Uploaded: 19/12/2019
As the sun rose over the waters of Vale, a freight vessel came into the harbour and docked, belonging to a salty sea dog named Ahab. With hefty 'heave-ho's, his crew got to work lowering their international goods for transport. But as they strived to do so, the door leading below deck swung open and out stepped a young man, in a uniform unbefitting of his situation and carrying a simple brown duffle bag.
He looked to be around 16 years old, with a brown mop of hair, purple eyes and was dressed in a black, double-breasted gakuran with golden trim and a silver collar pin, which looked like a heraldic lion holding a sword. On his left shoulder, the sleeve of his uniform was silver, the heraldic beast embroidered in jet black. As he stepped onto the deck, he took a look around and surveyed his surroundings.
The stench of fish hung heavy in the air and his nose perked up as it caught a whiff. He quickly recoiled in disgust, so much that his extrahumanly features made themselves known. A pair of round, grey, feline ears flicked up in a knee-jerk response, disgust evident.
'Ugh. Keep it together Rolo! 10 seconds onto a Valian soil and you already lose focus! Remember, deep breaths. Big Brother is counting on you.' He exhaled, letting his tension go.
'At least you made it. Now, all you need to do is-'
He was brought out of his mental musings by Ahab, who clapped the scrawny boy on his shoulder and loosed a deep, throaty laugh.
"Well boy, I 'ad me doubts with yer size and all but after seeing what you did to those kelpies? Whoo! Absolutely amazin!"
"It was nothing, Mr Ahab!" squeaked the boy. "I was only doing what was needed!"
At his reply, the captain deflated, his previous expression of joy replaced by one of just irritation.
"How many times do I 'ave to tell ye!? It's CAPTAIN Ahab. Not "Mister", not "Sir" and certainly not that prissy "Lord" crap! IT'S CAPTAIN YE HEAR ME?!" screamed the sailor as he shook the boy by his collar, spittle spraying like sea mist.
"y-y-y-y-YES CAPTAIN!" stammered the boy. Satisfied, the captain released Rolo, and with a sigh, remarked, "Good ta see at least one of the lessons I taught you is stuck in there."
"NOW, where was I? Ah yes, after seeing what you can do, are you sure you don't want to become a part of the crew? It pays well, is a stable job and you get a family too."
With a comforting smile, Rolo calmly replied, "Like I've told you before captain, as nice as it sounds, my duty is to defend my people and country first from the Grimm. So I'm sorry but the answer is still no." At that, the old sailor seemed to wilt, his bushy grey beard apparently...losing colour?
"It's such a waste though" the captain sulked. Rolo could not help but gawk at the grizzled seafarer. Was he pouting?
"HOWEVER" the schoolboy interjected. "When I become a full-fledged Huntsman, I'll keep an eye out for any escort missions assigned to a vessel called the 'Pequod'. It's the least I could do after all you've done for me, letting me join you for a month onboard your ship and all."
At that, Ahab's face brightened up. "HA! I'll hold you to that boy!", he exclaimed as he delivered another clap to Rolo's back, making the boy stumble.
As he straightened himself out, Rolo cleared his throat and said to the sailor, "Well captain, I'm afraid that we have to part ways from here. Can't be late with my meeting after all."
With a huff, the captain replied, "Yes, well, off you go then boy. My best of luck to ye! I hope to see you back on this ship in a few years time!" With a wave, the captain turned back to supervise his crew while Rolo walked down the gangplank, down the pier and onto the pavement to hail a taxi.
'Thank goodness it's early morning' sighed Rolo inwardly as a yellow cab pulled up in front of him. As he stepped into the car, the driver questioned with a gruff voice, "Where to, kid?", squinting through the mirror.
"Um, the bullhead docks please!". With a nod and a brief "alright", the taxi drove down to its destination, Rolo looked out the window and took in the sights as downtown Vale as shops and cafes opened, the city beginning to stir itself awake.
'It really is like they say huh? Even though you've seen it in books and postcards, it can never compare to seeing it in person' Rolo thought to himself. With a deep breath, he focused on the task at hand. 'Right, now all I need to do is just go meet with-'
-Beacon Tower-
"-Headmaster Ozpin, it's a pleasure to finally meet you" greeted Rolo. He would've liked to marvel at the clock tower's architecture, from its gigantic gears to the clear view of the courtyard it gave from on high. But he was currently focused on the man in front of him.
"Hello, young man. You must be Rolo Lamperouge correct? Of the diplomatic effort?" questioned the Professor.
"Yes sir" replied Rolo.
