Chapter 7

"Guuhhh! Izuu this is soo boring!"

Izuku was sat at his desk in his room, studying away and trying to ignore the upside down face of his pink girlfriend Mina.

She was messing around on his pull up bar and had hooked her legs at the top as if she were about to do sit ups. Her, well actually it was Izuku's, green t-shirt worked with gravity and had fallen to expose her well toned abs and waistline.

'Lucky she's not wearing a skirt today... or unlucky? Dammit Izuku! Focus on your studying!' There was a civil war inside the boys mind, 'Mineta' thoughts ever more prevalent these days. He peaked another glance at her midriff and caught the slightest glimpse of her black panties showing atop her shorts. 'STUDY!'

"I know it's shit being cooped up with no classes but there are plenty materials to keep us busy!"

"Pfft, I looked at the books! They told me I should be out having fun with my man! Stupid villains and their stupid germs keeping us inside!" She threw some air punches, defeating said villains and then went back to hanging.

"Mina darling it's only been two days... We might be here for a while."

"It sucks though! There was a dance concert I was really looking forward to!" She huffed, running a hand through her pink hair, stopping to scratch at one of her horns.

"Yeah I know... Oh!" Izuku put his pen down and grinned at the hanging bat that was his girlfriend.

"Oh what? Just realised how beautiful I am and you are about to ravage me right here?" She smirked at his slight redness, a little disappointed that he might one day become immune to her teasing.

"I've always seen how beautiful you are!" He stood up and made his way over to her. "But the ravaging might have to wait...for now". He smiled as her eyes widened.

He leaned down a little so they were face to face, before tenderly holding her and catching her luscious lips in a sweet kiss. She fought his tongue and won, exploring his mouth in a new angle, all the while smirking at him.

Izuku felt her lips pull at the sides in a grin as soon as he let her in his mouth, in a teasing mood all of a sudden he slid a hand upward, gingerly grazing her naval. He let his fingernails graze at the top of her black underwear causing her to wriggle and almost fall.

"hmmf! Take it easy!" The boy laughed at her as he broke the kiss. "Stay here, I'll be back in five"

She half pouted and half smiled and flashed him a thumbs down (up).

Izuku made his way down to the common room. He spotted Yaoyorozu sitting at the table with what could only be Hagakure's floating clothes.

"Momo... I had an idea to help keep us busy tonight!"

She looked at the greenette who would have struggled to say any of that to her only a few weeks ago and smiled at him brightly, it might have only been two days but already the boredom was visibly kicking in for some.

"Sure Midoriya, how can I help?"

"Well... I was thinking we could all have a dance competition! Mina was going to take me to this concert soon but it's been cancelled! So I thought this might be good to keep us all occupied"

"That's a great Idea!" Toru piped up, waving her gloved hands about frantically.

"I agree, I could create a dance floor! Let's get to it! Oh! We'll need some music also correct?" Momo was on board and eager to help out.

"Can't dance without some cool beats! You could ask Kyoka to help us Izuku!" Toru shook Izuku, getting more and more hyped up for it. "This is going to be so much fun! I'll go let people know!". The invisible girl squealed and ran off.

Izuku left Momo to plan out an area of the common room and to create a makeshift dance floor. He followed in Toru's unseen footsteps and made his way back up to the bedrooms.

The greenette found himself outside Jiro's door, remembering how cool her room was from the dorm competition.

Steeling himself to enter a girl's bedroom he raised his fist and was about to knock when he heard his name being called softly from within.

"huh?... did she hear me coming? But how would she know it was me?" The muttering continued until he heard it again.

"..Izukuu..ah" came a muffled voice from beyond the closed door.

Confused, the green haired boy knocked lightly.

"It's me, Izuku!... have you got a minute?" he called out, confident in her hearing capabilities.

Izuku could've sworn he heard a crashing noise from within, and a barely audible "shit" reached his ears.

