This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Miss Peregrine's world, which is trademarked by Ransom Riggs. All characters are those created and owned by Riggs and I do not claim any ownership over them or the world of Miss Peregrines. The stories I tell here are for entertainment only and are not part of the official story line.

To my dearest Abe,

This is my final letter to you. I'm not entirely sure why you needed to know this; I've never sent any post to you after you sent me the news of your latest marriage and child. I've still been writing letters though, sealing them, writing the address and putting on a stamp. They just sit in my box with all my letters from you, ready to send if I wanted to. I never do.

And I think now I've finally let go of your ghost. For years I could feel it following me around, watching me. You would always be on the back of my mind and be sitting like a weight on my chest. It hurt but I couldn't stop hoping that you would come back. The day I met Jacob Portman was the first day for nearly seventy years that I didn't wish you were here.

I knew he was your grandson; he is so alike and so different to you in every single way possible. I didn't want to believe it at first though. I know how you kept your secrets to yourself- I know you. The day that Jake found out about us was bound to be the day you died. So I pretended you were just at the pub, running to catch us up. I made up a story like we did when we were younger. I said he was a wight and imagined you swooping into save me like Robin Hood or some other fairy-tale hero. But, in the back of my mind, I knew it was not real and that he carried your death notice as a heavy weight on his heart.

I listened outside the door as he was talking to The Bird. No one would have found out if I could have held myself together, I couldn't though. My love for you was too strong. And I believe that in my entire life I have not cried with as much grief and sorrow for anyone as I did that day for you Abe.

Then I met Jake. At first I felt as though he was a replacement for you until I truly realised what an extraordinary young boy he was. Then I didn't think about you at all. I found a new light to my life and a reason for my fire to burn. I returned to Florida with him and we kissed in the warm American night.

It was odd, seeing the place where you had lived for so many years without me and the places we had planned to go together. I found out about your other loves, the ones you had while you were still writing to me. I have to say that it was at that moment when I first hated you with all of my heart. Your ghost had returned and it is spoiling my love for Jake. You are back on my mind and I know that I need to write to you one last time. I need to be set free of this burden and live on as I know you would have wanted me to.

So I tell you now, don't worry for Jake as I shall take care of him. And this letter is to Abraham Portman, whom I love very dearly with the entirety of my heart, but I must leave this deep affection to rest for I know you can never return it in the same way.

Thank you for all the happy times,

Yours always and forever,

Emma Bloom X