"Sakura, Naruto I'm sending you two out on a training mission." Tsunade spoke.

That what was said to the members of team 7. It had been 2 years since Naruto left the village. He was making progress on his training with Jiraiya. Everything was going according to plan. Until 3 days ago, Jiraiya suddenly told the blond that they were being called back to Konoha for a very important reason. Sakura on the other hand, has been training her tail off during this time. She was the apprentice of the Godaime Tsunade Senju. The pinkette was proud of being her apprentice. Sakura acceled in the medical field. Tsunade threw her into the fire as she had to learn how to think on her feet. Being a med-nin was stressful. It took so much of her time and energy to get where she was at right now. Tsunade even taught Sakura her strength technique. It was easy for the pinkette to say that she was confident in her abilities. Which is why she was confused as to what her master just told her and her blond teammate.

"Im sorry what?" Naruto asked.

"I said I'm sending you two out on a training trip." Tsunade repeated.

"...but I was just out on my training trip with ero-sennin." Naruto told her.

"Exactly, while Jiraiya hasn't taught you everything he knows. From what he's told me through messages. You've come a long way." Tsunade said.

"So why?"

"Simple, me and Jiraiya both feel that you two can go even further. Both of us agreed that you two are only scratching the surface of your potential." Tsunade spoke again.

Neither Naruto or Sakura said anything. They didn't think that they had so much untapped potential. Sakura felt as she was close to reaching her peak. She was tied for the second best medic in Konoha with Shizune. So she could not understand what her master was saying.

As if she was read like a book. "I know what you are thinking Sakura. I meant what I said. You may think you're close to reaching your peak. But that's far from true. In fact, If I were your age and had the same skills I had when I was your age. You would destroy me with ease, I didn't reach your level until my early to mid twenties. You have much and I mean much untapped potential Sakura. Then there's you Naruto, you have the potential to be the strongest shinobi that Konoha has ever produced. You have massive reserves even without your tenant's chakra. You even mastered the rasengan in a week at the age of twelve. Trust me you two will possibly be the greatest duo in the elemental lands." Tsunade said.

Sakura was shocked that her sensei really believe she still had that much room to grow. A fire was lit under her to prove her master right. Naruto felt that same fire but had another question. "So where is ero-sennin? Isn't he going to be with us?"

To his surprise, Tsunade shook her head. "No, another reason why I called you back is because I need Jiraiya for an important long-term mission. He's already out of the village. You two will be going on this trip alone."

Naruto sighed. "Damn pervert, he could've at least said bye."

"You two will have around about two years. I'm hoping you will be back around that time. Naruto everybody in your class has been promoted to chunin. So as of right now I'm promoting you to chunin as well. Sakura I believe you have the capability of taking Iryƍ Ninjutsu to new levels. I've taught you all that I can. When you come back, I want to see that you have bloomed even more than you already have." Tsunade ended in a soft tone.

"Hai Tsunade-sensei!" Sakura voiced with determination.

"Wait Sakura do you know about my...tenant?" Naruto asked cautiously.

Sakura smiled at him. "You mean how you're the jinchuuriki to the Kyuubi? Yeah I've known for awhile now. Don't you get to thinking that I think of you any differently. You are still Naruto Uzumaki, not a giant rampaging fox." Sakura's opinion of Naruto changed over the last two years. Instead of Sasuke, a lot of her thoughts have been thinking of the blond next to her. She had remembered when Sasuke told her that it was Naruto who saved her from Gaara. Sasuke said that Naruto displayed a strength that Sasuke has never seen before. It was all to save her. Once she came to full terms with that. Her heart would skip a beat whenever she thought of Naruto. Then Sakura also had a suspicion over a certain incident that occurred around the time Team 7 was born. The day where Sasuke complimented her forehead. It was what made her fall even harder for the Uchiha. Although as Sakura got older. The more she thought about that day. The more she doubted that it was actually Sasuke who said that to her. Because the look eyes of who she had assumed was Sasuke. Reminded her so much of Naruto. Then the blond knucklehead made one of his promises of a lifetime to her. He promised that he would bring Sasuke back. While it would be nice to have her old teammate back. She could honestly care less if he did come back.

Sakura cared more for Naruto's well being than she did for Sasuke. She did not want Naruto to go get himself killed all because of her young idiotic self asking him to bring Sasuke back to her. Sakura did know if she would be able to fully forgive the Uchiha for leaving her and Naruto.

She was broken out of her thoughts when she heard Naruto speak up again. "Well I might as well tell you this now so it won't be a surprise later. Baa-chan, Sakura-chan I plan on rebuilding Uzushio."

Tsunade and Sakura's eyes widened hearing this. Tsunade knew very much of her Uzumaki heritage. Sakura knew a good amount of about the Uzumaki clan because Tsunade had taught her about them. She was amazed at how it took 3 of the great nations to eliminate one hidden village. And yet those three great nations barely won against that single village. All because of how powerful the Uzumaki's were.

"Well..this is unexpected. What brought this on?" Tsunade asked.

The blond teenager sighed. "Awhile ago I had a dream, well I thought it was a dream. But I was able to learn how my parents were. In that dream I met my mother Kushina Uzumaki."

