Pirates, I detected a new Aberration. A fairly large one," she says.
"What is it?" Nora asks.
"In Salem, Massachusetts, in the year 1694, the village was conquered by a powerful witch. The witch established a colony of sorts in the area, which continues to the present day," Gideon says.
Everyone is quiet for a few moments. Then, Ray says, "Well, that's bad."
"Gideon, set course for Salem, Massachusetts, 1694," Nate says.
"Yes, captain," Gideon says. The team immediately sits down and straps in for the time jump.
(1694, Salem Massachusetts)
The Waverider emerges from the time stream and dives towards the ground, setting down in a forest clearing a short distance from Salem. Given it's early in the year, snow is falling slowly over the forest.
"Gideon, do you have a location on the witch who caused the Aberration?" Nate asks as he unstraps from his seat.
"Not a specific location. However, according to the record, she will make her first appearance in Salem later today. Within a few weeks, she will have conquered this whole area," Gideon says.
"Alright. Ray, Zari, and Loki, you're with me. Mick, Nora, Charlie, and Mona, you stay on the Waverider as backup," Nate says.
"Got it," Mick says, already looking for a beer.
"Alright. Let's move," Nate says. He makes his way towards the exit, followed by Ray, Zari, and Loki.
As the team walks out of the Waverider, Loki asks, "So, we'll be fighting a witch. Excellent. I've been looking forward to a challenge."
"Do I have to tell you again to stop asking for challenges, Loki?" Nate asks.
"Apparently," Loki responds, making Nate face palm.
"Alright. Let's just find this witch and get out of here," Nate says.
"Well, then I will not keep you waiting if you are looking for me."
The team stops in their tracks, then turns to the sound of the voice. They see a woman, dressed in some kind of purple jumpsuit, floating in the air about fifty feet from them, with some kind of fire in her hands.
The team looks at her for a few moments. Then, Nate demands, "Who are you are?"
The woman laughs evilly. "You may call me…Satana," she says.
"Well, Satana. You are gonna…" Ray starts to say, only for Satana to blast him with a stream of sorcerous fire, knocking him back through a tree.
"Well. Anyone else?" Satana asks.
Nate steels up and charges at Satana. However, she casts another stream of sorcerous fire, knocking Nate flying back.
Zari activates her totem, sending a stream of air at Satana. Satana raises a shield in front of her to block Zari's attack. However, concentrating on the attack from Zari, she momentarily overlooks Loki, who draws a dagger and throws it at her. Satana tries to dodge it. However, it just nicks her leg, opening a small cut.
Satana glares at Loki. She is about unleash another stream of sorcerous fire when suddenly, Loki is surrounded by a dozen Lokis. She looks between them all, then thrusts out both hands and sends a massive wave of sorcerous fire that disintegrates all the fake Lokis and sends the real one flying back.
Ray, who has now recovered, shrinks down and flies up towards Satana. He unleashes several blasts with his armor, knocking Satana back slightly. However, she reaches out and grabs Ray, shocking him with her powers. Ray cries out in pain as she lets him go, sending him falling to the ground.
Loki gets back to his feet and throws two daggers at Satana. However, Satana easily deflects them with a shield of sorcerous energy.
Satana laughs as she looks down at the four Legends. "You have bitten off far more than you can chew with me. I will enjoy killing you," she says.
"Not if I have anything to say about it, Sister!"
The voice draws everyone's attention. All of them look around, and to their surprise, see a man wearing red pantsand no shirt, with his on fire and wielding a flaming trident, charging into the clearing. Before any of them can react, he raises his trident and fires a stream of fire, looking very similar to Satana's fire, right at Satana. It strikes Satana directly, knocking her flying back and almost knocking the breath out of her.
Satana glares at the man. "Daimon!" she yells angrily.
"You will never succeed, Satana!" he shouts in reply, the flames on his hair and his trident burning more fiercely.
Satana glares at him angrily. Then, she says, "This is not over." Then, she pulls a stone seemingly out of nowhere. The stone begins to glow, and then Satana disappears.
The team continues to stare at the spot where Satana vanished. Then, they turn to the man. He turns to look at all of them, then says, "Hello, Legends. My name is Daimon Hellstrom. We have a lot to talk about."
And, that's it.
So, yes. Daimon Hellstrom and Satana have been introduced to the MACU. I decided to do it with the Legends as that made the most sense. Also, please leave suggestions for who you would like to see play them.
Next chapter will hopefully be up soon. Until then, leave a review, and stay tuned!