[ Ölüm - Infirmary ]
The infirmary, much like the cafeteria, was one of the few locations inside of Ölüm that was primarily run by the slaves only. Similar to the cafeteria, the slavers from before found it necessary enough to grant to the slaves to slow down the mortality rate. Seeing it as a decent investment, they gave them the space, the permission to construct, and the materials and supplies, before they let them do the rest. To this day, the infirmary is one of the oldest sections of the mines that still existed to this day.
Mildly sterile and rather cramped, the infirmary was about the size of a classroom, with a part of it being used as an ER room with half working equipment, with storage cabinets bordering the room with a limited amount of medicines and bandages, which was only supplied by the slavers every once in a blue moon. The beds were ancient, with the covers and blankets being worn down from frequent washing and age.
Laying in one of those beds was Sabine, who was in a discolored hospital gown, and was under an equally disfigured blanket, who was staring at the ceiling for almost an hour. Coming back into consciousness an hour ago, she had just received the news that she had miraculously survived and healed from what was basically a vegetable state. Her skull still had hairline fractures, which had been treated by the nurse, Bellatrix.
The said nurse told her that she was free to go the next day, since the tiny fractures was basically healed at this point. Her blond friend (or was he her boyfriend at this point?), though, wasn't so lucky, and she informed her that he was going to be staying for at most a week, in which she was going to be working tirelessly on fixing him up. How she was going to do that in a week, she had no idea, considering how they had just run out of bacta a month ago.
That being said, he currently looked like shit, being nearly covered head to toe in bandages, and wasn't currently conscious at this point. If she didn't know any better, he looked almost comatose.
"Sabine Wren."
Hearing her name, she turned and looked at one of the few nurses in the mine. A pretty, young woman with dark brown hair in a ponytail, her name was Idel Laskov, and was a "resident" of this lovely mine for a year and a half. Due to her past history of being a medic in her country's army, she was saved from the terrible life of spice harvesting by being thrown in here, fixing up any wounded slaves, and occasionally the slavers as well. Her brother, who was unfortunate enough to be thrown in the mineshaft, was thought to be killed, mainly because she never got the chance to find out what had happened to him.
"Idel." Sabine smiled at her. "How you guys doing?"
The woman just gave her a sad smile. "Not too well, I'm afraid. Some of us had to be transferred somewhere, and we hadn't received any new supplies as of late. We were lucky that only Naruto here got injured this month.
"I'm...sorry to hear that." Sabine grabbing the nurse's hand. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Your role is not in here, Mandalorian." The other nurse said. Her pale skin seemed to glow in the dimly lit room, with her silver eyes piercing into her soul. "It is up there, where your heritage awaits."
"...Um, okaaay?" Sabine could only say. The Dathomirian lady was always a cryptic one from the start. Most stayed away from her, due to her heritage as a Nightsister witch, but she wasn't so bad when you got to know her. "In Basic, Bella?"
She just smiled at her, before she turned back to her blond patient. Cracking her neck, she picked up a bowl of water, before she began to wave it over the boy. The water began to glow green from her magic, and the boy began to groan, twitching as the glowing mist began to suddenly encircle him.
Sabine bit her lip as she watched Naruto groan in pain. If she didn't know about this woman, she would've thought that he was being cursed, when in reality, this was how she healed everyone.
It went on like this for a while, her healing ritual going non stop as she spoke her haunting chant. Finally, she put down the bowl, and the green glow had stopped, the magic water turning back into regular ones.
She let out a weary sigh as she sat down in her chair.
"I only learned the basics before I was taken." She tiredly explained to Sabine, who was the only new one in the medical room. "On top of that, the waters from my home planet don't even compare to the normal drinking water you get here. That's why I can never save those in life threatening injuries."
She placed her hand over the blond's head, and his groans had stopped as he fell into a peaceful slumber.
"Thank the Force that this boy has an incredible healing factor. Otherwise, he wouldn't be here right now."
Sabine lightly scrunched her eyebrows together in thought as she was brought back to their fight in the elevator, and how badly it ended for her. She began to wonder if she should tell them about the possibility of Naruto being a Jedi.
"Incredible healing factor?" Idel hummed in thought. "This boy is just full of surprises, isn't he?"
"Luckily, D'Nar was 'kind' enough to give him as much time as needed to recover." The bald woman stated. "Speaking of which, that Zygerrian's been in a good mood lately. I wonder why, though…"
"Like I'm interested on why that bastard's smiling." Idel snorted. "The day you see me smile is the day he never gets up."
Bellatrix smirked at that comment. "The feeling's mutual, friend. Until then, we'll just have to hold on. In the meantime, can you help me change his bandages?"
"Right." Idel and Bellatrix moved quickly but carefully on removing his blankets, nightgown, then his bandages. Slowly peeling off the bandages, which was now soaked in sweat and blood, it revealed a disturbing amount of scars, with what looked like two, large puncture wounds through his body.
"My God, I still can't get used to this." Idel shook her head. "How he got these scars are beyond me."
Sabine was staring at Naruto as they undressed him. While she was stunned and repulsed by his scars, she was more interested at how well built his muscles were. Her cheeks reddened a little as she realized what she was doing.
"While the Mandalorians are a race of warriors, even they don't typically send their children out to die on the battlefield." Bellatrix said, gliding her hand over the boy's forehead. "From what little I've heard, the warriors from Elementia have no qualms about throwing their children to die for their foolish ideals. I suppose he was no different."
"That's just horrible."
"For you."
Bellatrix's hand began to glide lower and lower, until it halted over his stomach. Her eyes slowly closed as she let in a deep breath.
"Well, do they all have amazing healing factors like his?" Idel sighed, walking to the sink. "Anyways, if he wakes up anytime soon, tell him that he's free to go in about two or three days or so."
This brought a small smile onto Sabine's face. She had been planning on trying to thank him for saving her, especially everything she had done and tried to do. She, however, needed some time to prepare, and she needed to ask for some tips from a friend.
