Fubuki fell on one knee as she continued to sweat profusely, her esper powers disappearing momentarily as she tried to understand what she was feeling.

As Bomb and Bang continued to dodge and strike Overgrown Rover, Bang noticed that Fubuki had collapsed as he managed to evade one of the monster's giant paws. As he was about to deliver a powerful blow to Overgrown Rover, he was forced to retreat as the giant dog began to fire off random blasts that began to destroy his nearby vicinity. As both martial artists began to evade his blasts, Overgrown Rover noticed that Fubuki was not moving at all and stopped releasing blasts as he began to charge a powerful blast for her. As he fired it, Fubuki regained focus and tried to eject a barrier to protect herself but failed as her body seemed to lose all of its strength when a shiver went up her body. As Bang and Bomb noticed Fubuki was not going to be able to protect herself, they rushed towards her knowing that they wouldn't make it in time. As the blast was about to hit her, her body suddenly lurched to the side as something picked her up at incredible speeds and rushed her out of the blast radius of what could have meant her death.

As she fell to the floor on her hands and knees, she looked up to see none other than the Demon Cyborg... but with a new and improved mechanical body.

"Genos-Kun what took you so long!?" shouted Bang with relief as he took a stance while facing Overgrown Rover. "We can really use some of your help over here!"

Genos simply nodded as he looked down on Fubuki. "I'd expect more from one of the Esper sisters. To leave yourself unguarded could mean the defeat of other heroes who would be too focused on saving you," he commented with a stern tone.

Fubuki immediately furrowed her eyebrows in momentary anger before standing up as her esper powers struggled to return. "I'm sorry... it's just that my sister is very close... judging from the amount of power she is using she is fighting a very strong foe. It is very rare for her to have to use this much power..."

Bomb shot his brother a glance as Overgrown Rover gave them a few moments of rest while he watched them. "Psychic powers..." he commented before Overgrown Rover tried to catch them by surprise.

Genos simply stared at Fubuki as he seemed to get more focused as he tried to assess the situation. "Does this mean that there might be monsters who are as, or even more capable than Overgrown Rover?"

Fubuki simply frowned as she continued to sweat from sensing how much her older sister was exerting herself in her own battle. "Yes... battles at that level might prove deadly for anyone at this point..." Fubuki squeezed her arms in worry as she saw that Bomb and Bang were continuing to fight the giant dog but were failing in dealing him any significant damage. As a green aura began to appear her body, she looked at Genos with determination as she nodded at him. "I won't drag you down. Let's take down this monster once and for all."

Needing no other words of directions, Genos nodded back as he turned to face Overgrown Rover and rushed towards him from a blind spot. Meanwhile, Fubuki rose high up above them as she began to pour stone after stone down on Overgrown Rover. Making sure to stay out of the way of Fubuki's stones, Bang and Bomb began to pummel the monster from both of his sides while Genos flashed him to prevent him from escaping. As he continued to let them hit Overgrown Rover, Genos gave them a warning before letting a massive incineration blast crash straight into the monster's head. With a huge explosion, dust and smoke made any sort of visibility impossible as Fubuki, Bang, Bomb, and Genos regrouped.

"Well done Genos! You surely have gotten stronger!" congratulated Bang as he touched his mustache.

"I merely exploded an opening that you, Bomb, and Blizzard of Hell created for me," Genos responded firmly as he held his head high. "I have a lot of information about the Dragon Level Threat Monsters located in this base. If what Blizzard of Hell said is true and her sister is fighting a strong opponent then these threats might be on the same level as Elder Centipede. This means that the data I have received on them is in fact correct.

"Data?" asked Bomb as he crossed his arms while facing Genos. "What data? Just a few hours ago you said you didn't know anything about this place or its residents."

Genos nodded as he affirmed what Bomb had said. "After waiting for Saitama Sensei, I finished my repairs, Dr. Kusenu helped me by upgrading my cyborg body. Soon after, I-" Genos stopped as his eyes seemed to brighten before he turned around sharply as he looked into the smoke where he had fired his incineration at Overgrown Rover.

"Genos?" asked Fubuki before being interrupted as Genos began to fire several blasts into the smoke as mini-explosion rocked the giant cavern place they were in.

"Genos-Kun what are you firing at!?" demanded Bang. Before Genos could continue firing more incineration blasts or answer Bang, they all heard a deep, guttural growl as something seemed to be beyond the smoke.

"He's still alive!" shouted Bomb before a bright light seemed to fill the entire carven. A split second later, the smoke in front of them was easily blown to the side as one massive energy orb from Overgrown Rover sped right towards them. Bomb, Bang, and Genos had no moment to run away and evade the blast, choosing to raise their guard and hold off the blast before Fubuki decided to take action. As she barely managed to erect a psychic sphere, Overgrown Rover's blast made direct contact with it, destroying all of their surroundings as smoke seemed to envelop the entire cavern. As several cracks began to appear in Fubuki's sphere, she grunted and screamed internally as she pushed even harder, hardening her shield as the last of Overgrown Rover's energy flew around it. As she saw that she had managed to defend against it, she let go of her shield, letting all the heroes drop as a dozen feet of stone below them had been destroyed as well.

"Without my projection just now, there would have been nothing left of you. You owe be one!" she shouted as she tried to regain her composure. As she spoke, her bloodshot eye and the blood that dripped from her nose were evidence of how hard it was to block Overgrown Rover's powered up blast. As she began to use her esper powers again, she looked at the 3 heroes behind her. As she seemed to struggle to breathe and the veins on her forehead bulged, she raised one of her fingers in a warning. "But don't expect me to be able to block the next one."

As Bang, Bomb, and Genos looked up in worry, Fubuki turned around to see that Overgrown Rover was almost on top of them as he began to charge a massive energy ball. As lighting began to form around it and a heatwave slammed into them, Fubuki knew what was coming. "I can't run away..." she thought as her life flashed before her eyes. Her accomplishments, regrets, and desires for what she wished she could have done... As she saw Genos jump in front of her, she knew that he did not have the ability to stop it. "Saitama, I'm so sorry... I wish a lot of things were different... but for now I'll focus on saving your pupil," she decided as she walked up to Genos.

"Listen, all of you! I will hold him back! As members of my Fubuki group, I have decided to let you escape while I protect you," Fubuki declared as she pointed one of her hands at Bomb and Bang, who looked down at their bodies as they felt something different. "I have reinforced your bodies... as for you Demon Cyborg, please let me handle this..." Genos looked back at her, the energy around his arms dissipating as he grunted in uncertainty.

"No, I have the responsibility to protect you, I will make sure to defeat Overgrown Rover here and now!" he responded as he turned back to Overgrown Rover, charging up his incineration as he prepared to intercept the monster.

