A/N: Thanks so much to everyone who has reviewed and followed! Here's the final chapter, full of Rizzles fluff! Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!
Maura woke up before Jane the next morning; the pain from her shoulder not permitting her to sleep any longer. She pushed the call button for the nurse.
"Good morning, Dr. Isles," Nurse McCormack greeted Maura as she entered the room. She noticed Jane still sleeping and lowered her voice just a bit. "How are you feeling this morning?"
"Tired. I'm experiencing a lot of pain in my shoulder. I think it prohibited me from getting a proper night's sleep."
"Mmm-hmm." Nurse McCormack smiled and picked up Maura's chart. "I'll get you something for the pain. What about your head? Any discomfort there? Headache?"
"No, actually. Thankfully."
"That's wonderful!" Nurse McCormack made some notes in Maura's chart. "Your breakfast will be delivered soon and then we'll take you for some additional tests later this morning. I'll be right back with those pain meds."
"Thank you," Maura said.
Once Maura felt the pain medication begin to work its magic, she relaxed and turned her head to focus on the sleeping brunette. Jane was still in her work suit. Her kit belt and boots were lying neatly in front of the cot. Her hair was wild and slightly obstructed Maura's view of her face. Maura couldn't help but smile at the sight before her. She wondered how she got so lucky. She had never felt so unconditionally loved. There, just a few feet from her, wrapped up in a single person, was everything she had ever wished and hoped for. Her eyes watered just at the thought. She hoped Jane knew how she made her feel. She hoped she made Jane feel the same way. Jane was her soul mate. Scientifically, Maura doubted the existence of such ideas, but her heart spoke far louder on this topic.
"I love you so much," Maura whispered.
"I love you too, Maur."
Maura chuckled softly. "When did you wake up?"
"Just a few minutes ago. This cot is noisy. I didn't want to move around and cause a ruckus if you were still asleep." Jane sat up and made her way over to Maura and greeted her with a kiss. "Good morning. How are you feeling?"
"Better. They gave me some pain medication for my shoulder a bit earlier. No headache or other pain."
"That's great news, Doctor!"
When Maura's breakfast was dropped off, Jane left to stretch her legs and grab some coffee. She needed a few moments away from Maura to get the day's events in motion. She called Frankie and made sure everyone was set and on stand by. Maura was scheduled to go for more tests around 11:00, but Jane knew that didn't mean much in a hospital.
Sure enough, around 11:40 the nurses finally came by to pick Maura up. Jane leaned down to Maura as she sat in the wheel chair and kissed her cheek.
"Come home," she whispered.
Maura smiled. "Come home," she whispered back.
As soon as Maura left the room, Jane grabbed her phone and called Frankie. A few moments later, Frankie, Tommy, Angela, Frost, and Korsak arrived at room 506 with so many boxes, Jane was sure everyone thought they were moving into the hospital. She grabbed the duffel bag from Frankie and changed into fresh clothes before they got started.
"So she just left and the nurses said she'll be at least a couple hours," Jane started. "The nurses also said they'd give us a heads up when Maura was on her way back." She looked around the room. "This room is obviously smaller than Maura's house, so we shouldn't have a problem getting everything done in time."
Jane looked through the boxes and put together a game plan. "Ma, Frost, and Korsak – can you three put the trees and lawn ornaments up? Frankie and Tommy, can you help me with the lights? I'll need you guys to spool out the strands while I attach them to the walls."
Everyone nodded in unison and voiced their agreement, eager to put the plan into action. Frost hooked up his iPod to the speakers he brought and the sound of Christmas music filled the room.
They worked efficiently for the next 90 minutes. The room was quiet, except for the Christmas carols, as each person was focused on the tasks at hand. Angela, Frost and Korsak, each took one of the Christmas trees and set them up at various points across the room. Lights, ornaments, and tinsel adorned each one. They next moved to the larger lawn ornaments and set up the Santa and Snowman Jane had picked out.
Jane weaved her way around the room, followed by Frankie and Tommy, as she taped rows and rows of Christmas lights up and down every wall. Jane finally came back to the spot where she had started and taped the final portion of lights to the wall. She stood back and took in the sight before her. Christmas had definitely thrown up in this room.
"Are we done?" Jane looked around and asked the room
"I think so!" Frankie said. He and Tommy stacked all of the now empty boxes into the corner behind the door. He flipped off the overhead lights and closed the window blinds.
It was magical. The warm glow of the Christmas lights filled the room. The tinsel on the trees sparkled.
"Oh, Janie…" Angela said in awe. "It's beautiful."
Everyone was quiet as they stood and took in the room. A reverence fell upon them. Jane held back unexpected tears. It was beautiful. And it was for Maura. It was all for Maura.
A soft knock at the door brought everyone out of their thoughts. Jane opened the door to find Nurse McCormack on the other side.
"Wow!" Nurse McCormack was taken aback. "This is amazing. I just got word that Dr. Isles should be down in about 20 minutes. I'll come by and do the knock pattern we talked about when I see her come off the elevator."
"Thank you so much," Jane said. Nurse McCormack winked at Jane and headed back to the nurses' station.
Jane turned and addressed the room. "Okay, we got about 20 minutes." She paused to gather her thoughts. "I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you all for helping me today." She looked at the faces of her family before her. "Thank you all for being here and for always supporting me – supporting us. Thank you for being here for Maura. I love you guys."
Angela was sobbing when she pulled Jane into a hug. Jane was pretty sure she saw all the guys wipe tears from their eyes too. They took a few moments for hugs and pictures before they put on the finishing touches. No sooner were they ready than they heard the knock pattern on the door.
