Bulma and Oolong stared speechless at the strange woman standing before them. They couldn't wrap their heads around what had just happened. One minute, the Blonde-haired Bandit was standing over Bulma's bed, having beaten the lecherous Oolong to a pulp, and the next, she had sneezed, fallen down the stairs, and had seemingly been replaced by this blue-haired look-alike. Judging from the strange woman's expression, she didn't know much more about the situation than they did. Even though Bulma was incredibly nervous around her for a number of reasons, something about how the strange woman asked where she was left Bulma compelled to answer, in order to try her best to set the woman's mind at ease.
"Y-you're in the Diablo Desert. You kinda, uh...stumbled into our trailer," Bulma said, obviously trying to sugarcoat the truth. The strange woman didn't seem reassured by this in the slightest. As a matter of fact, she seemed to grow even more worried.
"Oh, no, no, no..." she muttered, putting her hands up to the side of her face before looking at Bulma in a panic. "W-what year is it?"
"I'm sorry-?"
"What year is it?!" the woman replied promptly, practically screaming in her desperation. "Please, I need to know-what year?!"
Faced with such a response, Bulma was put on the back foot.
"Uh, ah, Age 749! S-September 6th, I think." Bulma took a step away from her, not sure how exactly the strange woman would react to this information. Rather than a violent response, however, the woman simply stared off into space, her mind seemingly on autopilot as she tried to process what Bulma had told her. Without any warning, she dropped to her knees, tears beginning to form in her eyes.
"Almost a year," she said, in a disbelieving tone. "She's been out for almost a year...what on Earth has she done in all that time? Did she...?" The woman looked towards Bulma and Oolong again. "Did she hurt you?"
Bulma and Oolong looked at the woman in confusion. "Um, I'm sorry, w-who are you talking about, exactly?" Bulma asked, beginning to have a particular suspicion. The woman nodded hurriedly, seemingly embarrassed about something.
"Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. It's a little hard to explain, but, um, whenever I sneeze...I change personalities. And, well, my other personality, she's, ah...rough around the edges, so to speak." Bulma and Oolong's eyes widened in response to this revelation.
"You, uh, you don't say," Oolong said nervously, before Bulma could respond in any meaningful way. "And, ah, this personality change wouldn't happen to also cause physical changes, would it? Say, different hair color, different eyes, stuff like that?" As the woman wordlessly nodded, Oolong nodded along, sweat dripping down his face. "Cool...so, uh, funny story-"
"Oolong..." Bulma said warningly, the word carrying an implied threat which Oolong understood almost immediately, from horrible past experiences. The woman, meanwhile, groaned, her anxiousness refusing to subside.
"Oh, no, what did she do?!"
"N-nothing!" Bulma said, holding out her hands in an attempt to appear reassuring. "Really, it was all just a big misunderstanding-!"
"She tried to rob us at gunpoint and shot our friend in the head this afternoon," Oolong interjected bluntly, causing the woman to let out a whimper of anguish and guilt. Bulma, meanwhile, was absolutely incensed.
"What? Goku got better. Besides, she may be hot no matter the hair color, but I'm not sure I'm buying what this lady's selling. She could be a shapeshifting crook, putting on an act so she can take our stuff just like she was planning!"
"Oh, so it takes one to know one, huh?"
"Frankly, yes! I'm honestly surprised more shapeshifters haven't tried pulling a scam like mine! Villages with people that meek and gullible are gold mines for people like us!"
"Grr, you creepy little-!" As the woman watched the argument with a mixture of apprehension and confusion, Bulma took a deep breath, and Oolong's face went pale in an instant.
"Oh, no. No no no no-!"
"Swee! Swee! Swee!" Bulma whistled, prompting an immediate reaction in Oolong's stomach. With a cry of terror, Oolong raced as fast as he could up the stairs and into the trailer's bathroom, where the sounds of especially terrible digestive distress could be faintly heard by the two women below.