The Godaime was shocked yet scared at the same time. She was shocked that Naruto knew of his heritage. It made her wonder why Jiraiya didn't tell her if this. Tsunade figured that the old pervert did not know that Naruto knew who he was. She was scared of his reaction. Tsunade wouldn't be able to take it if Naruto hated her.

"N-Naruto I'm sorry that I-" Tsunade was cut off when Naruto raised his hand. He had a smile on his face.

"I'm not mad at you baa-chan or anyone for that matter. I know why I was not told. It makes sense although I do wish I was told earlier. At least before I left the village two years ago. But that's in the past. Anyways, I was able to learn a great deal about my clan from my mother. I want to rebuild her former home. Hopefully there's some Uzumaki members out there who survived. While I still want to be hokage. I feel like I should be the Uzukage instead. I hope you aren't too mad about this baa-chan."

Tsunade shook her head. "No no not at all. In fact I'm happy you're doing this. As soon as the village is rebuilt I'm going to be joining. I'll be one of your advisors." Tsunade smiled.

Both Sakura and Naruto were caught off guard hearing what Tsunade said. "Ok...what?" Naruto said.

Tsunade sighed. "Naruto, Sakura I know you two must be very confused right now. While you may think Konoha is better than all of the other villages. We aren't that much different in all honesty. It's a heavy darkness that's within this village. The same village that my grandfather built with his own two hands has been corrupted for several years now. While most villages are like this. Konoha was not meant to be that type of village. I'm tired of seeing children go to war. You guys are lucky that you have yet to encounter a real war yet. The invasion by Orochimaru was intense don't get me wrong. But it's nothing compared to real actual war. I only agreed to take this position because of you Naruto. While I believe you can become hokage. The villagers don't deserve you as their leader after what they put you through as a child. So since you are aiming to become Uzukage. I will not lead a village that is not what my grandfather envisioned. He wanted peace between all nations. With Konoha being the standard role model. As soon as that village is up and running. I'm out of here with Shizune and Tonton."

Sakura quickly spoke up. "I'm going to join too Naruto. In fact I'm going to help you rebuild it!"

Naruto was speechless. He didn't expect Sakura to be willing to help him achieve his goal. It made his feelings for her intensify greatly. "B-But Sakura-chan what about your parents?"

"They died a year ago Naruto. They were traveling as merchants one day. Only to encounter a group of bandits who killed them." Sakura informed her teammate.

The blond was shocked. "Oh wow, I-I'm so sorry to hear that Sakura-chan." Naruto felt bad for her.

He was surprised though when the pinkette just waved him off. "Thank you Naruto, but don't worry about it. I had a whole year to grieve over them. I've accepted what happened. So please don't feel bad for me." She told him.

Naruto nodded. He was glad that Sakura was able to get passed that pain. He wished he could've been her for her during that time. It made him glad that he would be there for her for now on.

"I will be your assistant or right hand. I promise that I will do anything in my power to help you." Sakura voiced with determination.

Hearing the tone of her voice touched Naruto deeply. He had to stop himself from blushing. "Thank you Sakura-chan. I'm going to be relying on you since it will only be me and you starting off."

Sakura smiled at him. "No problem."

"Well since that is out of the way. I still advise you two to focus on your training. I'm serious when I say the next time I see you. I want both of you to be more powerful than you already are." Tsunade said. "Now go pack up, I want you two out of here as fast as you can. You should have at least a year before the akatsuki start making any big moves according to Jiraiya's intel. But still be careful out there." The Godaime got up and brought both chunin into a motherly hug. "You two are like my own children along with Shizune. I will be worried sick about you. But I know you'll come back alive. I expect to hear from you two at least once every so often. I really love you brats as if you were my own." Tsunade voiced in a motherly tone.

Both Sakura and Naruto had tears in their eyes. Sakura cried softly into Tsunade's shoulder. Naruto had his eyes shut tightly. It made him feel warm inside hearing that Tsunade saw him as her son. Sakura was honored by Tsunade's words.

After their tearful goodbye. Naruto and Sakura went to pack up their clothes along with anything else they needed. Although Naruto had only been back for a day. So he didn't really need to pack up much since most of his stuff was still packed.

About an hour later, the two were at the main gate. Staring ahead of the trail in front of them. Naruto looked at Sakura with a smirk. "You ready Sakura-chan?"

Sakura returned his smirk. "I'm so ready that I'm shaking with excitement. I will miss the village. And I do feel bad that I couldn't tell Ino goodbye. She will definitely scold me about it when we return."

"Yeah I feel bad that I didn't get to see anybody. While I'm happy that I'm with you. I still do miss everybody else." Naruto admitted.

He didn't catch Sakura's light blush when he said that he was happy that he was with her. It made Sakura's heart beat accelerate really fast. She shook off her blush and smiled at her teammate. "I'm happy to be back with you as well Naruto. You don't know how many times I have thought about you over the last couple years. Honestly, it hasn't been the same since you left."

Unfortunately for Naruto, Sakura did catch him blushing slightly. She could tell he was trying to fight it off. It was funny seeing him act this way.

The two teammates of team 7 took one last look of Konoha. Before setting out to their trip. Neither of them had the slightest clue to the legends they were about to become in this crazy world of the shinobi.