Fubuki yelled in anger as she gabbed Genos' shoulder. "I'm not asking you to move, I'm telling you-"

"And I have no obligation to obey you!" Genos shouted as Overgrown Rover leaned forward, raising his head as he prepared to unleash his energy blast. "I owe my life to Saitama sensei, and if I can at least save the only person who can help him regain emotion, then so be it!"

Before Fubuki could respond, Overgrown Rover crushed the stone beneath him with his paws as he braced himself before unleashing a massive energy blast. Genos immediately responded by unleashing his incineration, which was easily pushed back and dispersed as the thicker blast of the cadre dominated it. As Genos opened his eyes wide knowing he had failed, a force launched him back as Fubuki stood behind him almost vowing with her hands to the side. "So this is it..." she thought as she took a step forward, raising her hands up in the air and pushing forward as any trace of fear and uncertainty leaving her eyes. As she screamed to muster her strength, she began to dig deep to throw everything she had Overgrown Rover's blast. Before she could properly meet the blast head-on, she stopped as she saw Bang Bomb rush in front of her. In a fluid and coordinated motion, both Bang and Bomb utilized their martial arts skills to redirect Overgrown Rover's blast. As Fubuki and Genos stood still, unable to believe how such an enormous blast avoided them, they felt a massive explosion high above them as the energy crashed against the walls.

As Fubuki slowly brought her eyes down, both of the martial artists stood in front of her, in their stances as they stared down the monster in front of them.

"The sharpness has returned to our fists!" Bang and Bomb said at the same time as Overgrown Rover roared in frustration as he began to grind the stone floor with his claws before rushing forward. As both martial artists saw this, they stomped on the floor, charging Overgrown Rover as they began to use their individual martial arts skills.

"Let's go, brother!"

"I'm way ahead of you!"

Seeing that Overgrown Rover could smash into them, Fubuki and Genos dived out of the way as Bang and Bomb simultaneously evaded the giant mutt by jumping to opposite sides. As Overgrown Rover jumped past them, both martial artists di not have to say anything as they began to unleash their attacks.


"Water Stream..."

"Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist!" they shouted as they began to pound the giant dog, sending vibrations across his entire body as they completely put a halt to his movement. As they continued to punch him faster and faster, Overgrown Rover continued to remain still as he absorbed their blows. After a few moments, he began to whine before falling forward as Bang and Bomb stopped striking him, only to jump behind him as they kicked his giant body into a wall, where several rooms and corridors began to collapse and bury him. As Fubuki and Genos watched in complete awe, both martial artists laughed together as they pumped their fists in victory.

"You know brother... I might actually take your word and retire after this!" Bang said gleefully as he and his brother walked up to Genos and Fubuki.

"You should really consider making new friends," Bomb joked as he put his arm over his brother.

"T-they really defeated it!?" Fubuki thought as she looked at the spot where Overgrown Rover lay in. The S-Class Hero Silverfang and his brother... just how strong are they!?" Fubuki began sweating as she looked at both Martial artists. "I can't believe that SIlverfang has this level ability... and his brother who is not a hero is just as strong as him! The time to recruit them is now!" She wiped the blood off of her face and quickly smiled and raised her head with style as she stared at both elder men.

"Excellent job you two!"

Both Bang and Bomb stopped congratulating themselves as they looked at her and smiled in return. "You did an excellent job, Ms. Blizzard, as did you Demon Cyborg," Bomb responded as he bowed his head with Bang following his example.

Genos, who had been watching them, bowed his head in return before shooting Fubuki a look. "Here we go again..." he mumbled quietly.

Laughing nervously as she stared at both martial artists, Fubuki suddenly smiled confidently as she began to straighten her bargain. "If Saitama can't resist something like this there's no way they can..." she thought as she kept her innocent face up. "I would like you to know," she began nervously as she raised a hand in the air, "that if you join the Fubuki group, there's a 3kg beef set we are offering-"

"No," responded Genos simply before looking away as Fubuki shot him a malevolent look. Before they could start bickering, there was a sudden "CRASH!" as the stone where Overgrown Rover had been exploded outward as he jumped out of the rubble. As he shook the stone off, he looked at the heroes with his head cocked to the side as he began pacing towards them. Fubuki, Genos, Bang, and Bomb stood there with blank looks on their faces before jumping back and taking a stance as they got ready for battle once again.

"This thing is still alive!?" shouted Bomb as he looked at his brother, "just how tough is he?"

"What an annoying dog! Why can't he just 'sit and behave?'" responded Bang as he got ready to lunge forward.

To everyone's surprise, Overgrown Rover suddenly stopped and stared at them before sitting down. Seeing that their lives had been spared and she wasn't probably gonna die today, Fubuki collapse and fell hard on her butt as she began to complain and cry out. Bomb had a sour expression as he simply crossed his arms and looked down, realizing that words could have defeated the monster. Sighing in relief, Bang crossed his hands behind his back as he smiled at the group. "Well then, we should probably move ahead, Saitama or the other S-Class may need our help-"

Bang was interrupted as Genos stretched out his hands and united them as he shouted, "This is our chance Bang, hit him with everything you've got!" before unleashing a storm of incineration at Overgrown Rover.

"No! What are-" Bang began to say but it was too late. Genos' blast crashed into Overgrown Rover, creating a giant puff of smoke which was blown away as the giant dog began to growl, standing on his feet and crouching as he began to pounce. Seeing that they could do only one thing, Fubuki acted fast as she summoned a wave of Psychic energy which she used to smash Genos into the floor.

"You've been bad too! Sit down!" she shouted as she turned her head slowly towards Overgrown Rover, smiling nervously as she waited for his response. Seeing that Genos had been properly punished, Overgrown Rover relaxed and lay his giant body down as he stared at the group. Bang, Bomb, and Fubuki simply sighed in relief before Genos stood up, his eyes shining bright as he focused on the esper.

"I'm going to eliminate you..." he said harshly, taking a step forward before Bomb stopped him by placing a hand on his chest.

"This is not the time for childish behavior, we have to get out of here before the dog changes his mind." As Bomb said this he bit his tongue hard as he tried to hold back the thoughts that had been bothering him. "We used one of our strongest attacks together, and again another monster easily shakes it off... my confidence is completely crushed."

Fubuki suddenly held chest, drawing Bang's, Bomb's, and Genos' attention as they quickly walked over to her. As Fubuki closed her eyes in concentration, she searched for something that she had recently begun to feel... but she couldn't seem to reach it.

"What's wrong?" asked Bang as he stopped in front of her.

"Her vital signs are increasing rapidly..." commented Genos angrily as he continued to look at Overgrown Rover, who lay peacefully well away from them.

"Could it have been how much she exerted herself?" added Bomb.

