This is officially my last fanfiction ever. I'm retiring from both Deviantart and Fanfiction to pursue my career as an author.

And important notice: I am no longer interested in Sonic, Loud House, My Little Pony, and all the other fandoms I was associated with. I have outgrown them and moved on. In fact, I have already moved on from everything that's in the past now. Now, I'm focusing on my writing since I'm taking this into a career and to become an author.

I know this one is short, but like I said, I am not interest in Fanfiction anymore. I'm too focused on what's more important for me now.

I just want to thank you all for reading my works here and in Deviantart. I wish you all a blessed day. Goodbye.

Say Goodbye

"Do you really have to go?"

"Yes. I have to."

"But—what about us?"

"There will be time for us. I promise you."

"It won't be the same."

"I know."

"I'm really going to miss you. I'm going to miss the way you use your hammer, the way you ran into me to give me death hugs. Those were good times."

"It is. But that's in the past now. What's in the past, stays in the past."

"What about our friends?"

"Just because we're going to be far away, doesn't mean our friendships will break apart."

"It won't be the same without you."

"I know. But—I have to go. It's time."

Sonic and Amy Rose look back at the plane behind them. Amy has her suitcase in her hand and her backpack strapped onto herself.

"Will you come back?" Sonic asks.

"I will try. Promise." Amy replies.

The pilot gives Amy the signal that they are about to depart. Amy signals him back that she needs another minute.

"We're going to miss you."

"I'll miss all of you, too."

Sonic and Amy make eye contact for what seems to be eternal. Then, they bring together for their one last embrace. Tears well in between their eyes. They break apart to make another eye contact. Without any hesitation—Sonic and Amy kiss, one last time.

The kiss is passionate and lasts for only three seconds. They break apart again.

"Goodbye, Amy Rose. I'll never forget you." Sonic tearfully says.

Amy tries to let out a smile. "Same here." She lays her palm on Sonic's cheek. "Goodbye, Sonic the Hedgehog. I love you."

"I love you, too."

Sonic and Amy kiss one last time before making their long eye contact again. Amy looks behind Sonic, and she can see the rest of their friends behind him: Cream, Tails, Silver, Blaze, Knuckles, Tikal, Shadow and Rouge. They all look at her in sorrow.

Amy lets out a smile as she makes eye contact with all of them. "Goodbye, everyone. I'll never forget you all."

Amy lets go and taking her necessities, she turns around to the plane. She takes the steps up to the door.

At the top steps, Amy turns her head back to take one last look.

Everyone is waving their tearful goodbyes to her. Including Sonic. Amy waves at them back.

"Goodbye. Thanks for everything." Amy says her final words to them.

By the time their goodbyes are done—Amy turns back to the plane and enters. The plane door closes.

She takes a seat next to the window. She stares through the window to take one more look of her friends—and her boyfriend, Sonic. She continues to stare through.

The plane prepares for takeoff and finally…

They leave the landing, taking Amy Rose in the air for her to move on.

Everyone stays in their positions as the plane takes off until it is no longer in sight.

Sonic continues to stare at the plane flying towards the skies until it is no longer in sight. He lets out one last teardrop.

"Good luck, Amy Rose. I love you."