An Emporer's Song

Disclaimer: ASOIAF and PJO belong to its respective owners. Some of the elements in this story are inspired by other published works. I do not take credit for any of these ideas.

A/N: Thanks for all the reviews, follows and stuff from the last chapter. It gives me a lot to think about most of the time.

Hadrian. Caesar: I had Percy use legions in the TTBD story. I might do the same for this story.

Masso2010: I mean, I thought I gave a couple strong hints of why already. If you know about the lore of asoiaf then there is only one thing capable of manipulating fire and shadows. No spoilers though!

Jasper123: Nope! Chaos and the Fates have NO power in the world of asoiaf. Well, maybe Chaos but it couldn't care less what happens to Percy. Percy's new powers will be a huge boon to have for the future I have planned for the Known World.

Zoom99: Thanks!

Chrysalis918: Appreciate it!

Miguelgiuliano. co: Not much has changed in asoiaf as of yet. The whole prophecy thing will be explained later on. Who says Percy is fire? Just because he has fire powers doesn't make him a part of the prophecy.

Adamcoyne: Thanks! Don't worry, after the little situation with Lady Rogare, Percy won't be eager to settle down with anyone.

Stargaryen: Percy still has morals he won't be committing mass genocide any time soon. The only thing that makes people question his morality is his personal incentives. Percy only ever acts when something either affects him or his family/friends. In most of the books the only reason Percy went on those quests was because his friends/family were in trouble. And he did so without regards to any rules. He is a bit reckless when it comes to saving his own friend's lives. As for the Iapetus thing. When they were in Tartarus the only reason they escaped when Tartarus himself manifested in front of them was because of the arrival of Damasen the peaceful giant son of the Pit and Gaia. I always wondered what would have happened if Damasen didn't arrive. Iapetus can't fight off a primordial and an army of monsters with just one hand, small bob or not.

Osterreicher97: Yeah, Moreo wasn't the smartest guy in the room. What would you expect from a noble born with a silver spoon in his mouth though. I entertained the idea of Percy revealing who he was to them but I just couldn't see how they would believe him. Plus, they'd be dead soon anyway haha. In regards to Jon Connington I simply went with the belief that he was heartbroken when Rhaegar died and went to Essos where he supposedly drank himself to death. I know that was just a ploy by Varys but this time it would have held true if they didn't happen to cross paths. Yes the events in Westeros are about to kick off and Percy and co. will have front row seats haha.

Perseus314: No spoilers! Haha

Ser Dinaden: Thanks. I always hated how most people didn't give Viserys a chance to change from his original path. The man practically carried his little sister around Essos on his back while protecting them from assassins. Who wouldn't go crazy at such a young age.

Oddballzebra: Percy the huh? Sorry but this Percy won't be heartless.

Bio RL: Thanks!

RedStrobeLight: Thank you! Won't be much mixing between the two different verses. There might be a special guest from Percy's original universe in the future but I haven't decided on it yet.

Billthebuilder: Appreciate it! Yeah, Percy's sea powers will be missed but I assure you his new ones will make things just as fun. As for the old story, I suppose it wouldn't be too much trouble to repost it. It's not very good in my eyes though haha.

Balerus the black dread: I already said that Percy won't be overpowered in this story. And I WILL be making him an Emperor eventually. Asoiaf already has Emperors in the Known World. Percy wants to END the current system of the Known World. All countries under one banner. Atleast that is the plan. George R.R. Martin has already mixed Roman culture into ASOIAF along with many other cultures. Old Empire of Ghis, Lockstep Legions, Unsullied, are all similar to Rome. So I'm very confused as to why you believe they wouldn't mix when they obviously already have.

JakOvsumTrade: Thank you thank you. I took off the old story. Might re-post it since ppl keep asking though. The only thing I like about the other story was the fight scenes haha.

wdogg44: Thanks! I agree that Percy having water powers in this setting doesn't make much sense.

TheLaughingMan1: Aw. You're making me blush. Thank you thank you.

Lorem54: Appreciate it!

WarrensenjuUchihaUzumaki: That would be cool wouldn't it…hehe

EcoliO157H7: Thanks!

Burning Moonlight: I wouldn't say his innocence is completely shattered but yes Percy's eyes are open to the cruel nature of the world.

Agent Frank Underwood: Percy reacted impulsively as he does many times in the PJO canon. He tends to do so whenever something endangers his family and or friends. For example, a lord that can have Percy's family killed with a snap of his fingers finding out that Percy slept with his wife. Sure Lord Rogare gave him a job but that doesn't mean they were friends. It was strictly work. Percy isn't perfect, he makes mistakes and I thought I showed how he regretted those mistakes but I guess not. There are a lot of moments where Rick writes how Percy was making either a selfish decision or a reckless one. Remember Percy's fatal flaw is excessive personal loyalty. As for the whole love thing with Lady Rogare. I thought it was really the only way for Percy to try and keep his sanity in that moment. He just killed an innocent man, something he has never done before to my knowledge. Percy wasn't looking for truth, he was looking for an excuse. Lady Rogare gave him an easy one.

Chapter 3. A Golden Opportunity


297 AC, Myr

"I never thought that we'd come back to this godforsaken place." Viserys grumbled as the city of Myr came into view.

Percy couldn't help but agree with him. The city didn't particularly make them feel safe and warm inside. But alas, the reason for their being in Myr overruled their natural ire.

"Are you sure that the Golden Company is in Myr, Old Griff?" Viserys asked 'Old Griff' or rather Jon.

Jon grumbled a bit but responded affirmatively, "I am positive, my prince. The company is currently in a contract with Myr. The Golden Company never breaks a contract." He said.

Daenerys looked to Percy in confusion, "How are they supposed to help us reclaim the Iron Throne if they are already in a contract, Perseus?" She asked him.

"Once we join the company it won't be too hard to climb the ranks. Hopefully. After I or Viserys become Captain-General, we'll terminate the contract." Percy explained.

Viserys grinned, "It's Viserys or I." He corrected with a smug expression, making Percy roll his eyes.

Daenerys frowned thoughtfully, "But what about me? I can't fight. I don't think they'd let me join." She pointed out.

"Don't worry, princess. I know the Captain-General very well. Harry Strickland won't send the rightful King and the last of the Targaryens away. He'll see it as an 'opportunity'." Jon told her.

Percy fidgeted with the pommel of Truth, "What kind of man is this Harry Strickland? Will he be a problem?" He asked Jon.

Jon snorted loudly, "Harry Strickland used to be the company's paymaster before my friend, Myles Toyne, died. He has a nose for gold but not the belly for battle." He grunted.

Viserys's face wrinkled in disgust, "So he's a coward! Then why is he still Captain-General?" He asked incredulously.

