Guess who's back? Jk literally all the people who knew me aren't on ff anymore (except for like 3 or 4)

It's been like 5 years.

The world holds its breath. Everyone has been waiting for this, for this moment. 75 years in the making, over a thousand children dead, millions entertained. The Quarter Quell. Every 25 years a twist is thrown into The Hunger Games. Business as usual.

Except now, everything has changed. Tensions are rising and sparks are flying. Panem is in more danger of falling apart than ever before, and who is to thank? Two measly children from District 12. The coal mining district. Please. The situation could not be more ridiculous. But wait. There's more.

It's love. Fake love. Poor star-crossed lovers from the outermost district have ignited the fires of rebellion. It's not even real. It's just a show, a show of survival. But isn't that what we're all doing in some capacity? Things aren't making a lot of sense, but that is the world after all.

People want love? People want romance? They think it's a symbol of rebellion? No. Love is nothing more a joke, a show, a charade for people to try to get through their meaningless lives. And yet, here we are. Indeed. Here we are.

My leather seat was getting cold. The fires of rebellion would not warm me and they would certainly not engulf Panem. What the people need is a distraction, and what better distraction than the Hunger Games. Except, this time, the people get what they want. They'll get their love story, but they won't get their rebellion. They wouldn't last 2 seconds without this government. People always want what they can't have, and yet, when they get it, nothing good comes from it.

Nevertheless, we must persist. And so, the 75th Hunger Games, the third Quarter Quell, must begin.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the 75th year of the Hunger Games. It was written in the charter of the Games that every 25 years, there would be a Quarter Quell, to keep fresh for each new generation, the memory of those who died in the uprising against the Capitol. Each Quarter Quell is distinguished by Games of a special significance. And now, on this the 75th Anniversary of our defeat of the rebellion, we celebrate the third Quarter Quell."

"As a reminder of the Capitol's overwhelming generosity and dedication to the prosperity of the Districts despite their actions against it, the male and female tributes will be reaped under special selection of a Matchmaker, who will single-handedly choose two tributes between the ages of 16 and 18 to compete in the Games."

"The Matchmaker's responsibility will be to find two tributes who are romantically compatible, and the two tributes will then form a Match within the Games."

"A Match of tributes will compete in the Games as one unit. As such, both tributes will be allowed to win the Hunger Games should they be the last ones standing. Conversely, if one tribute within a Match dies, their partner will die as well."

"This is to serve as a reminder that the Capitol and Districts both make up Panem and will survive together, or not at all."

"United we stand, and divided we fall."

Well Ladies, Gents, and nonbinary friends, here we go! Before I head out, here's just a couple important clarification things for the way this syot will work.

Firstly, yes, LGBTQ tributes are welcome and encouraged! I'm gay myself so I would love love love some solid representation. Information regarding this in particular will be on my profile.

Secondly, yes, this Games is more like a Bachelor type thing. Basically, tributes will be paired up within their Districts based on how romantically compatible they are! This means that I will be taking characters and developing various romances with them. It is sort of like taking the concept and popularity of Katniss and Peeta's relationship in the Games to another extreme. It is a little bit over the top tonal wise but I really want to do this.

Thirdly, there will be a few more twists with the format of the Games that will be revealed later on. For now, everything that you need is in this chapter, but I will put some additional information and suggestions on the tribute form. The form will be on my profile and should be easy to find!

Finally, the tribute form and additional clarifications and rules will be on my profile under the Black Valentine section.

I'm really excited for this Games and I'm super inspired and ready to write!

What did you think of the twist?

Do you have any suggestions, predications, or otherwise thoughts?

Thanks for reading and happy submitting!