Kyoka threw open her bedroom door and let the hallway light illuminate her as she leant against the doorway, bedroom in darkness. She looked rather dishevelled compared to normal thought Izuku as he took in her appearance.

The rocker was barefoot, holey fishnet tights ran up to the hem of her short floaty skirt. Likewise her white tank top was little more than a chest cover as the bottom section had been ripped stylishly, revealing her skinny figure and a tantalising v cut of abdominal muscle when she breathed in. Her hair looked like it had been ruffled and her cheeks had a slight tint of a blush.

Izuku's breath caught when he saw her, sweating from the mental exertion of trying his best to avoid openly staring at her chest; he could clearly see the girl's nipples through the thin fabric of her top.

"Hey, what can I do you for?" she breathed out, almost like she had been for a run and was catching her breath.

Izuku was about to answer when Kirishima sidled past and took a look at the pair; Dishevelled Jiro and Izuku sweating bullets.

"Not you too Midoriya! She's not good for you!" The red haired boy let out an unmanly cry towards his friend and bit back tears as he sped away to his own room, convinced he had caught the aftermath of his crush going at it with his friend.

"Ugh, ignore him! Come in..." She said, grabbing Izuku by the shirt and pulling him inside.

All of a sudden he was engulfed by Kyoka's room, it smelled like she did, only it permeated the whole room and was slightly tinged with sweat or another fluid, but what he wasn't sure. She flicked her bedside lamp on and his eyes darted away from her chest again, landing on her unmade bed, covers kicked to the bottom like she had just gotten up when he knocked.

A lacy dark purple bra poked out of the covers, evidence she had hurriedly tried to make the room more presentable for her guest.

"So, erm, I wanted to ask for your help!" Her eyes widened in surprise as she sat at the edge of her bed, purposefully obscuring her bra.

"I'm putting on a dance competition for Mina and I was wondering if you would help out with the music side of things?"

"Ah" She nodded and tried her best to keep the disappointment from her face at the mention of Mina, not that she disliked her, just that she was hogging Izuku.

"So what kind of music did you have in mind? Techno? EDM? Hip-hop?"

Kyoka smiled at the boy's faltering smile at the mention of so many choices.

"I take it you meant it would be dealer's choice?" She grinned as the green mop nodded. "You can help me pick at the very least, here look through these!" The rocker chucked him a small pile of CDs with ranging styles.

"Oh wow! You've got some pre-quirk bands!" Izuku's face lit up as he inspected an album. "I love KISS, did you know All Might did an American commercial with Detroit Rock City playing in the background?!"

"Haha! You really are an All Might nerd! But to think it would extend to music as well, why do you think I got that album?!" The girl had slid her way over to Izuku and pried the CD out of his scarred hands. "You and I have a lot in common you know..." She placed one hand on his shoulder and gave him the sincerest smile she could muster as her heart pounded in her chest with excitement.

"Music's one thing, but did you know I also wanted to be a Hero that saves people with a smile?" the rocker continued, enjoying the surprised look on her crushes face.

"That's amazing Jiro! If we work together we could bring a smile to everyone stuck in the dorm!" He went back to checking out the CDs, unaware of the predator like gaze he had been caught in.

To her credit, Kyoka kept the tone light, chatting about each other's music tastes and getting the greenette to warm up to her a bit more than usual.

"We all set for tonight then?"

"Yeah, thanks so much Jiro! You're the best!"

She closed her almond shaped eyes and savoured his words.

"Call me Kyoka...please?" She smiled sweetly and enjoyed the slight dusting of a blush that appeared on Izuku's cheeks.

"Sure...K-Kyoka, call me Izuku" The way he said her name sounded angelical to the girl, she wanted to make him shout her name all night.

'Fuck it he's about to leave, it's now or never Kyo!'

"Hey, Izuku..." Kyoka shyly pressed her ear jacks together, the tips making a small metal clang each time they struck, catching his attention.

