The chopper touches the ground on China's side. Everyone was thinking that it was Chinese soldiers. The door of the chopper opens and there sitting next to the pilot is... "FELLAS" Alvin and his brothers are astonished and they begin to feel tears of joy running down their cheeks. Is it him? Is it really him? "DAVE?" That's right. It was their adoptive father. He was getting out of the helicopter and jumps in to the river with his clothes on. The girls look at each other and then back at the boys to see them running to their father.

By the way, you're probably wondering why the chopper didn't land on North Korea's side, well it's because the people controlling the chopper didn't want to be seen being in that territory by North Korean soldiers nor be detected by their radars. Dave who quickly entered North Korea, is given a bear hug from the boys. "Dave? How did you... Where did you... When did-" "Guys I'll explain everything later. Right now the South Koreans are waiting for us to get in the chopper. Let's go" said Dave before trying to pull the boys by their hands but, the boys refuse to leave. The boys didn't want to leave their friends. "Dave, can they come with us? They want to defect their home" said Theodore with a pleading look.

Dave looks at the North Koreans as he thinks. They seemed friendly and looked like they really wanted to leave. Dave smiles and says "Do you guys want to come with us? The chopper will take us to South Korea where freedoms exists. Once you guys get there you'll automatically become South Korean citizens. So what do you say?" Brittany and her sisters think for a few seconds before they smile happily. "If the boys are going? Then so are we" they then approach Dave who shakes their hands. Alvin and his brothers look at Ariel and Diego to see them thinking. "Guys, aren't you coming?" asked Simon.

Ariel and her dad smile and say "We do want to come but, it's just so hard to believe that this is a good chance to escape. Are we dreaming right now?" Everyone chuckles. Dave approaches them and says "trust me. You guys aren't dreaming. Now let's go before-" "남한 꼭두각시 중지" Uh oh. Everyone turns around to see hundreds of North Korean soldiers running towards them. Everyone is horrified by this. "EVERYBODY GET IN THE CHOPPER" yelled Dave. Everyone jumps in the Yalu river and begin to swim towards China.

The soldiers were getting closer and closer to the defectors. They were scared but determined to escape. Is was either freedom or death for them. When they aproach the chopper, they let all the girls go in first. Then the boys got in. Once everyone was inside the chopper, they begins to fly. Meanwhile the North Korean soldiers arrived at the boarder and they began to fire. But unfortunately for them, the bullets weren't damaging the chopper because it had armor and it was bullet proof. The chopper was now high in the air as it made its way to the south. Everyone was quiet but happy in the chopper. They were free... They were finally free. The nightmares, the torture, the lies, the propaganda, has now ended. No more Kim Jong Un. The North Korean defectors smelled the air. It was the smell of freedom.

Brittany, Jeanette, Eleanor, Ariel, and Diego look out the window to take one last look at North Korea. Images of what they went through were replaying in their minds. Each of them had tears. The darkness around them is gone now. Suddenly Brittany and her sisters felt a hand on their shoulders. They turn around to see their counterparts with compassionate smiles on their faces. The girls wipe out their tears before hugging their counterparts. Dave, Ariel and Diego smile at Alvin and his brothers and Brittany and her sisters.

A week later

The girls and the boys had been staying at apartments. The North Korean defectors get to stay there for a year for free. Courtesy of the South Korean government. The defectors appeared on interviews in front of cameras for billions of people to watch. They talked about the horrible things they went through when they lived in North Korea. The lies and propaganda. It was all BS. None of it was true. Brittany, her sisters and Ariel were going to go to school in a few weeks. Although they were way behind from girls their age, they still wanted to learn what South Korean students learn. Diego, decided not to go to school. Instead he was going to church. He wanted to be a preacher and help other North Koreans who want to defect. Alvin, Simon and Theodore appeared on interviews to. They told the world that they were kidnapped by North Koreas secret service. Also Dave told them about his disappearance. Dave said that he was drugged when he was getting some water bottles for his boys who were performing. He said that when he woke up, he was in a prison camp in North Korea. He said that he wasn't beaten but, he wasn't fed. Dave also said how he escaped. He pretended that he was dying so, the soldiers stupidly believed Dave had a disease that was killing him so they took him out of the prison camp and left him on the street.