Bellatrix let out a small frown as her fingers twitched over his seal.
[ Ölüm - Loading Docks (A Day Later) ]
A pair of arms quickly wrapped themselves around Sabine as she stepped out of the staircase.
"I'm so glad you're okay, Sabine. You had us all worried." The green Twi'lek said, stroking her friend's head with her green hand. Within days of meeting each other, Hera quickly became like the bigger sister she never had.
"Thanks for your concern, Hera." Sabine hugged her back, before quickly breaking off, looking around them. "I'm doing alright, but I just need to take it easy for the next few days."
"Then you're in luck, amiga, cause Joseph decided to take your next two shifts." Jimmy walked past them, giving a nod at the Mandalorian. "Thanks to that guy, you'll be working on the docks for the next two weeks instead. Much better than digging up those spice if you ask me."
"I need to thank him for that." Sabine noted, looking around for the man.
"Nah, don't mention it. He's been doing that lately ever since that Kessoline incident. I heard that he's been acting a bit different lately, and started praying more now these last few weeks." Jimmy noted, scratching his head. "Tarik thinks he's been going through a religious experience of some sorts…"
Jimmy couldn't help but have a small crack of smile on his face. "I can actually see Joseph becoming a priest, with that hat on and robes."
"Yeah, I can see that too." Tarik joined the conversation, literally walking into the conversation while pushing a bunch of magnetically floating boxes. "But if he wants to do that, that's cool. Need more guys like him."
"What? Ain't you afraid of competition or something like that?" Adrik asked the Urzik man. "I know you're leading sermons down to some others down the night shifts."
Tarik laughed at their comments and replied back with a question "Man, where do you think I grew up with?"
"Urzkistan, where else?"
"Texas, my man." This got him a few shocked looks from the other humans around him. "Yeah, you heard me. Born and raised in the Lone Star State. Cowboy hats, barbecue, guns and shit. My kinda state."
"You're an American?" Adrik couldn't help but ask, looking up and down at the man.
"Yeah, my momma immigrated there in 95' just when she gave birth to me in Houston. Funny enough, my ma made me go to a Catholic school with a lot of Mexicans, not wanting to let me go to an Islamic school because she wanted me to become full American after some bastard pulled out her headscarf in public." He still remembered that dreadful incident, where he and his mother were just buying groceries. The irony was that his mother was rather open minded, and wouldn't wear a hijab most of the time, save for on Fridays, which this incident happened on.
"Wow, dude who did that must've been a dick."
"Actually, it was a woman, some religious nutter who thought the front of an energy drink was a sign of the Devil or some stuff like that." He rolled his eyes, before continuing. "I grew up speaking multiple languages. I can speak English, Arabic, German, and even Spanish, but I warn ya, it's broken like a McDonald's ice cream machine."
Everyone jumped as a noise explosion echoed in the mining hole. Turning to look at the source of the noise, they realized that it was just a new tunnel being dug, with one of them using a controlled explosive to get started.
"Another tunnel? That's like, what, the fourth in two weeks?" Adrik noted. The spice mine has been undergoing a lot of surprising construction, from the rebuilding of the elevator to the growing number of new tunnels that seemingly led to nowhere. They tried to ask D'Nar about the new project, but he surprisingly refused to answer them, telling them that it was just a personal project. Any more questioning led to whipping and punishments, so everyone stopped asking.
"Yeah man. Pretty weird." Jimmy agreed. "Those tunnels don't have a lot of spice left in them, so why the hell does he want us digging there?"."
"Something's definitely up.." A random dock worker suggested. "Maybe they're making more rooms for us?"
Jimmy shook his head at that. "Then why haven't the supervisors told us about it yet? Normally the Pykes or the Zygs would let us know exactly what we're building so that we don't screw up . Also, I never seen those new dudes before. Covered head-to-toe, so I don't even know if they're humans."
Ibrahim then threw in his idea. "I heard rumours about a new mine being constructed not that far away. Maybe they want to connect some tunnels to our mine."
"Maybe." Jimmy shrugged. "Not sure why they're all hushed-lips about it, though."
While the rest of the men were having their light chatter, Hera and Sabine were having a private conversation of their own.
"Hera, I need to ask you about something."
"Uh, sure, what is it?"
A strange look on her face, Sabine looked around for a moment, before she pulled her friend away from the others. "I...want to thank and apologize to Naruto in a special way, but, uhm…"
Hera blinked, before she let out a silent gasp. The twi'lek had to hold back a loud, excited squeal as she figured out what she was asking. "You want to make it special, don't you?"
The Mandalorian teen rubbed her arm as she looked down at the ground. "I don't know how to…"
"Yeah, that's pretty obvious." Hera giggled, teasing the girl a bit. "I know someone in the kitchens who can smuggle in some protection for you, and maybe if you'd like-"
"That would be enough, really." Sabine said, trying not to blush at all. "Jeez."
Hera just chuckled as she put her arm around Sabine. "Don't worry, you'll do fine. Just do as I say."
D'Nar's face was scrunched up into a frown as he read through the holographic files he had just been given by the scientist standing in front of him.
"I must say, you're asking for a lot out of me." D'Nar finally said. "Tunnel networks, surveillance cameras, a large number of bacta tanks…" The entire list of equipment would've cost him a fortune if he was paying for all of it. Truth to be told, the only reason why he was concerned was due to the amount of manpower the entire project will take. Not to mention that he himself wasn't very sure of what the purpose of this entire operation was."
"If there's any problems, you should know that the Umbrella organisation is more than willing to lend a hand in any financial, physical, or even legal help if needed."
"No, there's no problems." D'Nar shook his head. "I'll just need to bring in more slaves to build all of this before your deadline. It would take a while to have all of this equipment up and running."
"That I can understand, and so will the board. It's just a needed ratification if we're able to keep this operation going. Especially now that the first trial subjects have begun."