"Wh-hy-hy-hyyyy?!" Oolong cried out pathetically, while Bulma simply scoffed, glad she had finally gotten rid of the lecherous pig.
"Sorry about that. For a pig, he really can be an ass sometimes," Bulma said with a wink, to which the woman failed to muster up a response. Bulma got the impression that that kind of humor didn't really work on her, especially not in such a tense situation.
"I-I'm not planning on making off with anything. Honest. I'm not...I'm not like her," the woman said. For some reason, Bulma could tell that she meant every word. The fact that this woman also happened to be incredibly pretty played absolutely no part in that analysis.
"It's okay. I believe you, uh...?"
"Launch," the woman replied timidly, beginning to blush a bit.
"Launch," Bulma repeated, blushing herself. "My name's Bulma, by the way," she added awkwardly.
"Ah, I-I see," Launch replied, with a similar degree of awkwardness. The two looked at each other in silence for a moment, the tension somehow managing to filter out the sounds coming from the bathroom. Eventually, Bulma spoke up.
"I, uh, I don't suppose you have any spare clothes on you? The only clean option I have right now is Oolong's bunny girl costume, so..."
Launch, suddenly more conscious than ever of the fact that Bulma was wearing nothing but a blanket, looked around in her pockets for a moment, eventually finding a capsule case labeled "clothes." After throwing one of the capsules on the ground nearby, a puff of smoke cleared to reveal a set of clothes identical to the one Launch was wearing at the moment. "Um, there you go," Launch said, pointing to the pile and looking away from Bulma, red in the face.
"Thanks," Bulma said, bending over to pick up the clothes before daring to glance over at Launch once more, clearing her throat in the process. "Say, uh, after I've gotten dressed, you wanna sit down at the table and chat for a bit? I'm not sure when you've last had something to eat."
Launch felt her stomach rumble. "Neither am I," she admitted, before glancing towards the bathroom. "Um, is your friend-?"
"He'll be fine; the effects of the Sweetrot aren't that potent," Bulma replied. "Besides, at least now he'll try and avoid us both. You have no idea how exhausting he is to deal with. The ideas he gets in his head..."
"I-I see," Launch said, a part of her feeling a curious sensation of deja vu from that statement. She decided to ignore it. "Well, a meal together sounds lovely. Thank you."
Bulma smiled. "Sweet. Just gimme a few minutes." With that, she took the pile of clothes and walked up the stairs, while Launch watched her go, a strange mixture of emotions welling up inside her. She still had very little clue about what was going on, and she still felt very guilty for what her other self had done to these people. Still, with this "Bulma" around, she felt...calmer, somehow. More at ease, and far more sure than she usually was that she would figure this whole thing out, no matter what new developments might arise. She felt secure, at least a little, the thought of which made her smile softly to herself.
She could learn to like that feeling.
"So, uh...tell me a bit about yourself."
Bulma and Launch sat on opposite sides of one of the tables in the kitchen, careful not to wake up Goku, who was sleeping by the table in front of theirs. A simple meal consisting of what few leftovers survived Goku's ravenous appetite sat in front of them, mostly intended for Launch, who dug in with surprising abandon. Even so, she seemed to retain a great deal of politeness as she did so, waiting until she no longer had food in her mouth before responding to Bulma's question. A part of the rich girl's brain immediately turned to thoughts of how much her mother would like this person, thoughts which were rapidly shut down with a great deal of embarrassment.