"He pays the men well and makes certain all their needs are met." Jon said in a simple manner.

"Then it won't be too hard to oust him. We just have to show the men of the company that we can give them better." Percy said, a plan already forming in his head.

Jon looked at him with an unsure look, "Harry boasts gold for four generations. We don't have nearly as much. Maybe after a few years in the company we could-" Percy cut him off sharply.

"We don't have years! I won't have our peace when we're only days away from our deathbeds." He said irritably.

"So what do you suggest, your grace? We don't have many options." Jon said making Percy frown even deeper.

Daenerys snapped her fingers in realization, "Why don't you all just show them how great of a leader you could be? I'm sure the men would rather follow after a skilled warrior and commander." She told them.

Jon shook his head, "No, the men won't care. As long as their coffers are full they don't care who leads them." He grunted.

"We'll figure out what to do once we're actually in the company." Percy grumbled, still a bit peeved.

If the company really did only care about gold then this was going to be harder than he thought. His entire plan had been to take control of the largest sellsword company in Essos and then sail to the Seven Kingdoms. A little straight forward but there was no reason to make intricate plans when a simple miscalculation could spell destruction for them. It was better to plan short and work fast so their momentum and morale was always at its peak.

Percy smiled a bit at those calculating thoughts. He was thankful now more than ever that Annabeth had taken the time to explain strategy and war to him. Even though at the time it was boring to listen to, he really couldn't help but feel grateful for all those hours spent talking on the subject. But he still couldn't figure out a way to make the company turn towards him for leadership.

If Annabeth were here she would probably be berating him at how stupid he was for missing the obvious points. Alas, he would just have to come back to the problem later.

Once they docked their ship they set out into the city. The company was usually set up outside of the city but some of its members liked to drink and do other things within the city. And they also couldn't just walk towards their camp by themselves. That would be a quick way to die via a volley of arrows.

As they traversed the city they admired all of the different items for sale. Instead of Lys's luxury goods like red wine and perfumes, Myr had much more diverse products. They passed by colorful tapestries, carpets, lace and even mirrors. Percy absolutely had to buy a pocket sized silver mirror from a vendor.

He wasn't vain but people really didn't know what they had until it was gone. The amount of times he had wished for a mirror to check to see if he had anything stuck in his teeth was incalculable.

A gasp drew Percy's attention away from his new mirror. Daenerys was staring dreamily at a beautiful gold embroidered lace dress.

Percy walked up beside her, "Do you like that dress, Dany?" He asked her.

Daenerys quickly looked away from the dress in embarrassment, "I-It's fine, I suppose." She muttered, still stealing a few glances.

He grinned in amusement, "I can get it for you it, if you like?" He offered.

"Oh could you please, Perseus?" Daenerys practically begged.

"C'mon then." Percy chuckled as they walked over to the vendor.

The dress was quite pricey. 50 silver stags to be exact. But it was far too late to back down now, especially since Daenerys had already gone behind a curtain to change into the dress.

He admired a few other items while he waited for her to finish.

"How do I look?" Percy looked up from the golden wreath crown he had been observing and what he saw made his eyes widened.

Standing in front of him was Daenerys in her new gold lace dress. It almost looked like it was tailored to fit her. The dress went down as far as the top of her ankles and hugged her torso well. The long silver hair that fell over each of her shoulders brought out the color of the dress even more. Thankfully the dress covered most of her still developing cleavage. Daenerys was drawing the leering looks of so many men that Percy was already tempted to demand a refund.

"Y-You, uh, look absolutely beautiful. I mean good! Yeah, you look nice." Percy fumbled, trying to look anywhere but her.

Daenerys beamed at him, "I thought so too! Though, my shoes don't really match." She frowned, looking at her old worn pair of brown leather boots.

The vendor cleared his throat, "I believe these would match quite perfectly, my dear." He smiled showing off a pair of gold glittering flats in his hands.

Percy narrowed his eyes at the man, "You did that on purpose didn't you?" He growled.

"I have no idea what you mean, my boy." The man said innocently as Daenerys began bouncing up and down on her toes in excitement.

"Oh, can I please have them, Perseus? Pretty please!" Daenerys pleaded.

"Alright alright. Stop...bouncing so much!" Percy ordered.

The erotic show her movements were unknowingly giving was making him uncomfortable.

"How much for those shoes and this, old man?" Percy asked, holding up the golden wreath crown in his hand.

It reminded him of his old home. Or more specifically New Rome, where all the demigods and spirits that lived there wore togas and wreaths.

He could already hear the wails of his coin pouch at the greedy smile he received the man.


Sometime later…

A grumpy Percy and very happy Daenerys walked alongside Viserys and Jon.

"I still can't believe you paid almost 100 silver on one clothes vendor. That's practically robbery!" Viserys guffawed, wearing a gold colored cloth that was wrapped around his forehead and under his hair.

He had also decided to buy two new gold engraved sword sheaths for his two also new golden hilt scimitars. His old leather armor was replaced by a matching golden chestplate, greaves and arm gauntlets. All in all, his uncle looked like a golden ninja. Percy would have told him so if he was in the mood for jokes.

"Ha ha. I had already bought Dany the dress. I couldn't not buy the shoes as well." Percy grumbled.

Daenerys nodded in agreement, "It was a very necessary purchase, Perseus." She said with a serious look that made him sweat drop.

"You could have at least bought some armor to go with that crown thing you bought. Even the Old Griff bought armor." Viserys gestured towards Jon who looked a lot for 'knightly'.

His red armor had been replaced with a simply gold colored set and a black cloak. The man had even trimmed his rugged beard that made him look younger. Though Viserys still called him old.

Percy sighed, "How could I know that the company doesn't give you a set of armor when you join?" He groaned.

It was far too late for him to buy armor as well. Most of the shops and vendors had closed once night came.

"I'm sure they'll give you an extra set of armor, your grace." Jon comforted him.

"If we can even find them. Are you sure they're even inside of the city, Old Griff?" Viserys asked Jon.

Jon nodded, "The company patrols around the city during the day and at night they rest. Some get drinks inside of the city walls." He said.

Loud roars of laughter sounded ahead from inside of a tavern. Music and drunken singing could be heard as well. It sounded like a super bowl party was being thrown inside.

"Well, I guess that would be the first place to look." Percy said as they began making their way to the tavern entrance.

The inside looked as raucous as it sounded. Men were up and about either singing in a drunken tune with a whore in their lap or passed out on the floor.

Viserys grinned at the sight, "This is my type of scene." His gaze followed the rear of a passing whore who smirked saucily at him.

