This chapter is now reposted, and completely updated with a new style. I got a new co-writer now, and I am grateful for him. DW, we both wrote this evenly.

It was a normal day in Dimmsdale. Apart from the fact that atop of a giant skyscraper, four heroes were facing off with four villains. The evil syndicate had once again united causing Jimmy Neutron to call upon the help of Spongebob Squarepants, Timmy Turner and Danny Phantom yet again, leading them to face off against the villains.

Plankton glared at Spongebob from the seat of his mech. "You just had to stick by that putrid Krabs of yours, don't you Spongebob?"

"Sorry Plankton, but no matter what, I swore my oath to protecting the formula!" Spongebob proclaimed.

"Grrr, fine then!" Plankton growled, as his arms started to charge up lasers.

Next to him was Professor Calamitous, inside his usual robot suit. "You're about to meet your demise, Neutron! When this is over, I will finally accomplish the one thing I've never finished: destroying you!" Calamitous laughed.

Jimmy, who was inside an upgraded Robo Walker, pretended to yawn. "Is that all? I'm not threatened by your typical boasting, Calamitous."

"Maybe you'll change your mind when I back it up!" Calamitous snapped. Calamitous's Calami-bot then clenched its fists.

Next to him was Dimmsdale Elementary's member of staff, Denzel Crocker, inside a blue mecha suit that Calamitous had helped him make. "Turner, I shall spare you, if you surrender one thing to me: your secrecy to the existence of your…FAIRLY GODPARENTS!" Crocker screamed.

"I have no idea what your talking about! I don't have fairies!" Timmy said, as he held a pink laser, which was really Wanda. Cosmo and Poof were missing from the scene due to there being a father and son day at Spellementary School. Despite Wanda's worries, she decided to help Timmy without going to get Cosmo.

"Lies!" Crocker snapped. "You wouldn't even be here if it weren't for your fairies! You expect me to believe you can build lasers with your grades?!"

Then, standing next to Crocker, was billionaire half human, half ghost Vlad Plasmius. Danny smirked at him. "Really Vlad? You're teaming with these clowns again? I thought you were smarter than that!" If Vlad was offended by that jibe, he didn't show it. "Oh Daniel, how it would've been an honor to have you as my little ally. But sadly, it seems you you just won't listen to reason." Danny rolled his eyes. "Your reasons have always stunk, Vlad. Nothing you say, will ever convince me to join a sad lonely loser like you!" "You're about to regret those words, Fenton!" Vlad said.

The four faces off against their respective nemeses, ready to partake in perhaps the brawl to end all of their brawls, at least in their own mind, and were about to launch at each other. Jimmy then smirked. "On second thought, I don't think any of us really feel like fighting today." As he said that, the other three heroes started to relax.

"Excuse me!" Calamitous snapped. Spongebob yawned.

"Yeah, I don't really feel like fighting. Why don't you guys go play with her instead?"

"Her?" Plankton asked. Suddenly, the sound of a jet was heard in the sky, coming closer towards the gang. The syndicate began to wonder where the sound was coming from. Vlad was then caught off guard as the jet punched him in the face before socking Crocker's giant helmet off of him. She then punched the Calami-bot square in the chest and finally, punched Plankton out of his robot suit. Within a few seconds, the three villains laid in a pile, as the Calami-bot then fell on top of them. "Oh the pain!" Plankton groaned, as the robot crushed him. The heroes smiled as they looked at none other than the android hero herself Jenny Wakeman, AKA XJ9, her model name.

"Bet they didn't see me coming huh?" She laughed.

"Thanks again for helping deal with the syndicate Jenny." Jimmy said. Jenny smiled. "No problem. It's the least I could do after that toy factory incident." As she talked, Vlad used his invisibility to get out of the pile.

"You should thank my mom. If it weren't for that portal machine she built, I wouldn't even be here!" Suddenly, to Jenny's surprise, Vlad grabbed her by the neck. "Wha?"