"Aren't you supposed to be with your team? Surely it can only function at its best with all four members present?" prodded Ozpin. The boy seemed harmless but trickery, which he did not personally frown upon, was something that was always considered ever since Amber was ambushed. They had to be on guard. With a relatively unknown nation and that woman gathering pawns, he could not afford to overlook people.
"Unfortunately sir, my team were caught up in an assignment after a training exercise in one of the shared islands, one deemed too risky for my lack of experience. Seeing as to how they would be behind schedule with the mission, they decided to send me ahead to ensure that the diplomatic mission arrived punctually, if only somewhat. I send their regards and have the official treaty between Vale and Britannia, ensuring bilateral ties for the next few years." said Rolo. He had been practising his lines for a week!
"And you came in on a freighter?" questioned Glynda Goodwitch. She was the vice headmistress and a stern woman, her riding crop wielded with such dexterity that it promised pain to all who defied her, her towering height of 6 foot adding to her terrifying demeanour. At the moment she stood to Ozpin's right. She studied the boy with suspicion as Ozpin received the agreement for later presentation to the council.
Rolo gulped as he fought himself to stay standing under her gaze. "They thought it best for me to experience maritime travel by myself whilst doing the mission. It was a two birds-one stone mindset." With a huff, Glynda begrudgingly nodded, accepting his otherwise shaky reasoning.
"Nonetheless, I am glad that you have arrived safely and am happy to invite you to enjoy Beacon's facilities. I must say, young man, you are making a good first impression for your country. Just in time too. With huntsmen students gathering for the Vytal Festival and the school dance just this weekend, all the kingdoms' youth will be on display. So, keep it up!" encouraged Ozpin. Rolo blushed at the praise and stammered, "Th-thank you, sir!".
With a light chuckle, the Professor sipped his drink before speaking. "Now, now, Mr Lamperouge, no need to be so tense. Despite the tumultuous ties between the Kingdoms currently, I can assure you that you will not be harmed outside of sparring sessions and the festival itself. You have my word."
Ozpin smiled as the boy deflated, his previous tensions, fear and nervousness now gone. "Thank you for the kind words sir," replied Rolo.
" 'Tis no problem in the slightest young man. Now I think you should get some rest. Try our guest dormitories. I assure you that you will sleep better than on a ship" said Ozpin with a wry smile.
"Thank you sir. I'll take my leave. Professor Ozpin, Professor Goodwitch." Rolo bowed to each of them before he made his way to the lift. With a soft *ding* the doors slid open, the Britannian stepping in and pressing the ground floor button. As they closed, Ozpin shouted, "Do remember that guest lodgings are in the eastern wing of the school!"
"Thank you!" shouted back Rolo as the doors shut.
As the lift descended, Ozpin let a smirk crawl onto his face. "Professor, are you sure about this? The boy can't be trusted!" protested Professor Goodwitch.
"I know Glynda, but please you must understand that his homeland's participation in the tournament is one step closer to gaining their trust and by doing so, another ally against the Queen. For the sake of peace, please treat him and his comrades as any other visiting student. We must show our trust in them for them to trust us." explained Ozpin.
With a slump of her shoulders a "Yes, Professor" ground itself out. Ozpin only smiled and replied, "I know it is difficult but we can pull through this Glynda. Now, please do have some breakfast and get some rest. I can see you wilting from the all-night marking." chuckled Ozpin.
As his vice headmistress dragged herself to the elevator, his eyes narrowed. 'I know your game, boy, for I have played it thousands of times myself. I will be nice for peace's sake but take one step against my home or my students and you will know pain' thought Ozpin as he swivelled out to face the window. The students seemed to be doing fine. Especially Teams RWBY and JNPR. He was sure that with Britannians involved, the tournament would be exciting, to say the least.
-Meanwhile, with Rolo-
Rolo took several deep breaths as he tried to calm himself. Ozpin was every bit as scary as Lelouch said! After he steadied his racing heart, he pulled out a tiny flashdrive from his breast pocket. A simple, sleek black stick with a tiny cartridge of a fire-electric dust blend placed inside.
Staring at the bit of plastic, he recited in his head 'Stage 1 is complete. Stage 2, Cleaning Service, is go.' As he inserted it back into his school uniform, he let out a yawn and stretched his back, audible pops echoing in the lift. 'I can't wait to get to bed', he thought as he readjusted his grip on the bag.
'Just remember to be inconspicuous Rolo. Be a background character'. His brother's words echoed in his mind as he slogged his way to his room. Flopping onto the bed, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep contentedly.