"No... it's not that," answered Fubuki as she clenched her eyes shut. "I can feel something... I can feel my sister, and I know she feels me... she's angry, but that's not what I'm focusing on right now..."

Bang and Bomb stared at each other in confusion while Genos stared at Fubuki with interest as he waited for her to reveal something. "Well? Just say it!"

As she remained still for a little longer, focused as she tried to understand what she was feeling through her psychic abilities, Fubuki began to describe the world she felt around her to herself. She thought about how she had learned how to 'feel' and touch objects with her mind when she was younger, and how she could do the same with people. Unlike inanimate objects, she could feel their aura, which is what made people or monsters so different from inanimate objects. In front of her, she faintly felt Genos, Bang, and Bomb... she didn't have a very strong connection with them... but with Tatsumaki she did. As she began to go beyond what she could feel around her, she could feel Tatsumaki and her small amount of fatigue... she could feel her...anger? Did she know Fubuki was here against her will? Fubuki shut her eyes even tighter as she tried to focus on what she was really worried about. She had known him as long as her sister, but lately, she had become quite used to his presence... if she so chose she could identify him amidst hundreds of people...

"Ms. Blizzard, we should really-" began to say Bomb before Fubuki interrupted him.

"I know..." she responded softly before opening her eyes, which had a green glow to them that slowly began to subside.

"Are you sure you are okay?" asked Bang politely.

Fnodded in response as she hugged herself. "Yes, I will be okay Silverfang. I just wanted to make sure..."

Bang furrowed his eyes as he looked at Fubuki. "Sure about what?"

As a soft smile began to form on Fubuki's face, she simply looked at her companions before turning her back to them. "He's safe... I knew he'd beat that thing. Come, we have to regroup as soon as possible, who knows what challenges lie ahead," she said gently before growing determined as she finished. As she began walking forward in the direction where she had felt Saitama, Genos, Bang, and Bomb followed closely behind as they left the giant mutt they had just fought behind. As the darkness slowly swallowed them in the corridor they had begun walking in, a gooey substance began to seep out of the floor of the cavern they had been in previously. As it continued to pool out, it began to move as a single mass which moved in their direction as it gave up on Overgrown Rover, who had already begun to run away.

Meanwhile, Saitama continued to explore the monster association as he tried to find a way to Fubuki. Despite him walking into various different rooms he had not seen before, he hadn't yet realized that he was walking farther and farther away from Fubuki. As he continued to go down random corridors, he slowly began descending as he tried to find a route that he might have seen before. As he was walking, he began to feel a soothing, pulling sensation that seemed to put his hair on end as he looked back into the direction of where he felt the pull. For some reason that sensation was familiar.

Saitama thought back to when he had told Fubuki that they weren't anything, including friends. "What an idiot," he thought before catching himself. Lately, he had been acting weird, and the weird tingling he'd felt before a dozen times wasn't going away either... "I should really look for Fubuki, I think I might have said something wrong that made her act all weird before that huge jerk attacked us." Saitama paused again as felt a faint sadness, but to him, the feeling was already alien from how long he had gone without experiencing those emotions. As he tried to interpret it, he started walking in the direction of Fubuki as he was subconsciously comforted by the pulling sensation. As he came to a hallway intersection, he was intercepted as a weird octopus looking things with several eyes and claws loomed over him, ready to attack before it was blown apart with a single punch. As he paused to look at the mess he made, Saitama looked down at his fist, completely forgetting what he had been thinking as indifference once again took over. "This place is really annoying," he thought as he looked at the ceiling above him. "Maybe I should just jump through the roof... no, I might bring down the whole place." As he began walking forward, he was almost coming across to a sudden turn in his path where a figure was waiting as it assessed him.

Unbeknownst to Saitama, Flashy Flash, the S-Class hero stood against the wall with his hand on his sword hilt as he waited for Saitama to reach the end of the corner. He had not yet seen Saitama, so he lay prepared as he waited to cut a monster apart.

"It doesn't seem to be very large... based on its footsteps it weights 70kg max, and its aura doesn't match any of the monster's I've sensed so far... taking it down in less than a second won't be a problem!" he thought as he bolted around the corner in an instant. Saitama, who was casually walking towards the corner where Flashy Flash had been in, was surprised to see someone as he saw the hero swing his sword at him. In an instant, Saitama moved his head to both sides as Flashy Flash flew by with an astonished look in his face. "He dodged it!?" thought Flashy Flash as he turned around, only to see Saitama standing a foot away from him as he stared at him with a confused expression.

"Huh?" Saitama asked with the dumbest expression possible as he stared down at the hero, who began to sweat as he realized where he had seen the caped baldy before.

"It's that low-ranked hero who was at the S-Class hero meeting... Demon Cyborg's pupil?" Flashy Flash slowly stood up as he studied Saitama. "Why is he all the way down here...no, more importantly... how did he react to my attack!?"

Saitama stared at the S-Class hero who was still looking at him with a lost expression as he stood still in front of him. Saitama simply pointed at him as he complained, "Hey, what was that for?" only to receive no response.

Meanwhile, Flashy Flash was still deep in thought as he stared at Saitama. "Was it a fluke or did he really evade me... if so, should I attack again? No... I don't need to do that against someone who is much weaker than me! But if he really saw through my movements..." Flashy Flash tightened the grip on his Katana as his face expression grew serious, "I can't allow this!"

"Uhh, can you even talk?" asked Saitama after a few seconds had gone by with the unknown person in front of him continuing to stand still as he stared at him. Exasperated and annoyed, Saitama took a step forward as he said, "I'll beat you up." In that same instant, Flashy Flash lunged forward, yelling, "flashy slash!" as he brought his sword down on Saitama, who easily caught it in his hand. As the sword's momentum was stopped by Saitama catching it with his thumb and forefinger, his expression grew serious as he stared at Flashy Flash.

"You attacked me. So you're a monster too huh?" As Saitama began to clench one of his fists, Flashy Flash immediately waved his hands in front of him as he tried to stop him.

"W-wait! Look at me, do I look like a monster?"

Saitama paused and gave a child-like surprised expression as he stared at Flashy Flash. "Wait... you're the monster called fore-locks in the face!"

"NO! Don't make up names! I'm the S-Class hero Flashy Flash."

"But... you attacked me twice."

"My hand slipped," Flash responded lamely as he tried to justify himself. "More importantly, why are you even down here? It's extremely dangerous, the Monster Association has various strong individuals just waiting to attack anyone stupid enough to come into their layer. And even more, the Monster King is the boss behind the scenes, he is extremely strong..." Flashy Flash said before stopping as he saw that Saitama's face had changed from mock excitement to child-like giddiness.