"If you think, I, Vlad Plasmius, am going to be stopped by some android, you thought wrong!" Vlad said, as he threw Jenny to the ground. "Boys, get up!" As Vlad turned to his boys, he noticed Crocker's spot. In the bottom of the pile, Crocker was no longer in his blue suit, as it was empty. "Denzel?" Vlad seemed confused by Crocker's absence.

"Where'd Crocker go?!" Timmy shouted, as Jenny got up from the ground.

"Please tell me that freak wore clothes underneath his giant hunk of metal." Danny said, gagging at the thought of Crocker.

"Probably not." Timmy remarked.

Suddenly, Plankton made his way out of the pile, breathing heavily and sweating while still stuck underneath the Calami-Bot. "Who knew a robots back could be so smelly?" Suddenly, he looked at his tiny arms, as they began to vanish. "What the?!"

Despite what just happened, Spongebob started to worry as this didn't seem to be part of the syndicate's plan. "Plankton?"

Plankton started getting terrified. "What's happening to me?! Someone help me!"

"Plankton!" Spongebob ran towards him, trying to grab him, only to somehow pick up air shaped like him. Spongebob stared at the spot Plankton was at, shocked at seeing just suddenly disappear.

"What is this? Is this another one of your tricks?!" Danny shouted as he then grabbed Vlad by the front of his jacket.

"I have no idea what any this is about!" Vlad responded as he pushed Danny off of him. He then floated towards the Calami-bot, trying to hide his growing panic. "Finnbarr, what is the meaning of this?" Vlad knocked on the Calami-bot's chest, only for no one to be inside it. "Finn?" Vlad asked worriedly, peaking inside the suit. And then, Vlad began to feel something. He gasped as he looked at his own hand, which started to vanish.

"Your little magic show is over, Vlad!" Danny shouted. "Now cut the act!"

"Danny, t-this isn't a trick! I'm actually vanishing! Help me!" Vlad pleaded as he tried to grab the boy, only to vanish into thin air.

Danny was absolutely confused at what's going on. "Guys...what's going on?" Danny asked. Suddenly, he began to feel something strange about his legs, as if he had no feet. As he looked down, his eyes widened in fear as he saw he had no feet, and continued to vanish. "Oh no! I'm vanishing too!" Danny screamed before disappearing.

"Danny?!" Spobgebob shouted, as he began to notice his arms disappearing too. "No please! I can't disappear yet! I have a snail to feed! The Krusty Krab needs me! Patrick! Sandy-" Spongebob was unable to finish before he finally disappeared.

"What did those guys do?!" Jenny shouted in fear.

Then Timmy began to feel it. "No, no! It can't be me!" Timmy said. "Wanda, do something!" Timmy screamed as he then grabbed Jimmy's shirt. "Neutron! Anybody! Do something!" Timmy was now gone. At this point, all Jimmy could do was just stare in shock as everyone was disappearing around him.

"Timmy!" Wanda cried, looking at where Timmy once was.

Jimmy snapped out of his daze as he realized whatever had happened to them didn't seem to be affecting Jenny. "Jenny, leave here at once!" His legs began to vanish. "Get as much help as you can, and find out who's behind this!" Jimmy said, grabbing onto Jenny's chest, before he disappeared.

Jenny was both confused and shocked at what happened. She looked at spot where the heroes once were, the only trace of them being the laser that Timmy left behind and the two villains armor, laying there like two action figures left on the floor.

"What just happened?!" Jenny said. She began to hear screaming from down below, as she looked down the skyscraper. She turned her eyes into giant binoculars. She began to see cars crash into buildings, and more citizens disappear from the ground. She looked at her own fingers, worried if whatever was happening would affect her too.

Suddenly, her telescreen appeared from her chest."XJ9! Come back to your universe at once!" Dr. Wakeman, Jenny's creator/mother exclaimed. "There is something catastrophic happening!" A portal opened up, as Jenny headed into it.

As the portal closed, Wanda then poofed back into her regular form. "I've got to find Chloe. Maybe she knows what's going on." She then poofed away. …

Jenny appeared out of the portal formed from her mom's machine. "What is it, mom?! What's the problem?!" Jenny asked, completely worried.