"We aren't here to get drunk or get laid." Percy said, looking around the tavern for the telltale sign of golden armor.

"Tell that to the Old Griff." Viserys snorted.

Percy turned to see Jon in the middle of chugging down a bottle of mead. The red haired man froze as he met his King's eyes.

"Erm. 'Tis just a sip, your grace. I was quite parched from the journey." Jon burped, wiping his mouth.

He was only given a dry look, "Them. They look like they're a part of the Golden Company, Yes?" Percy gestured over to a group of men all wearing some type of golden armor or clothes.

Jon peered at them for a moment before nodding, "Yes, I remember some of those men from my own time in the company." He said.

"Let us introduce ourselves then." Viserys said, making his way over to the group of men.

Percy grabbed ahold of Daenerys's hand as they followed after him, "Stay close, Dany. Most of these men can't even think clearly." He narrowed his eyes at one drunk man who looked like he wanted to 'introduce' himself to Daenerys.

By the time they reached the group of sellswords they had already gained most of their attention.

"Who are you? I've never seen any of you around camp." One man said looking over Viserys and Jon's golden attire.

Jon cleared his throat, "We are here to have an audience with the Captain-General." He told the men.

"Is that you Jon?" A white haired dark skinned man asked in recognition.

"Hello, Balaq. I haven't seen you in a long time." Jon said.

Balaq nodded, "Yes, the last time I saw you was when you were digging around in the company's coffers." He said with narrowed eyes.

That certainly made Percy turn to Jon with a questioning expression. Jon hadn't said anything about him stealing from the Golden Company. Only that they had a 'minor mishap'.

Jon chuckled nervously, "Ah yes. Good times." He said weakly.

"You must be daft if you think Harry will let you back in the company. Though if this pretty thing here was your gift. Then we'll still gladly take her." A giant of a man leered at an uncomfortable Daenerys.

Viserys scowled at the man, "This is my sister, oaf. Speak of her in such a manner again and I'll cut you down to size. Starting with your head." He growled.

The man stood up angrily. He really was quite big. He towered over all of them. Percy would have thought he had a little cyclops in him if there were any in this world.

"What did you just say to me, little man?" Big Man stepped forward threateningly.

"Enough, Duncan. Apologies, this is a complete misunderstanding. We didn't mean to disrespect such a beautiful girl." A young boy grinned suavely at Daenerys

He had almost unnatural pitch black hair and lilac eyes. Though he looked as young as Percy did, one could tell that he held a high amount of respect from the other sellswords. His gold armor was only slightly worn looking, like it either hadn't been in a battle yet or no one had yet to even land a strike on him. Five gold arm rings adorned his right arm. Each ring symbolized a year of servitude to the Golden Company according to Jon.

Duncan continued to glare at Viserys who returned it with just as much intensity before the hulking man sat back down with a grunt.

Percy meanwhile had gotten tired of the dick measuring contest, "My name is Perseus Targaryen. Rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms. This is my family, Prince Viserys Targaryen and Princess Daenerys Targaryen. We wish to speak with your Captain-General, Harry Strickland." He said firmly.

The men's eyes widened a bit at his declaration and they began to look at them in a new light.

"And how do we know you're actually Targaryens. We haven't heard about anything from the exiled Targaryens in years." Balaq said.

Jon scoffed, "I wouldn't be with them now if I didn't know that they were the exiled Targaryens now would I, Balaq?" He said.

"The last of the famed Targaryens. I thought you were all dead to be quite honest." The black haired boy smirked, "Tristan Waters, commander of the company's infantry at your service, my King."

The last part was said with a slight sarcastic undertone but Percy didn't care to call him out on it.

"It's nice to meet you, Tristan Waters. Now about that meeting with Harry Strickland." Percy said cordially.

Tristan's brow raised a bit in surprise. Probably due to not expecting Percy to show him any sort of respect. Which was idiotic. He didn't have much faith in this society's standards but the degradation of 'bastards' was just plain stupid. Technically, Percy along with every other demigod had been a bastard child of the gods.

Why should the child have to suffer for the actions of their parents? Just another reason to completely dismantle the world's current system.

"I suppose Harry would be quite interested in meeting you all." Tristan said before standing up to his feet, "Follow me then."

While Tristan and Balaq led the way, the other company members followed some ways behind them. Percy felt a bit nervous at leaving his back open to a group of complete strangers. Or maybe it was the phantom feeling of knowing that his Achilles heel was in between his shoulder blades.

"So where have you all been for these past years? If you don't mind me asking of course." Tristan added, though Percy could tell that he didn't care if he was being rude or not.

"We were hiding in Lys for a few years. But after an…accident happened, we had to escape the city." Percy told him.

Tristan frowned a bit before his face lit back up, "Ah, you three were responsible for the Great Fire of Lys?" He asked them.

Viserys scoffed, "It wasn't that big of a fire." He said.

"Oh no. Quite the contrary in fact. Half of Lys burned to the ground before the fire was even contained. Tyrosh has been wreaking havoc on them ever since." Tristan informed them.

Daenerys gasped, "Did we really cause that much damage?" She asked in horror.

Tristen nodded, "I'm afraid so. Lys is barely holding back Tyrosh. I would be surprised if they aren't all enslaved soon." He said flippantly.

Percy noticed how distraught this made Daenerys so he grabbed her hand in comfort, "Hey. It was necessary, Dany. They would have killed us." He whispered to her.

She nodded half-heartedly before gently taking her hand back from him. Percy would be lying if he said that her action didn't hurt him. But he knew that she just needed to cope on her own for a bit. It's not like he meant to burn down half of the city either. He had assumed that the fire would only burn down a couple of manse's before it was stopped.

Percy decided to change the topic, "So how did you become commander of the company infantry, Tristan? If I may call you that." He made sure to promote in his voice that he didn't really care if Tristan minded it or not.

By the slight smirk on Tristan's face he definitely caught it, "By being the best sword in the company. I've yet to actually be bested in a fight." He said simply.

Viserys snorted lightly, "So all I have to do is beat you in a duel? You may as well hand over your title now." He said with a cocky grin.

Tristan shot him an amused look, "Oh, you believe that you will be able to beat me?" He asked Viserys.

"Viserys is a very good swordsman. Not as good as Perseus though." Daenerys said with pride.

"Then I may have my work cut out for me. A beautiful maiden never lies after all." Tristan smirked at her, Daenerys's cheeks tinted red before she looked away from him.

"Then we'll just have to see won't we." Percy frowned, a little annoyed with the boy's constant compliments.

Tristan nodded, "Yes, we shall." He said, completely unbothered.

Percy would take enjoyment in seeing Viserys beat the shit out of the little confident bastard.

