Later that afternoon I am slowly packing the last of my things. I can't quite seem to shift the heaviness in my heart from my goodbye with Peeta and Holly.

The doorman calls telling me Plutarch is here. I let him in wanting to know why he leaked the story. I open the door to him with a pissed look on my face. But Plutarch is standing looking very apologetic on the other side.

"Katniss, I didn't leak the story. I promise you. It came from the top of Snow Records. I would have never let them leak the story if I had known," he says.

"Why should I believe you?" I reply with my arms crossed.

"Because I understand why you don't want to come to the twenty-fifth celebration. I'm sorry that I ever tried to pressurised you to come," he says.

It is the most sincere I have ever seen Plutarch look and even though part of me tells me that I have no reason to trust him, I believe him now. I uncross my arms and step aside to let him in.

"I accept your apology," I say.

Plutarch sighs in relief and steps into my apartment but his eyebrows furrow when he sees the suitcase in the hallway.

"You are really leaving the country? I thought you were being dramatic on the phone," he says.

I sigh as I look over at the suitcase.

"You saw the paparazzi outside the building. I need to get out and wait for all this all to die down," I reply.

Plutarch shakes his head.

"But what about that man and his adorable little daughter? You seemed pretty close to them," he says.

"We were just friendly towards each other," I reply.

But even as the words leave my lips I know it is a lie. Plutarch sighs as he steps towards me.

"Katniss, you have Christmas decorations up and were singing Rockin' Christmas Time. For the first time in a long time you looked happy," he says.

I shake my head but Plutarch carries on.

"You said you hated Christmas because of your dad's song but you actually hated it because you had no one to celebrate it with. You didn't let anyone in because you were afraid to get hurt again," he says.

I hang my head as Plutarch's words have a ring of truth to them. Since Dad died there hasn't been really anyone I've really cared about. My longest relationship of any kind has probably been with Plutarch. But it was easier to be alone than risk my heart again.

"Don't run away when you finally have a chance of some happiness again," Plutarch adds.

I lift my head up to look up at him.

"What if they don't want me anymore?" I reply.

I don't know if Peeta could ever forgive me for trying to run away. Not when I hurt Holly.

Plutarch places a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Katniss, a man doesn't let you get close to his daughter if he didn't have strong feelings for you," he replies.

I want to believe Plutarch but I'm not sure I'm brave enough to stay in Panem and face Peeta again.

"Peeta hated me when I spoke to him earlier today," I say.

"Then all the more reason to stay and to make it up to him," Plutarch says.

The next day I stand at the entrance of Holly's school and take a deep breath. The paparazzi are still outside my building but I've turned off social media and am refusing to look at the messages being sent to me. I have something more important to do today.

There are some cheery PTA types standing by the door wearing sparkly Christmas sweaters and reindeer antlers. They point me in the direction of the dressing rooms and I push my way through an excited crowd to get to them.

The school is covered in paper snowflake chains and various Christmas art. Hot chocolate is being served beside an enormous Christmas tree covered in colourful baubles decorated by the children. The teachers are all dressed in Santa hats and I have never seen so many sequins being worn in one room. Before this would have been my nightmare but I find I don't mind it as much when I have someone important to see.

When I reach the dressing room it is a hubbub of activity. Frantic parents dab their children's faces with face paint and glitter while others chase their half-dressed children around. I stand on my tiptoes to scan the room and eventually spot Peeta and Holly with her grandpa in the corner. Holly looks adorable in a red velvet dress and her favourite sparkly tights. She wears a little Santa hat and I'm glad her face is free of make-up. Once again a smile appears on my face.

Holly sees me first and jumps up as soon as she does.

"Katniss! You came!" she says as she flings her arms around me.

I wrap my arms around her too and savour the feel of her embrace for a moment before looking to Peeta. He looks a lot more wary than his daughter whch is to be expected. But Holly is demanding my attention so I bend down so I can speak to her properly.

"I'm sorry I said that I wasn't coming. I was being stupid. Your talent show is more important to me than a vacation," I say.

Holly smiles broadly at me.

"I'm so happy you are here! Dad and Grandpa can't hold the banner all by themselves," she says.

"I thought they would need some help. I can't wait to hear you sing," I reply.

"Will you help me practise one last time. I don't want to mess up," she says.

I nod my head as I squeeze her hands.

"You won't mess up. You are going to be amazing and get everyone smiling and dancing," I say.

