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Baby Psycho-

...I didn't mean for it to take THAT long to write this chapter. I apologise in advance if this story seems to jump around in the writing style but I kept starting and stopping. I am lazy, it's been a week of holidays and I only finished this today.

I'm introducing a new character into my story. Please don't hate her, hopefully she's not a Mary-Sue as she's based on one of my friends, but if you have any suggestions on how to fix up my story please let me know them.

This might not be updated for a while because I'll probably be focusing on another one of my stories. Whoever said writing got rid of writer's block should be shot. I've got to many stories and not enough time.

Any way, thanks to everyone who reviewed my last chapter I LOVE YOU (almost as much as placebo-the greatest band in the world)

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DISCLAIMER- I am not a beautiful and unique snowflake, I do not own anything not x-men evolution. I am unworthy!

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Just One of Those Days- Chapter....

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There was a special place in Lance's heart for Saturday mornings. For as long as he could remember nothing bad had ever happened to him during the time frame. The reason could be simply put down to the fact that he tried his damn hardest to sleep right through them.

This brought him to where he was now, driving through the mall parking lot looking for a space at nine-o clock in the morning. He was fairly sure that it was all Peitro's fault, as most things that happened were.

He had a vague memory of cold water splashing over his bed, and being pushed down the stairs and then being shoved into the car. He had properly woken up after a few minutes of driving, just in time to swerve back onto the right side of the road.

Lance was angry, not only was he wasting his whole morning on 'shopping' but as soon as they drove past the mall the other guys had ditched him, leaving him to try and find a parking spot. He cruised around the lot again and his patience finally paid off. Some old lady in a beat up rust bucket pulled out of a parking spot only a few in front of him.

Without waiting for anyone else to jump in, Lance accelerated the jeep and swerved sharply into the narrow space. He turned the key and grabbed his wallet before hopping out of the car. He didn't bother to lock it any more, the pile of shit wouldn't go unless someone kick started the engine.

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He caught up with Fred and Todd out the front of the grocery store. They were slouching around next to the little kiddie machine and were sending dirty looks at the adults and old ladies that went out of their way to avoid them.

Fred was starting to go red, which Lance had learnt was never a good thing. Whenever he got angry or embarrassed Fred would let go and Blob would take over. Todd had experienced the Blob's rage first hand, and it was a very scary thing.

Lance jogged over to them, aware that he too was the object of contempt and disgust. He spoke quietly so only the three of them could hear what was said, "Calm down, do you want the x-geeks after us now? Cause I can bet you that they'll be here the minute you start."

Fred frowned, then slowly shrugged. He wasn't good at complex thinking but he understood the difficulty they would face if they were banned from yet another shop. He turned away and lumbered towards the entrance of the shop.

Todd scowled in the general direction of the crowd before slouching down and following his bigger friend into the store. Lance scanned the food court and the shop fronts for the familiar flash of white that was Peitro.

He didn't know why but he always hated it when Peitro went to work on collecting clothes or money for them via a five finger discount.

He knew there wasn't that much to worry about, no one even noticed Peitro speed past, let alone feel his touch as he stole their wallet. He wasn't really one to talk, after all he had quite a history of bullying younger kids out of their lunch money.

Lance couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, no strange gushes of wind, no people yelling in surprise as they realised their money was gone and no x-geek beating up on the speedster. He shook his head and walked into the shop, Pietro was probably flirting with every salesgirl in the mall, why in hell was he worried about him.

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Bob's Super Duper Market was over run with the usual Saturday morning shopping crowd. Everywhere you looked there was another mother pushing a cart filled with little kids still in their pyjamas sucking on lollypops.

Lance looked around, he was almost certain that they were the only teenagers in he shop, any kid who was already awake was out looking at clothes or checking out a movie. He bet that most of them wouldn't know how to shop.

Todd was getting the tinned foods, home brand baked beans and spaghetti. Fred's job was to grab any food that was at least 40% off even if it was something they would never really want to eat, like last weeks clearance of liver and cod oil patties.

He was in charge of getting everything else, all those small items that kept the whole junkyard running. The bread and milk, soap bars, Pietro's supply of sugary treats and of course, the aspirin that he swallowed like candy. If they were lucky and came over budget it would mean a few chocolate bars or maybe even some more deodorant.

There was only one isle left, usually Lance didn't even bother with this one, but then again usually Pietro was there to speed around and pick everything up for them. He was about to blow it off and go find Fred and Todd, see if they were ready to leave, when a shop assistant walked past in very tight pants and a midriff top.

Lance, like any teenage guy, followed. If he had been paying more attention to where he was going and not focusing so much on whether or not his powers came with x-ray vision he would have noticed the person turning round the corner.

He felt himself knock straight into another person, and felt it as their head jerked up and smash into his jaw. He staggered back a step or two, rubbing his aching jaw with one hand and getting ready to smash the guy with the other.

When he looked down he noticed that the girl was getting ready to do the same. "Watch where yer going, next time you'll be hurting worse," said Lance, trying to sound as threatening as possible.

The girl looked up and her eyes widened before narrowing again. She pushed herself to her feet, grimacing and rubbing her thigh in pain. "It's you! I should have known it, only a jerk like you would mow over innocent people who are TRYING to shop peacefully. And only YOU would threaten said innocent person after knocking them to the ground", she stopped yelling, and without looking at him again picked up her groceries and left.