"Um, there's not too much to tell, really," Launch replied. "I'm 17, I think. Birthday should've been...a couple months ago, now." She paused for a moment, lost in thought, before she continued. "I moved around a lot," she said, without elaborating. Bulma chose not to press the subject. "I eventually realized I had to get my own place, so I started working as a waitress. That...didn't last long," Launch admitted, rubbing the back of her head. "Did a couple other jobs in different cities; delivery girl, grocery store cashier, real entry-level stuff, you know? I started working at a capsule shop in a city north of here, and...that's about it." Launch sighed, looking at Bulma apologetically. "Sorry I don't have that much to talk about. Whenever me and her switch places, it takes a bit to readjust. Usually it happens in the middle of one of her heists, so I have to deal with all that before I can even think about, you know, what to do with my own life." Launch paused again, and the two girls looked at each other in silence, both of them unsure what to say next. Eventually, Bulma decided to ask a question of her own.
"Do you know why your, uh, other personality does the stuff that she does? Has she always been like this?"
Launch sighed, thinking back on some unpleasant memories. "I'm honestly not sure, but she only started getting us into trouble with the law a few years ago. Before then, it was mostly just the occasional fist fight with some mean kid...fights which she evidently won, more often than not." Launch paused for a second again, looking at her right hand with equal amounts of remorse and disgust. "I'd guess she's probably motivated by greed. Greed and...more than a bit of anger. Makes sense, since she's probably my opposite in a lot of ways. Plus...I can't imagine she likes living like this any more than I do. That's probably why she came out all this way. Not much that can make you sneeze in a place like this..."
Launch sat silently for a moment, while Bulma tried to think of what to say to comfort her. Ultimately, however, another question came to Bulma's mind, accompanied by the beginnings of a wild and crazy idea, one just crazy enough to work.
"If you don't mind me asking...how do you feel about her?" Bulma asked, unsure exactly how to phrase it.
Launch sat there a moment, trying to think of how to answer Bulma's question. "I don't know. I feel like most people in my situation would come to hate their alternate personality, but...I can't bring myself to feel that way about her. I hate the choices she makes, yes. I hate how often her actions have put my life in danger, certainly. But, as far as the person or, well, personality herself goes...I can't help but feel sorry for her." As Bulma nodded along, Launch continued. "I mean, she's in the same boat that I am, you know? She also has to deal with constantly blinking in and out of consciousness, for reasons she can't always control. It's probably affected her as much as it's affected me, she just has worse ways of dealing with it. ...Much worse ways of dealing with it."
Bulma continued nodding along, wondering how to bring up the idea forming in her head, when Launch coincidentally gave her the perfect opportunity after a moment of thought. "I wish...I dunno, even if it were possible, I wouldn't want to be cured of this, because I don't want her gone forever. With how distinct the two of us are, it'd feel like killing another person, and...well. I couldn't do that, at least." She paused again, leaving Bulma to look at her with even greater nervousness as the implications of her statement became clear. After another period of silence, Launch continued. "But...I also would rather not have to deal with the consequences of her bad choices anymore, and...I want to have some control over my own life." Launch took a deep breath, composing herself. "If there were some way for us to...I dunno, split or something. Turn into separate people, with our own bodies and our own lives to live without interruption...I'd sign up for it in a heartbeat. And, obviously I'm not completely certain of this, but...I think she would, too." Launch sighed, looking down at the table. "But there's no sense in wishing for something impossible to happen, is there?"
"...Don't be so sure about that," Bulma cut in, causing Launch to look up with confusion in her eyes.
"I'm sorry?"
Bulma chuckled. "That's my line," she said. "You've been talking all this time and I haven't even told you about why me and my...associates are out here in this desert."
Launch cocked her head, still not quite sure what Bulma was getting at. "I had assumed you were just traveling through the desert to get somewhere else." After a second, she began to grow a little nervous. "You're not running from the law too, are you?"
"No, no, no, we're not-uh, w-well, here, why don't I just show you?" Bulma got up and walked upstairs as Launch looked on, wondering what Bulma was going off to get. After a few minutes, Bulma returned, carrying an unusual, circular device and an orange sphere with what looked like two red stars set into its center. Setting both down onto the table, Bulma slid back into her seat while Launch stared at the objects with wide-eyed fascination, albeit some confusion as well. Before she could even raise her voice to ask what these objects were, Bulma, having anticipated her question, spoke up. "This right here," she said, gesturing to the sphere, "is a Dragon Ball. There are seven of 'em scattered all across the world, each one with a different number of stars in it."