"Wait... The Monster Association lives underneath me!? And there's a monster king!?" Saitama asked as he got closer to Flashy Flash. (Take note that when Orochi was introducing himself Saitama was not paying him any attention.)

Flashy Flash threw him a puzzled look before finding the right words for him. "You live in the abandoned Z city? You know you shouldn't be living here right?"

"I know, but if I see monsters I just beat them. Plus I get free rent... but hey, have you seen a Fubuki?" Saitama said as he put his fist down unto his open hand.

Flashy Flash frowned as he heard Saitama ask for Fubuki. "Wait... you mean to tell me that there are more people down here?"

Ignoring Flashy Flash's question, Saitama simply stared at him as he said, "Hey, you ignored my question, have you seen Fubuki?"

"No I have not... by Fubuki do you mean Blizzard of Hell? This is not a place for her. There are Dragon Level Threats everywhere. If you still want to see her alive we should hurry and try to find her," Flashy Flashy said almost worried as Saitama listened carefully. "You should try to make it up to the surface, I'll take care of rescuing Fubu-"

"No, I will take care of her, in the meantime, since you know more about this place than me why don't you take the lead?" Saitama said with a cheery expression. He patted Flashy Flash's back as if to show that he was being friendly, but it came out as forced and it started to annoy the S-Class Hero. But before Saitama continue, Flashy Flash created a sonic boom as he sped away.

"This guy is so annoying... This should be enough to get rid of him though!" though Flashy Flash as he smiled to himself.

"Finally, this is definitely a change of pace!" Saitama said as he had an absent-minded smile on his face, which only creeped out Flashy Flash more besides realizing Saitama could keep up. "It's time to kick Orochi's ass and get out of here with Fubuki!" (Again, Saitama doesn't know he already beat Monster King Orochi).

A wall seemed to swell, several cracks appearing on its surface before Puri Puri Prisoner was sent flying through it back-first. After rolling for a few hundred feet, Puri Puri Prisoner rolled to a stop as he lay on his back, a bloody mess who was struggling to breathe as he coughed up blood. Fighting to maintain consciousness, all he could do was stare up at the ceiling. "The difference in our strength... is this big? I-I can't... move! I need time to recover... but you won't allow that huh?" He mumbled softly as he tried his hardest to stare in the direction where he had been blown away. "So this is as far as I go..."

As that last word left his mouth, he heard a stomp as something heavy approached him from behind. Puri Puri Prisoner heard the heavy steps slowly approach him, fearing the worst before a dark muscular leg stopped next to his head. "Those muscles... could it be?" he wondered as he slowly craned his head to look up.

"Looks like your muscles have been badly damaged," Superalloy Darkshine said softly as he down at Puri Puri Prisoner's almost broken body. "Who did this to you?"

"Ga-Garou has appeared... and even though I've gotten much stronger, he easily defeated me."

"The Hero Hunter huh?" Darkshine said before looking at the hole where Puri Puri Prisoner had flown out from. His face grew deadly serious as he tried to adjust his eyes and see into the darkness where he saw faint movement. His suspicions about a figure being there were confirmed as he saw Garou slowly step out, his arms hanging loosely at his sides while his hands remained clenched in a claw-like manner. As he growled and snarled like a beast, he slowly walked towards them before falling on all fours and crawling in a haunting manner towards them.

"He's more powerful than we imagined... don't underestimate this teenager Darky. The other S-Class Heroes will definitely have a hard time fighting him one-on-one. Even someone with ridiculously overpowered strength like you... might still struggle against him..." Puri Puri Prisoner said softly as he saw that Garou continued to crawl towards him as he gained speed. "Although I am the weakest, I must let you know that I couldn't even scratch him!"

"Ok got it! Don't mind if I tag in, I'll crush Garou on your behalf!" Darkshine said confidently as he looked as the approaching beast in front of him. "You don't have to worry, he won't be able to even scratch me."

Puri Prisoner looked at Darkshine in appreciation and a loving smile as he said, "Darky..." softly.

"Hey! Don't gawk at me like that, my muscles are shriveling up! Now then, will this youngster be able to make me fight at full power?" Darkshine said as he slammed his fists together. Garou began running even faster, bounding and jumping off the walls and ceilings before slowing down to a walk as he stopped a few feet away from Darkshine. As they faced off, Puri Puri Prisoner began to shake as he saw the beast that Garou was as he stood menacingly in front of Darkshine. For some reason... a strong feeling of foreboding hit him as he both figures stand incredibly still while seizing each other up like predators. Could Darkshine really defeat him?

As Garou and Darkshine continued to stare at each other, a deep silence settled in the hallway they were in, the only sounds being faint shaking from battles far off in the monster association. As a little stone piece broke off from the ceiling and fell to the floor, Garou suddenly let out a menacing scream before propelling himself forward as Darkshine grunted, tensing every muscle in his body. As he met Garou's blows head-on. his muscle absorbed every impact while Garou continued to scream and flash step around him as he tried to find an opening.

Unaffected by Garou's attacks, Darkshine assumed a "crab" bodybuilding stance which made Garou bounce off him as he was sent flying backward to the end of the hallway. As he barely smashed against the wall, Darkshine followed up his attack by ramming his shoulder into Garou, sending him flying through several walls as Garou was sent flying past the room he had previously fought Puri Puri Prisoner in.

"Dark-chan," Puri Puri Prisoner said relieved as he saw that his fellow teammate was easily winning the battle.

As Darkshine began walking through the holes Garou had made as he flew through the walls, he saw Garou struggle to stand up as he pushed several stones off of himself. As he walked closer to him, Darkshine saw that Garou's demeanor was completely feral, acting as if he were an animal. "No matter how fast you are or how many tricks you have up your sleeves, you are powerless in front of trained muscles. You can't beat me," Darkshine warned.

In response, Garou simply sped up incredibly as he began to circle Darkshine several times in a few moments. As he began to accelerate and create afterimages of himself he attacked Darkshine from several sides as he rushed him with a kick. Darkshine, who was able to track his movements besides his speed, responded by swinging his arm around, which collided with Garou and sent him flying. Darkshine was no longer playing as he had a deadly serious face, which would let anyone know that he was not restraining his killing intent when it came to Garou. "Your monster play ends here," he mocked.

As Garou heard Darkshine's words, his pupil-less eyes closed before opening to reveal that his pupils were back. As Garou regained awareness of his surroundings, he flipped in the air before landing on his feet as he skidded for a second before halting. As Darkshine looked at Garou's successful attempt to stop in surprise, Garou noticed him. Wiping flood off his mouth, he slowly stood up straight as he took his surroundings in, his feral behavior now gone. "You are... Super Alloy Darkshine," he said as he recognized the S-Class hero in front of him. "But where did Orochi go... and what is this place? How did I get here?" Garou asked no one in particular before remembering the kid he had come to rescue. His memories were faint... but after getting cut down by Royal Ripper, he had re-entered the monster association base... he had killed Royal Ripper and saved the ugly kid he always ran into. But then... a giant dog had blown him down and he had fought Gyoro Gyoro and Orochi... "Where did that brat go, is he even alive?" he wondered.

