Hey guys, gals and non-binary pals! I'm back, sorry for taking so long to update, I took a break for the holidays. Anyways, I'm going to go back on a regular schedule for now. This story wouldn't be possible without my amazhang friend, River. I only had to say one sentence and she was like: "Write it. I'll help." Anyways, enough talking, let's get onto the story.

It's been a few weeks since the battle with Gaea and confessing to Percy. Right now, Nico is talking with Will or more like Will is talking and Nico is half listening. Both unaware of what's going to happen next.

Mischievous-fellow#1 signals to mischievous-fellow #2. It's time.

At once, the two mischievous fellows jump out of the bush they were in, shouting. "Boo!" That startles Nico, causing him to jump backwards into Will. Nico then shadow-travels away due to habit, accidentally taking Will with him.

They land in a heap on an unfamiliar beach. At least it wasn't China this time.

"NICO I SAID NO UNDERWORLDLY STUFF!" Will begins to shout before Nico slaps a hand over his mouth.

"Will, that was an accident and I have no idea where we are. I don't want to become a monster food so shout at me later!" Nico cuts him off.

Will grumbles but complies. They both walk inland in hopes of finding out where in the Hades they are.

Having left the beach, they find themselves in a large garden filled with blooming flowers. A woman was pulling weeds from a rosebush, muttering to herself.

"I can't be believe that idiotic boy promised me that. I'm NOT waiting for him. NOT AT ALL."

On that last part, she pulls a weed so hard that she nearly uproots the plants next to it.

"Hi there, we're lost. Can you tell us where we are?" Will calls out to her, a blinding smile on her way,

The woman was not charmed, if anything, Will's smile made her mad. "NOT ANOTHER ONE."

Catching sight of Nico, she frowns and yells at the sky. "AND NOW THERE'S TWO OF THEM. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? FALL IN LOVE WITH BOTH AND HAVE A THREESOME?!"

"Woah. First of all, I'm gay," Will responds, startled, with Nico cutting in with. "So am I." That part caused both guys to glance at each other then blush and look away. Will just moves on, not wanting to say or do anything he'll regret.

"Second, what makes you think that you'll have to...fall in love with us?"

The woman relaxed and answers in a much more friendly manner. "Sorry, it's just that I'm stuck on this island, destined to fall in love with every man that is wrecked here."

"Wait a second, I know you…" Nico says. "You're Calypso, both Leo and Percy has talked about you."

That turned out to be both the right and wrong thing to say. Calypso smiles then frowns a second later.

"And those are just two examples of the guys I fall in love with right before they leave."

"Well...I'm hungr-" Will interrupts Nico by elbowing him in the ribs. Nico gives Will a Nasty Nico Look™ which Will ignores and gives Calypso his Sunny Golden Boy Smile™.

"Well...we didn't wreak here. Nico accidentally shadow-traveled here."

Calypso just gets madder.

"And since we aren't straight, we can't fall in love with you.." Will continues until Nico elbows him and whispers. "You idiotic sun child, you're making it worse."

"Sorry I didn't mean it like tha-" Nico jabs at Will again and says. "Just stop, I'll do the talking."

Before Will could protest Nico started.

"Look, Percy is hot. We all have had a crush on him," Will looks at him wide-eyed. "But we don't need him. We don't need Leo. We don't need any of the other douchebag guys."

Will looks at him, offended, Nico just slaps his hand over Will's mouth to keep him from protesting. Calypso is starting to smile.

"We're strong independent woman-" Will says, muffled. "...you aren't a woman…"

Nico ignores him, but Calypso is laughing.

"You're a strong independent woman. You don't need no man. You don't need a guy to feel validated. You're amazing and if the guy can't see that, then he isn't worth it. You are too bada#$ to be moping around, waiting for some guy to save you. You can save yourself. You are Calypso and you take no s%*^ from no man!"

Nico is brought back into reality by Will licking his hand in an attempt to free himself. Glaring at Will, Nico wipes his hand on Will's sleeve. "That was gross, I thought doctors were more mature than that."

Will rolls his eyes as Calypso tries to stop laughing.

"Where did that come from?" Will asks. Nico just shrugs.

"Well, it did make me feel better." Calypso says, finally able to stop laughing. Nico blinks, "The licking part?"

Both Will and Calypso stare at Nico, trying to decide if he was being serious.

"No, it was obviously me pointing out that you aren't a woman." Will say sarcastically.

Blank stare. Then...Nico starts laughing. "Yeah, I know it was the rant." Will is stunned. "Y-y-you can laugh?"

Nico stops, then deadpans. "No."

Then he turns to Calypso. "I did mean every word. You are a strong independent woman, why should you waste on useless males?"

Will would be offended but the sight was too adorable.

"But-" Calypso starts before getting interrupted. "No buts, you are getting yourself off this island right now. Without any help from Percy, Leo or any male."

"But you're a ma-" Will tries to say but Nico silences him with a glare and a "Shut up Will."

With encouragement from Nico, Calypso makes herself a raft, collected needed food and supplies and then departs. Will and Nico wave to her from the beach as she sails out, determined to set herself free. And she is actually able to leave.

As soon as she was out of sight, Nico grabs Will on the shoulder and shadow-travels out without any warning. They end up appearing in the middle of the Hades table in the dining hall with dinner in full swing.

"Nico! Will! We were looking everywhere for you!" Percy calls out to them. "What were you doing? Was it PG?" Percy, the little s%^& was smirking at the end.

"I spent the day trash talking you and Leo with an ex-girlfriend of yours." Nico answers him casually.

"Wait what?!" This shout was so loud, it could be heard by people in Australia.

Meanwhile, in Olympus, some gods were watching the entire situation from their thrones, not sure what to make of it.

"I- I thou- I thought that Nico liked my awesome son, Will…" Apollo says dumbly.

"No! He likes Percy, none of your children can compare to mine." Poseidon retorts.

"Of course he likes Will, you $%*$%^!" Aphrodite shouts, clutching her pillow. "But don't ruin the moment, this was so cuuuuuuuuuuute!" She lets out a loud squeal at the end.

"That male would make a great huntress, his sister taught him well." Artemis says, sharpening her arrows.

Zeus booms. "WHAT ARE ALL OF YOU DOING?! WE CAN'T LET CALYPSO LEAVE! SOMEONE STOP HER!" That prompts Hera to put a hand on his shoulder and glare into the depths of his soul. "No. That death-spawn is right, a woman is free, she shouldn't need any man to free her, let alone let someone stop her."

All male gods gasp. Artemis nods in approval.

"But- but- you're the goddess of marriage, you can't do that. You're betraying what you stand for." Hermes replies in a shocked tone.

"Well...a girl can marry a girl…" Aphrodite helpfully adds in.

"ApHrOdItE nO!" Ares shouts. Apollo shrugs. "Fair enough."

Hades watches everyone, amused, chomping on popcorn and drinking tea that contains the tears of his foes. "I'm proud of you son." He whispers.

Thank you for reading! I have fun writing this especially since I was doing this with a friend. Will's reactions was 100% from River. Anyways, don't be too shy to give review, suggests or constructive criticism. Once again, I will take suggestions, if you want something to happen, it will. Hope you have an awesome day/night/what time it is for you!