This piqued the Zygerrian's curiosity. "You know, I've always wanted to know what kind of experiments you humans are running. The only thing I know about your group is that it's very well known, and yet, you appear to be running a much more darker operation than what's commonly allowed."
"We are a multinational, soon to be galactic corporation that's here for the people's benefits, Mr. D'Nar." The scientist said, pulling up another holograph. "We aim to further progress the people's potential, unlocking the secrets that lies within our very own selves."
D'Nar's words halted in his throat as he watched a holographic screen of a recording. A naked human was lying on the table, with scientists and machines surrounding it. One of them held up a syringe, injecting it into the body.
"Observe, Mr. D'Nar." The man spoke, excitement in his voice. "Observe the small portion of power that God has kept away from us."
D'Nar glared at the footage, unsure of what to expect, when the body began to twitch. The human began to growl like a rabid animal, foam pouring out of his mouth. His veins bulged from his body as he struggled to leave the table, with only the restraint belts holding it back.
"What is this?"
"Keep watching."
The camera zoomed in closer to the man, who let out a monstrous roar, blood and saliva dripping from its mouth. His head darted around, it's milky, white eyes searching for something to kill.
"You...You're trying to bring back the dead?" D'Nar asked, stunned from what he had just witnessed.
The man said nothing, motioning the Zygerrian to continue watching. His eyes turning back to the screen, he watched as the man - or creature, whatever this thing was now, - continued screaming, before it suddenly fell backwards. A vitals monitor somewhere began to emit a continuous, ear piercing noise, indicating that the organism's vitals had flatlined. The body twitched once more, before it stopped moving completely. Blood began to pour out of its ears and eyes and mouth, and the scientists around the test subject groaned in disappointment.
"What...was that?" D'Nar managed to ask, a trickle of sweat running down his hairy body.
"That, my friend, was progress." The scientist nodded, a look of twisted glee flashing in his eyes. "We've been on the brink of achieving something far greater than even what the Republic has accomplished so far. All we need is enough time and more test subjects."
"More test subjects?"
"More details shall be given to you in the future." The scientist merely stated. "Until then, let us continue to work together on this journey of progress. Good day, sir." The scientist gave one last nod, before the hologram shrank out.
D'Nar continued to stand there, staring at the spot where the hologram once was. Finally sitting down, he poured himself a glass of wine, hastily downing his drink.
"Earthlings." D'Nar said after putting his cup down. "Such a whole different breed of humans." Closing his eyes, he rubbed his head as he tried to comprehend what little he was allowed to see. Out of everything he's learned and done in the past 50 years, nothing was quite like what he had just seen, and honestly...it made him shiver.
'What did I get myself into?'
"Did you summon me, sir?" One of his trusted men, a Sentinel Pyke, had just entered the room, breaking the Zygerrian out of his thoughts.
"Ah, Zykol." D'Nar turned to the Sentinel. "I called you in earlier. Listen carefully, I need you to do something for me. I know you're going on a break soon, but I need you to dig up some information about the Umbrella Corporation."
"What kind of information?"
"Dig up on anything incriminating that's related to this corporation. Anything that we can use to get one over their heads; lawsuits, investigations, you name it. I want to know what I'm dealing with here."
"Where do you suggest I shall start?" Thinking for a moment, the Zygerrian then got an idea.
"Try traveling to the planet Earth. Go there on official business, and try to see if you can dig up on anything in the underworld. As backwards as they are, they're not too different than Coruscant."
"Will do, my lord." Zykol bowed, before turning around and leaving the room. Alone once again, he turned around and stared at the evening sky.
"Have I made a mistake by bringing these Earthlings in here?"
[ Docks - (Night) ]
The dock workers were busy pushing the last few carts into the last freighter. People were shuffling in and out of the mine as the day-shift slaves were slowly being replaced by their night-shift counterparts.
"That's the last one." One of the dock workers said once the job was done. "I'll tell the freight crew; you go and wait outside with the rest."
"Sure." Sabine nodded, walking out of the cargo area to join the others. Suddenly, Sabine felt someone grabbing her shoulder, and was pulled right under the wing of the ship.
"Hey, what the-" She turned around to see her Twi'lek friend. "Oh, Hera."
She held her finger to her mouth to keep her voice down, before she pulled out a small paper bag. "Here's what you asked for." Sabine accepted the bag and took a look inside of it. She then puffed out a big sigh of relief from her chest.
"Okay, go. Before someone sees us." Hera said, pushing her friend to the group of dock workers. Quickly shoving the package down her shirt, she shuffled towards the elevator, hoping to be the lucky ones that didn't have to take the stairs.
Hera smiled at the young girl as she walked back out, a night-shift worker walking towards her.
'They're going to be such a great couple.' She smiled, holding her hand out. The night-shift worker quickly dropped a note onto her hand, walking by her like nothing had happened, leaving her to quickly put the note inside of her chest. Not even glancing back at the other worker, she walked back to her post.
[ Ölüm - Infirmary ]
"Good work today, Idel." Bellatrix smiled at the other nurse. "You can go rest now. I'll wrap things up here."
"Thanks." The Russian-Israeli nodded, before she left the room. The Nightsister looked back at Naruto, who was now awake. He remained lying on his bed while the Nightsister kept on doing her magic healing on him.
"So you said that you're a Force-sensitive too?"
"Indeed I am." The pale woman smiled. "I'm from the planet Dathomir, where many more of my sisters live. It is there that we can perform incredible feats with our magic."
"What can you do?" He asked curiously. "I'm only just starting to get used to having Force powers, and…" His look of childish curiosity turned into one full of somber regret, remembering what he had almost done to Sabine. Despite her starting the deadly confrontation, he still held regret for nearly killing her.
A small chuckle escaped the mouth of the Nightsister. "I'm sorry, but that is a secret. It's prohibited to talk about my people's powers to any outsiders. Surely, you'll understand that."
"Yeah, I do." Naruto nodded to her. "Makes sense, since I wouldn't tell much about my abilities to anyone else." He told as little information to those who asked about it and he gave them a little bit of harmless information.