Seeing that Garou was completely still and visibly lost in thought, Darkshine spoke up. "What's the matter?" he asked earnestly.

Garou didn't respond as he began to crack his neck and stretch as he started laughing. "Looks like I was fighting you in my sleep..."

"In your sleep? Hmph... don't make excuses, it's embarrassing. You can't rise up to the occasion?" Darkshine said as he began to walk towards Garou, his shadow soon looming over him.

Garou simply continued laughing as he stretched his arms behind him, all the while he stared at Darkshine. "Well, to be honest, I'm not a pretty sight in my sleep. I'm sorry I made you think you were gonna win!" Garou said with a sneer as his arms smoothly flowed in front of him as he mimicked Bang's Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist that he used on Garou when they last fought. His technique was a lot better than it had been before, and now he was more than ready to use it on this S-Class hero. As Garou took a stance, putting his arms flat in front of him with one in front of the other and with his feet spread apart, he studied Darkshine. Darkshine, adopting a deadly look, bulged out his muscles as he slid a leg behind him, before launching himself forward. As he flew at Garou, he pushed his fist forward, which Garou pushed to the side smoothly with his own hand before swinging his leg around and smashing it into Darkshine's face. As Darkshine went on his back hard, Garou followed by smoothly bringing his leg up and around before slamming it down unto Darkshine's head.

"This can't be all you got, is it?" Garou sneered as he jumped back, waiting for an immobile and surprised Darkshine to stand up from where he lay. "If I beat you Darkshine than this can prove my attack power can work against anyone."

In response, Darkshine simply crossed his arms and pushed off the floor with a clean jerk of his back. As he went spinning into the air sideways, he caught himself and landed on one foot before bringing the other one down with great force as he sent a tidal wave of stone towards Garou. "His whole demeanor has changed! And the coordination between all his muscles has improved dramatically..." he thought as he squared his feet. "Is the main event coming up next?"

As Garou fought to maintain his balance, Darkshine immediately clenched every muscle in his body, before creating another shockwave as he exploded off the floor towards Garou.

"If that attacks lands, it'll be instant death!" panicked Garou as he began to strike Darkshine with Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. However, his attacks didn't do anything deter Darkshine as he easily plowed through Garou's defense. "Deflection... is impossible!?" thought Garou before Darkshine rammed him with his massive shoulder, breaking every single one of his ribs as he was sent flying through hundreds of rooms in mere seconds. As Garou continued to fly through several rooms, Darkshine continued his charge, not letting down as he smashed Garou into room after room until he thought he finally killed him. As he stopped his charge, Garou crashed into a giant pillar, which proceeded to bury him as he lay on the floor, presumingly dead. As Darkshine stood in front of him, he couldn't help but pitty Garou.

"You know," Darkshine began, "I've fought Silverfang himself before, just to measure just how strong I had gotten. Although I was the aggressor, Silverbang feat me up. I didn't suffer any damage but every single one of my attacks was repealed and I continued to be smashed against the ground over and over again." Darkshine flexed his arm as he held a fist in front of his own face, crushing something invisible in his own hand. "I know because I've experienced it... but you are still too green. The only reason you have survived so long is that you haven't come across me, Tatsumaki, King, Atomic Samurai, or Flashy Flash... if you had, you would have been destroyed." Darkshine glared at the rubble Garou lay under as he saw some stones fall off a hand that seemed to be reaching out of the rubble. "I don't know why you're so pissed that you started hunting us heroes, but you should know your place."

Hearing those words, Garou felt an intense anger course through his body, his only visible hand clenching hard into a fist before all the rubble on top of him exploded outwards. As several stones crashed against Darkshine, he didn't even react to them as he saw Garou slowly stand up, shaking off all the rocks that remained on him.

"I know those guys are strong," Garou spit out as he looked at Darkshine intensely. "It must be nice, being able to unleash violence on whoever and whatever and prove that you're right just by winning. That only means you've thrown away your kindness hero," Garou mocked as he grit his teeth together. "It all stinks... this stench of hypocrisy. You said some shit about me playing monster, but in reality, you guys are just playing the hero... and all of you are shit at it."

Darkshine slowly and cautiously put his guard up as he stared at Garou in disbelief. "He can still move? That tackles should have sustained a fatal injury..." he thought as Garou continued to talk.

"What pisses me off the most is that the shittier you are the more the public praises you!" Garou began to yell as he took a stance. His eyes seemed to glow with heat, the white of his bloodshot eye turning black as veins began to appear all over his neck and forehead. "This is why I fight! I'll put my life on the line to crush this false sense of justice!" As Garou lunched forward, his arms left a trail behind him as he used Water Streaming Rock Smash Fist. "You'll never stop my monster play!"

Expecting the attack, Darkshine tightened his guard as he began to feel Garou crash into him, delivering strike after strike as he tried to push past his guard. As he absorbed every single impact, Darkshine began to be pushed back as Garou began gaining ground with each relentless attack.

"...not a problem! My muscles can guard against any attack," Darkshine thought as he observed Garou through his guard. "I'll finish him off the second he stops attacking! But that said..." Darkshine began to slide back faster and faster as Garou began to jump left and right as he tried to find a weak spot in his guard. As he spun and continued to transition while delivering power blow after blow, Garou's eyes seemed to drill holes into Darkshine as his grit teeth revealed just how much effort he was putting into bringing him down. But something was definitely wrong... "Is he... getting faster?" Darkshine thought as he began to feel several impacts against his arms at the same time. As he tried to study Garou's movements, he began to notice that his arms and fists and legs were slowly becoming blurs as he began to accelerate the punishment he unleashed on the S-Class hero. "I'm not imagining things... he's getting faster with alarming momentum!" he noticed as even Garou's eyes seemed to move around his field of vision in smooth blurred movements.

"He's not stopping! He doesn't seem to want to stop!? It feels... as if dozens of martial artists were attacking me at the same time! He's like a tidal wave bearing down on me!" Darkshine began to think with increasing worry as he began to be pushed back faster and faster. As his eyes struggled to keep up with Garou's strikes, Darkshine grit his teeth in concentration before he felt a pang throughout his whole body. The world began to move more slowly with flashes of black and white as he stared at Garou relentlessly attacking him. "What's going on...for a second, the word defeat crossed my mind!? It's not possible! I can't lose in a clash of physical bodies..."

