Hey, it's Hornet. I'm the dude who writes Mirrored Eyes and Best Served Cold. I'd like to apologize for the lack of updates recently, but I do kinda have a reason. Over the last couple of weeks, I've had a lot going on, and as a result, my writing has suffered. I've tried to keep up, but every time I sit down to get a chapter out, I get more and more burnt out.

So, I've decided to take a break from writing fanfic for a while. Gonna focus more on my own original work and come back later. I don't intend to be gone forever, but it will definitely be at least a few months.

Sorry to all who were enjoying my stories. I really thought I could keep it up if I imposed an upload schedule on myself, but that only served to kill the urge to keep writing. In the grand scheme of things, though, one writer taking a hiatus is meaningless. There are thousands of other fantastic fics to read while I'm gone.