Despite him understanding, however, he was visibly disappointed. Seeing this, the Nightsister gave him a reassuring smile.
"But...maybe in the future when we escape, perhaps Mother Talzin would make an exception." Her voice suddenly sounded rather hypnotic, which made him blink. "After all, you would be a very formidable enemy, should you fall to the Dark Side, especially with that ancient beast that lies within your belly."
"But I'm not trying to make enemies." He protested, before his eyes widened. "And wait a minute, how do you know about the Kyuubi?"
"Is that his name?" She murmured, her hands tracing the outline of the seal over his stomach. "Interesting. It would appear that he is more than a savage beast than what many would think."
Her dreamy look vanished, being replaced by the one of weariness.
"In times of conflict, making enemies is inevitable." She stated grimly. "The only thing you can do is make the right friends to help you survive."
"Yeah." Naruto sighed, suddenly feeling more drained than ever. "Thanks for healing me, dattebayo."
Bellatrix just smiled as she gave him a small bow. "Just doing my job, child. Have a good night."
The pale nurse then left the room, switching off the main lights, leaving the blond shinobi alone in the dark with his thoughts.
'I wonder if Kyuubi knows more about the Nightsisters.' His fingers trailed over his seal, the touch causing him to shiver. 'He does seem to know a bit about the Force. Maybe I can do that healing magic that Bellatrix-san did to me.'
A thousand more questions began to crowd his mind, making him shake his head. Closing his eyes, he began to meditate to fall asleep.
Just as he was about to enter the world of slumber, the door opened, making his eyes shoot wide open. His fingers already on his crafted knife, he relaxed when he recognized the feminine form entering the room.
(Yes, Lemon time, people. You've been busy a lot on this. So enjoy.)
"Sabine?" He whispered at the girl. "What are you doing here so late? You're not hurt, are you?"
Much to his surprise, the brash, tomboy gulped, fidgeting as she struggled to do or say anything. Finally making up her mind, she turned on the lights only partially so that it was dimly lit, and he was better able to see her nervous expression.
He blinked, and he realized that she had just locked the door, sending some red flags across his head. He braced himself for her to attack him again, when he paused.
Her hands behind her back in front of the closed door, she was biting her lip as she stared at the floor, somehow being unable to meet his eyes. Further studying her face, he realized that her cheeks was red.
"Uhhh, Sabine?" His heart began to pound a bit faster as she walked up to him. There was something about the way she was walking that made him feel a bit...hot. Maybe it was her unusual shy expression, which he thought was cute. Or maybe it was her legs, and how her thighs seemed to sway noticeably as she was walking towards him.
Before he could say anything else, she crawled onto his bed, and was on her hands and knees above him.
His breath leapt out of his throat as she made this daring move. The two teens were blushing as they were staring at each other, their noses almost touching. It reminded them of when they were trapped underneath the elevator rubble.
"Uhm, Sabine, what-" His words were cut short the moment Sabine planted her lips against his. Catching him totally off guard, she quickly took full control of his mouth. He didn't resist, simply unsure of how to react to this turn of events.
Feeling uncomfortable at staring at each other, they closed their eyes as they melted into each other. His tongue began to wrestle with her's as her body slowly fell onto him.
Her chest pushed against his weakened body. His breath tensed up at the soft sensation; she wasn't wearing her armor. Blushing, his eyes shot open as she began to grind on his body. She moaned sensually, and that was all his body could take.
"You're getting hard." She whispered into his ear, before biting it lightly. He hissed in pleasure, and she grinned, feeling his manhood growing even bigger.
Naruto couldn't think. How could he, in this situation? There was a pretty girl who was grinding herself onto him, and was making out with him like he was in one of Jiraiya's Icha Icha books.
Naruto might've been dense as a rock when it came to girls, but even he knew that he was the luckiest son of a bitch at the moment.
His mind snapping out of the haze, he took a moment to enjoy her scent. She smelled and tasted like...strawberries, or a sweet peach. Looks like she was preparing for this moment.
A fire lit up in his eyes as he realized that she was doing all the work. A smirk stretching from his lips, his hands moved from her lower back to her plump rear. She let out a muffled squeak of surprise as his hands began to fondle her ass.
"Baby got back~" He murmured teasingly, making her blush even harder.
"S-Shut up." She muttered as she nearly tore open his hospital gown. She sobered up a little when she saw all the scars on his chest, including the ones she inflicted on him.
Feeling her stop, he stopped to see what was the hold up. Noticing her look of guilt quickly dampening the mood, he took one hand off of her rear, and placed it on her cheek.
"Hey, it's okay. It's behind us." He reassured her. "Besides, we're even now, remember? I forgive you already, dattebayo."
"Still," She murmured softly, her eyes still full of guilt, "I need to apologize to you. S-So, do...do you want me?"
He stared at the Mandalorian girl in disbelief. Despite him seeing her vulnerable side once before, it still came as a shock for him when she asked whether or not he wanted her. Smiling at the bashful girl, he gently lifted himself up, and kissed her. No lustful passion was behind this liplock - just a gentle, reassuring one that told her that he truly had no more hard feelings towards her, especially after realizing just how far she was willing to go to apologize.
It wasn't a rough, passionate kiss, but it was enough to make Sabine relax, making her moan under his lips. Whatever confidence she lost she regained twice fold when she felt his cock come back to life.
"I-I want to try something." Sabine said meekly. Judging by the way she was definitely unable to meet his eyes, he assumed that it would be something embarrassing.
And fun.
Swallowing his saliva, he just nodded at her, a hint of nervousness but curious excitement in his eyes. Taking a deep breath to encourage herself, she slowly got off of him, and motioned for him to sit at the edge of the bed. Curious, he just did as she ordered, and watched as she got on her knees.