Woah, Percy. Calm down boy. He silently reigned in his grating temper.

The camp of the Golden Company was as luxurious as an army's camp could get. Countless gold tents were set up. Golden braziers were riddled throughout the camp to provide light. Solid gold banners with no logo were strewn about. It was all very shockingly organized.

They had been further shocked when a very big elephant walked past them. It was at least three times the size of a full grown elephant from Percy's world. Two very long and thick tusks were decorated with barbed wire. There was a gold war tower on its back that currently carried around a dozen men armed with bows. Though by the looks of it, it could carry a lot more archers than that.

Tristan's lip curved at the gawking Targaryens, "They are called Oliphaunts. War bred elephants. As you can see they grow to be quite big." He told them.

"Quite big, he says. Those things are fucking gigantic!" Viserys exclaimed at the passing war beast.

"Yes, they aren't too hard to keep under control though." Balaq grunted.

"They?" Percy asked in surprise. Fighting just one of those things would be a challenge for any army.

"We have around a dozen of them." Tristan said flippantly.

Percy paled at the thought of facing a dozen of those behemoths. The Golden Company certainly lived up to its reputation as the best sellsword company in all of Essos.

The tent of the Captain-General was twice as big as all the other normal tents. It also had a number of human skulls that had been dipped in molten gold and put on spikes around the tent.

"Death by molten gold? I wouldn't want to die like that." Viserys shuddered.

Daenerys rolled her eyes, "Those are the heads of all the past Captain-General's. Their skulls are dipped into gold as a sign of respect and tradition." She explained, blinking when everyone looked at her in surprise.

"What? I read a lot." She mumbled, red with embarrassment.

"Beautiful and smart. You are quite the package, Daenerys Targaryen." Tristan said, his eyes roaming over her.

"That's princess Daenerys Targaryen to you." Viserys growled at him menacingly.

Tristan raised his hands in mock surrender, "Forgive me, my mouth has a mind of its own around beautiful women. They say that my tongue is like honey. It can be quite sweet once it's in your mouth." He smiled broadly at a blushing Daenerys.

"Then perhaps I should do everyone a favor and remove that sweet tongue of yours." Viserys said darkly.

"Wouldn't that just be a blessing from the gods themselves." Balaq grumbled to himself.

"I jest. Come along now. Captain-General Harry is usually recounting his gold for the 16th time today." Tristan jokes, leading them inside of the tent.

The inside looked just as luxurious as the outside. It also looked very...well gold. The last time Percy had seen so much gold was when he brought all of those imperial gold weapons back to Camp Jupiter.

"Ah, Commander Waters. What can I do for you?"

Harry Strickland was a round face, grey haired, pudgy man. He didn't at all look like a fighter, especially not a general. As Tristan had said, the man was sitting behind a desk counting mounds of gold coins.

His demeanor changed once he saw the three Targaryens, "O-Oh. And who are these three fine looking people?" Harry asked.

Tristan waved his hand in front of them, "This is Perseus Targaryen, rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms. Along with Prince Viserys and the extraordinarily beautiful Princess Daenerys." He introduced them.

Harry scrambled from behind his desk to approach them, "Y-Your grace, I thought you were dead. No one has heard of you in years after all." He stammered.

Percy looked at the man that was even shorter than him. And he wasn't very tall due to him only being 15 years old. He really didn't know how anyone could follow Harry. Gold or not, there was such a thing as integrity. Or maybe Percy was just simply underestimating the man? Annabeth had taught him how not everyone's strength was in sword fighting but in their mind.

"We were living in Lys for a while. It would have been hard to pick us out from the regular Lyseni that lived there. They look similar to us after all." Perseus told the man.

Harry's eyes widened a bit in awe, "Ah. Kind of like hiding in plain sight! That is absolutely ingenious, your grace." He complimented Percy, in genuine awe of the simple act of diversion.

Percy and Viserys shared an awkward glance before he responded, "Uh, yes. Thank you. I was hoping that I could speak with you, General?" He asked.

"But of course, your grace. My ears are wide open to your words." Harry said, waiting in anticipation.

"I-uh meant in private, general." Percy said, sending glances around to the other occupants of the tent.

Harry's face lit in recognition, "Oh, I'm sorry. Commander Balaq and Waters. You may leave me here to speak with the King." He told the two men.

Balaq simply nodded before leaving, "Would you like for me to show you around camp, princess?" Tristan smiled charmingly at Daenerys.

"We would love a tour. Thank you so much, Commander Waters." Viserys cut in before she could answer.

Unperturbed, a grinning Tristan began leading Daenerys and Viserys out of the tent.

"Make sure Viserys doesn't kill him, Jon." Percy told the man who nodded, looking amused, before following after them.

Usually the Old Griff would have wanted to stay by his side but then again, if Percy perished to someone like Harry Strickland he didn't deserve to be a ruler.

"So. What did you wish to speak about, your grace?" Harry looked at Percy with expectancy.

Percy cleared his throat, "I know that my family had a lot of enemies throughout the Known World. Some of my predecessors weren't the most kind rulers." Aerys the Mad, his grandfather, being one of many.

"But I am different from the other Targaryen Kings. I don't want to rule with an iron fist like so many of my past family members have done. I wish to be a stern but kind King. One that listens to the people of his kingdom. Now I know that my family lost the rebellion but I still hope to one day reclaim my birthright."

He sighed, "As we are now, we don't have nearly enough resources to do such a thing. But if you allow us to-" Harry cut him off.

"I'll swear fealty to you!" Harry said quickly.

Percy blinked, "Wait, what?" He asked in shock.

Harry nodded, "I will swear fealty to you. The Golden Company will help House Targaryen retake the Iron Throne!" He proclaimed.

It was difficult for Percy to hide his shock, "Well then. Uh. Wait, but why so easily?" He asked, perturbed.

The Captain chuckled at his surprise, "The entire reason for the Golden Company's existence was to one day retake the Iron Throne. It was the wish of our founder, Aegor Rivers. Originally it was for House Blackfyre but since they are all dead the task goes to House Targaryen." He explained.

"Oh! In fact, I even have in my possession the sword of House Blackfyre. Well, I gave it to Commander Waters after I assumed that all the Targaryens had died." Harry said, a little embarrassed.

Percy shook his head, "It's fine. I already have a Valyrian steel sword anyway." He gestured at the bastard sword on his hip, Truth.

Harry looked at Truths intricate silver hilt and the smooth red gem pommel in awe, "Truth, the sword of House Rogare! A most magnificent blade. Truly fit for a King I say." He clapped his hands in delight.

"Though I am in need of a set of armor. I guess I could just buy a set once all the shops are open in the morning." Percy said looking at his worn looking outfit.

