"Oh my god!" she whispered to herself in shock at seeing the man's body hanging on a wall by a stake through the heart. Quickly she ran to him and grasped the stake bracing her foot against the wall in order to remove the wooden length. His partially desiccated eyes sluggishly moved to Amelia's form, a question obvious within his gaze.
"I'm sorry, I'll try to be fast about this, but unfortunately I'm not all that strong. My name is Amy by the way," she grunted as she pulled on the makeshift stake with all her might, using her braced foot to push against the wall; giving all the additional force needed as the stake finally slid free, releasing him.
"Are you okay? Do you need blood or anything? That can't have been too comfortable, please tell me what I can do to help." She rambled.
"You are being remarkably calm about this situation," he managed as the color slowly returned to his skin and the black veins marking his body slowly faded, "who exactly are you?"
"Ah, I'm Amelia Gilbert, but I prefer Amy. I'm Elena's twin sister, the unfortunate one everyone forgets about, in case that wasn't obvious by me still being here," she replied, "you're Elijah right? Elijah Mikaelson? It's an honor to meet you!"
"An honor, now that is something I have not heard in a very long time. Tell me Amelia, why do you consider it an honor to meet me given the situation you were and still partly are in?"
"Well," she started as she fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, "like I said, I'm usually forgotten about, so in these kinds of situations, this really is the ideal outcome. It's not good for me when Elena remembers I exist. I'll find a way home somehow, but until then, I might as well talk to the only other being here, you know? And besides, I consider it an honor to meet you because of who and what you are, just the amount someone could learn from a single one of your memories is astounding!"
"You truly are an odd one aren't you?" He chuckled as he sat up, his strength finally returning.
"Of course! I take pride in my oddness thank you very much. Now if you don't mind, I need to be getting home. It's probably going to take forever to walk back as I don't even know where we are."
"I'll give you a ride, Mystic Falls is where I will be headed now anyways." He stated while holding out his hand for her to take.
"I'm not going to even try to ask why, I would love a ride home, thank you." She said as she took his hand and pulled herself from the ground. She sighed as she dusted off her jeans, futilely trying to get the dirt and debris off. Silently Amy followed Elijah outside to his car, and other than a brief thank you as he held her door open, the ride home was a quiet one. The days events finally catching up to her as she fell asleep with her head leaned against the passenger side window.
The house was dark when Elijah dropped Amy off. It was as if no one was home, which wouldn't be too far off all things considered. Elena was probably still off with the Salvatore brothers trying to come up with a plan to get herself out of a mess that is, ultimately, only going to get her pulled further in. Jer was likely off with his friends doing who knows what, while Aunt Jena was either out with Ric, or working late at the college. All in all, it looked to be a relatively calm night for Amy as she climbed the stairs to the attic where her room lay.
Once in her room she stopped to glance around, attempting to see if anything lay out of place, as one never knew with Elena. Her room was fairly simple, with an all dark cherry wood bedroom set. A matching four poster bed, twin nightstands, twin dressers, and a simple desk sat under the only window in the room. Her walls were a bright sunshine yellow while the floor was a dark oak. A matching bright yellow fur rug lay over the floor just under the foot of the bed. A door to her personal bathroom off to the left. All in all, everything looked to be in place.
With a relieved sigh, Amy decided to take a quick shower before heading to her desk to write the days events in her journal that she kept hidden in a false bottom drawer in her desk. Elena tries so hard to keep the supernatural away from everyone, but little does she know that Amy has a record of everything that she has personally witnessed cataloged all the way up to the current day's entry. She honestly couldn't believe that all of this was real, but she couldn't deny it. Especially not now that she has the experience of removing a stake from Elijah's body, and watching him heal good as new right before her eyes. Once her journal was up to date, Amy curled up in bed and dreams of hazel eyes and a deep velvety voice.