"Okay, that's it," Jane whisper yelled. "Everyone get ready!"
Jane could barely hear the Christmas music over the pounding of her heart in her ears. She was so excited for Maura to see her room. Jane lay in Maura's bed, while everyone else stood around the room. Frost and Tommy each had their cell phones out, ready to record Maura's entrance.
The nurse wheeled Maura out of the elevator, past the nurses' station and to her door. Maura was a little confused when the nurse left her there and just walked away, without taking her into her room. Nurse McCormack watched and laughed at Maura's confusion. Maura eventually shook her head, stood up, and walked into her room.
The glow of the lights and the Christmas music is what Maura noticed first as she just barely opened the door. She walked fully into the room and gasped.
"Oh my…" Maura placed her hand over her mouth. The tears were immediate. She stood and took in the room. She was speechless. There, standing before her, each person in a matching Christmas adult onesie and Santa hat – were the people she loved most in the world. She smiled through her tears. She didn't know what to think or say. She was overcome with emotion and love.
Then she watched as one by one, each person said, "Merry Christmas, Maura."
"Merry Christmas, everyone," Maura said through her tears. She could barely get the words out.
Jane moved from the bed and took Maura in her arms. Maura held Jane tightly and sobbed into the nook between Jane's neck and shoulder. Jane wrapped her arms around Maura's waist and pulled her even closer as she whispered into her ear.
"I love you so much. You are and always will be my everything. My heart belongs to you. It always has. Merry Christmas, Maura."
Maura shook with another sob as she pulled on Jane's onesie, trying to get the detective even closer to her, frustrated that her left arm was in the way. Jane smiled and kissed the side of Maura's head. Angela walked over and put her arms around Jane and Maura. Then Frankie did the same. Tommy followed. Then Frost. And finally Korsak. The group stood embracing each other, slowly swaying to the soft Christmas music for several minutes.
The group hug eventually broke apart and everyone took a seat around the room in the extra chairs they had brought.
"Thank you all so much for doing this," Maura said as she continued to wipe tears from her eyes. "It's so thoughtful and it means so much. I don't have the words to tell you how much."
"You're very special to all of us, sweetheart," Angela offered. "We loved doing this for you." The other visitors nodded their head in agreement.
"I figure anyone who can put up with our sister deserves an abundance of holiday cheer," Frankie teased.
"At the very least!" Tommy added.
"Hey!" Jane yelled as the room filled with laughter.
"We should be the ones thanking you, Maura," Frost chuckled.
"That's enough! Don't you dare, Korsak!" Jane saw Korsak about to add to the teasing. He put his hands up in surrender and tried to contain his laughter.
Maura watched the exchange and felt thankful to be a part of it.
"Maur, how did the tests go? What did the doctor say?" Jane was quick to change the subject.
"Oh!" With all of the excitement, Maura had completely forgotten her good news. "The tests all came back clear. I should be able to go home tomorrow!"
The room erupted into cheers and applause.
"This calls for a toast!" Korsak said. He grabbed the eggnog from the cooler they brought, along with the paper cups. Maura eyed him suspiciously, clearly wondering if consuming alcohol in her hospital room was the best idea. He winked in her direction. "Don't worry. It's non-alcoholic."
The group toasted to Maura's good news before settling back in their chairs to spend a bit more of the afternoon together.
Maura hugged everyone as tightly as she could with just one arm as they left her room. Wishes for a Merry Christmas and lots of "see you tomorrows" were shared as everyone departed. The group had left that afternoon, only to return a few hours later with all the food they could carry. Maura couldn't remember the last time she ate so much. She knew tomorrow's Christmas Day dinner would be even more extravagant.
Jane walked over to Maura as soon as everyone had left and wrapped her arms around the doctor's waist.
"Did you have a good Christmas Eve?" Jane smiled adoringly down at her girlfriend.
Maura took a deep breath and leaned further into Jane. She basked in the complete happiness of the moment.
"I had the best Christmas Eve."
Jane hummed in agreement before leaning forward and capturing Maura's lips in a soft kiss.
Maura watched as Jane moved towards her cot once the women had gotten ready for bed.
"Where are you going? Come over here with me."
"Are you sure? What about your arm?"
"It's okay. Just lay on my right side."
Jane's face broke out into a wide smile as she bounced over to Maura's bed. Maura laughed and shook her head. Jane crawled onto the bed, resting her head on Maura's chest and draping a leg over the doctor's.
Jane wiggled a little bit for emphasis. "Very."
"You're like a little kid on Christmas morning," Maura laughed.
"You love it."
"I do."
The women were quiet as Maura ran her fingers through Jane's hair. The glow of the Christmas lights that Maura wouldn't let Jane turn off still filled the room.
"I can't thank you enough for today. It was perfect. I loved every minute of it. No one has ever made me feel as loved and as cherished as you do."
"You deserve it, Maur. You deserve so much."
"You know I feel the same way, right?"
Jane lifted her head slightly so she could look into Maura's eyes. "Hmm?"
"What you said earlier. I feel the same way." Maura stared into the dark brown eyes she loved so much. "You are my everything, Jane. My heart is yours." She leaned down and met Jane's lips in a passionate kiss. "I love you more than I ever thought possible. I can't wait to spend every Christmas for the rest of my life with you."
Jane captured Maura's lips once more. "I can't wait for that either. Merry Christmas, Maur. I love you."
"I love you too. Merry Christmas, sweetheart."