He had gotten accustomed to the rocker persona of Jiro but this shy side was out of left field and was surprisingly cute. With his guard down she launched herself around his neck in a full body hug.

'Fuck' Raced through the boy's mind.

She smelled so fucking nice. He put his arms around the girl and hugged her back, eliciting a happy squeal from the her which made his face light up.

Izuku felt something press against his chest... 'her jack?' No they were both pressed against his neck along with her moist breath that was tickling him...


That's what he could feel, through the thin top she had on they were rubbing against him as she moved. In an effort to stop her wiggling he held her waist tight against himself.

It had an adverse effect. The lithe girl straight up jumped and wrapped her legs around his back, her own face split wide in a toothy smile.

Her floaty skirt was ruffled up between their bodies and he could feel her core pressing against his. She held on at his neck and pulled back slightly to get a look at her mount.

"My, Izuku, how bold of you to take me like this..." She turned on the shyness act again and stared into his bright green eyes.

"Ah, Ji-Kyoka! It's just a- a hug!" He spluttered out and tried to release her but Kyoka kept her legs locked against his back.

"Y-you can put me down on the bed..."

Whether he was just going with it or because he believed she would get off him, he made tentative steps towards her unmade bed, hand tight at her back and underneath her for support.

Kyoka felt herself be lowered down and the softness of the mattress beneath. Izuku slid his hand out and for a moment was supported by Kyoka's until she pulled him right off his feet and using her legs, positioned him atop of her.

"I-! Wha-!" He spluttered out something in-cohesive even to the hearing quirk user.

"Relax..." She whispered in to his ear, her breath causing him to shiver slightly.

Kyoka felt something begin to grow against her core, rubbing ever more as she gave the smallest nibble at the boys neck.

"Kyoka...cant!" Izuku was silenced by the rockers lips.

Her hand held the side of his head and she planted her mouth against his, feeling her arousal growing unimaginably as he reciprocated the chaste kiss.


The room was suddenly covered in green light, arcing from the muscled mass atop the skinny girl. He pulled away from her and she could see a tear fall from the sea of green that was his eyes.

"I'm in love with Mina. I won't ever cheat on her" Izuku pried himself away from the girl who had suddenly no strength left. His words had cut through to her heart, as her own tears spilled forth, her mascara running down her pale face.

"I'm s-sorry... I didn't mean for this to happen, I – I just... I've admired you for a while Izuku... And I thought we could be heroes together... just for one day..."

"I am sorry Kyoka. We will be heroes, the kind that smile together, as friends."

Izuku left the bedroom, making sure to pocket at least one CD on his way out in case she didn't turn up later.

Kyoka lay on her bed for what felt like eternity, tears long since dried up against her cheeks, coming to terms with the fact she couldn't have her Izuku would take a long time.

Izuku went back to his room as fast as he could.

Mina was sitting on his desk chair, eyeing him up as he entered his room.

"Where have you been?!"

"I went to borrow this from Jiro..." He said, pulling out the KISS album from his back pocket.

"Uh huh. Kirishima swung by and told me you were with her. I know what she's like Izuku..."

The boy gulped before staring deep in to the abyss of her black eyes.

"She kissed me. I left, I'm so sorry" A fresh tear began rolling down through the freckle maze on his cheek but was wiped away by a soft pink palm.

"It's okay Izuku, I believe you. But go shower, you smell like that bitch."

Once he was in the bathroom Mina let her face drop, she was absolutely furious. First Toru and now the dorm slut (If rumours were to be believed). Something had to be done, Mina was going to do it, but she didn't know exactly what yet.

A slight sizzling brought her out of her thoughts of revenge.

Izuku's carpet had been burned through by droplets of acid that had subconsciously been let out in her anger.

"oops, now that bitch owes us a carpet as well!"

A/N: Sorry it's been a while, zero motivation for a while! Can't believe there's almost 100 follows thanks! and I hope y'all can find some enjoyment from this daft wee story x