"Oh Harry," Hermione hugged me tightly as I walked into the empty classroom, we had used over years for our private meetings.
I looked over her shoulder to see Ron sitting on a desk in the dimly lit room, his legs crossed. A small smile adored his face. How long they had come. I still remember when three of us had saved the Philosopher's stone. Ron had taken an axe to his head and thankfully survived. It was too late to care now.
"You son of a bitch! You have got the Devil's luck, haven't you?" asked Ron with a laugh.
Hermione broke free and glared at Ron, while I laughed, tension leaving me. The night suddenly felt much easier. "Glad you think so, you buffoon!"
Hermione just crossed her arms and muttered something, which sounded like 'Boys'.
I smiled at her fondly. I need them now more than ever.
"So, let's get rolling?" I asked.
Hermione rose an eyebrow, "Aren't you gonna tell us what happened?"
"Let's enjoy the peace today," I suggested, knowing very well how we weren't going to do that. "How are things in Gryffindor?"
"Fred and George were being over dramatic," Ron rolled his eyes. "Praising you to be next Dark Lord – gits." Might as well be true, a dark thought ventured to the forefront of my mind. I am sure the same went through my friends' mind.
"And, then there was McLaggen," Hermione sighed.
"Well, he is jerk," I shrugged.
"You should have thrown him off the tower last year," Ron muttered under his breath, to which Hermione glared.
Satisfying but hardly worth the trouble.
"Easy," I warned. An argument was the last thing I wanted right now. They both turned to me – gazes apologetic.
"Oh yes, you were about to tell us what happened."
I sighed, as I flopped down an uncomfortable chair. "I didn't enter my name." I knew I wouldn't hesitate. Their betrayal was still fresh in my mind.
"You didn't?" Ron asked, surprised.
"If I say I didn't, then I didn't," Harry snapped.
"But – yes – well, you are known to be reckless, and we thought it was some grand scheme of yours," Hermione explained. Ron just looked away, knowing what was coming. I had given him enough guilt trips along the holidays. A small one wouldn't harm now – perhaps, one of his last for this term.
I looked them both in the eye, before I began, "Look I know, trust between us isn't what it used to be, with what happened last year." I paused to judge their reactions. I hadn't brought up what had happened, with Hermione. She was girl – being far more emotional and hormonal than Ron, and lack of testosterone made it easier to manipulate her. Small guilt trips were good enough. "But we still have hope." Hope? I really need to think before I speak. Hope was always too fragile. This would be enough. Ron had a determined gaze even before I began. And, Hermione – never tell her too much, I have learnt that. It just complicates the matter. She was far too smart.
"So?" I asked after a moment.
"I have a plan," Ron smiled evilly. I replied with a feral grin, and Hermione suddenly looked wary.
The common room was quite empty, when I arrived. I had taken a trip to the Owlery, posting a letter to Sirius and another one to Daphne. I still haven't read the letter I got from her this morning. Enchanted, so only I could read. Hiding a relationship was difficult. They were always so close, yet so far and untouched.
I brought it close to my face, and smelled it slowly. Like always, it was sprayed with Amortentia. It is probably one of the most seductive scents I have ever inhaled. An aroma that could leave one enchanted, yet delightfully blissful in such a manner that it made the clocks tick yet the time didn't pass.
I took in her neat calligraphic scrawl for a moment – elegant curls where they prided themselves, the divine turns where ink flowed from a river into a small stream of stirred delight – turning and twisting, then enchanting his heart.
I have always mourned the loss of her blood – this once being no different. The crimsonness of the ink gnawing at my heart, leaving it in a state of pained detachment. I have begged so often for her not to do so – my pleas falling on deaf ears. My beloved was as stubborn as me, perhaps even more.
My oblivious Prince,
Your kindness claimed earlier gratitude – but I was occupied – and now I write from my pillow. I was delighted that you remembered about white roses – and endured hardship to have them sent. It left me in a state of bliss and nostalgia. An eternity seems to have passed since we had that conversation.
The question that broke us off is still afresh on my mind. But, do not believe for a moment we shall not have the word that you have evaded – for now, I shall let go.
You ask why I was troubled before. Samhain approaches. Halloween isn't been known to be merciful to us. Thirteen isn't been known to be lucky – the years since his fall. Troll. Chamber. Black. What more evidence do you require. You do not believe in Divine powers of Magic – but I do, thus I am troubled by it. Though, I do not blame you for having a worldview that isn't mine – but, Trelawney, the uneducated that she is – so you cannot you blame me.
Luck has been an ally to you – but it isn't infinite, my dearest. This year the energies are darker than before – the dream of yours holds a key, find it and a mystery might not be one anymore. I hope your skills are progressing better than mine – the last few days haven't been entirely smooth. Tracey is always here – she helps, but it does not fill the void that your absence creates, my love.
I expect an answer – I doubt my worries are unfounded... Take care, like you have done so far.
I haven't put down as much that would have appeased me – but sleep claims me, perhaps weariness of the day proves to be greater than my usual enthusiasm. I shall dearly await your reply.
May Death be merciful to your enemies.
Yours Valencia
I sighed. I should have read the letter before I sent one. It had only two words: CODE RED.
