A/N: This isn't meant to be realistic or anything, just something, uh, fun. Whatever you wanna call it.
Most things on here are just a vehicle for me to write smut.
"Mm, Sakura, you smell so good. Is this the perfume I bought you last week?" Sasuke's body, clad in a gray, designer suit, covered Sakura's smaller form on their plush bed. He couldn't help himself, as soon as she walked in the door he was on her. He rolled his hips into hers, feeling needier by the second. She had been out shopping all day and he missed her dreadfully.
Sakura rolled her eyes where he couldn't see because he was currently busy with kissing—devouring—her neck. Everything she wore was something he bought her. He spoiled her to no end. It was the residual effect of her first meeting Sasuke as his sugar baby. Not that she minded.
"Of course it is, you always know just what I like, darling," she purred into his ear. All the money in the world and nothing would be sweeter than hearing her voice praise him.
Sasuke was growing impatient. He had waited for her to come home all day and he just wanted to feel her body against his. She was wearing a simple, but expensive as usual button up shirt. Her heaving breasts made it easy for his fingers to slip into the gaps between the buttons and pull.
"Sasuke! I really liked this shirt!" she admonished after hearing the fabric rip and buttons fly.
He yanked down the lace cup of her newly exposed bra to bring a creamy breast into his mouth. If he was feeling nicer and less..horny, he would've actually apologized for upsetting his wife. But he was practically on a mission to kiss and lick her entire body, so he just barely released her nipple to growl, "I'll buy you a new one for fuck's sake."
Sakura whined and arched her back, pushing her breast back into his hot mouth. It was true, she was spoiled. He was her sugar daddy before he was her husband, remember?
She threaded her fingers in his thick, dark hair and wrapped her legs around his hips before whispering, "thank you, Daddy."
Sasuke well and truly snapped at that — the rest of their clothes were off in record time and her brain was too hazy with pleasure to articulate many phrases besides his name.
*two years ago…*
On a normal day, Sasuke was grateful. He had accomplished just about everything he had set out to accomplish: he was filthy rich and getting richer only at the age of 30. He had worked extremely hard to build a better life for himself following the death of his beloved parents and brother. But the wealth came with attention, and as a very private person, he was never interested in all the women that threw themselves at him.
But right now, as he was struggling to unbutton his designer pants and tug on his hard on, he was not feeling anything remotely close to gratitude, and a woman to help him would've been nice.
He had enjoyed a few flings here and there, but he was always so focused on work that he didn't have time for anything else. Now, he was at the point where he could have everyone else do his work for him, but time was no longer the issue. He was so paranoid that everyone was out to get him and his money that he had sworn off women. He would be fine on his own, he always had been.
Sasuke, finally able to yank his pants down enough to free his aching member, started pumping. He just needed to come, so he set an almost brutal pace. Images of nameless, faceless bodies flashed through his mind. What did he need? Who was he looking for? He ran his thumb over the tip, hissing in pleasure, but also trying to just get it over with. His release was taunting him, his hand lacked the softness and finesse of a woman's touch. He wondered if he actually needed to get laid, or if it was just a bad day.
When he finally came all over his own hand, he felt a sharp pang of loneliness. As a result of his paranoia, it had truly been a long time since he had actually been with a woman. But he pushed down his baser desire for a warm body and reminded himself that everyone was just after his money. He got up off his couch to clean himself up. He hadn't felt like he could truly trust anyone since his family died.
He was never particularly social, so he didn't usually mind that most of his human contact was through work. And Naruto. But Naruto was such an idiot that it felt like doing charity work, hanging out with the loser. He would never admit how much he valued his friendship. But Naruto was married now, so he saw even less of him than before.
He washed his hands and changed out of his work clothes. He scoffed, Naruto. He was always telling Sasuke to get out there and date. What did he know? Hinata came from a rich family herself, so Naruto hadn't needed to worry about gold digging. Sasuke always had to watch his back.
Sasuke settled on his bed and supposed he couldn't blame people for wanting money. He just didn't want to give away any of his to someone who would eventually leave him. His cars, his clothes, his houses, they would never leave him. He could come and go as he pleased, why should he be tied down by a relationship? Why should he get his heart broken?