Meanwhile, Garou continued to increase his attacks against Darkshine, his feet barely touching the ground as his attacks alone propelled him forward. "Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist in my left hand and leg... Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist on my right hand and leg... this is how he can be broken! Like both of those geezers joining forces and unleashing an incredible series of attacks, this incredible fortress of muscles can be torn apart without mercy!" Garou began to become a blur himself, the only thing visible being his glowing red eyes as he darted all around in front of Darkshine while delivering powerful blows. "This is something only a genius such as myself can do... something that no one else can even hope to do... to combine two powerful techniques in order to perform The Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist!" As Garou continued hit Darkshine over and over again, he began to push him straight through walls as they both gained momentum. Despite knowing he almost died... despite knowing he faced one of the strongest S-Class heroes... and despite knowing his foe was known for his incredible defense, Garou did not falter. And as his refusal to stop remained strong, his ability to grow exponentially from being pushed hard began to shine...

Seeing that Garou was not stopping, a now sweating Darkshine pulled a fist back as he grit his teeth while blocking Garou with one raised arm. "Don't get ahead of yourself! I still... haven't unleashed my full power!" he shouted as Garou tightened his eyes in concentration, pulling an arm back as he expected the attack. Without hesitation, Darkshine tightened every muscle in his body, his veins popping all over as he swung his arm towards Garou in a powerful jab. As an incredible amount of force went into his punch, Darkshine shouted, "SUPERALLOY BAZOOKA!"

In those brief moments, Darksine's world seemed to slow down once more as he saw his fist fly towards Garou, an incredible force of find trailing behind it as he expected it to smash Garou into pieces... as his muscles strained to put everything he had into that one punch, Garou met it head-on with his own fist. As both fists smashed into each other, an incredible shockwave pushed past both opponents as a tidal wave followed soon after with them being its origin. Along with the shockwave, a concussion of noise followed soon after, causing Darkshine to almost gasp as it brought him back into reality. As he watched, Garou's shirt was blown off as it left behind a swirl of a tattered mess, except... that which remained was definitely no fabric... and the skin underneath was not human. As his eyes moved up from Garou's now pearly white skin and black moving fabric, he noticed the black eyes with bright red orbs staring back at him. "W-what? A monster?" he wondered after looking at Garou for but an instant.

Unbeknownst to him, Garou's limiter was beginning to break...

In less time than it took Darkshine to simply look at him, Garou completely halted his momentum, using it for himself as he spun in place and rushed forward. As he saw Garou easily close the distance between them, Darkshine was unable to do anything as Garou struck his torso with the tip of his fingers with a flat hand as he connected with Darkshine's pressure points. As Darkshine was pushed off his feet, Garou followed up with a Whirlwind Water Stream Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist. As blood exploded from Darkshine's mouth, similarly, the entirety of rooms and halls behind him exploded too before his body was launched into its void. As flew aimlessly through the dark, he felt his body almost float as he began to fall through empty space. As his body finally came into contact with the floor, Darkshine continued coughing up blood as he tried to regain his senses.

"H-he really... he really used me as a stepping stone!"

Darkshine's thoughts were interrupted as he heard a figure land noisily in front of him as if it wanted to be heard clearly. "What's the matter Darkshine!? Giving up already?" Garou mocked victoriously. "I thought you were a hero! Aren't you supposed to stop my monster play?" Garou said with a sneer before his face morphed into a vicious scowl. "I'm still kicking."

Darkshine gasped as he once again caught sight of Garou, this time for more than an instant as Garou slowly walked towards him. Where his tight clothes used to be, a black-shadowy substance remained... Where his shirt was before, a swirl remained, half of what he could see was white skin and the other half was that same smooth, black mass. Where Garou's previous white and bloodshot eye was, only two black eyes with red-orange orbs stared back at him. And his hair... a blood-colored hair was now the only thing we could see with strands of black hair being in the mix as well. Garou, he wasn't human, was he? As he took all of that information in, Darkshine felt the fear settle in as his face showed just how much terror he felt.

Garou didn't allow him a moment of rest or thought as he suddenly disappeared, forcing Darkshine to stand up and put his guard up as he met it head-on... except this time Darkshine could feel every blow. As Garou's blows caused shockwaves to move around Darkshine's body, he broke his defense as he delivered various strikes unto Darkshine's face and torso. As he began to fight for his life, Darkshine began to try and punch Garou back, only to have the force of his own punches used against him as Garou used his momentum to deliver blows with more than twice the power. As Darkshine began losing his balance and was being pushed back, his fearful face could only stare at Garou as it saw him approach with killing intent.

"This guy, Garou is strong! So strong!" Darkshine panicked as his defense was completely destroyed. As he held his hands out randomly while trying to protect himself, Garou began to bully him as he unleashed punishment after punishment all over his body. Darkshine's fear only began to grow stronger and stronger as he couldn't even see Garou anymore, he could only feel the blows all around his own body. On the verge of fearful tears and uncontrollable terror, Darkshine randomly punched forward while hoping to connect a hit. As he cried out like a fearful kid while swinging his arm, Garou stopped it with one hand before swinging his leg around as it collided with Darkshine's face and driving it into the ground.

As Darkshine crashed into the floor, he felt unable to breathe as Garou rammed his knee into his throat while bringing his hands down in two powerful strikes. Sensing his victory, Garou grinned maniacally as was about to deafen Darkshine with double ear strikes... before stopping as he saw the terror and panic in Darkshine's eyes. As Garou remained on top of Darkshine with his hands a foot away from his face, he suddenly remembered something that was almost forgotten. A kid with white, spiky hair being bullied in a class... and then an ugly kid with black hair and snot coming out of his nose being bullied in some random street under the bright moonlight. With apprehension, Garou's bright red and black eyes settled on Darkshine's shaking, terrified face, before he was forced to jump back as Darkshine began to swing his fists wildly.

Standing up, his body trembling uncontrollably, Darkshine attempted to put his guard up weakly. It was obvious... he was terrified 'till the roots of his being and it had broken him. Garou lay crouched a few dozen feet away from him as he paused his relentless attacks. "Tch, what's with that wimpy look?" he wondered as he observed the shaking S-Class hero. "It's almost as if I'm bullying him. The evil I'm going to become... it's so much more-" Garou's body suddenly became rigid as every muscle in it began to contort. Gritting his teeth as he felt his bones began to crack, Garou collapsed as he dug his hands into the sand beneath him.

Noticing that something was wrong with Garou, Darkshine tentatively began to step forward as he reached out with a shaking hand. "H-hey... are y-you okay?" he asked with concern. As Garou looked up at him in pain, Darkshine noticed how the black mass that should have been his clothes was slowly but surely shifting around his body... "Is that causing his pain?" he wondered.