"This is horrible! It appears that humans are disappearing off the face of the Earth!" Dr. Wakeman said, checking her radar along with her multiple screens, appearing red while giving a siren. A number displaying the population of the planet began to go from 7 billion to under 3 billion, as it continued to slowly drop. "We have dropped from seven to three billion!"

"Three billion?!" A shocked Jenny shouted, putting a hand over her mouth. She then began to notice what was going on outside. More of the humans began to vanish. One dropped a hot dog he was giving to a child, making him cry before he too disappeared. One crossing guard disappeared, making a car almost crash into children. Said driver then also disappeared. Suddenly, planes began falling from the sky. Jenny sprang into action as she burst through the roof of her house. She quickly caught the multiple planes, safely putting them to the ground. Everyone immediately burst out of the plane. Jenny noticed that all the passengers appeared to be female. She then flew back to her house, making another hole through the roof in her rush.

"Mom, do you know who's behind all of this?" Jenny asked.

"No I do not, XJ9. But I do know that all of those disappeared billions have one thing in common: they were all males!" Dr. Wakeman explained.

"Males? Why just males? That doesn't make any…" Jenny then gasped. "Oh no! Brad! Tuck!"

Jenny made a third hole in the roof, zooming over to Brad and Tuck's house. As she kicked the door, she checked both of the two's rooms. They were nowhere in sight, as Jenny then decided to go her only other male friend.

"Come on, Sheldon! Not you too!" Jenny zoomed to Sheldon's house, as she burst through his house. However, she was shocked to what she saw. It was indeed Sheldon, turning around in a big lounge chair sat next to a fireplace, with a robe and a pipe filled with bubbles. However, this was a hologram from a small projector.

"Hello Jenny. I'd knew you'd show up someday." He said seductively.

"He actually prepared for this. You've got to be kidding me!" Jenny said, annoyed. "I might not be here right now, either shopping for parts or…" Jenny ignored the hologram as she then burst through his roof. "I'll repair that later." Jenny flew back to her mom's lab, once again creating a fourth hole in the roof, much to her mom's annoyance. "You do remember that we have a door right?"

"Brad, Tuck and Sheldon aren't there!" Jenny cried. "This is horrible! Oh no, mom! In the world I was just in, I saw guys were disappearing there too!"

"This is affecting those other worlds too?!" Dr. Wakeman asked, shocked. "XJ9, we must find out who's responsible for all this."

"We better! Because when I find whoever did this, I will show them more than just the strength of 170 men!" Jenny said, clenching her fists.

Suddenly, another radar began buzzing, as Dr. Wakeman took a look at it.

"It appears something is heading towards the house!" Both of them were then sent flying as a giant bug shaped mecha crashed through the house. As Jenny flew into the wall, Dr. Wakeman was knocked out by her portal's keypad, which began to overload the portal.

"Mom!" Jenny called out, as she then turned to the mecha. "No, it can't be!" Jenny said, as she flew towards the mecha. But then, it grabbed Jenny by its' own arms, as the top of its' head unraveled, revealing a familiar villain.

"Oh…but it is." It was none other than Vexus, giving a sinister cackle, as she casually tossed XJ9 into the portal, which kept turning on and off. As soon as Jenny was thrown in, the portal machine exploded, as the round metal hole, along with the control panel, were blown to bits. Vexas then pulled out her Cluster phone.

"I have gotten rid of my enemy." Vexus said dully .

"Excellent work, Vexus." A voice said, though it was a deep male voice.

"Now, head back to the base right away." Vexus simply nodded, as the head of her mecha formed. The mecha's hands carried Dr. Wakeman's unconscious body with her, and it blasted out of the house, incinerating the whole house in the process, leaving nothing but rubble.


Meanwhile, inside "the base", under the shadows laid a figure with tentacles, using a computer screen to navigate through different universes. "Soon, their reign, will be over." The shadow said, as it navigated from the 'RENZETTI' universe, to the next universe to watch what it would call, it's 'cleansing': the ' PUGA' universe.