Dave said that, when night time came, he slowly and carefully escaped to the South. Dave knew that his boys were probably in the North so, he informed the South Korean people about his boys being trapped in North Korea. Dave was kidnapped in the first place because he was going to be forced to create songs related to Kim jong un family and songs about North Korea for his boys to sing. Anyway, the boys found out how Ariel found them. She told them that she was at the museum that the boys were in. She disguised herself as one of the scientists. She kept an eye on the boys without them realizing. With the help of her dad, they hijacked one of the helicopters and used it to find the boys.

Two months later

They waited and yes, it was their turn to. The boys and Dave grab their bags before looking at their friends. Alvin, Simon, and Theodore tried not to cry but it was hard not to. They were sad. They were leaving. They were going to return home. Brittany approaches Alvin and says "I guess this is goodbye" she said. She felt pain in her chest. Her friend, actually her best friend was leaving. Her tears were ruining her mascara. Alvin touches her tears with his thumb. "Britt, cheer up. I... I promise you that I will return soon. I won't forget you. You're my best friend and I won't abandon you. I will come back soon" said Alvin before hugging her.

Brittany does her best to stop herself from crying even more but, it was extremely hard. Brittany looks at his eyes and says "I wish I could come with you. Alvin, i'm going to miss you. If only I could forget about school-" "Britt don't say that. Look I admit I hate school as well. But, it's important for you to go than coming with me. We talked about this. You have to be going to school. You need to learn more about the real world that North korea wouldn't let you see" said Alvin. He hated himself for saying the word school. He hated that word. "But Alvin-" "Britt I will come back In a year. But the next time that I leave. You will come with me" said Alvin before kissing her on her forehead. Brittany sighs and nods. One year of not seeing Alvin was going to be very difficult for her. She felt like a big piece of her was leaving.

Meanwhile Jeanette and Simon were also saying their goodbyes. They were also crying. They were going to miss each other. "I'll see you in one year Jean. Don't worry, I'll call you everyday and we can talk on the phone. Also we can video chat if you want. We maybe far away from each other but, that doesn't mean we can't speak to each other" sad Simon who gently rubs her hair. Jeanette was sad that her best friend was leaving. She leans on his chest and says "Still it won't be the same" suddenly Simon kisses her on the cheek. The kiss was sweet and gentle. Jeanette blushes as she stared at his beautiful eyes. She decides to do the same. She kisses him on the cheek to.

Meanwhile with Theodore and Eleanor

"I'll see you soon again Ellie. You'll always be in my heart. I'll bring you lots of your favorite muffins and toaster waffles" said Theodore. His friend giggles and says "I wish you could stay. But I know that you go to school in America. My sisters and I are doing okay in school so far. Most of the South Koreans are nice but, a few dislike us for being North Koreans defectors. But my sisters and I ignore those kinds of people who aren't worth our time. Anyway, I'll see you in a year Theo" They then hug each other.

After saying goodbye to their counterparts, the boys approach Ariel who gives them a motherly hug. "I will see you soon my sweetums" said Ariel before kissing each other cheeks. She was like a mother and a sister to the boys. They then say their goodbyes to Diego. "Thank you for saving us Rambo guy" said Alvin before giving him a high five. Diego chuckles and says "no problem. You boys behave and please call us as soon as you get home" the boys nod before approaching Dave.

"Well, see you in one year everyone. Our plane is about to leave. Take care" said Dave as he waved at the South Koreans that used to be North Koreans. The boys wave at the girls.

The boys return home and couldn't wait for a year to go by. They wanted to see the girls again. This was like a roller coaster for them. However, they have come through. The next time the boys see girls, they will be surprised.

The end