Naia's POV
It was just another chilly October day. I stared down at the concrete sidewalk, hands in my pockets, hood on my head, walking from school like usual.
Not for home though.
It would never be home. It was a living hell for me. The Samuals. Mr. and Mrs. Samual. Both of them seemed like two very nice people. A perfect couple. Their story was just heartwarming. Unable to conceive children of their own so they foster children who were abandoned.
That's how I got there. My parents, who I don't know and will never meet dropped me off on the doorstep of the Samual's house shortly after I was born with all the documents and certificates and a note that read "please take care of her". That was it. Besides the blue and pink blanket that I was wrapped in that night, I have nothing else from my parents.
The Samuals are not nice people. They beat their foster children, scare them into keeping quiet. It would be relief if you were sent off to another foster family or even better, adopted, but not everyone is so lucky.
I have been with the Samuals for 11 years now. 11 years of torture, and pain. I remember every single child that endured the suffering with me but from Day 1 with the Samuals to now, Ellie has been with me. Elianna is her full name but I call her Ellie, so do Thomas and Shane, the other foster children with the Samuals.
Even though I'm staring at the ground, I notice that a shiny Firetruck slowed down next to me. I try to ignore it and walk faster.
I freeze, yelling always made me freeze. I slowly peel my eyes off the ground and look up. Two Firemen were sitting in the truck. One was blond, the other had graying hair and seemed to be a little older.
"You okay?" The blond one asked me.
They were Firemen. If they found out what the Samuals did to their foster children they'd have to tell the police.
"Y-yeah." I whisper after I realized I hadn't said anything. I was a terrible liar, always have been. That's what got me in so much trouble and into so many beatings. Nobody would ever believe my lies.
"Pardon? Sorry, didn't catch that." The blond one says.
I just nod and then look back down. I tried to mentally get the truck to drive away from me but it didn't.
"You sure?" The other guy asks me but I nod again.
"Do you want a ride?" The blond one asks me but I shake my head. I really just wanted to leave now, before I let anything slip.
I look at the Firemen before deciding to book it. I sprinted all the way home without looking back.