Author: Butterfly Betty

Rating: MA/NC-17

Title: A Night Unexpected: One Year Later

Summary: One year's past by since Edward and Bella last visited their good friend, Jasper. Maybe it's time for another trip.


"Baby, are you ready?" Edward called from the living room. A wry smile slipped over my lips, a feeling of deja vu washing over me. It'd been a year since I last heard those words, at least in the same context. Pulling my suitcase off the bed, I hurried out of our room. Edward stood next to the front door, almost bouncing on the balls on his feet. While he'd never say anything, he was excited.

"Okay, I'm ready." I leaned up and kissed him. "Calm down before you have an aneurysm."

"I'll try, I promise," he murmured, sliding his arm around me.

Edward took my bag from me and we headed out to the car. I climbed into the passenger seat while he added my bag to the trunk and slid in behind the wheel. With one last look over at me, he started the engine, pulled out of the driveway, and headed toward the highway. Taking a deep breath, I looked out the window; the anticipation of what lay ahead of me was overwhelming.

If you'd told me a year ago that I'd be on my way for a weekend rendezvous with my boyfriend and his Master/ lover, I'd have laughed my ass off, but that's exactly where I found myself heading. Our last visit to see Jasper Whitlock had surprised me, sending me reeling with everything that had happened, but the more I watched them, the little ways they touched, I knew they had more than a physical relationship. Edward trusted him and, in return, I put my trust in him as well.

Of course, it wasn't that easy.

Edward loved me—this I never doubted—but knowing he wasn't solely mine was hard to process when we got home. Every time the phone rang, I found myself wondering if Jasper was on the other end, or if he'd tried to get Edward to leave me. Paranoid images of them meeting in secret, laughing at my expense, haunted me.

For the first few months, I let my insecurities wreak havoc on our relationship. My fears and doubts nearly tore us apart, but Edward held strong, assuring me at every turn that he was in love with me. While I still had concerns, I knew that Jasper was too important to him and if I cared for him as much as he did me, then I had to be understanding. Hence, the trip back to Seattle.

"You're being quiet," Edward said, reaching over and taking my hand. "Having second thoughts?"

"No," I replied. "Just nervous. I don't really know what to expect this time."

"Nothing has to happen." He looked out the window, before adding, "If you don't want it to."

"It's not that I don't want anything to happen." I huffed. "I loved the way you and Jasper made me feel that night."

"But," he pushed. "I know there's a but hiding in there somewhere."

"No buts." I smiled, trying to sound more confident than I felt. "Just a little nervous that I'll fuck something up and then he won't want me, too."

"Oh, that's not going to happen," he scoffed. "You've talked to him so you know how much he's looking forward to being with you—in any way that you choose, baby."

I blushed, recalling the many nights that Jasper and I had spent on the phone, getting to know each other better. On more than one occasion, our talks turned into phone sex. We'd attempted to use webcams, but I felt awkward and uncomfortable. Jasper insisted that he thought I was beautiful and amazing. The man was a smooth talker, knowing just how to manipulate my feelings.

We had delved into our greatest fantasies, most of them involving him dominating me. He'd spent hours detailing how he wanted to feel my body, challenge my control, and love my soul. I'd never considered myself to be a submissive person, but he made me reconsider everything I thought I knew about myself. No matter how much I tried to deny it, he'd owned my body the moment he first touched me.

Shifting my eyes up to Edward, I smiled. "I know, but it's different on the phone."

"It is," he admitted, "but trust when I say that whatever he wants to do to you, he means. Of course, you're always allowed to safeword, but he'll push your limits."

"That's what I'm afraid of," I murmured.

Edward laughed, tightening his hold on my fingers. "Baby, that's a good thing, I assure you."

"So you say," I mumbled under my breath.


The sun had begun waning when we finally pulled up in front of Jasper's house. Over the last year, I'd learned that it belonged to his family and had been passed down to him after his parents were killed. Jasper talked more openly about the losses he suffered, unlike Edward who still kept much of himself locked away inside his head. He'd opened up more to me over the last year, but I saw the pain in his eyes and knew not to push him very hard. He needed time and I willingly gave it to him. Edward was worth the wait.

