Part 34

Later at the reception Barry held Caitlin in his arms as they danced together.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look today?" asked Barry

"I don't remember. But I enjoy hearing it. Though it's a good thing that we got married now. Because I may not have fit in this dress in another month or so." Said Caitlin

"Cait what are you talking about. You seem to not be able to gain any weight."

"Well there is one way. Daddy."

"Daddy? Are you sure?"

"Yeah I found out last week. Just about three months."

"This is great!"

"Keep it down. I want to wait until after our honeymoon to tell everyone."

"Of course."

Barry kissed Caitlin happy that she was not only his wife but the mother of his child.


"So Ollie they look happy." Said Laurel

"Yeah they do. Maybe we should try it." Said Oliver

"Are you asking me to marry you?"

"Maybe. As Caitlin pointed out we have been together a very long time."

"Well if you ever get around to asking properly then I am open to the idea."

"Good to know."


Caitlin taking a break from dancing sat at a table drink a glass of water. Barry was currently dancing with her mother.

"You having a good time?"

Caitlin smiled at Iris and Eddie who had come over.

"Yeah. I mean Barry is the only one I ever wanted to do this with." Said Caitlin

"You two look really good together. I mean the whole time I have known you two you have always been together. I know you were together like that then. I was surprised when Iris told me you were only friends. I mean I never saw you two kiss. But seeing you can be on the shy side I just thought you weren't comfortable with public displays of affection." Said Eddie

"Eddie, it's ok. With anyone other than Barry, I was uncomfortable with that kind of thing. But Barry is different. He is the one person I know that will never force me to be out going."

"You do know I wanted to kill that guy for hurting you." Said Eddie

"Yeah I know. Even when I didn't want you to touch me even in the most platonic brotherly sort of way. I was never scared of you. I consider you part of my family. When Barry and I have kids I am hoping that you will be their Uncle Eddie, Iris, you know they will call you Aunt Iris right?" said Caitlin

"Of course. You know that means we get to spoil those future kids of yours." Said Iris

"Of course." Said Caitlin

Barry came over and kissed his wife.

"I think it's time for the bouquet toss. Then we can get going so we can catch our flight to our honeymoon." Said Barry

"Ok." Said Caitlin

Caitlin made her way to the stage the DJ was on while all the single women gathered on the dance floor. Caitlin turned her back to the women and Barry guided her to her target. On the count of three she tossed the bouquet over her head right at Laurel who caught it after it hit her in the chest. Both Barry and Caitlin smiled when they saw her with it. It helped that their friends were in on the plan. It wasn't until she noticed the smiles on her friend's faces that she noticed the ring tied to the flowers by a ribbon. Oliver then stepped forward and dropped to one knee.

"Dinah Laurel Lance will you do me the honor of marrying me?" asked Oliver

"Yes Ollie. I will marry you."

They kissed as everyone cheered. Caitlin and Barry made their way to the newly engaged couple.

"Congratulations Oliver and Laurel." Said Caitlin

"Thanks. You are ok with us taking some attention from you on your wedding day?" asked Laurel

"It was my idea. Without a little help I wasn't sure my aim was going to be very good." Said Caitlin

Barry and Caitlin left an hour later to change for their flight to Hawaii for their honeymoon. They spent a week on the beach and enjoying their time together. Six months later they welcomed their daughter into the world. They named her Danielle Grace Allen. Two years after that they had a son named Charles Thomas Allen.