As Darkshine got a few feet near Garou, he suddenly stopped as a bright green sphere surrounded his body. As if it shocked him into reality, Darkshine began to hear cracks and tremors above him as the ceiling, with all the rooms and hallways began to fall through. As several giant stones began to fall around him, Darkshine looked down at Garou with worry, noticing that he was still on the floor struggling to fight something off. As more and more rubble began to fall, Darkshinepushed his hands against the barrier, which was now at least a dozen feet above the ground.

"Hey! The floors above are collapsing!" he shouted with worry as he warned Garou, who didn't respond. "Garou, it's not safe here! You'll be crushed if you don't get out of here!" Darkshine began to scream as he pounded on the psychic barrier which carried him higher and higher. "RUN!" As he rose over a hundred feet above Garou, all Darkshine could see was the young once-human-monster struggle before he was no longer visible under all the smoke and stone that continued to fall where they had just fought. Seeing that he could do nothing about it, Darkshine slowly began to slide in the sphere as he fell on his knees inside it while his hands remained on the wall. "N-No... Why did I even say that?" he asked defeated as he continued to rise higher and higher, all the while stone after stone continued to fall where the once-living Garou had been. As his body continued to shake, Darkshine lay inside the sphere in a fetal position as he waited to see where he would be taken. Surely nothing worse could await him than the monster he had just encountered...

"Are you sure this is where you last saw him?" Bomb asked Fubuki gently as he stared into the abyss that lay beneath where they stood. As if to test just how deep the darkness was, he kicked a rock off the floor ledge as he watched fall down and never making a sound.

Fubuki frowned as she tried to see where Saitama could have gone. His presence had been getting weaker and weaker as if he were rapidly largening the distance between them. "I'm positive this is where we fought the monster..." she said before noticing the enormous holes that had been melted into the stone rooms high above them, as well as over the large chasm they were in. Pointing at all the signs of battle, Fubuki turned to look at her group excitedly. "You see, I'm sure we're in the correct place!"

Bang simply nodded as he began to pat his back. "The good thing is that we know Saitama-Kun is fine, for a second I thought we'd have to deal with whoever could possibly defeat him-"

"It is highly unlikely that Saitama Sensei will ever lose to anyone," Genos cut in as he crouched down and inspected the ground. "Even what Blizzard of Hel- Fubuki says is true and they came across Orochi, he certainly must have defeated him."

Bomb shook his head as he stared back at the group with his arms crossed. "Wait, so what are we doing down here still? If Saitama possibly-"

"Definitely..." Genos said as he began scanning the floor.

"ok, definitely," Bomb corrected himself, "then this means we no longer have to stay. The boss is defeated! All that we can do now is look for Garou and bring him in, but with the beasts that are down here, who knows if he's alive..." As if they all knew Bomb had said something wrong, Fubuki, Genos, and Bomb looked at Bang to await his response. He was looking down at his feet before looking at them, a deep sadness in his eyes.

"I know he is still alive and that he is still down here. I trained him... and I can sense that we are close to finding him."

Fubuki coughed and smiled nervously as the sound attracted everyone's attention. "Don't forget we're looking for Saitama too, we can't leave without him."

Genos suddenly stood up as he wiped his hands on his jeans. "If that is the case then finding King is also our priority. Although master will be fine, there are still several cadres besides Rover who still lurk in this base. If my data is correct, then most of them are strong enough to defeat the majority of S-Class heroes."

Fubuki's eyes opened wide as she heard Genos. Before she could ask him what he knew about the monsters who resided within the Monster Association, she hesitated as Geno's eyes began to ignite. Noticing the same thing, Bang and Bomb forgot their casual postures and took a stance as they looked at the other side of the chasm where several dozens of monsters stood watching them.

"Dammit!" Genos said as he raised his hands up, "I can sense a few hundred life forms approaching us, with several more on the back!"

"Hundred!?" Fubuki whined as she looked behind them to see more monsters coming out from the darkness of the hall they had just walked through. Before she could begin attacking them, Bang gently touched her shoulder before running past her with his brother in tow.

"We'll take care of the monsters closest to us! You can take care of the monsters who are farther away with Genos, we've got your back!" he shouted as he and Bomb began to obliterate everything past them.

Fubuki immediately ran next to Genos, who was rapidly firing incineration blast after blast as he began to burn any monster that was brave enough to jump the giant gap between them. As more and more monsters began to pour in, Fubuki began to use the remains of the monsters Genos burned and chunks of stone from different walls to shred any incoming monsters. As they destroyed anything that approached them, Genos and Fubuki continued to switch positions as they attempted to destroy any monster who tried to slip past the other's blind spot. As Fubuki started to look at Genos in appreciation, she noticed a large pincer close in on him from, which she immediately stopped with her psychic powers and crushing them. As she pulled down the giant monster that had just tried to skewer Genos from above, Genos punched straight through its skull and incinerated it from the inside. Using the flames that escaped through the monster, Fubuki funneled it and sent it towards the incoming monsters.

"Thanks for the assist!" Genos yelled as he continued blasting wave after wave of monsters. Despite how many Bang and Bomb continued to destroy and how many Genos and Fubuki tore apart, there seemed to be no ending to it! As Fubuki began to feel slightly exhausted from her previous fights and all the monsters continuing to rush them, she grit her teeth as she yelled at Genos.

"Just how many more are there!?"

"We're too old to do this forever!" added Bomb as drilled giant holes into a Bear-looking thing.

Using the blades from his arms, Genos began to unleash his machine gun blows as he intercepted any monster who successfully made it across as he tried to shield Fubuki. Grunting as he continued cutting down monster after monster, Genos suddenly stopped as his eyes widened. "There are still several hundred! But I can also sense a giant lifeform approaching from the bottom of the ravine!"

Before Fubuki, Bang, or Bomb could response, the floor beneath them began to shake as something massive began to move. As several giant cracks began to appear, all the monster trying to attack them suddenly stopped as they also didn't know what was going on. Fubuki, who was closest to the edge, noticed something move from within the darkness of the giant chasm... as a monster tried to take advantage of her distraction, he lunged at her at amazing speed from the opposite side of the giant gap before a weird substance caught him mid-air. Screaming as he tried to fight off whatever had grabbed it, the monster was suddenly silenced as the goo completely covered his body, snapping him like a twig before splitting dozens of times as it grabbed on to several monsters on the other side of the chasm. Before anyone could anyone react, a tidal wave of the same substance leaped out from the darkness, immediately enveloping every single monster as it began to seemingly absorb them and grow in size. As she saw the goo approaching the place where they were at, Fubuki immediately raised her hands above her as she shielded Genos, Bang, and Bomb from it. As soon as the substance crashed against her psychic barriers, it pushed past her as it began consuming every monster beyond where Bang and Bomb stood.