Silently, we climbed out of the car, meeting at the trunk and grabbing our luggage. He slipped his hand into mine, giving my fingers a gentle squeeze, before leading me up the winding, stone pathway and onto the porch. Before we could knock, however, the door was pulled open and we found ourselves face to face with Jasper. The year since our last trip hadn't changed him much. He wore his hair a little longer, keeping it pushed out of his face with a brush of hand. If anything, time had only enhanced his features, or maybe it was just that I'd missed him more than I realized.

"I was starting to get worried," he said, laughing. His baby, blue eyes sparkled and danced between us. "Say something already!"

"Hi," I giggled, biting my bottom lips.

"Hi?" He scoffed. "That's all you can say?"

"Um, yeah, I think so." I shrugged my shoulders.

Jasper laughed harder and stepped to the side. "Get your pretty asses in here."

I knew the moment we stepped over the threshold that there'd be no going back. Of course, I wasn't sure I wanted anything to change, either. Just like the last time we visited, Jasper instructed Edward to place our bags in the guest room at the top of the stairs before leading me into the living room, motioning for me to sit down. Crossing my legs, I leaned back and waited for whatever was coming next.

"You look very nervous, beautiful," he cooed, sitting next to me. "Why?"

I shook my head, unsure I'd be able to articulate my feelings right now. He reached out and covered my hand with his. "It's nothing, just a little anxious, I suppose."

"It's normal to be anxious, but we're not going to do anything until I am convinced that you're ready," he replied. I looked up at him. "All I care about is that you and Edward are happy. If you don't want this…"

"I do," I blurted out, clamping my lips shut when I realized I'd interrupted him. "Sorry."

"Don't be." He waved me off. "The only room in my house that you have to be careful of what you say, or do, is upstairs. I have faith that you're going to be a good girl for me, Bella."

Once again, my cheeks turned pink. His words send a shiver of pure excitement through me. Self-confident, Jasper always said what he meant, holding nothing back. He expected people to take him at face value and accept him, or reject him, accordingly. Edward came into the living room, sitting on the sofa behind me. He slipped his arm around my waist and my body relaxed into him. Like always he kept me centered.

"How was your drive?" Jasper asked, addressing Edward.

"Not too bad." He shrugged his shoulders. "We managed to get through the city before rush hour."

"Good, good." Turning his attention to me, Jasper asked, "How's your new book doing? I loved it. Definitely your best work yet."

"You read my book?" I gasped.

"Of course I did, beautiful." He brushed a strand of hair out of my eyes. "You're an incredible writer, a true artist with the spoken word."

"Thank you," I whispered, breathlessly.

Jasper groaned and stood up. "We'd better eat dinner before things get complicated."

Pulling on my hand, he led me into the dining room, pulling my chair out for me. Thanking him with a simple nod, I sat down. Edward took the seat across from me, leaving the one at the end of the table for Jasper. I smiled at the familiar scene before us. Just twelve months ago, we'd found ourselves in these very chairs, sitting across the other. Of course, unlike last year, everything between the three of us had changed. We'd evolved into something none of us saw coming—a family.

"I hope you're both hungry," Jasper announced, pushing open the door to the kitchen with a bump of his hip.

"Starving," I giggled, looking at him.

He winked at me and set the platter of baked chicken in the middle of the table. He came back a moment later with a tossed salad and a basket of rolls. Settling in his chair, he placed his napkin in his lap. Jasper picked up his glass of wine, smiling as he looked from me to Edward.

"I'd like to propose a toast," he started. Picking up our glasses, Edward and I smiled at each other. "To new beginnings; may they bring all our hopes and dreams true."

Echoing his words, we sipped on our wine and began eating. We made idle chitchat, talking about work and life in general. Slowly, I felt my body begin to relax. Maybe it was the wine, but my nerves dissipated, leaving a peaceful wake behind. When we were done eating, we cleared off the table, filling the dishwasher. The three of us made our way back into the living room.