"Nonsense! Come with me, your grace. I have plenty of the best armor for you." Harry said before waddling away.

Percy really didn't understand how a man like Harry Strickland became Captain-General. Maybe he just got lucky and was next in command when the old Captain-General had died.


Sometime after…

Percy stepped out of the command tent looking like an entirely different person.

He wore a gold chestplate with one gold gauntlet on his sword arm that went up to his shoulder. His other arm was mostly bare except for the two gold lace wrappings winding up his arm. Simple black trousers were tucked into the golden greaves that protected his shins and knees. Gold laced, open toe sandals adorned on his feet. And a new gold and black engraved scabbard held Truth on his waist.

Harry had tried to give him a helmet but Percy had refused. He had never worn a helmet before and didn't need to. It wouldn't do much but hinder him. Though his new golden wreath crown was now on his head.

Percy walked up to his family and the group from before. They were all sitting around a campfire and when they saw him began making mocking cat calls and dramatic swooning.

"Look who decided to look like a king for once!" Viserys appraised him.

"Yeah yeah. Laugh it up." Percy grinned as he joined the group.

"He looks like a king but can he fight like one!" One big man that looked similar to Duncan said.

Tristan chuckled from where he sat next to Daenerys, "I'm sure Perseus's sword skills are adequate, Denys. He would look like quite the fool if he had a Valyrian steel sword and didn't know how to use it." He said slyly.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "Oh, I suppose that means you are good with a blade then? Since you have Blackfyre and all." He pointed.

Viserys's head snapped to Tristan's waist. Sheathed in a gold and black scabbard was the black hilted Blackfyre. The red ruby gem embedded in the crossguard gleaned maliciously in the fire light.

"Why does a bastard have the sword of my ancestor!" Viserys said angrily.

Tristan's face darkened a bit at Viserys's bastard remark, "Because I earned it by being the best sword in the company." He recited his words from earlier.

Viserys scoffed, "Like shit you are. You are the same age as Perseus!" He said in disbelief.

"I'm one and six name days. What of it?" Tristan shrugged.

"How about a wager than?" Perseus said, drawing the attention of everyone, "Tristan, if you defeat Viserys in a duel, no maiming or anything fatal, then you can keep Blackfyre."

Percy really didn't care about the sword. But he did wish to see the other boy be taken down a few pegs. He was getting far too comfortable with Daenerys. Nothing like being beaten by a girl's older brother to get the humility flowing.

Tristan looked thoughtful, "Why should I accept such a deal? I have already earned my right to wield it." He told Percy.

Viserys growled, "Then if you beat me then you can keep the sword and have my sisters hand." He offered.

"Wait, what?" Daenerys said in shock.

"So if I beat you I get to keep this beautiful sword and get an even more beautiful wife?" Tristan grinned at a reddening Daenerys.

Like hell he would. Percy believed in Viserys's sword skills. His uncle's sword skills, minus the obvious physical differences, were probably on par with a regular demigod from the Athena cabin. But still.

"No. You only get to keep Blackfyre. Who Daenerys chooses to marry is up to her." Percy said firmly.

"I wouldn't mind that much." Daenerys mumbled under her breath, though Percy's hearing picked up on it.

"Unless you're afraid that you will lose?" Percy added.

Tristan smirked at the obvious bait but ceded nonetheless, "Very well. I suppose I could use a warm up." He said, standing to his feet.

Viserys snorted, "Yeah, I'll show you a warm up." He grumbled as he too stood to his feet.

Everyone moved and made a wide circle around the two. A few other company members began to crowd around as well. Words of excitement filled the air.

"He's really challenging Waters? Fool."

"This will be fun to watch."

"No one has ever beaten Waters before."

Percy ignored the words of the surrounding men as he stood between Daenerys and Jon, "Remember, no maiming or anything fatal. First to surrender or be disarmed, loses." He told them.

Viserys unsheathed his twin scimitars, "Last chance, bastard. You may as well give me that sword now." He said with no real venom. Viserys always enjoyed making his opponents angry with his taunts. It made them more prone to mistakes.

Tristan remained calm faced as he drew Blackfyre. The rippling metal danced in the light. Both men got into their respective sword stances.

Percy looked between both of them before calling out, "Begin!" The surrounding crowd roared as Viserys immediately approached Tristan.

Viserys came towards Tristan in a whirlwind of steel. Having deduced that the bastard would try and step back from the swords, Viserys was very surprised when Tristan instead stepped forward.

Tristan parried both swords before stepping into Viserys's guard. He sent a stab at Viserys's midsection but ultimately missed as Viserys sidestepped and retaliated with an overhead slash.

Blocking the slash, Tristan used his free hand to grab onto one of Viserys's wrist and spun around him. Twisting his hand in the process. Forced to drop his sword lest he receive a broken hand, Viserys detached his wrist from the boy's grip and backed away.

"His first move was to take away the thing that made prince Viserys dangerous. Without both of his swords, prince Viserys won't be able to fight to the best of his ability." Jon commented impressed as Tristan kicked the fallen scimitar off to the side.

Percy shook his head in amusement, "Viserys's main fighting style was never dual wielding." A few heads turned to Percy in disbelief and shock.

"But then how is he so good at it then!?" Duncan asked roughly.

"Viserys only started dual wielding about a year ago. It was just so he could take on multiple opponents." Percy explained simply, "His real fighting style is much more deadly and violent. I taught him the style after all." He grinned a little.

Viserys's ferocity was matched only by the Ares kids. He was the definition of the Greek hack and slash style. Percy himself was more tame in his own style of fighting. But that was mainly because he was a mixture of the Greek and Roman styles. Violent yet disciplined. Like a calm but unrelenting river that continuously beat into a boulder until it was eventually swept away.

Gods, he was starting to sound like Bruce Lee.

"So you aren't completely hopeless. Good, it would have been boring if you were just all talk." Viserys smirked as he circled Tristan, his sword twirling in his grip.

Tristan remained still, only rotating his head even as Viserys circled behind him, "I now see why Perseus didn't allow you to bet the hand of your sister. For a supposed dragon you are more like a yapping little puppy." He replied casually.


"I'll show you a dragon!" Viserys snarled as he dashed toward Tristan.

Without turning, Tristan moved his sword behind him to block Viserys's wild slash. The fight quickly turned fast paced. Sparks flew as steel clashed against steel.

Viserys continued to relentlessly advance onto his opponent, never giving Tristan time to relax as he hacked and slashed away. Surprisingly, Tristan looked unconcerned as he calmly met each of Viserys's strikes. His footwork was calculating. Each step and shift in his stance gave him the ability to deflect most of Viserys's powerful attacks without taking the full force behind it.