Holly nods her head eagerly as she gives me another hug. As soon as she pulls back she orders me to sit down so I can watch her practise one last time. I do so happily as she opens her mouth to sing. Peeta doesn't say anything as he watches us both but I am very conscious of his stare as we practise. I know it will take longer for him to forgive me than Holly.

Eventually the teachers come through to announce that the show will be start soon. All parents with kids in the show get front row seats and Peeta bends down to give Holly a big hug before he leaves.

"I'm so proud of you, Holly. I can't wait to hear you sing," he says.

The two of them hold onto each other tightly with Peeta whispering encouraging words into his daughter's ear. Holly is giddy with excitement when they part and she waves at us as we leave. I wave back but Peeta doesn't speak to me until she is out of sight.

"Why did you stay?" he asks as we walk to our seats.

"Because you were right. Running away isn't going to solve anything," I reply.

Peeta turns to look at me, surprised I am admitting he's right.

"You told me that you and Holly have hardly let anyone new in since your wife died. I haven't let anyone new in since my dad did. But you and Holly, you have become the most important people in my life. That scares me a little bit but I also told you I wouldn't disappear. And I don't want to. I'm sorry that I told you I was," I continue.

Peeta's features soften but I'm not finished yet.

"I know it's going to take you a while to trust me again but I'm going to do everything I can to prove that you can. I don't want to be any other place but here," I finish.

Peeta stops and gives me a small smile.

"Thank you for being here for Holly. The rest can wait," he replies.

I smile back and nod my head. I'll take that for now.

As promised we get front row seats and clutch our banner tightly as we wait for Holly to come out. There is the usual mixture of cool gymnastic routines, magic tricks that don't quite work and way too many performances to the Frozen soundtracks but the kids all look cute and every performance is met with rapturous applause. When they finally announce Holly's name my heart is beating anxiously for her.

Peeta starts tapping his foot nervously as we wait for her and I reach over to give his hand a squeeze.

"You will be more nervous than her," I whisper in his ear.

Peeta turns to me with a smile and nod.

"I think you might be right. She loves an audience," he says.

We share a grin but her feet have stepped onto the stage and all three of us hoist up the banner and whoop and cheer loudly. Holly smiles as she comes on and soon spots our banner. She waves at us as she takes her spot and we lower the banner as the room quietens down for her to begin. Peeta and I share a glance just before she starts but Holly continues to smile and look confident. As soon as the first notes begins to play I know she is going to nail this.

I can't stop smiling throughout her performance and it doesn't take long for the rest of the audience to stand up and dance along. Holly is so confident as she sings clearly and sweetly and nails everyone one of her dance moves. She looks like she is having the time of her life and I may be biased but the applause sounds louder than for any of the other acts. Peeta raises his hands to his mouth to cheer loudly once she is finished and Holly waves at us again before taking her bow. Peeta doesn't stop cheering as she walks off the stage and once she has finally exited he reaches out to grab my hand.

"She was amazing! I can't believe my daughter just did that!" he says.

"She is something special," I agree, squeezing his hand back.

Peeta gives me a broad smile and I have never felt prouder of a person in my life.

Holly is in high spirits after the talent show. She didn't win. Some young ballet dancer danced to The Nutcracker and was amazing but it doesn't really matter. We all just live the high of Holly's performance.

"You need to come back for mince pies and hot chocolate!" Holly says tugging on my hand.

I look to Peeta to check this is okay.

"If your dad lets me," I say, a little nervous that he might say no.

But he smiles softly at me.

"Of course you can. I think I even have marshmallows for the hot chocolate," he says.

"Yay!" Holly says, jumping in delight.

I grin as she grabs both mine and Peeta's hand and Holly swings her arms between us as we make our way back to the bakery. I catch Peeta's eye as we walk and he gives me a smile that gives me hope that everything is going to be alright between us.

I didn't think we would ever get Holly into bed as she bounced around the room, re-enacting her earlier performance. Peeta and I watched it all with a smile on our faces and we couldn't help but laugh when she almost tripped over her own feet in one over enthusiastic spin. This doesn't deter Holly though and she quickly regained her balance and continues her merry dance.

Eventually she tires herself out though and Peeta carries her to bed. He gently tucks her into her bed, making sure she has her favourite stuffed reindeer under her arm and kissing her on top of her head. He tiptoes backwards out of her room and carefully closes her door. Once he's sure he hasn't woken her he turns and faces me.

