EPILOGUE – Happily Ever After

At last the day came. Juliette's water broke. It's a Sunday morning and Nick and Adalind immediately rushed her to the hospital. Then, at precisely 12noon, Juliette gave birth to her daughter.

They called Monroe and Rosalee of the news and they too arrived in the hospital. Juliette was asleep so they all looked at the baby through the nursery window.

"She's back," Adalind said with a tender smile.


After all the pain and heartache she had endured, she's finally here. In the world she dreamed of.

"Yes, she is," Nick affirmed, holding his wife's hand.

Meanwhile, Kelly was bouncing up and down impatiently beside them, beseeching either of them to pick him up so that he too can look through the nursery window and see Eve.

It was Nick who complied.

Calling them soulmates might be cheesy and repetitive but at the same time, it is undoubtedly also an understatement. When Nick carried Kelly, he didn't look around the nursery. Though there were 20 other babies inside and despite not being aided by any of them, it didn't took Kelly a second to pinpoint Eve and locked his gaze on her.

"Eva," Kelly longingly whispered.

"Just a little bit more, bud," he reassured him. "You'll be with her soon."


Half an hour later, the nurse told them that Juliette had woken up and she is taking the baby to her. They walked to Juliette's room to find her sitting in the bed cuddling the baby to her chest. Everyone crowded around her to get a closer look at this new member of their family. Again, Kelly was too small to see over the top of the bed so they picked him and Diana and held them both as they leaned forward to look.

"Have you thought of a name?" It was Monroe who asked.

Juliette nodded. "Jeff and I once had a talk that if ever we get to have children, if it's a boy, we'll name him Ernest and if it's a girl, it's Evelyn."

'Evelyn. Eve.' Nick thought and smiled.

"Evelyn sounds lovely," said Rosalee.

Needless to say after that, Eve was passed right and left by the adults. Then, when she was back to Juliette's arms, with Kelly urging himself, Nick settled him beside Juliette's waist. He looked at Eve then to Juliette, "Auntie Julet," he demanded, raising his two little arms. "Hold, Eva, hold."

"You want to hold her," Juliette asked.

Kelly nodded excitedly.

"Sure," Juliette agreed. "Just promise to be careful, alright?"


Adalind then sat behind Kelly while Nick beside him to create a protected space for him and Eve. Juliette then placed the sleeping Eve onto Kelly's lap and arranged her carefully to make sure that she's wouldn't slide off.

The moment Eve was placed onto Kelly's lap, he suddenly squealed. "She smilin. Dada she smilin at me! Dada look!"

Kelly was literally shaking with excitement. They all looked down at Eve and Kelly was right. Eve's eyes were wide open and she was studying Kelly face. She had that open mouth and toothless grin that only looks good on newborns. She then closed her eyes again and with a small sigh began to wiggle around, trying to burrow closer to Kelly.

Kelly then looked up to Juliette, then us, with tears in his eyes.

Nick and Adalind couldn't help shed some tears too. Among the people around here, it only them that understand how great is the weight of this moment for Kelly and Eve.

This is the life their former selves had dreamed for themselves and after so many heartaches and a sacrifices, that life is finally a reality.

Since the day of Eve's return, a year had passed.

It's the Christmas Eve of 2015 and in the old world during this same year, Nick and Adalind had just had Kelly and are still figuring out what they have together. Still letting go of all the pain and hate. Diana is neither Nick's daughter nor is with them and they are both awkward as they live together in their fome.

But in this new reality, in this new world, none of those happened. They are happy and they never wasted the first four years of knowing each other again with lies and hate.

Nick smiled as he watched Adalind finished decorating the tree.

She's amazing and though it was tedious how they got here, he could not ask for anything else.

Suddenly, she picked a small present from the under the tree and handed it to him. "For you."

This confuses Nick. "I thought we aren't exchanging gifts until midnight?"

"Yeah I know but it has been killing me since yesterday. So please," she's half begging. "Open it."

Nick gave her a suspicious look before taking the gift and start ripping through the wrapper. Then opening it, Nick inhaled sharply when its content was revealed.

It's a pregnancy test.

And it reflects positive.

"Wait, does this mean…?"

"Yes," Adalind replied before he could finish.

"We-we-we're going to have another baby?" He stuttered, staring at his wife as the fact sank in.


"Oh my god!" Exclaiming happily, he scooped her up and twirled around with her. "Thank you so much, Addie," he said, capturing her lips. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me."

"No, Nick, thank you. Thank you for giving me the chance despite everything I…"

She was about to start but Nick stopped her with another kiss. "Shusssh, that's all in the past now. A past that no longer even exist. This is what we have now and this is going to be our happily ever after."

Adalind laughed. As cheesy as that sounds, she could not agree more. In the old world, they are able to create happiness despite all the darkness and resentment that had plagued their bond. In this new world, they vanquished those darkness and resentment before it could consume them and created an untainted happiness.

This is no longer just fate or chances. Things that happened solely because it was the only convenient way.

This is more about choices now. He wanted to be with her and so does she and together, they made it a reality.

"I love you so much, Nick."

"I love you too, Addie," he replied and then looked down, "and you too baby."



So here it is, the Epilogue and Final Chapter of Cosmic Distortion.

Thank you so much for supporting this piece over these past two years. From the indefinite hiatus to the rewrite of the story.

I would never had the motivation to go through and finish the story if it weren't for your support.

I still have no new idea for another story yet but I'm eyeing for some potentials and hopefully, I'll be able to write another one Grimm fanfic and share it with you all.

Again, thank you so much and hope to see you all again soon.

Mighty Action X here, signing out.