Stopping in front of the stairs, Jasper turned to me. "You've agreed to submit your body for me to do as I please for the next forty-eight hours. Has that changed?"

Taking a deep breath, I replied, "No."

He smiled. "Good. Anything you'd like to ask?"


Jasper shifted his attention to Edward. "Are you willing to share her with me, allowing me to do with her as I want?"

"Yes," Edward murmured.

Nodding, he placed his hands behind his back. "You're both to be ready for me in the morning at nine. Sleep well tonight, because tomorrow, we play."

"Goodnight," I whispered, stepping up and brushing my lips across his cheek.


At precisely nine o'clock the next morning, the door to Jasper's play room opened and he came waltzing in. I kept my eyes trained on the floor, just like Edward had taught me. While we lay in bed last night, Edward reminded me several times to keep my eyes down, not to speak unless given permission, and always address Jasper as Master. I tried to reassure him that I'd remember, but my greatest fear was to disappoint them both, losing the faith they held in me.

"Very nice," Jasper commented, stopping in front of the two of us. We were kneeling on the red mat just inside the room. Completely naked, our knees were shoulder width apart, feet crossed, and hands clasped behind our backs. "Before we begin, do either of you have any concerns that need to be addressed? Feel free to speak openly."

"No, Master," Edward replied.

"Beautiful?" Jasper asked, turning his question to me.

"No, Master," I said. "I trust you with all of me."

"Good girl." His words sounded pure and honest. Turning, he walked away from us. "Boy, follow me and, beautiful, feel free to watch, but I don't want to hear a sound."

Tilting my head up, I watched as Edward scrambled to his feet, falling into step behind our Master. Jasper led him across the room to a wooden arch that was curved around the top. Motioning for Edward to stand under it, Jasper reached up and attached a leather cuff to Edward's wrist, which pulled his right arm up and away from his body. He continued with his other arm and then moved to his feet, leaving him spread eagle.

"You're sexy when you're bound just for me," Jasper murmured, reaching up and stroking Edward's cheek.

Sighing, he dropped his hand and moved over to his toy cabinet. He pulled out a butt plug and ball gag. Moving back to Edward, he set them on a small table before pulling a bottle of lube out of the back pocket of his faded blue jeans and stepped behind him.

While he directed his question to Edward, his eyes were on me. "Have you been preparing yourself for me, boy?"

"Yes, Master, just like you told me to," he moaned.

"I hope so," Jasper hissed, nipping on his ear. "I have big plans for you today."

Edward's jaw tightened, his hips thrust forward. A wicked smile spread over Jasper's lips, I shivered in anticipation. He removed the cap from the lube, drizzling some over his fingers. Even though I couldn't see what he was doing, based on the way Edward withered; I knew he was preparing him, especially when he reached over and picked up the plug. Edward moaned once again, pushing his backside toward Jasper.

I struggled not to squirm, the urge to touch myself, or find some sort of friction, overwhelmed me. Dangling between his legs, Edward's cock was long and thick. I wanted to touch him, taste him on my tongue. Walking in front of him, Jasper ran a finger down the front of his body, gripping his length. Edward hissed, thrusting his hips toward him.

"Someone's eager," he teased. "Tell me, am I going to need to gag that talented mouth of yours? Or are you going to be quiet boy?"

Knowing better than to speak, Edward clamped his lips together. Jasper smiled while turning back to me. I shivered, the look in his eyes penetrating my very soul. He knelt in front of me, his jeans stretched tight across his thighs and his chest bare. I wanted to reach out, feel the air heaving through him, but I didn't dare. Jasper controlled my body and soul. Tilting my head back, his eyes searched mine, scorching straight to my heart.

"Follow me, beautiful," he ordered, stroking my cheek before standing up. I found my feet, padding across the room after him. Jasper stopped at a small, dark bench with a black, velvet cushion on top. "Straddle the bench, lying with your upper body against with the padding."

I followed his order, placing one leg on each side and laying so that my breasts were pressed against the dark padding. Jasper moved behind me and grabbed my hips, pulling me down so that I nearly fell off the edge. He pulled out a black strap and wrapped it around my upper thighs, weaving it between the bench's legs. Brushing his fingers across my bareback, Jasper moved up in front of me, kneeling by my head.