Dare he say, it reminded Percy of how Annabeth fought.

She usually fought defensively. Calculating each move her opponent made until she slowly began to predict their overall pattern. Conserving her energy, meanwhile her opponent wasted all of theirs on needless attacks.

It had worked against most of her opponents. And unless they were either too skilled or too unpredictable like Percy himself, it was a game winner.

Thankfully, Viserys took after Perseus in the unpredictable department.

Viserys attacked with a powerful overhead slash prompting Tristan to block with all his strength. When their blades locked, Viserys smirked. He sent a vicious kick at Tristan's right leg. Not suspecting such an attack, Tristan grunted as he was forced onto one knee as he struggled to hold Viserys's sword at bay.

"This is how you should be. On one knee in front of me, licking my boots. Ask for mercy, this fight is over." Viserys growled as he continued to use his weight to press down on a struggling Tristan.

Tristan clenched his jaw in exertion, "You really do talk too much, little puppy." He gritted out.

"That's rich coming from you, Ser Sweet Tongue." Viserys mocked him, yet his eyes filled with rage at the insult.

The surrounding men all either cheered loudly or held their breath in anticipation. Apparently they had never seen Tristan losing before.

Daenerys made a noise in the back of her throat, "Shouldn't you call it, Perseus?" She asked, nervously.

Percy continued to observe the fight. A part of him was kind of disappointed. If all it took was a bit of unpredictability to throw Tristan off of his feet, he wouldn't have done any better against him.

"Perseus, call it! You know what happens when he gets like this. Viserys won't stop until he sees blood." Daenerys said, fearfully.

He should have called it then. But the amount of worry in her voice halted him. She had never sounded as worried for his safety as she did now for Tristan.

"No one has surrendered or been disarmed yet." Percy said a bit coldly.

Daenerys stared at him with a shocked and even angered expression before she looked back towards the fight.

Meanwhile, Viserys wasn't quite finished with trying to whittle down his opponents will, "This is what bastards were born to do. What you were born to do. I'm sure your whore of a mother kneeled and serviced one too many princes. That's how you came to be. A mere accident. A blight on the nobility of the world. A boy born to kneel at the feet of his betters. So do what you were born to do, surrender bastard!" Viserys roared.

For the first time since the fight started, Tristan's eyes filled with an emotion other than calculating tranquility. It was blinding rage and hatred.

"You know nothing about my mother, Targaryen!" Tristan roared, with newfound strength he pushed forward with enough force to send Viserys stumbling back.

In the midst of regaining his footing, Viserys tripped on a rock and fell onto his back.

Tristan stood back up but did not advance, "Get up, prince. I won't let a rock take my victory!" He paced back and forth, like a lion stalking its prey.

Viserys lifted his legs and jerked himself up onto his feet with a grin though a bit less confident, "Don't get too cocky just because you found a few scraps of leftover strength. That was a mere act of mercy from whatever god you pray to." He said, readjusting his sword in his grip.

"I'll take pleasure in shutting that hole you call a mouth." Tristan growled before dashing toward him.

Viserys laughed as he ducked under a wild slash. A new wave of roars came from the crowd as the two fighters restarted their deadly dance. But unlike before, Tristan had none of the precise movements and strikes. Now he was simply slashing away in blind rage. Viserys had all but won.

Percy sighed in disappointment, "Well, that's the end of that. Tristan let Viserys get to him." He said.

"You can beat him, Tristan!" Daenerys cheered in support.

"You're cheering against your own brother!?" Percy asked, incredulously.

She shrugged, "It's not a real fight." Daenerys told him, unconcerned.

Percy shook his head as he turned back to the fight. Viserys laughed madly as he deflected another strike. By the looks of it, Tristan wasn't used to being so aggressive. He was losing energy a lot faster than Viserys.

"I think it's time to end this little dance. This was truly disappointing." Viserys yawned dramatically, easily batting aside a sword swing.

"Shut the hell up you Targaryen bastard!" Tristan roared as he went for a desperate stab towards Viserys's stomach.

Spinning around the sword, Viserys delivered a hard back elbow to Tristan's face. The crowd gasped as Tristan fell back on his back, completely unconscious.

Viserys looked over Tristan's fallen form, "All it took was one blow. Best swordsman my ass." He snorted before turning to Percy.

"Well, aren't you going to call it? He's not getting back up from that. The little shit is probably going to be out for a while." Viserys raised an eyebrow as Percy shook his head in disappointment.

"You really do talk too much."

Faster than anyone could blink, Tristan's leg shot out to sweep Viserys's feet from out under him. The previously 'unconscious' boy was on top of Viserys a moment later, his sword positioned at the surprised Targaryens neck.

The crowd roared at Tristan's triumph. Even Daenerys was cheering loudly. Much to Percy's hidden ire.

Percy sighed, "And the winner is Tristan Waters!" He announced, causing the crowd to roar even louder.

Tristan stood to his feet with a grin, "That was a good fight, prince. My hardest one yet." He said with respect while Viserys also stood up, still a bit confused at how he lost.

"I thought I taught you to never turn your back on a downed enemy?" Percy said as Viserys joined them.

Viserys smacked his teeth, "How could I know that he wasn't out cold!?" He grumbled angrily.

"That was amazing, Tristan! I've never seen anyone do that well against Viserys. Except Perseus." Daenerys said before frowning thoughtfully, "I wonder how well you would do against him." She said to herself.

Tristan sheathed Blackfyre with a grin, "Another day perhaps. That blow actually hurt quite a bit." He groaned, rubbing his sore jaw.

"Lemme have a go at the King!" Duncan roared, still in high spirits.

The crowd also roared in agreement as they began chanting 'fight'.

Tristan sighed, "Well, I'll have to miss this one. I have to watch the oliphaunts tonight." He said.

"Oh, can I watch them too, please!?" Daenerys begged.

"Of course, princess." Tristan replied, chuckling at her enthusiasm.

Percy frowned a bit, "Go with them, Jon. Make sure Dany doesn't get hurt." He told the man who nodded.

Daenerys scowled, "I'm not some defenseless little girl, Perseus!" She said angrily.

"You saw how big they are. One misstep and you'll be crushed flat." Percy reminded her.

"I wouldn't allow such a thing to happen. They are rather peaceful when grazing. And when they're not saddled for war of course." Tristan told him.

Percy ignored him, "You're only going if Jon goes with you." He told her.

Daenerys glared at him before grabbing onto Tristan's hand to begin dragging him away. Jon nodded at a frowning Percy before jogging after her.

"Don't worry. She always gets like this whenever she's around a boy that's even remotely good looking." Viserys reminded Percy.

