All the main characters, main antagonists and best supporting characters were gathered around a fire, a safe five feet distance apart from each other so that they were neither gay nor infected with the ungodly Wuhan coronavirus. Suddenly, Vali chuckled.


"What's up, Vali?" his rival-best buddy, Issei, asked him curiously.

Then, the Great Red started laughing, too.

"Heh heh heh heh..."


Even the usually monotone Ouruboros chuckled.


Another laughter, this time from Tsukuyomi, which was followed by his son, which was carried on to Izanami and Amenominakanushi. Only the Darkness incarnated, Amatsu-Mikaboshi, remained just as confused as Issei was.

"Heh heh heh heh!"

"Hah hah hah hah...!"

" I missing a subtle joke here?"

"I...would know."

At that, everyone abruptly stopped their laughing and chuckling to look at the two incredously. Amenominakanushi had a particularly scary scoff on his face, that was further intensified by his monstrous appearance.

It is April...fools!

The whole room exploded once again with laughter.



The Above suddenly flew into the room, scribbling some words through the layers of space-time.

'Happy April Fools Day!'