But then he sighed and looked down at his lap, feeling that pang in his chest again. Because no matter how hard he tried to avoid it, Sasuke loved deeply and he had a hole in his heart that could only be filled by love from another person. If there was actually a person in his life he loved enough, he would care for them excellently. After losing his family, though, the only one who had gotten that privilege was his black cat, Rinnegan. The sweet kitty had died too.
He pulled out his phone in an attempt to distract himself from his thoughts. He scrolled through stock reports and his bank account, obsessed with monitoring everything he could. He hired plenty of people to help manage his money because there was just so much of it, but he was always lurking around checking for incompetence.
He noticed a large deposit had been taken out and the charge was from one of his preferred suit designers. He hummed, glad to see one of his assistants had done their job and purchased his choice of pieces from the new season for him. It was quite funny that he paid people to use his money. Two of his assistants, Jugo and Suigetsu, had gotten pretty friendly with him, but he always made it clear that he was their boss. And that's how it would always be. He didn't want to feel like he was paying for friends, especially when he could only just tolerate those two fools.
Sasuke cringed as his thoughts led him to paying for a woman. Sure, sex work was work, but he just wasn't interested. And he could never expect to find a normal relationship once any woman found out about his fortune. He continued scrolling through the internet, passing ad after ad. Everyone was always trying to sell him something because he actually had the money.
He was about to put down his phone to shower and sleep when a viral post caught his eye. A random man online promised that the first 1000 people who reposted his post would be sent $500, no pictures needed! Sasuke scoffed, that was pocket change and he had to be lying. What kind of man gives his money to strangers on the internet? And why would anyone send him pictures? He took a closer look at the display name and everything clicked into place.
Sugar daddy.
He groaned as his mind actually considered it. He didn't have anything better to do, his company could run itself. He could have just about any woman he wanted, and their relationship would be a transaction, really. He had the money, so he would have the power. He had too much money, so maybe this would make him feel better about only donating a dollar at the grocery store checkout instead of five. He could easily cut them off when he wanted.
And it would grant him companionship...of some kind. He threw and arm over his eyes, man, he needed to get laid. A voice in the back of his head whispered that he needed a girlfriend, a wife. He would deal with this in the morning.
Sakura needed money. She loved her parents, but they had pushed her towards a path they wanted for her solely for the post-graduation salary. Her true dreams involved being an artist, but the pressures from her parents and society in general resulted in her being a business major. She hated it, but pretended she didn't. Her parents worried enough.
Her parents owned a small bakery and could barely get by as it was, so Sakura took it upon herself to pay for all student loans — eventually. She had decided to become a cog in the corporate machine for as long as it took to pay off her debts and provide a comfortable life for her parents, then quit and pursue art. It wasn't the most sound plan, but at least it was something.
Right now, she just needed to graduate so she could find a real job. Her campus job paid minimum wage and barely made a dent in her mountain of debt. It started as a joke with Ino. They were young and beautiful, so what better way to capitalize off that than joining a sugar daddy website? She thought she would sell feet pictures to old men and go.
She built a brief profile, giggling the entire time. Apparently the rich men who perused this website chose the women they were interested in. She wondered how creatively she could turn someone down.
What she never expected was a notification from someone far younger and more attractive than she expected. She shrugged, if S.U. wanted to chat, what did she have to lose?
Sasuke felt cheap. And he was wearing designer loungewear.
He couldn't believe he was actually making a profile on this website, but he was also really bored. He might as well see what his options were. He scrolled through the images of women, ready to give up when a half face photo of a woman with pink hair caught his eye. Her short bio told him that she was a college student looking for extra funds. He smiled to himself before clicking the message button. This should be fun.
A/N: Initially I didn't expect this to be so long and have so much plot but I'm gonna go with it. I'll try to include smut in every chapter, but again, let's see where this goes.
I also don't necessarily love how I set them up, but like I said, this is for smut purposes at the end of the day. Hope you liked it :)