'Wait, is she-?' Was all he was able to think, before she lifted off his hospital gown, revealing his erect cock. She stared at it in wonder, still trying to comprehend that it was her first time seeing a man's sex. Leaning her head forward, a strong smell had entered her nose, and she couldn't help but give his cock a few sniffs.
'Ah crap.' Naruto began to sweat. 'Do I smell bad? Maybe I should've hit the showers real quick before we did this? What if-!'
His eyes nearly bulged out as she suddenly took his cock, and rammed it into her mouth. Surprised by how large it was, she was evidently unprepared as it hit the back of her throat. Quickly pulling it out of her mouth, she began coughing endlessly.
"A-Are you okay?" His anxiety came back at full force, and his hands were hovering in the air stupidly, unsure of what he could do to help her out.
"Y-Yeah." Sabine chuckled as she continued coughing. "Just...got a bit ahead of myself."
The two of them stared at each other for a moment, before they both lightly chuckled at the unintentional joke. Finally feeling ready again, Sabine tucked her hair behind her ear, before took his head into her mouth again. Learning from her mistake, she went slowly, taking in his mass one millimeter at a time.
This meant that she ended up tasting every inch of him, inhaling his scent and taste.
'Huh, not bad.' Sabine's heart pounded as she began to bob her head back and forth. 'It's kinda sweet and salty. ...Fuck, I think I like it.'
Her body felt hot as she was rewarded with his moans of pleasure. Feeling empowered at pleasing him in such a lewd way, she began to go harder and faster, her lips stretching out a little the faster and harder she went.
Despite her best attempt at being quiet, the sound of her devouring his cock echoed in the room. Both Naruto and Sabine were afraid and aroused at the idea of someone overhearing them.
'Fuck, why is this turning me on so much?' Sabine wondered. Her right hand was inside of her skintight pants, touching her burning crotch in an effort to satisfy its arousal. In the heat of the moment, she decided to try taking his dick even deeper, nearly slamming her head into his crotch. His cock finally found itself in her throat again, and this time, she was able to keep it there.
Feeling a little proud of herself, she took a moment to enjoy the weird, suffocating, and yet pleasurable sensation of his cock filling up her throat. For someone who was still so young, he turned out to be surprisingly hung when erect, and a part of her felt proud at being able to claim this dick before anyone else.
"S-Something's coming!" Naruto hissed, trying to hold back his orgasm. "I-I'm gonna-"
'CUM!' Sabine finished for him, plunging her fingers into her snatch. Her eyes widened as she felt his cock bulge a little, before filling her mouth with his hot, gooey cum.
Panicking, she managed to quickly yank his cock out of her throat before she could choke on his essence. Her mouth already full of his jizz, she wasn't prepared for him to shoot out a couple more strands of his semen onto her face.
"*GULP*, *GULP*, Fuck, Naruto, you didn't tell me - *cough* - you had this much ammo." Sabine said with a sly grin after she recovered.
"...Sorry?" Naruto sheepishly apologized, unsure of what to say or do now. He was mostly staring at Sabine's cute face, which was now stained with his cum. Noticing where his eyes were, Sabine scooped up his cum off of her face, staring at her gooey fingers. Looking at him in the eyes, she slowly and deliberately stuck it in her mouth, giving it a long, sensual licks and sucks.
"Mmm, Naruto~ I didn't know you were so daring, marking me as yours like that." She purred. "I guess you have some balls after all."
She looked back down at his crotch, and did a double take at how it was still erect.
"...Well then." She licked her lips at the sight of his messy cock standing up in the air like a rifle. She stood up, before she slowly and teasingly began to shed her clothes. Naruto stared at her, enchanted by the sultry dance she was attempting as she lost her clothes. Entranced by her intense eyes, he barely noticed as she crawled under his covers. Still on top of him, she began to grind him again, only this time his wet, naked cock was grinding against her moist, pussy lips.
"Fuck." She growled, her hips growing faster by the second. "I'm just grinding you, but this feels so fucking good."
"Same." He grunted, his breaths turning into pants as she jerked him off with her thighs. Sabine hissed in pleasure as he breathed onto her nipples, which was very close to his face.
Naruto swallowed hard as he stared at the two, growing melons that was swinging back and forth.
'Should I?' He thought to himself, suddenly getting a weird idea. Unbeknownst to him, Sabine had some kinky thoughts herself.
'Fuck, I...wanna go further.' Sabine stared at the boy below her lovingly, biting her lip as her anxiety and tension began to grow in her tummy. 'But...is it going to hurt?'
The two of them blinked as they realized that they were just staring at each other. Stopping for a moment to shake their heads, a look of determination filled their eyes.
'Alright, I'm going to do it!' They both thought. Before she could change her mind, she thrusted her hips forward one more time, before slamming them down, just as Naruto snapped his head forward, his mouth enveloping one of her nipples.
"FUCK!" Sabine shouted in surprise as her eyes widened. Not only did she not expect him to be that bold, but the sudden intrusion shot a spike of pain and pleasure up her body. Realizing that she had just shouted, she covered her mouth with both of her hands.
"Are you okay, Sabine?" Naruto whispered/groaned, his cock feeling like they were being squeezed by a wet, soft vice. Despite his concern for Sabine, he couldn't help but enjoy the unique feeling of them graduating from their virginity. This was nothing like masturbating, which he could only do sparingly. Unlike his hands, her vagina was tight, warm, and wet. Even though he was forcing her tight babymaker to loosen up, he could tell that for a while, she's going to be very tight.
"Y-Yeah." She gritted her teeth, hissing in pain as her eyes was squeezed shut. Some moisture began to crowd in her eyes as they threatened to turn into tears. "N-No biggie."
Grunting, she lifted her hips upwards, before slowly lowering them, creating a whole, new wave of pleasure for the two of them.
For Naruto, it felt like his cock was back in her mouth again, except this time, her teeth wasn't scraping his skin. Instead, it was all flesh. One large, soft, wet, squishy mouth that was greedily trying to take his entire penis.
