All rights reserved to Shannon Messenger, who, sadly, is not me.


Dear Santa,

I'm only writing to you because Foster said it would make her feel more connected to the humans' cultures and stuff, and what with
all the fun things my mom's been up to lately, she needs it. She says Christmas always made her feel better. I'd do
anything to make Foster feel happy, even if it only lasts a day or so. So everyone's busy with Christmas stuff
and Forkle let her make a quick trip to the Forbidden Cities to get some Christmassy stuff. Fitz says
that pumpkin pie is almost as good as mallowmelt. Blaugh. That dude needs to get his taste buds checked.
But anyways, even though us elves don't celebrate Christmas, all I want is for Sophie to be happy and safe.
So, I guess however sappy that sounds, it's true. Even if Foster doesn't like me back when I love her,
I'll always want what's best for her.

Kind regards,


P.S: If you could bring me some E.L Fudges, too, that'd be much appreciated.

P.P.S: If you can't bring E.L Fudges, please don't get Digestibles. My stomach is still trying to recover from those disgusting frogspawn biscuits.