Rey stood on a meadow, greener than anything she had ever seen, with colourful flowers around them and a cloudless sky. It was a perfect summer day. This planet was their new home, while another New Republic ruled the galaxy peacefully and without any slavery or suppression.

"Rey," Ben spoke her name softly as it was a precious artefact.

Rey turned around and beamed at him.

He came out of their small house into the garden, a glass of lemonade in his hand. "My mother sends her regards," he told her and there was no regret or bitterness in his voice. He seemed utterly happy. When everything had settled down with the rest of the First Order and the Resistance, which now mostly formed the New Republic, they had been able to tell Leia of their whereabouts. It was good not to live in total isolation anymore. Mother and son had sat down to talk and had over time revolved their issues. "She says everything's fine in the Senate."

"Good," Rey replied and kissed him firmly.

I love you, he told her through their Force bond.

Rey couldn't hide a grin as she liked the idea of communicating without having to stop the kiss. I love you, too, she thought back and felt his smile under her lips.


I'm very excited for tomorrow's film and have only one thing to say to you all: May the Force be with you! :)