"You look exquisite on display just for me," he murmured, attaching a matching strap to my left wrist. Moving onto my right, he added, "All those nights spent talking, trying to get to know each other." He shook his head. "You teased me, beautiful. Of course, you knew just what you were doing, too, didn't you?"

I knew better than to respond.

Leaning so that his lips were just outside of my ear, he whispered, "I've longed to see my marks across your ass from the moment I saw you standing in my doorway."

A needy whimper slipped between my lips. Jasper chuckled, before kissing the space behind my ear. Standing up, I heard him walk away from me. With the way my body was positioned, I couldn't see where he went or what he was doing. My imagination ran wild, which only sent a tingle through me. Knowing him, he could be preparing for any and everything; that only excited me more. The echoing of his toy cabinet being opened then closed had my attention peaked. Moments later, Jasper knelt back in front of me. In his hands was a flogger with a steel ball handle and long, dark tendrils.

"Deer hide," he murmured. "I had it made special just for you. Now I know this is your first time, but if you need me to stop, just say the word. Promise me."

"I promise, Master," I whispered, meaning it from my heart.

Jasper nodded, brushing his lips against mine. "Don't hold back, beautiful. I want to hear your pleasure."

Standing up, he walked toward the other end of the bench, dragging the deer hide flogger across my skin. I trembled in anticipation. My breath caught in my chest when I heard the swish just seconds before I felt the first sting across my backside. The wisps wrapped around my torso, striking the sides of my breasts.

"Ah," I cried out, the mixture of pleasure and pain sizzling through me.

Behind me, Jasper inhaled sharply and Edward moaned, even though he tried to keep it inside. Less than a second later, Jasper struck me again. The straps hugged my hips, slapping against my flesh and making me his. Over and over, the stinging ache touched my skin. My moans and groans filled the room. The pleas for him to give me more, to strike me harder tumbled between my lips. My body trembled with the urge to let my orgasm go, but I held off. My Master hadn't given me permission yet.

"Oh, beautiful," Jasper murmured, running his fingers over his marks. I whimpered from his touch. "Your ass is a delicate shade of red." Sliding his hand further down, he cupped my soaking pussy. "Oh, my little beauty likes my gift, doesn't she?"

I didn't speak, knowing he'd already gotten his answer. Pulling his hand away from me, I whimpered, wanting more. He stepped in front of me, one hand reaching for his pants while the other nestled itself in my hair. His pants dropped to the floor, pooling at his feet. His cock, long and thick, was rock hard. Wrapping his hand around himself, he pulled my head back, rubbing the tip along my lips. Before I could stop myself, my mouth opened and I took him into my mouth.

"Fuck," he hissed, tightening his hold on my hair.

Sliding his hands to the side of my face, he began thrusting in and out, fucking my mouth and shoving his cock down my throat. I moaned around him, struggling to stop myself from rubbing against the bench. My pussy ached, throbbing for a relief that I hadn't been granted yet. The last thing I wanted was to disappoint my master. Just the thought sent me into a panic.

"Oh, Jesus fuck, boy, how do you not live inside her mouth," Jasper grunted, his movements becoming frantic. I pulled against the binds on my wrists, wanting to touch him, needing to help him find his release. "Oh, baby, I'm gonna cum. Show me how much you want it, beautiful."

Jasper twitched in my mouth, spurting his cum down my eager throat. He tasted better than I'd imagined, salty yet sweet at the same time. Not one drop slipped past my lips. Hoping I'd made him proud, I released him from my mouth, licking his cock clean before letting him go completely. My pussy ached, desperate for more from him.

However, instead of giving me more, Jasper pulled his pants back up and began undoing my restraints. He placed his hand on my back and helped me sit up. Squatting down in front of me, he rested his hands on my knees and searched my face for any sign that he'd gone too far. Even though I didn't utter a word, I tried to reassure him with my eyes that everything was perfect.

Taking a deep breath, he nodded and stood up. "On your knees and follow."