"What the hell is this thing!?" Bang shouted as he saw the goo continue to slam against the shield covering him.

"Whatever it is, I don't think we want to touch it!" Bomb shouted back.

As Fubuki continued to guard each and every single one of them, she noticed Genos slam his arms together, uniting them as he pointed it at the hallway past Bang and Bomb.

"Our best bet is to create an exit route opposite of where this thing came from!" Genos pointed out as Fubuki looked at him in surprise. "Fubuki... lower down the psychic barrier on my mark!"

Nodding in agreement, Fubuki continued to keep the gooey substance surrounding them as she waited for Genos' mark. As he screamed, "NOW!" she released all of her barries before pulling Bang and Bomb towards her as Genos unleashed a spiral of incineration into the hall, destroying all of the substance as the rest of it pulled back to the main mass in the middle of the chasm. As they turned to face it, Fubuki turned to face it as she unleashed a wave of psychic energy to hold it back. Whatever this thing was... it was strong!

As Bang and Bomb closed in on her, she was suddenly surrounded by a green psychic barrier which forced her to stop her assault as it began to carry her up. Noticing what was going on, Genos ran to them, looking up as he began to see the floor above start to crack and shatter.

"Fubuki! What are you doing!"

"This isn't me... my sister must be the one doing this! She's releasing an incredible amount of energy!" Fubuki responded as she tried to find him. Bang and Bomb shifted in place so that Fubuki could look at him from within the bubble. "Genos! You have to grab my hand and enter the barries before the whole bases crushed you!" she screamed as she stretched her hand out towards him. As Genos tried to reach them, the psychic sphere continued to rise faster and faster. As he was a few feet away from it, the giant liquid/solid mass slammed into him, sending him crashing down as Bang, Bomb, and Fubuki looked down with worry.

"Young man you have to get out of there!" Bomb shouted as he tried to push against the barrier to no avail.

"Genos-Kun!" Bang added as he held his hands out against the sphere.

As she heard them shout, Fubuki grabbed on to both of their hands as she held them together. "You have to grab on to me, my sister probably only shielded me since we have a strong psychic connection! If you let go you risk phasing right through it!" Looking down at Genos who was now doing his best to fight the giant mass threatening to absorb him, Fubuki could only tighten her grip on the Martial Artists' hands. "Genos, you better live! I'll be waiting for you alongside Saitama!"

Giving her a tight and genuine smile, Genos simply nodded as he sliced an appendage of the mass that reached towards him. "Don't worry about me! Just get out of here, I'll keep it busy!"

Rising faster and faster, Fubuki, Bang, and Bomb soon lost track of Genos as the chasm began to cave in on itself, several rooms sliding and being dumped into its core as smoke began to rise. However, Bang, who was still watching the spot where they had last seen Genos fighting noticed the smoke shift as it began to move. As he squeezed his brother's and Fubuki's hand, they all turned and looked down as a massive appendage flew out of the smoke. As it began to close the distance between them by matching their high speeds, the heroes began to worry Genos had been killed.

Deep down below the smoke, Genos was continuing to cut and slice at the goo as he saw that only a small portion of it was focusing on him as the rest went after Fubuki and the others. "Oh no you don't!" he shouted as he brought his hands together, charging an incineration blast as he continued to dodge the bioform's attacks. As he was finally caught by an appendage, he smiled, before he unleashed his Super Spiral Incineration Cannon. The goo which was catching up to Fubuki and the two brothers, let out a shriek as it suddenly pulled back, the huge incineration blast visible as it pushed it away from them. As the biomass collapsed back into itself and fell into the smoke once again, a lot of it burned off but the rest regrouped as it floated in front of Genos. Cutting off the appendage that held him and landing on the floor, Genos stood valiantly as he began to see the goo begin to cover the whole chasm as it tried to find more life forms to consume. As it sensed Genos' energy signals, it began to loom over him as several different parts of its strange body began to form into spikes.

Glaring at the being as it tried to analyze it for weak points, Genos withdrew his blades as he began to light up his palms with incineration. "It's probably too early for me to use the new upgrades Dr. Kuseno implanted me with. If it turns out I cannot defeat this monster with my normal abilities... then I'll resort to killing it with the span of the ten seconds I have using my full power," he thought as his eyes began to glow with energy. "Whatever it takes, you will not escape me!" he shouted before rushing forward as he met the monster substance head-on.

As Fubuki, Bang, and Bomb continued to rise towards the surface, they could not believe their eyes as every floor above them was pushed apart to allow them through. With thunderous cracks and explosions of stone, they finally reached the surface, where the moonlight was the only thing that could be seen. It had only been a few hours since they entered the Monster Association base, so the night and its darkness was the only thing that could be seen as it swallowed everything. Before they could gather their bearings, the earth beneath them began to shake as something enormous began to cave the floor upwards. The heroes could only look in wonder as several more orbs began to appear with each S-Class hero inside them. First Darkshine, then Child emperor, Sweet Mask, and finally, Atomic Samurai. But that wasn't what was causing the trembling earthquake beneath them... as Fubuki's eyes began to widen in disbelief, she witnessed the Monster Association slowly come to the surface. Several floors and rooms were intact as they continued to rise, the base seemingly reaching for the sky as a figure soon appeared in front of it. As the being emitted a green glow, Fubuki immediately realized that her sister was the one pulling out the Monster Association base as she flew hundreds of feet above the ground. Soon, giant figures and chasms began to be created as the size of the Monster Association easily began to dwarf Z city. Putting out great amounts of Psychic output, Tatsumaki was easily pulling out at least a mile of the base with her... but with what reason?

As if in response, multiple bright white beams erupted out of the top of the monster association base as they slowly moved in a spiral before converging into one beam at the peak of the monster base. At the top, a giant, glowing figure emerged as the base continued to rise. Watching closely, Fubuki couldn't help but notice that it looked so much like Psychos (the real human version of her.) "That form isn't human..." Fubuki thought before Psychos herself also rose, revealing a giant monster with several arms on each side of its body holding a spear. Whatever it was, Fubuki could tell it was powerful. It's aura... it reminded her so much of the monster Saitama had faced...

Fearing that the psychic connections she might have felt earlier could have meant Saitama struggling during their battle, Fubuki simply watched as the earth around her began to crumble and rise. Whatever was about to happen, she knew that the heroes were going to struggle against Orochi and whatever Psychos had become... let alone the different monsters who exploded out of the ground as they landed next to the S-Class heroes. Their demeanor and aura were completely different from the fodder monsters she had killed before. Only a few monsters could land next to beaten S-Class heroes on the verge of death while wearing smug looks on their faces. What they were facing now... were the cadres and the Monster King.