Duncan coughed, "So about that fight?" He asked Percy who was still frowning in the direction where Daenerys went.

Did she not understand how dangerous it was to be around those oliphaunt things? Peaceful when grazing or not, they could still flatten her with one wrong step.

"First to surrender or be disarmed wins." Percy grumbled as he walked into the circle.

The crowd cheered as Percy and Duncan faced one another. Duncan drew a great sword that looked big enough to cut a horse in half. Percy drew Truth from its sheath.

"Begin." Viserys said with a bored look, already knowing how the fight would end.

Duncan, unsurprisingly, made the first move. He gave a war cry as he ran at Percy, sword raised. To the crowd's surprise, Percy ran toward Duncan as well. Who would willingly run toward a giant like Duncan after all?

Percy's body tensed as Duncan stabbed his great sword forward. Most would've been run through, unable to stop their own momentum. However, Percy simply twisted his torso to the side in order to move right past the sword and rammed directly into the man's chest with his shoulder. Duncan grunted and stumbled a bit, but remained standing. But Percy's plan wasn't to bulldoze over the man.

Taking a page out of Annabeth's book, Percy grabbed onto the man's still outstretched sword arm. With some effort and redistribution of weight, Percy was able to flip the giant of man right over him.

Duncan slammed into the ground with a huge thud and before he could even think to recover, Percy's sword was inches from the downed man's face.

Stunned silence, "And the winner is Perseus. Surprise surprise." Viserys said blandly.

The crowd roared in exhilaration at the swiftness of the fight. Percy helped Duncan back to his feet, the man not even angry at his quick loss.

"I've never seen that move before. You got some strength to you lad!" Denys laughed, clapping Percy on his back.

Percy gave a small smile, "Thanks. Sorry if you feel like I didn't give you an actual fight. I don't really feel like fighting at the moment." He told Duncan.

Duncan waved him off, "Don't worry about it. I'm just surprised someone was able to put me on my ass!" He laughed along with the others.

Deciding to call it a night, Percy and Viserys said their goodbyes before they made their way to the large tent that had been prepared for them. Percy's mind was still thinking about Daenerys's words. Was he really coddling her? It wasn't like he really meant to, he was just used to doing it.

And quite honestly. He was afraid to make a mistake in regards to her safety. He knew how unforgiving this world was. There was no room for mistakes when it came to his loved ones.

"You go on ahead. I need to think about a few things." Percy told Viserys who nodded tiredly.

Setting off in the direction Daenerys went, it wasn't long until he came upon a huge field. It was dark but they were easy to make out. He saw Jon carrying a torch as he followed after Daenerys and Tristan.

Sitting on a nearby rock, Percy watched as Daenerys petted one oliphaunt with a wide smile. Tristan laughed as one of the oliphaunts sneezed, almost completely lifting up the skirt of Daenerys's dress. He watched as Tristan helped Daenerys feed an oliphaunt huge cabbages half the size of a man, a look of pure amazement on her face. Every time she looked she was going to back away from the behemoth, Tristan sent her smiles of encouragement.

Percy could hear her delighted laughter from where he sat. And a strange feeling grew in him but it wasn't a new one. It was the same feeling Percy had gotten whenever Annabeth used to talk about Luke with a smile on her face. Or when he suspected that Tyson was his father's favorite child.

And as Daenerys ran alongside Tristan, both of them laughing together. For the first time since being reincarnated, jealousy reared its ugly head inside of Perseus Targaryen.


Next day, Golden Company Camp

The next morning brought a very odd sight of a grumpy Percy stirring a tub of steaming water with one glowing orange hand.

"That gift of yours sure does come in handy. I feel fresher than a newborn baby." Viserys said from where he stood drying his steaming body off with a towel.

Viserys had woken Percy up just to ask him to use his fire ability to heat up his bath water. To say that he was annoyed was an understatement. He even tried to boil his uncle a bit but that backfired horribly as Viserys simply sighed in bliss when the water's temperature rose. He was essentially being used like a personal water heater.

Percy stopped heating the water as the tent entrance flapped open. Daenerys casually strolled inside with a happy smile on her face.

"Where were you last night?" Percy asked her, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

He had only watched Daenerys feed the oliphaunts for a couple of more minutes before he stormed his way back to their tent. When he woke up in the morning, Daenerys wasn't in sight.

Daenerys hummed a jovial tune, "I had to sleep in Tristan's tent because I didn't know where ours was. Ooh, this is steaming." She commented as she put her hand in the water to test its temperature. A normal person's skin would've peeled off but Targaryens apparently did have the blood of dragons.

Meanwhile Percy was just getting over the fact that she had spent the night in a complete strangers tent, "You could have just asked someone to point you to our tent." Percy said, a little angry.

"I didn't want to wake up anyone just to ask that." Daenerys sighed as she began to strip.

Viserys snorted, "Yeah right. You just wanted to be with your precious Tristan." He sneered the boy's name.

He was still a little annoyed at his loss the night before.

She shot her brother a glare, "What does it matter anyway? I can do whatever I want." Daenerys said before submerging herself into the steaming water.

Now that she was completely bare Percy could make out the very distinguishable mark on the pale skin of her collarbone.

He moved her hair out of the way to get a better look, "What is this, Dany!?" Percy asked, staring at the purple mark in horror.

Daenerys batted his hand away, "I don't know what you're talking about." But by the slightly guilty look on her face, she knew exactly what he meant.

He wasn't stupid. Percy had seen that same mark on Annabeth multiple times. He was the one who gave them to her after all.

Percy struggled to reign in his temper. He was having to do that a lot very recently. His temper in his first life had been difficult to control. Like a dam holding back an ocean. And when it broke it, the wrathful side of him came out. The 'Stormbringer' temper that he had inherited from Poseidon.

Apparently that temper had been replaced with an even worse one. Now it felt like he was trying to keep a wildfire under control with a fire extinguisher.

"Where did you leave Jon?" Percy asked suddenly, swiftly changing the subject before he could lose whatever calmness he had.

Daenerys shrugged, "He said that he needed a drink and left while Tristan and I were still with the oliphaunts." She told him as she began lathering herself.

Of all the very small number of knights still loyal to his family, Percy just so happened to get the one that was an alcoholic. There had to be some god screwing with him at this point.

Percy shook his head at his 'luck' before grabbing a sponge to help Daenerys clean herself as he had done many times before.

"I can do this by myself, Perseus. I'm not a child." Daenerys sighed with a roll of her eyes.

He blinked before frowning, "You sure do like to remind us how 'grown' you are now." Percy said, miffed.

"Maybe because I don't want your hands roaming all over my chest anymore." Daenerys pointed out.

What was that supposed to mean!? It's not like he ever thought of anything perverted while he helped clean her.

