"I can't do this! I can't!" Rey yelled. The hut was a bit chaotic. Ben was sitting on the stone bed with Rey on her knees in front of him, leaning on his legs for support rocking her hips gently, now in so much pain she could hardly stand it. He was rubbing her neck and shoulders gently while the chaos that was Poe and Rose, worked around them. The medic Poe had found turned out to be an older lady who looked like she had seen one war too many.
Poe spoke to Rey gently but urgently, "Rey you need to lay down and let her check you! She needs to see how far along you are to see if anything's wrong!"
"I don't want to move...I can't..." Rey said said breathlessly. She was sweating prefously now, in so much pain she hoped she would just pass out soon so she couldn't feel it anymore.
"Rey, please. Let her do her job..."
"No, I'm not moving!" She said frustratedly.
"Young lady you need to lie down so I can make sure your baby is okay! If you care about this child you will do what I need you to!" The loud voice came from the old medic. The entire room was silenced and staring at her. Rey stared as well for a moment then slowly and carefully turned and got onto her pallet and laid down.
"Men, step out of the room please. I'll tell you when I'm done." She spoke with such authority no one dared to question her and Poe and Ben silently left. Rey thought she may actually like this woman under different circumstances. Leia moved to sit by Rey's head and Rey grabbed her hand as the woman prepared to check her. Rose looked terrified then ran out of the room to follow the boys.
The old woman reached around until she found a sheet and helped Rey to cover in order to give her a bit of privacy.
"Are you ready? You may want to hold someone's hand, this is quite uncomfortable," the woman stated. Rey looked at her confused. Obviously she was holding Leia's hand. She then really looked at the woman as she got ready and put gloves on. She stared off at one place at the wall unblinking. The sudden realization took over that this woman was blind.
So that's why Poe said it was safe to have her here and not worry about Ben being found out. Great. He brought a blind women to help deliver her child.
"Are you going to be able to...you know...do this...?"
"I assure you I'm perfectly capable. I have all the sight I need with my hands."
Rey dropped it after that and gripped Leia's hand uncomfortably tightly as the woman checked her.
Ben paced outside of the hut, his hand running through his hair and heart beating rapidly. He didn't even feel the light rain hitting him as he moved.
"Calm down, man. She's going to be fine," Poe said and briefly placed a hand on Ben's shoulder. Ben nodded in acknowledgement but it didn't help him feel any better. A small moan of pain came from the hut and Ben quickly walked towards it.
"I wouldn't if I were you!" Poe said loudly. Ben stopped in front of the door. He needed to be with her. She needed him. Rose spoke this time, "I wouldn't test that woman. She said she would let us back in and she will. Let her get her stuff done first."
"She's in good hand's, I swear. I would never bring anyone here I didn't trust," Poe added. Ben turned and sat against the wall next to the door. At least he could hear her from here.
Rey whimpered as the woman withdrew her hand from under the sheet.
"With this next contraction, I want you to push with all the energy you have young lady, do you understand?"
Rey's heart beat wildly. She nodded but then remembered the lady couldn't see her and gave a meek, "okay." Rey looked to Leia who gave her an encouraging smile.
"You can do this. It's time," she said and stroked Rey's hair.
"What are they saying? What's going on?" Rose said to Ben. She was pacing and looked pale.
"She's going to start pushing. I...think it's time," he said, hardly believing what he was hearing. It all felt like a strange dream right now. Another minute of silence and strained ears at the hut and a long, low, painful moan came from within it. It brought panic to Ben's heart and he stood, suddenly having so much anxious energy he didn't know what to do with himself.
"It's okay, she's fine," Poe said, though he looked pale as well.
"You don't know that!" Ben yelled and put his hands on his head and walked, trying to deep breath to remain calm.
"I'm sorry," he said quickly glancing at Poe who stayed by the door.
Another low yell with Ben feeling as if his heart strings were being ripped out of his chest and he felt something strange. A new presence in the force. A strong one. He froze. He didn't even breath as he stood still and stared off into nothing. Everyone was absolutely silent as they waited to hear it. Rose seemed to be gnawing her fingers off as she stood still, the rain making her shiver. Or perhaps it was adrenaline. Poe was staring at the ground by the door not moving a muscle. It was tense. The entire vicinity still and quiet waiting to hear that one simple noise.
Then it happened. A small cry of a baby quietly came from within the hut. Poe looked up at Rose excitedly and they both grinned wildly and ran up and hugged eachother. Ben fell to his knees in relief finally remembering to breath. It was okay. The baby was fine. He felt dizzy and held onto the ground to stabilize himself. A few more long minutes and a few more tiny cries from the baby and all three of them looked up as Leia stepped out of the hut. She had tear stains down her cheeks and smiled the biggest Ben had ever seen her. He ran up to her and hugged her hard, lifting her off the ground. They all laughed and started crying all over again. Ben tried to hold it together, but even he had a few tears run down his cheeks.
"Ben...come meet your daughter," she said quietly.
Daughter. A girl. It was a girl. He felt high on euphoria as he walked in and knelt down beside Rey. She looked pale and exhausted, sweat beading her forehead, head leaned back and eyes closed as she was trying to even her breathing. The small bundle in her arms stirred and made another small cry. Ben put a shaking hand on Rey's arm to let her know he was there. She opened her eyes and turned her head towards him, grinning.