I slid off the bench, crawling after him. He strode up to Edward, who watched us with bated breath and a heaving chest. His fists were balled up, his jaw tight. Lifting my eyes up to his, I blushed from the sheer intensity pouring from him.

"Did you enjoy the show, boy?" Jasper purred, trailing a finger down Edward's chest. He nodded, knowing better than to muttered even a single yes. Jasper laughed and wrapped his hand around his throbbing cock. "I can tell just how much you liked watching me turn her ass red."

Edward swallowed thickly. Jasper turned his attention to me while he continued to stroke him. My eyes were locked on Edward's cock and Jasper's hand.

"Do you like watching me touch him, beautiful?" I whimpered, but didn't respond. The ache between my legs had tripled and if I didn't find some relief soon, I'd explode. Shifting his body so that he stood in front of Edward, Jasper dropped to his knees. "Would you like me to taste him, beautiful?" I moaned. "I'll take that as a yes."

Jasper smirked, before snaking out his tongue wrapping it around his the tip of Edward's cock. While he moaned, he didn't utter a word, instead thrusting his hips toward our Master's eager mouth. Jasper grabbed his hips, stilling his efforts to bury himself down his throat. Slowly and methodically, he sucked every inch of Edward's cock into his mouth. My thighs quivered, begging for my hand to sneak between them and relieve the pressure. Yet, I held strong, knowing the reward for my obedience outweighed the shame I'd feel for disobeying my Master.

While working Edward in and out of his mouth, Jasper slid one of his hands behind him, playing with the butt plug inside of him. Edward moaned, writhing from the mixture of his mouth and the toy. Edward's chest heaved, his breath coming out in heavy pants from the effort to stop from coming undone. Jasper owned his body, just as he did mine now.

Without warning, Jasper released Edward's cock and stood up. Edward whined, but didn't say anything else. With a smirk, Jasper began undoing his restraints, dragging a hand down his chest. "Don't worry, boy, I am not done with you. Go get comfortable on the bed, we'll be right there."

Edward walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge. Jasper knelt down next to me, stroking my cheek gently. There was a look in his eyes, something I hadn't seen in a while: a longing, maybe even a need. Just as fast as it appeared, it dissipated. Jasper stood up, running his fingers through my hair. "Follow me, beautiful."

Falling forward, I stayed on my hands and knees, following him over to the bed. Without a word, he picked me off the floor, laying me in the middle. I felt exposed, but unlike the first time I found myself in this room, the urge to cover my nudity wasn't there. I'd found myself feeling at home, but I knew it didn't have anything to do with the room and everything to do with the men surrounding me. While I needed Edward's love, his devotion to our relationship, I craved Jasper's touch, his control over my body—just as Edward needed him, too. Simply, he was our Master, to both our hearts and souls.

Jasper opened the drawer next to the bed, grabbing two condoms and placing one of them on the bed next to me. Ripping open the one still in his hand, he rolled it down Edward's dick, a smirk slipping over his lips when Edward moaned.

"My eager boy," he taunted, releasing him. "I've had enough play time for now. I want to fuck your pretty ass while you're fucking her. Can my handsome boy handle that?"

"Yes, Master," Edward replied, gritting his teeth together. The idea of Jasper taking Edward while he took me had me throbbing with need once again.

"Good," Jasper murmured, brushing his fingers across Edward's jaw. Leaning down, he captured his lips in a heated kiss. They were beautiful. "I've missed you."

For a split second the room became awkward. Jasper's admission was uncharacteristic for him. Taking a shaky breath, he pulled back and the mood shifted once again. "Neither of you are allowed cum until I say. Understood?"

"Yes, Master," we whispered together.

Jasper motioned for Edward to get in position. Rolling onto his hands and knees, he crawled up the bed, hovering over me. The tip of his cock rested just outside of my soaking, aching pussy. Edward moaned. I looked over his shoulder, finding Jasper behind him with the butt plug in his hands. Winking at me, he smirked and tossed it onto the floor, placing both his hands on Edward's hips. With a hard, yet gentle thrust, Jasper filled him, causing Edward to enter me.