For Sabine, once the sharp pain went away, she felt like she could fly. Every movement, every scrap of flesh to flesh sent waves of pleasure up her body, threatening to make her cum with each wave of euphoria.
And that's when somebody knocked on the door.
"Naruto? You alright?"
The two of them froze. It was Idel! She must've heard her muffled shout, and came running.
Thinking quickly, the Mandalorian girl told Naruto to lay on his side, before she did the same, reluctantly taking his cock out of her. They threw the blanket on top of themselves, just as they heard the door unlock.
They heard Idel walk inside, pausing after a couple of steps.
Shit. Were they caught?
"Naruto? Are you alright?" Her gentle voice seemed as loud as a hurricane in the tiny room.
"...Yeah." He finally answered back, making Sabine look back at him with the look that said, "Are you crazy?" "Just...had a nightmare. I'll be fine."
"Oh, okay then." She responded back. An awkward pause lingered in the air, and judging by the way she was shuffling, Idel could feel it too. "I'll just...unpack the supplies into the storage locker."
They then heard her move dangerously close to their bed. Thank the Force that they had cubicle curtains, cause if not, she definitely would've saw them.
Sabine squirmed uncomfortably, starting to feel a little hot, due to how close they were. Naruto's eyes wandered downwards as he felt her naked butt accidently grinding on his still wet dick. He grew hard again at the sight and sensation of his manhood being sandwiched between those large cheeks, and before he knew it, he was adjusting his body.
"Naruto, what are yo-MMF!" Sabine had to cover her mouth again as he slowly slid his cock back into her ruined pussy.
"W-What the kriff are you doing?" She hissed at him, blushing as she tried so hard not to moan in pleasure, since Idel was just on the other side of the curtain, putting away the new medical supplies.
Naruto's grin widened as he slowly began to rock his hips back and forth, making Sabine moan into her hands again. She whimpered as he took over as the dominant one, fucking her without her having any way to get out.
And fuck, it was hot. Sabine wouldn't admit it, but somehow, the thought of getting caught by Idel excited her, making her even tighter.
Still, that didn't mean that she was going to submit that easily. With a smirk matching her man's, she began to thrust her hips back at him.
The look of cocky defiance in her eyes encouraged him to go faster, and not wanting to lose to him, she went faster too.
They were hot, wet, and sweaty, but they refused to take off the covers. They also refused to stop, as a silent contest had ensued, where no one would leave until they came.
You think you'll make me cum? Sabine gave him a challenging look, with a smirk that barely hid her look of pleasure. In response, he leaned his head forward, catching her lips with his. Their hot breaths intermingled with each others as they began to swap saliva, satisfying their thirst.
"Mmm." Sabine moaned, her eyes dazed and unfocused as the two warriors were lost in a world of pleasure. Muffled moans and sighs filled the bed as they grinded against one another, wishing for this moment to last an eternity.
Finally, the moment came when their fun had to end. No words were exchanged, but they both somehow knew that their climax was coming.
'I love you.' They both thought together as they came. Despite where they were, despite the collars around their necks, they were content.
Satisfied, they both fell asleep, just as the nurse left.
(Ending lemon)
(The next day)
Sitting on the examination bed, Naruto was buttoning up his shirt whilst waiting for Bellatrix and Idel's return. He had gotten up early since the Zygs were calling in all the slaves in the infirmary to be called working again.
He was now a bit focused on trying to fix the last button of his shirt that Sabine had accidentally ripped open last night. Not that he didn't enjoy it, but it was a bit irritating to deal with at the moment.
"Naruto." He looked up to see Bellatrix enter the room with her report.
"Guards are waiting for you outside." She informed him. "You've been assigned back to your post in the underground." The Nightsister said with a frown. She tried to convince the supervisor to place Naruto on a less problematic post so he could work without any implications for his healing back. As expected, he just told her to get him out of the room, before he gives the blond a reason to stay there a bit longer. Bellatrix scowled, but said nothing else, before heading back to the infirmary.
"Yeah, figured. Those slavers always had it out for me." Naruto sighed, finally fixing up the button.
Bellatrix then pulled out from under her coat a small brown bag. "Some painkillers, just in case. Plus a new water bottle."
"I'll take the water." Naruto said, grabbing the bag and shoving it under his shirt and into his pants. "I'll keep the painkillers for someone else. I personally don't need them."
"Alright then, just try to take it easy on your back; it needs more resting."
"Yeah, tell the Zygs that." Naruto said with a huff. "But don't worry, I'll watch out with myself." He stood up and cracked his neck before walking past the Nightsister. "Thank you for taking care of me."
"You're welcome." She said as Naruto opened the door and closing the door behind him. A small, goofy giggle escaped her lips as she stared at his bed.
The minute Naruto closed the door behind it, a wide, uncontrolled grin spread across his face as he held back a loud whoop. It took him everything to not smile like a clown as he talked to Bellatrix, remembering the fond memory he made last night on the same bed he was sitting on.
"The hell you smiling about?" One of the Pyke Sentinels asked. The blond just shrugged at him with an innocent look, which made them roll their eyes, but said nothing more of it. They lead him back to his post underground, and they walked passed back the now completed elevator.
Sabine just finished bringing out some empty crates with the others, she took a brief break to see Naruto being escorted by the Sentinels to the elevators to be most likely brought back to the underground.
There were a group of fellow slaves working to push boxes in and out of the elevator, with one of them in particular catching his eye. Leaning on the cool, metal wall to take a break, Sabine wiped away from sweat from her forehead. She let out a sigh of relief, before she opened her eyes.
The moment the two made eye contact, the blond winked at her, giving her a small cocky smirk that made the Mandalorian blush. She turned away quickly so that she wouldn't give him the
satisfaction of watching her flushed expression, but judging by Hera's equally irritating smirk, she failed to do the job.
Once the Sentinels were gone, Hera just patted her on the shoulder, her grin never leaving her face.
