Short Introduction:

Leia paced back and forth, impatiently waiting. She grew more and more anxious by the minute.

"Why isn't he with us Luke? He was a Jedi he should be a force ghost shouldn't he? Why isn't he here?"

She slowly sunk to the floor, clutching her knees.

Finally she had a chance to properly talk to her son again, Ben Solo after all these years. Perhaps not under the best circumstances, I am sure neither of them would have liked to be reunited as force ghosts but any chance she had to see him again she would take.

Luke let out a shallow breath and positioned himself to sit next to Leia.

He glanced over to a nearby table to see a young teenage version of his father Anakin and Obi-wan playing Dejarik, laughing and firing friendly banter at one another.

He wrapped an arm around Leia's shoulder and playfully pinched her cheek.

"I am sure Ben will be here soon. The force is strong with him Leia, no doubt he will come."

Luke was never good at lying, especially to Leia.

In truth, he had no idea where Ben was.

Usually you can sense their presence in the force, but no trace of Ben could be sensed ever since he became one with the force.

Luke held out his right hand, his left arm still clutched tightly around his sister, as he cleared a path in his view, envisioning Rey.

He saw her in the Millennium Falcon, making final adjustments to her golden lightsabre based off her quarterstaff.

She worked in silence with such focus and intent, nothing could distract her, not even Chewbacca's snoring he could hear.

A light smile touched the corner of his lips, some things never change.

Rey stood, igniting her double ended lightsabre, twirling it delicately in her palm.

He must admit, that lightsabre does suit her and was very well crafted, he was impressed.

His blood ran cold as he watched Rey's eyes darken, dropping the lightsabre and clutching her heart.

She fell to the ground, her breath doubling its speed as sweat trickled down her forehead.

Luke heard Chewie awake from his sleep and run to her side, swiftly picking her up and placing her on the nearest bed.

Chewie ran to grab some towels and water to clean her face, grasping her hand for support.

"I'm fine Chewie, really, I just need some sleep."

"What has gotten into her?" Luke heard Leia say as her head rose from sulking position.

"It's something to do with your son, I believe"

Luke and Leia's heads snapped towards a shadow right behind them.

Yoda waltzed out from his hiding spot, walking in front of Luke to grab Leia's hand.

"Because of young Rey, the boy hasn't returned. Two halves of one, they are. One lives, so must the other."

Luke's breath stopped, he had studied this kind of connection before but never thought it would appear again after…

"So Master Yoda… are you saying Rey and Ben are…?"

"Mm they are, yes."

Leia squeezed Yoda's hand tighter.

"My son… where is he?"

"Know, I do not. But dead is he? No."

Leia stood abruptly and walked closer to the vision of sleeping Rey, leaning down to kiss her head.

A slight smile brushed Rey's lips and faded ever so quickly.

"If my son is barely alive that must be causing Rey's life force to die out as well. There will be no Jedi if Rey perishes like Ben."

Yoda wiggled his hips slightly as he nodded slowly.

"Correct you are. But… way to save them, I know."