"Stop being such a brat, sister. It's not like there's anything there anyway." Viserys said blandly as he styled his hair in a mirror.

Daenerys scowled angrily, "No one asked for your opinion, Viserys. Not all girls can look like your big breasted whores." She huffed.

Percy glanced down at her chest and felt his cheeks involuntarily redden. They were actually a pretty decent size. A perfect hand full in fact. And they looked pretty soft too.

Wait, no! Bad Percy.

"Ahem. Yeah, you're probably right. You have grown a lot." Percy coughed, more than a little embarrassed.

What happened to the flat chested little girl who liked to listen to fairy tales before bed. Kids grew so fast.

After they were all dressed they made their way to the biggest tent that served as a sort of mess hall. There were plenty of men already eating when they arrived. They quickly spotted the group they arrived with along with a rough looking Jon.

Jon perked up when he noticed them approaching, "Ah, your grace! I was wondering where you were. It's a fine morning don't you think?" He said a little too jovially.

Tristan popped a grape into his mouth with a smirk, "We found him passed out drunk with the oliphaunts." He said, voice thick with amusement.

Percy made sure to sit in between Tristan and Daenerys at the table, ignoring her glare and Tristan's amused smile. A few servants immediately came with food and drinks.

"If only they had stepped on you. We'd be down one drunkard." Viserys said dryly, biting into a chicken leg.

"I'd shove that chicken up your ass if you weren't a prince." Jon grumbled to himself.

Viserys grinned toothily, "Hmm, what was that you said, sworn knight?" He asked slyly.

"I would usually tell you to stop bullying the old man." Percy grinned into his wine cup, "But he's already drinking himself into an early grave." A round of laughter spread around the table.

"Would you like another cup full of wine, your grace?" A young servant girl asked Percy.

Percy looked at the brown haired girl. She was probably around his age and looked pretty nervous. Probably because she has never met a King before. Even though he wasn't really a king in his eyes.

"Yeah, why not." Percy shrugged uncaringly, holding out his wine to the girl. He took more than a few cups of wine to get him drunk anyway.

After she re-filled his goblet Percy turned back to listen to Viserys retell another one of his many jokes.

"So the wife goes to the maester and says, I've got a big problem, maester. Every time we're in bed and my husband blows his load, he lets out an ear shattering yell. The maester says, well my dear, that's completely normal. I don't see what the problem is." Viserys bit a piece out of his chicken leg, "So she says, the problem is that it wakes me up!" The men all roared in laughter, banging their cups on the table.

Percy himself couldn't contain his laugh, "I don't know how that one still gets me." He chuckled before his eyes flickered over to the girl who had served him.

She was standing close to the tent entrance looking at him with anticipating eyes. Gods, was he really that interesting? He technically wasn't even a king yet.

"Looks like you have an admirer, Perseus." Viserys grinned when he caught who Percy was looking at.

Percy looked away from the girl, "I'm not looking for any girl to share my bed with." He told him.

"Bah, every king needs to fuck a servant girl every once in a while!" Duncan proclaimed.

"She isn't bad looking either." Viserys shrugged.

He had to agree with him. She really wasn't bad looking. But what would he even say?

"Let's see if his grace is as good with his words as he is with a sword!" Denys laughed, calling the girl over.

She looked surprised and very nervous but slowly made her way to them. Percy meanwhile was wishing for some shadows to blend into. Lady Rogare had practically fallen into his lap or rather he had fallen into her bed. But that didn't technically count because it was a part of her and Moreo's plan all along. Percy had no clue how to talk to a girl.

Tristan nudged his shoulder making him snap back into reality, "O-Oh. Sorry, what happened?" Percy said, embarrassed.

The men snickered while Viserys rolled his eyes, "Lora here was just saying how she never bedded a King before." He said suggestively.

Percy blinked before his eyes widened in realization, "Oh! Well, I mean. I know you don't really know me but would you perhaps like to… I don't know, do something together?" He asked unsurely.

Lora nodded slowly, "Sure, it's a date I suppose." She said awkwardly.

Wait. That's it? He was really overthinking things when it came to this kind of stuff.

Percy nodded with a smile, "Alright then." He finished lamely.

He ignored Viserys's incredulous expression as he mouthed the word 'date!?' to him. Not everything needed to be about sex.

Lora grabbed a cup, "How about a toast? In the name of the true King." She said, nervously.

Viserys looked impressed, "I like her. You may have to keep this one around Perseus." He grinned before raising his cup.

"To Perseus Targaryen, the true King of the Seven Kingdoms. Long may he reign!" Viserys announced loudly.

To Percy's surprise and embarrassment everyone in the mess hall raised their goblets, "Long may he reign!" They cheered before downing their drinks.

"I'm not on the throne yet." Percy mumbled to himself before bringing his cup to his lips.

'Don't drink it, Perseus!' Percy was barely able to take a tiny sip of his drink before the distressed voice that materialized in his head made him stop.

Before he could even question the voice, a burning sensation started to form in his throat. It felt like hot lead was going down his throat. And it was growing worse.

Daenerys noticed his distress first, "Are you alright Perseus?" She asked, worriedly.

He couldn't even form words as the burning feeling in his throat grew unbearable. His goblet fell out of grip and onto the table causing the contents to spill everywhere.

"Your grace!" Jon shouted as Percy fell from the bench, hands clawing at his throat.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Viserys yelled in fear and distress as he knelt over him.

"The King's been poisoned!" The tent immediately fell into chaos.

"Perseus, just hold in there. Just keep fighting. Someone get a fucking maester here now!" Viserys yelled angrily.

As his vision slowly diminished, Percy looked toward the tent entrance. His pained and terrified eyes briefly met with the remorseful eyes of the brown haired servant girl before she fled.

He was poisoned by a serving girl. One that he had asked on a date mere moments before. Was there no end to the treachery of this world?

"T-The g-girl." Percy managed to choke out before everything went dark.

And finished! Wow, another cliffhanger I know.

You have to believe me when I say that I didn't mean to end this chapter off with another cliffy. But it was getting a little too long and I wanted to start off the next chapter with a reveal of the mystery voice.

I'm sure most of you already figured out who it is but that doesn't mean spoil it for the people who don't.

I just wanted to clarify before I see a review about it. No, Percy isn't overpowered. He simply knows a bit of judo and was able to use Duncan's size against him. That doesn't mean he's super strong. The technique uses the opponent's own weight against them in order to take them down. Percy's powers and stuff will be explained in the next chapter.

Also, no Percy doesn't like Daenerys like that. He sees her like how he sees his little brother Tyson. Will that change in the future? Keep reading to find out. Until next time!