I gasped; the feeling of my lover inside me while our Master took him was magnificent. My hands reached up, curving around Edward's shoulders. With the weight of both men on me, I couldn't move, not that I wanted to. Jasper's head fell back as he started a relentless pace. Every thrust of his hips controlled Edward's movements, which in turn controlled the way my body responded. Jasper had found the ultimate dominance of me, of us.

"God, how can your ass be so fucking tight, boy?" Jasper growled, sliding a hand up into Edward's hair, pulling his head back. He moaned, his hand sliding between us and grabbing my breasts. "Bite her; mark her as yours, as ours. Make her cum for us."

Letting go of Edward's head, Jasper shifted his eyes to mine. Edward dropped his lips to my shoulder, his teeth sinking into my skin.

"AHHHH!" I screamed; my nails dug into his skin. The pain soaring through my shoulder was enough to send me over the edge. My pussy clenched down around my lover, my orgasm washing over me.

"Boy, cum now," Jasper ordered, slamming into him.

Edward shuddered against me, a low whimper slipping between his lips. Jasper growled, stilling his hips and coming with us. Leaning his forehead between Edward's shoulders blades, he struggled to catch his breath. Though hesitant, I lifted my hand, running my fingers through his damp hair. Jasper pressed his head against my hand, lifting his gaze to mine. Need and longing filled his eyes.

Shaking his head, he shrugged my hand away, slipping out of Edward. He tossed his used condom in the trash can before grabbing his pants off the floor. "Downstairs. Ten minutes."


Edward and I climbed off the bed, neither of us sure what had happened. A line had been crossed when I touched him without his permission. However, instead of punishing me, he'd just left. That couldn't be good.

"Well, let's get dressed and get downstairs," Edward said.

"Okay," I muttered, knowing he too was disappointed in me.

Ten minutes later, Edward and I had dressed in a pair of jeans and t-shirts and had made our way down the stairs. Each step felt steeper than the one before it. We found Jasper in the living room, standing in front of the entertainment center. In his hands was one of the pictures of him and Edward together, this one of their tenth birthday parties. I knew this because Edward had the same picture at our house, only he kept his memories tucked away inside a shoe box.

We stopped in the doorway, unsure of what to expect now.

"I've missed you two," Jasper said, almost making it sound like a weakness. He placed the picture back on the entertainment center and turned to us. "More than I'd like."

"Even though we talk every day?" Edward lifted an eyebrow, challenging his friend.

"A voice through the phone isn't the same as being able to see you myself." Shaking his head, he moved over and sat down on the sofa, resting his elbows on his knees. "It's lonely here."

"What are you saying?" I asked. Jasper lifted his eyes to mine, a faint smile spreading.

"I'm saying that I miss you when you're not here. My days are spent longing for the sound of your voices, but the moment I hang up the phone, my chest aches. I don't know how to deal with this feeling. Sometimes, I wonder if I should move, find a nice, small town to settle down in. Maybe, somewhere around friends, people who…care about me."

I bit my lip, my own smile tugging on my lips. "Are you serious?"

"Very, but not as your master," he replied. I tried not to show my hurt, knowing I'd cause a rift in our relationship. "Beautiful, not only as your master."

"What do you mean?" Edward asked, slipping his hand into mine.

Jasper stood up and walked over to where we stood. Reaching out, he took our free hands. "I want this, all of you. I want to know what it's like to wake up in the morning next to you, to feel your lips on my body without ordering it. I want—no, I need—to be able to love you openly and without of fear of pushing you away."

"Love?" I whispered, my eyes filling with tears. "You love him?"

He nodded. "I do, beautiful, and I love you, too. You made me realize that I could be more than just his Master, but I'll understand if you both don't want me."

"Of course we want you," I scoffed, feeling my cheeks heat up when they both looked at me. "I mean, I do anyway."

Jasper shifted his eyes to Edward, who stared at him with wide eyes. "And do you, Edward?"

"I—I do, but…" He took a shaky breath. "I never thought you wanted more than this from me."

"Neither did I." Jasper smiled, bringing our hands up to his lips. "Not until you gave me a night unexpected."