"You ready for another mince pie and that chat we talked about?" he asks.

I nod my head and he smiles before turning to lead me to the kitchen.

Once in there Peeta hands me a mince pie and we both take a seat at the breakfast bar. My heart starts to beat faster as I get anxious again what he might say.

"I'm sorry again for trying to run away. I guess I'm used to doing that at this time of year," I say.

Peeta nods his head.

"I understand why you find this time of year hard but it still hurt when you tried to leave us. It was always my biggest fear with our friendship. I guess I didn't realise just how much I actually cared about you," he replies.

I reach out to clutch his hands in mine.

"I didn't realise how much I cared about you either, Peeta. It took Plutarch to point it out to me. But I realise now. I'm falling in love with you and I mean it when I say I'm sticking around," I say.

A smile spreads across Peeta's face.

"I'm glad you didn't get on the plane," he replies. "Because I'm falling in love with you too."

I let out a sigh of relief and we both lean in to rest our foreheads against each other. Peeta reaches up to gently caress the side of my face. I let out a sigh of content as his hand runs down to rest on my neck.

"Can I kiss you? Or do I have to get the mistletoe out?" I ask.

Peeta chuckles as he brushes some hair back off my face.

"We'll make you a Christmas enthusiast yet," he replies.

I chuckle too as I brush my nose against his. Peeta gently tips my head up and I look into his beautiful blue eyes.

"I think I can be persuaded," I reply.

Peeta smiles again and slowly brings his lips to mine. The first kiss is soft, tender and leaves my skin tingling but my hungry lips chase after his for something deeper. I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my body closer to his as my mouth opens up for him. Peeta squeezes me as our tongues reach out to tangle together and a warmth flushes throughout my whole body. Time disappears as I continue to kiss him feeling like we are melting into each other and wishing time could freeze this moment forever.

One year later

"Dad you need to sit there!" Holly orders as she grabs Peeta's hand and plonks him down on the sofa which sits directly in front of the giant Christmas tree.

Holly's outfit matches the sparkly tree. The sequins in her gold skirt keep catching in the lights on the tree and the Rudolph's nose lights up on her Christmas sweater. Peeta is equally jollily dressed wearing a singing Santa hat and sweater that makes him look like an elf.

"I will. I will. I was just getting the mince pies," he says.

Holly shakes her head and puts her hand on her hips.

"This is going to be the best Christmas performance ever. Mince pies can wait," she says.

I chuckle as I bend down to stroke some of Peeta's hair. The Mellark's Christmas spirit has finally rubbed off on me and I'm willingly wearing reindeer antlers and a dress covered in a holly pattern.

"Surely you have learnt to never argue with you daughter. You never win," I say, placing a kiss on his lips.

Peeta smiles into the kiss.

"I never seem to win with you either. I'm tired of losing," he teases.

"That's because girls are the best," Holly says as she turns to make sure the speakers are set up right.

I'm glad that she is so accepting of my relationship with Peeta. We kept it secret from her for six months as we figured it all out but I don't think I ever heard her squeal so loudly when we eventually told her just before Independence Day.

"That I do agree with," Peeta says with a grin.

I share a grin with him as Holly stops fiddling with the speakers and turns to face me. She gives me a big smile.

"Ready to be awesome?" she asks.

"I only want to be awesome with you," I reply with a grin, bumping her hip with mine.

Holly gives me one last grin before turning back to face Peeta.

"This is going to be better than my performance at the talent show last year," she says.

"I'm sure it is. You both have voices like angels," he replies.

I roll my eyes.

"I will only take so many cheesy comments like that," I say.

Peeta grins.

"I love you too, Katniss," he says, blowing me a kiss.

I shake my head and Holly giggles.

"Okay! Let's do this!" she exclaims.

I nod my head with a smile and Holly hits a button so the music starts playing. We've practised the performance many times now and I'm pretty sure that I could do it in my sleep. But I have so much fun singing it with Holly. I've fallen back in love with the song.

Peeta smiles throughout, bobbing in time with the music. Holly and I turn to each other as soon as the chorus starts and I think Christmas isn't so bad when you spend it with people who love you.

"So get singing,

Get dancing,

Fill your tummies with lots of stuffing

Let's have a rocking Christmas Time!" we sing joyfully together.

A/N: Thanks to everyone that read this festive and fluffy spirit. Hopefully it put you in the mood for Christmas!