Launch nodded slowly. "Okay..." she said, a little hesitantly.
"According to legend," Bulma continued, "when you get all seven of them together in one place and call upon their power, this dragon bursts out of them and grants you any one wish."
Launch's eyes widened even further, now beginning to understand what Bulma had meant. "Really?" she asked, with a slight degree of anticipation.
Bulma nodded happily. "Mhm! Apparently the last person who used them became a king, but that was a long time ago. As luck would have it, this one here ended up in my basement," Bulma said, gesturing to the ball lying in front of Launch. "After I learned about the legend, I started studying it, and eventually I figured out that the Dragon Balls give off a faint electromagnetic pulse that can be tracked from anywhere on Earth. That's what this beauty is for," Bulma added, gesturing to the Dragon Radar and looking especially proud of herself, especially as Launch continued looking at the pair of objects with genuine wonder. As far as she was concerned, it was about time somebody appreciated her genius.
"So, you've been traveling around, collecting these things?" Launch asked, to which Bulma nodded.
"That's right! I found one of them on my own in a cave, and Goku's letting me borrow his Dragon Ball. We got another one from, uh..." Bulma shuddered, reflecting on her own bad memories. "And we got a fifth one from an old lady who lives in this village Oolong was causing problems in. We're heading towards the sixth one over on Fry Pan Mountain, and after that, we've only got one more to go!"
Launch chuckled. "Well, that all sounds very exciting! ...What were you all planning on wishing for?" she asked, rubbing her right shoulder.
At this question, Bulma blushed somewhat. "Well, uh, Goku doesn't seem interested in getting a wish for himself, and Oolong, well, I think it goes without saying that any wish of his needs to be stopped immediately."
Launch remained silent at that, not quite knowing whether or not to say anything. "And what about you?"
Bulma began blushing more, stammering briefly before she eventually decided on her answer. "Strawberries," she blurted out, in a tone that left Launch incredibly skeptical.
"Strawberries?" Launch repeated, confused, to which Bulma nodded nervously.
"Mhm, yeah! A lifetime supply of strawberries! I was gonna, you know, put them all in capsules so they wouldn't go bad, and just. Have 'em. Just have enough strawberries to last my whole life. I just, ah, just love strawberries." Launch, still confused and a little dismayed, simply sighed in response, prompting Bulma to frantically wave her hands in front of her face in reassurance. "Ah, wait, but, I'm gonna ask the dragon to split you and the other Launch apart!"
At this, Launch looked up at Bulma, equal amounts of doubt and hope in her eyes. "Really? You...you'd do that for me?"
Bulma nodded frantically, cursing herself for making Launch doubt her intentions. "Of course! The strawberry wish was dumb! I'm like the richest girl in the world; I can buy as many strawberries as I want!" After a couple seconds of awkward silence, Bulma continued speaking. "Okay, I know that sounds incredibly egotistical, but-agh! Look, the point is...you clearly need something like this more than I do. And...I want to help you. So...yeah. I would do that for you." Bulma looked away, trying to compose herself, which Launch was thankful for, since she was placed in a very similar situation. As the two girls had time to calm down, Launch eventually spoke up.
"I...I don't know what to say except...thank you," she said, smiling, to which Bulma looked into her eyes and smiled in return.
"No problem."
The two sat there looking at each other for a couple seconds before Launch continued. "Um, I-I realize it's a bit of an imposition, but-"
"Yeah, you can tag along!" Bulma interrupted suddenly, surprised at her own eagerness. Launch brightened up considerably.
"Really?! Oh, thank you so much! I-I admit I don't know much, but I can cook...semi-decently! And, oh! I could drive the trailer, I could tidy the place up a bit, I could-!"
