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Baby Psycho-

Oh my, it's my second Evo fanfic ever. I wasn't going to post it because it's just a practise story for description and plot building. I don't know what's going to happen, so far I'm just winging it.

DISCLAIMER- I don't own evolution, the comics, the movie or the cartoon. If I did no one would like it, I'm just unlucky like that.

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One Of Those Days

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It was one of those days, those stinking hot days were the last thing you feel like doing is schoolwork. Normally he would have skipped, but he had to attend a minimum of 3 days a week and so far he'd only been once. He didn't bother with writing notes, the teachers had given up bugging him a long time ago. He shifted slightly on the seat, letting much needed air come between his back and the cheap, plastic seat.

His gaze travelled away from the window and to the face of an elderly lady, who, in his opinion, was wearing too much make-up. She croaked at him, her voice cracked with age and cigarettes, "Pay attention Mr... Alvers." The pause was long enough for her to place a name to his face. He guessed that she had been warned about him, the punk kid with a bad attitude.

His attention wandered back to the open window, the freshmen were out there playing sport. He wondered if Kitty was out there, somewhere on the field with her friends. She was probably hanging out with one of he new X-geeks. A sneer made it's way onto his face, the thought of their rivals bringing disgust into his mind.

The teacher noticed the boy's lack of attention, she had been keeping an eye on him, Principal Kelly had warned her about him. He was one of the delinquents that caused all the trouble in the school, Lance Alvers that was his name.

She wondered what type of mother he had, who in their right mind would let their child out of the house in dirty and ripped clothing. He needed severe discipline, that was the problem now a days, parents were to soft on their children.

The bell rang and the students leapt from their desks, noisily moving out of the classroom. She sighed and packed up her notes before turning to rub of the board. To her surprise there was still a student in the classroom. Alvers sat at his desk, still staring absently out the window, he sat quietly for a while before heaving himself up out of the chair.

He took a few seconds to tug at his vest and run his hand through his untameable hair, before turning and casually strolling towards the classroom door. Just before he reached the exit another boy stuck his head in through the door, he looked as unkept as Lance, if not more. And the way he spoke made the teacher cringe inwardly.

" Yo, Lance why'a takin' so long. Petey's getting sick of waitin' for ya" Lance shrugged his shoulders before flicking the boy lightly on the side of the head. She could her the boy complaining as they walked further down the hall. "Oi, what is it? Pick on Toad day?"

She shook her head, the children these days had no idea of how easy they had it. In her day they had to work for everything they got. She bet that those two boys had everything they wanted plus a little extra on the side. They didn't understand what it was like not to have luxuries, so ungrateful.

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Lance strode through the corridors, the glare on his face was enough to make the other students scatter when he came close. Todd fighting his way through the crowded corridor, neither tough nor tall enough to make the crowds part.

Todd wasn't watching where he was going, instead he was focused on undoing his satchel. He walked straight into the back of another student. Lance groaned, of all the people to walk into Todd had to choose Tom, Duncan's little brother.

Tom turned around quickly, the friendly look on his face turning to one of disgust. "Tolensky, watch where you're going, or do you want me to tech you a lesson-" he cut off mid sentence, his eyes widening at the sight of Lance's glare. Like most of his crowd, Tom knew not to piss Lance off and if that meant letting Tolensky go without a beating, he would do it.

Lance reached down and grabbed the back of Todd's T-shirt before roughly jerking him to his feet. Todd glared at Tom's back for a few seconds until he remembered what was so important in his satchel. He dug around, ignoring the few stray pieces of paper that fell out, he fished out a crumpled piece of paper. It was a homework assignment, an in-depth assessment of your family. Lance glanced at it, not understanding the importance of the sheet. Todd was looking at him expectantly so he asked, "what do you want me to do?", Todd looked up and replied, "it says interview you family, I need to interview you."

Lance's tough glare faltered for a second, family? Todd thought that he was family? He knew the little guy looked up to him, but he never thought that his admiration went that far. He wasn't quite sure what to do, he'd wait until the got back to the house until he told Todd that he wasn't family. . Maybe he could convince Fred to do the interview instead, they were better friends than him and Todd.

They stepped out through the front doors, squinting at the harsh change in lighting. Lance scanned the parking lot for his jeep, he really hoped that Pietro had decided to run home, if Fred was going home too the car would be squashy. He spotted the jeep in a far corner of the parking lot, right next to the bunch of preps that made up the X-men.

As they walked closer to the car the excited chatter slowed, before coming to a stop as they walked past. Lance was aware of the dirty looks that he was getting, normally he would have stopped and annoyed them that little bit extra, but it wasn't worth his time, Kitty wasn't there.

He opened the door and slid into the driver's seat, motioning to Todd to get in. He was supposed to stop off outside the school and check if Fred was coming home. He went to close the door, before noticing a hand holding it open. He followed the blue jumper that was attached to it until he came to a familiar pair of sunglasses.

" What do you want Summer's, cause I want you to let go."

Scott had the same irritated look on his face that he had every time he dealt with Lance. He always managed to look like some long-suffering martyr. Scott frowned at him before saying, "Where are you going Alver's, you do know its only 3rd period. You wouldn't be thinking of skipping, would you?"

Lance snarled, that self-righteous prick. He didn't need to listen to Summer's preaching any more than he needed to go to school. Lance slammed the door violently and did a sharp u-turn before calling out to Scott. "Eat my dirt Summer's", then, as the saying goes, he put the pedal to the metal.

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Fred was waiting outside, right next to the flagpole. He seemed glad to see the jeep, well at least that's what Todd thought. The jeep buckled under the weight, the body of the car sinking alarmingly against the wheels. They were lucky that Lance's jeep was so sturdy, any modern car would have broken under the pressure.

Fred looked over to the front seat to where his smaller friend was sitting. "Good day Todd?" the only reply was a small shrug of the shoulder's. He opened his mouth to ask Lance the same question but the words never made it to his mouth. A silver blur announced the arrival of Pietro, well that and the fact that Todd had mysteriously moved to the back seat and the smirking speedster was lounging in the front.

"Where were you, I thought you ran home?" although it sounded like a casual question, those who knew Lance well could detect the little bit of interest lurking underneath. Pietro smiled at him and said, "Nah, I overheard the Geeks talking about some testing Baldy's doing, I didn't want him to get a fix on us. Why, wereya'worried boutme Lance"

They understood what Pietro meant, so far they didn't think Xavier knew where their house was, and really, the idea of him having files on them was just freaky. He probably knew a little more about them than Mystique would have liked, but it was all Rouge's fault she probably spilled every thing she knew about them.

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Thanks for reading, please review and your suggestions are taken seriously.

BTW- There is no character named Tom in the series, I just made him up. There isn't going to be any intentional Lance/Kitty but it might appear in some places. On a last note, if you hadn't guessed yet Baldy is Xavier and the 'Geeks' are the X-men.