"By Allah, brother, welcome back!" Ibrahim shouted while hugging the former shinobi high up in the air with such joy that he couldn't contain anymore. Joined by an equally happy Adrik, who slapped his big hand on Naruto's back, many of the underground workers were happy to see for once one of their own to be alive than being one of the dead.
"Glad you're still with us, Ruto." Adrik said with a smile "Bomber and Jimmy send their regards to you, saying they've kept their hopes for you."
"Thanks Adrik." He slapped hands with the Russian. "It's always good to hear it from you, man." He saw that Tarik and Jimmy came walking up towards him to greet him.
"Good to see you still breathing, brother." Tarik gave him a friendly hug with a pat on the back.
"Yeah, thanks for that, Tarik." Naruto tapped the Urzuki-American on the back, before turning to the Mexican. "Jimmy."
"Carnal, I got some news for you." They shook hands while the man explained. "I managed to convince one of the operators with some smokes to switch his round with yours, so you can take it easy to work upstairs with Hera for a week. You know, to keep yourself from breaking down."
"Hey, I appreciate it." Naruto thanked the experienced miner with a fist bump. "Can I ask what's with all the construction going upstairs?"
Tarik shook his head. "We don't know, man. It's been going on for months apparently, but now these last few weeks construction seems to be close to the mine. All the supervisors are silent about it."
"Could it be that they are just expanding production? It wouldn't be the first time." Naruto suggested. "Those Zygs would certainly do that."
"What are you all waiting for?" One of the regular slaves noticed them. "Get to work before you'll get in trouble."
"Right, let's get to work, people." Adrik clapped his hands. This prompted the group to split up and return to their work, with Naruto following Tarik and Ibrahim to their mineshaft.
"Another day in this hellhole." Ibrahim groaned while putting his goggles on. "I would kill for a decent meal, I swear."
"Yeah, I can agree with that."
"You said it, Texas. You said it." Ibrahim nodded as they both got back to their work. Meanwhile, Naruto was left to his own thoughts, thinking about last night. As funny it may sound, he was not complaining about today for working back in this shit hole.
It was an exceptionally hot day on Kessel, reason was because an heatwave had been coming over the planet for two days, and to make it worse, it was an hell, in the last twenty four hours many of the non-human sentients died of dehydration because they were in the lower levels.
It was an exceptionally hot day on Kessel.
A heat wave had been raging throughout the planet for two days, and to make it worse, Hell was not spared from the unforgiving weather.
In the last twenty-four hours, almost 200 slaves in total died from a heatstroke or from dehydration. Most of them were beings like wookies, who were unfortunate enough to have been born with so much hair in a place that didn't care. None of them were amongst those Naruto knew personally, but it was still a horrifying scene to watch the bodies rain from above, thrown away like yesterday's garbage.
Right now, Naruto was transferred to the docks, where he now was busy loading up crates of Coaxium fuel into the freighter that was waiting for its loads. With the help of the first person he had met on the planet, he was almost done with the last crate.
"Dooone!" Naruto cried out as he wiped the sweat from his head. His shirt was gone, discarded aside a long time ago, only wearing his pants and shoes. He quickly looked towards Zeb the Lasat, who wasn't doing well, due to his fur. Drenched in his own sweat and panting like a dog, he didn't look like he was doing very well.
"I'm alright, kid." The Lasat croaked, holding unto himself as he tried to hide the fact his knees were about to give in. "Just need...to rest."
"Hey, HEY!" Naruto pulled out his water and opened his cantine and gave it to him. "Drink!"
Not refusing for a minute, he quickly downed the cantine, spraying some onto his face and eyes to cool down and regain consciousness.
The minute the canteen was emptied, Zeb fell over. Naruto grunted as he caught him. Other slaves quickly ran up to them, the others either offering their water or helping the blond get him out of there.
"Easy, big fella." Naruto said, patting the Lasat on the back. "We've finished that shipment, take a few moments to rest, alright?"
"Will do…" Zeb groaned as he fought to stay conscious. The other slaves moved to quickly drag him out of the unforgiving sun, just as another familiar face walked into the scene.
Hera looked behind her for a moment with slight worry, before turning back towards Naruto.
"I hate to give you more work, but a new shipment of Coaxium is about to be brought up here, and I need some more hands to help me do the job."
"Will do." Naruto sighed.
"Hey, a new batch of slaves has arrived." One of the slaves cried out. This made everyone pause in their steps, turning towards the small army of Pyke Sentinels and Zygerrian supervisors who were approaching an incoming cargo ship. It's landing gear set in place, the doors opened, allowing the "cargo" to let itself out.
The slaves flinched as the shrill sound came from the arm of an elderly Twi'lek, who was holding his two-year old toddler. He was amongst the first of many slaves to have been forced out of the ship, with an elderly pair of humans following immediately behind the father.
"Are those-why are kids here?"
"Don't tell me they are letting the elderly work here? They won't last a week."
"What a new low." The other slaves shook their heads with disgust as many of the new victims were either too old or too young, with some of them even carrying children. It wasn't a new sight, but it was never pleasant to see, especially in larger numbers.
"This is unusual." Hera murmured, scratching at her lekku. Naruto had to agree; it didn't make sense why the slavers would willingly buy children and elderly. They were the first ones to usually die, and in the long run, they were just more trouble than they were worth, for one reason or another.
Naruto's head turned towards a fight that had just ensued. A mother was cradling her young child, shielding it from the sentinels as they tried to pry them apart. The father was already pinned down to the ground, with one of the Zygerrians electrocuting him mercilessly.
A flash of red, before one of the Pykes flew backwards with a pained cry. A redheaded woman had stepped in the fight, and was currently trying to take down the other slavers.
"Stop her!" The Zygerrian roared as he stopped shocking the human male.
"GO FUCK YOURSELVES, SHITHEADS!" That voice came from a redhead who was already a hothead and picked up a fight with over half a dozen guards, with her kicking some of the guards close to the family and not being polite by hitting them in the groin if she could. Not being able to believe what he heard, that voice was way to familiar to him.