"Isn't she beautiful?" She said quietly. Ben moved the blanket to see his baby. A cute, chubby round face that looked much like Rey's met him. A thin layer of dark hair covered her tiny head and she seemed to stare at him a moment as if trying to figure out who he was. Ben's heart couldn't feel more full as he looked at this tiny human. His chin quivered as Rey handed the bundle to him and he sat beside her and held their baby. He stared at it, unable to focus on anything else right now. This child was his entire world now. Poe and Rose must have come in shortly after because before he knew what was going on, everyone was crowded around him talking to Rey and trying to see the baby. He knew he should share, but he just didn't want to give her to anyone else. He wanted to hold her forever. Eventually, he did pass her to his mother and he turned back to Rey.
"She's perfect, Rey. Absolutely perfect."
He stroked her head as she lay there half asleep. He could feel her exhaustion and relief through the force. The old medic finished up whatever she was doing and asked for the baby to check her over thoroughly.
Ben watched her every move carefully.
"Everything's okay with her, right?" He asked as she felt the baby all over and appeared to be checking reflexes.
"Oh yes, perfectly healthy. Strong even. And feels a good weight, id say seven and a half pounds if I had to guess. What's her color?"
Ben looked her skin over, "kind of pinkish," he said unsure of himself.
"Good," she began to swaddle her back up.
"I don't feel good," Rey said and Ben turned towards her. She was extremely pale and seemed to be unable to keep her eyes open. She tried to reach out to Ben but her arm dropped and her whole body stilled in a way that Ben knew was definitely not normal.
"Rey?!" He panicked and lightly shook her. No response.
"Rey!" Poe came over noticing it to and suddenly it was chaos yet again. The old woman shoved the baby into Ben's arms and pushed him out of the way as she positioned herself over Rey. Poe pushed Ben out of the way too and got on the other side of Rey. As everyone gathered around her to assist, Ben found himself to be more in the way and had to step outside. He held the baby close to his chest as the rain fell and hit them both. He stood outside of the door with rain hitting him and hunched himself slightly over the newborn to protect her. U sure of what else to do, he reached out to Rey through the force. It was as if her own life force was draining. He could feel it. It made him nauseated and anxious. He opened his eyes and looked through tears at his tiny daughter who was staring up at him through her dull blue eyes that all newborns had. A sense of overwhelming sadness overtook him and he realized he couldn't live without Rey. He simply couldn't. And he certainly couldn't let this baby be without it's mother. But what could he do? He knew nothing of pregnancy complications or how to fix them. He held his daughter tight and cuddled her close to his face, taking in her scent.
"It's okay," he said as the newborn fussed a bit. He was sure she could feel something wasn't right. He had to do something. He couldn't lose her. He suddenly felt a surge of adrenaline and walked determinedly into Rey's hut. The medic was digging her fists into Rey's abdomen. If Rey was awake he was sure this would be very painful.
"Everyone move!" He stayed and handed the baby to his mother, who stepped away to let him in by Rey. The medic, however did not move, she continued working and Ben took his place beside her. What she had done for him in the forest, he now did to her. He placed his hand on her torso, above where the medic was working, and closed his eyes, concentrating all of his energy on healing her. She was bleeding, that's what was draining the life force from her. He felt it when he touched her. The medic massaging her lower abdomen was helping, he could feel it. But he didn't stop his efforts. He had never concentrated so hard through the force for anything in his life. He couldn't lose her. He refused.
Slowly he began to feel some life begin to come back to her. He could sense her again, her presence growing stronger and stronger until she opened her eyes. The medic stopped working.
"Is she awake?" She said looking blindly to Ben.
"Yes, she's waking up now. Rey, are you okay? Can you hear me?" He said placing a hand on her face.
She blinked slowly, trying to focus on him.
"What happened?" She said quietly. A collected sigh of relief made its way around the room.
"You were bleeding but you're okay now. We've got it under control."
"Where's my baby?"
"She's fine, my mother has her," he turned to his mom and ushered her over.
The medic spoke to Rey and Ben, "let the baby feed. It will help prevent more bleeding."
Ben helped position the baby near Rey's breast and watched in amazement as the baby rooted around and finally began to feed. Rey stroked her hair and looked down with nothing but unconditional love at the tiny being she had just brought into this world.
"Why don't we step out, huh? Let them have a moment and tell the others the good news," Poe said and he helped the medic to stand with everyone else following suite. Ben gave him a grateful glance and Poe smiled at him as he closed the door.
"Everything is going to be okay, right?" Rey asked, some color coming back into her cheeks now. Ben smiled and nodded.
"Everything's going to be fine," he said and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead.
"I'd like to name her 'Hope'." Rey said quietly looking up at Ben. Ben looked down at her and grinned.
"I think that's a perfect name," he looked over her face and after a moment of eye contact they both looked back down at the baby. Both of them exhausted but alive. Tears, rain, and blood covered them, but neither of them had ever felt more comfortable. Somehow, they just knew everything would be ok. As long as they had eachother and this baby...this strong, beautiful, important baby...they would make it.