She would probably be pissed, but it was for the best. Her worries weren't unfounded, like always. Yet, my belief in Divination was as good as that in the God. I had stopped believing in God, when I was condemned to Hell for ten years. Perhaps, the best thing that happened to me – yet, a hell's a hell.
Daphne is not expendable. I would protect her with my life if I needed to. I spent three years – three long years, to reach where I am today. My beloved. I had pulled out every dirty trick in the book, so did she and she had won – for once I did not care. She was much better at this than I would ever be. We were both ruthless manipulators. While her talents were in that of People, mine were in War. For so long, I have treated every day of life as War. Now, it seems losing isn't an option but rather Death.
I am lay on my bed, hours had passed – yet, I was so deep in thought, the journey to common room seemed a moment too short and the stares a bit too unnoticed. Sleep would do me good.
But, sleep was rather traitorous when I needed it the most. I changed my side – again and again, and yet again – to no end. Dropping Occlumency shields could have helped, but I feared for another dream.
Thus, I woke up next morning exhausted, tired and strangely depressed. On hindsight, depression wasn't so strange. Yesterday had caught me off guard.
The people were gaping at me. Gryffindors were not glaring at me, that was enough for now. Slytherins were hostile – but not so openly, as they were in second year. Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws – well, they were better than Slytherins. I couldn't care less about them. I ate my breakfast amongst the hushed whispers, that was until Diggory came over.
"Would you terribly mind if I sit here?" he asked politely.
Huh? Why not, why not Cedric. My new friend.
"Would you leave me alone if I say yes and show my gratitude?" I retorted.
"Uh, yes?" Diggory asked hesitantly.
"Sit down for Merlin's sake!" I shook my head.
Diggory laughed plopped himself down next to him. Fred and George were quick to join him.
"Fraternising with the enemy, are we?" Fred asked, raising an eyebrow.
"That almost seems Slytherin, don't you think Fred." George narrowed his eyes.
"Oh, yes brother mine. Here, I thought Cedric was a nice Puff."
If he has a single evil bone in his body then I might as well be Satan reincarcerated.
I rolled my eyes. "Lay off, you two. We have enough troubles as it is."
Cedric smiled, "Always a pleasure meeting you guys."
My eyes lingered upon the entrance for a moment, before venturing towards the Slytherin table. Malfoy sat there alone. Away from his friends and the Durmstang students, eating in silence. That is a strange development.
Daphne hasn't arrived yet. Krum was looking towards or table with an inquisitive gaze. I ignored him as my eyes landed upon the other champion. Helena. She was busy eating her food. The girl unnerved me a bit for some reason.
Some of the Beauxbatons were glaring at me. Whispering. No surprise there. A grin found its way on my face I saw Delacour's haughty stare. Cho Chang was surprisingly absent.
Diggory raised an eyebrow at him. I had spent less than few seconds to look around, but the tall boy had picked it up. Not a complete idiot then. Just an honest to god Hufflepuff.
"How was the rendezvous that of yours, Cedric?" I smirked. Diversion. "Fun night?"
It was amusing to see Diggory flush.
The effect was instantaneous. Fred and George latched upon him, giving me the peace to have my breakfast. It was certainly entertaining to see Cedric squirm uncomfortably.
It also gave me the time to think about the next course of action.
"So, where are Ron and Hermione?" someone asked from next to me. I looked up and blinked. Katie.
I hadn't seen her slide next to me. You are being careless, Potter. Strangely the voice sounded like Snape's. It made my insides curl and lurch.
"Ron's probably getting ready. Hermione is in the Library," I lied through his teeth. They were in the Kitchens, eating. Staging the fallout. "We had a bit of disagreement."
"About what?" Fred askes as the twins placed themselves in front of me.
"Leaving Hogwarts," I could feel the hint of whispers grow around them. "Ron and Hermione think it might be good idea," I continued. I could only wonder how Dumbledore would take the news. Thank god, the three of them were smart enough to learn Occlumency when Daphne had suggested they do so in their first year.
Of course, I was a wound that I was happy to open and reopen to remind his friends of their carelessness. While the Basilisk venom in my blood stream had negated any kind of influences Potions could have on me – Dobby usually took care that our food wasn't spiked.
"Not a bad idea," Cedric commented remembering the weird things that kept happening in Hogwarts. I just glared at him. Cedric just raised his hands, "Just saying. Look at all the troubles you have had here."
I shrugged.
The first two phases of Code Red were successful.
"I doubt it would help Harry Potter, anyways," George smirked. "Trouble follows you."
"And, Mom wouldn't let Ron change schools," Fred added.
I snorted. As if that was going to stop us.
"We have the Wand Weighing ceremony today," Cedric said as he tried to change the subject.
"How delightful," I commented lightly. Really. I had no desire to get my wand weighed by some buffoon.
Cedric shrugged.
If I get to miss the greasy bat's class I certainly won't complain.
"Thanks, Cedric," I nodded at Cedric as I got up. My next destination, Hagrid's.
A/N - This one might seem a bit weird. It is suddenly in first POV for no other reason than my laziness.
Please let me know if you would like see more of this story. I will work accordingly.