"Whoa whoa, slow your roll," Bulma interjected. "I want to do this for you. You don't gotta do anything special around here to pay me back or anything."
At that, Launch simply chuckled before smiling at Bulma, looking at her with an expression that, for all her intellect, the spoiled heiress couldn't quite read.
"And I want to do this for you," Launch said right back to her, in a tone which left Bulma wondering whether or not her heart had legitimately skipped a beat. "If, ah, if that's alright, of course," Launch added, noticing the effect her words had had on Bulma.
"Uh, no, yeah, you're, uh...you're good," Bulma confirmed awkwardly. "Just don't get too carried away, huh?"
Launch nodded, still smiling. "I think I can manage that." She glanced out the window, noticing just how dark it had gotten outside. "Seems like we ought to turn in for the night," she remarked. "How many bedrooms does this trailer have?"
"Ah, um...one, I'm pretty sure," Bulma replied, continuing to blush. "The trailer's Oolong's, so he, uh, probably figured he just needed the one bed."
"Hm. I see," Launch said, beginning to blush herself. "Well, I can make myself comfortable down here, you don't have to-"
"No no, you should take it! I can sleep without a bed for-"
"Please, Bulma, you've been more than generous enough already, it's really not a problem-"
"Oh, stop it, I insist! It's the least I can do to-"
"Bulma, you really don't have to-"
"I. Insist," Bulma repeated, adopting a tone which, although intended to be kind, also let Launch know that arguing with her was a lost cause. Bulma took a deep breath before deploying her ace in the hole. "Come on, how long has it been since you've slept in a bed?"
Launch sighed. Bulma had her there. "A long time," she admitted. "Even so, I-I don't know if I'm comfortable asking this much-"
"Oh Kami in heaven, JUST SHARE THE BED!" Oolong's voice cried out in exasperation, carrying down to the kitchen with enough of its volume intact to shock the two girls out of their debate, and direct their attention towards the bathroom above them. Both blushing simultaneously, the two looked at each other questioningly, trying to gauge the other's opinion on Oolong's solution.
"It, ah, it would satisfy the demands of both parties," Launch argued, blushing even further as she said it, and prompting Bulma to respond in kind.
"Ah, yup, mhm. Logical, logical," she said, trying not to let her composure slip any further than it already had.
"So, w-we agree."
"It, uh, it seems like it, yeah."
The two stood in awkward silence for a moment before Bulma, having succeeded in composing herself somewhat, tried to get the two of them back on track, while Launch once again frustrated her efforts.
"Well, uh, a-after you!"
"Oh, no, after you!"
"C'mon, Launch, let's not do this again, huh? You go first!"
"Well, forgive me for saying so, Bulma, but I believe your stubbornness is to blame for-"
"GO TO SLEEP ALREADY!" Oolong bellowed indignantly, scarring the two girls into rushing upstairs practically in unison.
They expediently, albeit awkwardly, tucked themselves into the small bed, finding it an awkward fit for two people but nevertheless managing to make it work. Not wanting to further stoke Oolong's anger, the two said little else to each other save for a soft "Good night" before they both drifted off to sleep. Neither of them could have possibly been aware of the perils that awaited them on this journey they now undertook together, a journey bolstered with newfound purpose and the addition of another eccentric comrade.
Wow, this one's been dormant a lot longer than I figured it had been. Sorry about that!
With everything going on this year, working on this kind of slipped my mind. I had a decent idea of where to take it, but the motivation to work on it as opposed to other projects I had in the intervening time wasn't really there until recently. I will admit this chapter being shorter than the last one is probably a consequence of that. I'll try and be a bit better about that, and about leaving so many of my fics on the proverbial back burner for so long. In any event, the chapter's done now, and I hope you all enjoy! As always, feel free to leave your comments and kudos down below! I hope you all have a fantastic night, take care, wear a mask, and stay safe. Until next time!