"GO FUCK YOURSELVES, SHITHEADS!" The redhead roared as she knocked out another Pyke guard, smashing the control for her collar before he could push it.
"No way…" Naruto's eyes widened when he got a good look at her.
"ARGH!" The girl collapsed as her collar activated. One of the nearby Pykes finally managed to push the button. The minute he lifted his thumb off of the controller, the others began to kick and punch her.
"Enough!" The Zygerrian guard from before walked up to them, prompting the Pykes to back off from her. Bending over, he checked on the unconscious human, and noticed that she was unconscious, foaming a little at the mouth. He glanced at the guards, who were grunting in pain as they gingerly rubbed at their bruises.
"Little disobedient bitch!" He roared, kicking the young woman in the head. "You just earned yourself a lesson in the detention cells, girl!"
Naruto and the others just watched them drag her away, a scary amount of blood beginning to trail from her head, as if a demented god began to paint the canvas red. They headed towards the elevator, which made the crowd part aways, not willing to be in their way.
A grim silence filled the air as the slaves stood in horror, mortified at what had just happened. Then, it happened.
Naruto and the others spun around at the sound of the blaster fire. Their eyes widened as the father fell backwards, a smoking hole on his chest. One of the Pyke Sentinels had shot the father, while another one was pinning down the child onto the ground. The mother screamed in horror as she ran over to her fallen husband's side, trying to wake him up.
But it was too late.
The Pyke that had just murdered the husband now pointed the blaster onto the mother. "Stand up, woman."
"Ephraim…" A tear fell onto the dead man's face as she stroked his beared chin. "I'm sorry."
Her other hand was reaching down her late husband's chest pocket.
"I said get up!"
The mother had whipped out a blunt knife from the pocket, and sank it deep into the Pyke's neck. This made everyone gasp at her brave action of defiance.
The Pyke stumbled backwards, dropping his blaster as he clawed at his throat. He tried to call for help, but all that came out was wet, sick gurgles as he began to bleed out.
The woman stumbled backwards as a flurry of blaster bolts slammed into her body. She staggered backwards, before falling over, dead before she hit the ground.
"MOM!" The little boy cried out. The Pyke, too stunned at the sudden death of his comrade, didn't stop the boy from running towards his dead parents. The whole area fell into silence at the sudden deaths that had just occurred, with both sides unsure of what to do or say for the moment.
The boy let out a cry as D'Nar, who had suddenly ran into the scene, had punched the little boy, sending him flying towards the edge of the mine.
"Perhaps I've been too kind on you slaves." He spat out the last word. "It's time I set a proper example on what happens if you disobey me and upset the peace!"
Grabbing the two dead bodies, he stomped over to the edge, where the boy sat there in terror. Grinning, he flung the bodies over the edge.
"Go join your parents in Hell." He grinned, before kicking the boy off the edge. The boy screamed, his arms reached out in a fruitless attempt to grab the Zygerrian's hands, which was mockingly stretched out, before quickly pulled back. The Zygerrian laughed, his hideous laugh overwhelming the dying cries of the boy as he fell to his doom.
At this, Naruto tried to run towards the edge, but one of the Pykes activated his collar, making him fall flat on his face.
"Back to work!" The Pykes shouted, firing blaster bolts into the air. The slaves quickly scattered, not willing to be the next into their grave.
The slavers were about to leave, when they noticed two slaves still standing there. It was the Lasat Zeb and the Elementian Naruto. Zeb, who was trying to help Naruto with his broken nose, glared together with his friend at the slavers, who just glared back as they raised their blasters at them.
"Didn't you hear us, slaves? Get back to work!"
The duo continued their menacing glare, before they reluctantly turned around, leaving the area to return to the mines.
"You alright, kid?" Zeb asked the human boy next to him.
"No, Zeb, I'm not." Naruto answered. "No I'm not. Those bastards need to pay for what they're doing."
"Feeling's mutual, kid." Zeb grunted, rubbing his collar. "Feeling's mutual."
A lightbulb suddenly went out in the staircase, making Zeb jump. His hair began to rise up as he felt something dark in their with them.
Walking down the staircase, they paused when they saw Sabine leaning on the wall. The minute she saw Naruto, she walked over to him, slowly grabbing his hand to try to comfort him.
And just like that, the dark presence left, and Zeb let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He shuddered, the cold, suffocating feeling never leaving his body. He had no idea what it was, and frankly, he wasn't sure if he wanted to know.
"Let's go." Sabine murmured into Naruto's ear, before kissing his cheek. He just nodded, before they continued on their way. Stepping through the door-less doorway, he was greeted with the sight of the newly arrived slaves, who were already being rounded up and escorted to their stations, not knowing what lied ahead for their future.
What got his attention was the glimpse of a young Twi'lek girl, who was sitting on her father's shoulder. She was staring directly at Naruto, and the minute he caught her eye, she waved at him.
All he could do was wave back as he watched them being taken away. His breathing becoming heavier, his fists began to clench. The lights began to flicker as a light tremor shook the room.
'Dios mío.' Joseph Ibarra shivered. He stared at Naruto, whose eyes were glowing yellow from hate. Crossing himself, he muttered the words, "El justo se alegrará cuando vea la venganza, se lavará los pies en la sangre de los impíos."
Sabine, confused at the message, asked, "What does that mean?"
Joseph's face was grim as he translated:
"The righteous will be glad when they are avenged, when they dip their feet in the blood of the wicked."
AL: Alright everyone! Me and LW finally finished this chapter. It's been a busy few weeks for us both, hope ya'll understand.
Anyway, a side note to those who read my other stories; for those reading my GTA story and might have read my note on that, I am halfway on finishing that first chapter. Don't worry, I'll still write the other GTA for those fans.
It's Lucius Walker here. I have opened my ko-fi account. Link is in my profile, and the description is on the website, as well as my email. If you have any questions, please just ask through there, although you could also ask via if you want.