The shop assistant he had followed glared at him and walked away, mumbling something about jerks under her breath. Lance felt the anger building up inside, he could feel his feet start to sink like they did every time he used his powers. He was going to shake this store to the ground, show them just how much of a jerk he was, but at the last second he pulled away.

He jerked back from his powers, the connection with the earth disappeared and the focused silence that happened when he used his powers was replaced with the usual sounds off a shopping centre. Todd was over by the cash registers, waving madly at him. Fred was nowhere to be seen, although Lance guessed that he was already half way to the food court by now.

Lance cut through the line of people and dumped his basket of items on top of Todd's stacked pile. He waited impatiently as the check out girl swiped everything through, then dug around in his wallet to scrounge up the right amount of cash. He handed the money over and at the same time looked at the girl.

She had short black hair, thickly plastered make-up and she was blowing bubbles as she examined her nails. Lance was immediately reminded of Tabitha, they looked so alike he could actually picture them standing next to each other. He shuddered, imagining what it would be like living in a house with two Tabitha's.

Todd looked at him funny, and Lance realised he had a snort of disgust. The girl was now glaring at him and he was sure that she tried to scratch him when she handed him his receipt.

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Peitro was sitting in a booth at the food court flirting with all the girls that walked past. One or two had slowed down to talk, but most of them had just blushed and hurried away. He saw Fred coming towards him and groaned, there was no chance he would pick up a girl while fatso was lumbering around him.

He contemplated speeding away until Lance and Toad turned up but he was pretty sure they wouldn't let Fred go off by himself for too long. He was right, as usual. Lance made his way through the crowd, using his glares and tough guy image to scare the crowd into parting.

Todd was struggling with the rush of people and trying to keep all the shopping bags together. Then again, there weren't many times when the toad could get through something easily, it was if he was a bad luck magnet.

Fred squashed himself into the space between the table and the chair, rolls of fat hanging over the seat and table, putting Pietro right off his food. Lance ignored them all and slumped down on the table across from them. That only left the corner seat for both Todd and the shopping bags.

His attention span was pretty short and it wasn't long before the next group of pretty girls had caught his eye. He glanced around and his gaze stopped on a girl who was sitting alone on the other side of the food court. She looked a little familiar but he reckoned that he might have gone out with her once, but after looking closer he decided that she wasn't his type.

Pietro mentally labelled her as 'attracted to me', after all who could resist him. It wasn't the girl's fault that he was the best looking, smartest, fastest, most brilliant guy in Bayville. While he was busy thinking up adjectives that described himself the girl had gotten up and was storming over to the table.

Lance was busy sipping on his coke and Fred was demolishing the last of his 6 happy meals, Todd however saw the girl coming and poked Peitro in the back. " Yo, I ain't ever seen one of yer ex-s look that pissed atcha, what did yah do?" questioned Todd.

Peitro was fast, that was something that no one could deny. And that was why he looked up and in 1/8th of a second had assessed the situation and zipped over to the other side of the table. Unfortunately Toad didn't have anything that allowed him to dodge the punch that was coming his way.

The girl's fist connected solidly with his left cheek and his head snapped back with a sickening sound. The girl looked bewildered, wondering why her original target had disappeared in a blink of an eye. Any normal person would have started apologising, or at least run for their life, but Mig Destura was definitely not normal.

She looked around at the stunned faces of both the diners in the food court and then at the angry faces of those at the table and then rubbed her head before muttering "...eh, my bad".

Lance exploded, "Your bad! You punch Toad in the face and you say 'my bad'! What sort of freak are you? First you start going off at me in the grocery store and then you appear while we're eating and just PUNCH him" at this he pointed at Todd, who was nursing his cheek and staring at her in confusion, " in his fricken face!"

"First of all it was a JAB, not a punch. Besides you all deserve it, that baka over there, yes you albino boy, pulled my pants down when I had to look after you in MY spare time because your like some bad boy wannabes. And if that wasn't all you made me cry, and I hate crying. Then if that wasn't enough I got in trouble because you had to engrave you love for miss Kitty 'I'm-a-stupid-valley-girl-who's-really-smart' Pride on the desk. So...sucked in"

Her face was red and she was gulping in breath, trying to make up for the fact that she hadn't taken a breath for the last minute or so. She was prepared to either walk away or fight, depending on what their reaction was, but she wasn't prepared for this.

The big one had gone back to eating the scraps of food from his plate. Pietro, who she liked to call the albino jerk had left the table and was talking with a girl a few tables away and the short guy with the slouch that she had punched by accident, was looking at her with a stupid grin plastered to his face.

Lance looked up at her sneered and then turned back to his drink, dismissing her with a wave of his hand and a casual, "whatever girlie, get lost".

Mig turned around and walked away in a daze. They were the guys that everyone in the school was afraid of? They seemed like idiots more than anything else. Luckily for her she was too stunned to overhear Todd say, "Man, I think in love yo, she's a babe when she gets mad"

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Thankyou for not clicking the back button halfway through the chapter. Please leave any compliments with me in the review section, heck I'll even take a flame or two.

Next chapter- we find out what it's like living in the Brotherhood house, Todd has a crush on a geeky girl and Peitro gets a mysterious phone call.


This is on no real time-line, it doesn't fall between any particular episodes. I mention Tabitha but at the time she's not living with them and neither is Mystique. Oh, and Peitro hasn't ditched them for Magneto yet either.