Tags: Shower Sex, author wants a dog named turtleduck,

Katara stood at the door half caked in mud. She screamed and cursed all the way here, positive that everyone that she passed on her way home thought her rude. The once white golden shepherd now completely mud brown. "Agni, Turtleduck! We don't run after squirrels!"

Katara pat around her pockets finally pulling out the key from deep in her mud filled pocket. She grumbled and finally opened the door. Turtleduck zoomed past her and through the house. "NO!" Katara screamed after the dog and watched the dirt fly as Turtleduck shook. "Damn-!"

"Hey, you okay?"

Zuko stepped through the doorway of their study with his book. He finally looked up as Turtleduck bounded towards him. "Oh fuck!" Turtleduck pounced on him sending him to the ground with muddy paws and slobbery kisses. "No! Bad dog!"

Katara tried her best not to giggle, even though she was mad. She found it funny that the dog completely surprised Zuko. "Alright, I'm going to shower now. Be sure and wash the dog. Please and thank you."

Katara took off for their shower with one last look behind her to see Zuko and Turtleduck looking at her with tilted heads.

She wasn't in the shower long when she heard the door to the bathroom open. She shivered as the glass door was opened and the cool air entered the little area. She stepped side wards so that Zuko could step under the water stream.

Zuko washed off the first layer of dirt before turning and pulling Katara back against him. He kissed her shoulder. "I put Turtleduck in her cage for the night."

"Good," Katara pulled her hair over her shoulder. "She needs to calm down."

Zuko continued his kisses around her shoulder and neck, "Pass me your shampoo." It was slightly quiet as Zuko washed Katara's hair and massaged her head. He stepped out of the stream for her to rinse while he shampooed.

Katara sighed as she stepped to the side again to condition her hair and wrap it up for a few minutes to let it set. She took her loofa and added soap to it but Zuko took it from her. "Let me."

He began lathering her shoulders and back with soap. Zuko washed over her shoulders again and down her arms. Katara leaned back against him as he washed away the dirt and mud. He cleaned her front only pausing to briefly flick at her nipples. Katara squirmed but held still. He washed down one leg before turning and washing her other leg. He leaned down as finished scrubbing gently at Katara's skin.

Katara gasped as he turned her around for her to rinse. Zuko's hands helping rinse away the suds then turning to run between her legs. He kissed at her clean skin and licked at the water drops that flowed down her body. Turning his head, he kissed at the crease where thigh met her center. Katara let out a sigh and spread her legs wider.

Zuko continued to kiss his way to her center. Licking between the folds of her pussy when he reached her opening. He took her left leg over his shoulder and continued to kiss and lick at Katara's entrance until he felt a tug at his hair.

"Zu-Zuko, please I want-," Katara's head fell back and out from under the stream.

Zuko stood and turned Katara around again so she her arms leaned against the white tile. Zuko leaned out briefly grabbing a condom and rolling it down himself. He stepped up back behind Katara and rubbed himself between her thighs. "You ready?"

"Plea-s-ah!" Katara pushed her hips back as Zuko lined up. Her head fell to her arms in front of her as Zuko pushed in fully. Zuko took her hips in his hands and brought her back in a thrust, so his hips were flush with her ass.

Their moans echoed around the tiled shower. Zuko took his sweet time pulling out but pushed his hips back in a snap. He set a quick pace after that afraid he'd be standing in a cold shower soon. Katara hiccupped a little yelp every time Zuko sunk in completely.

Zuko pushed Katara completely against the wall her nipples hardening against the chilled tile. She turned her head and her nails scraped at the tiles. She whined as Zuko shifted to lift a leg up and fucked into her deeper. Her foot slipped slightly. Zuko righted her again and picked up the pace of his thrusts.

Katara's head fell back with a loud moan. Zuko ran his hand up her body between her breasts to keep a solid hand around the base of her throat. Katara let one of her hands drop from the tile to grasp around Zuko's wrist. She gasped as she felt Zuko bite at her shoulder. Katara felt pleasure zing through her body. She begged herself to stay up but when Zuko fucked into her just right she keened. If it wasn't for Zuko holding onto her, she most definitely would have slipped to the ground.

Zuko ground his hips into her trying not to move with the limp Katara in his arms. Katara lazily pushed her hips back into Zuko's. Her pussy tightening like a vise around him. It unclenched and clenched again, and Zuko spilled into the condom.

There was a beat before Zuko pulled out and turned Katara around so he could kiss her. It was lazy and sweet. Zuko turned them so Katara could stand under the spray to rinse her hair. Zuko tied off the condom and through it into the trash can beside the toilet. He turned back to where Katara was threading her fingers through her hair. He kissed her briefly before she shrieked into the kiss.

The water had turned ice cold.

Katara shoved Zuko against the wall so she was out of the way of the spray. "Oh, my spirits that's cold. I'm getting out!"

When Katara stepped out Zuko was hit with the cold blast and he shrieked like a little girl too. Quick to turn off the water and get out. He glared at Katara's reflection in the mirror. She bit her lip to hold in a giggle. She was wiping off with a towel and laughed as Zuko lunged at her. "Oh, you're going to get it now!"

Katara squealed as she ran away to the safety of their bed.

And a very merry smutmas to all and to all a good smutmas!

I hope you all enjoyed each chapter. I have heard your cry for part twos and for more. But I think it will be next year before I post anymore.

Thank you all for liking, commenting and supporting me through Smutmas!

Follow me on tumblr and twitter at zutaralover94!