A BIG Thanks goes out to Alien-Writes and Eekhoorntjes who helped me so much with this chapter! I'm so grateful to both of them!

I also want to thank everyone who have read this story and left wonderful reviews for me! Each review brings big smiles to my face, so thank you so much!


Looking weary, Kakashi sat behind the well worn Hokage's desk, while Sakura stood cheerfully before him. She couldn't help but grin for two reasons: one, she was happy to be going out and two she couldn't help but smirk at his sour expression. She had gladly been called out to go on a mission that required her medic skills, and so she was elated for a short reprieve from her work at the hospital—as much as she loved being at the hospital, the monotony was starting to grow stale. She missed the days of action and the unexpected.

On the other hand, Kakashi looked worn out already after a week as temporary Hokage, even if serving the village was something that he excelled at. He was brilliant at planning and strategizing, organizing teams and missions and all that went into making sure that Konoha shinobi were continuously employed but still came home safe. That was why he had originally been chosen for the position of Kage. He was a genius, which was why he could handle the rigorous demands of the job, but with one look at him, you could tell that he wanted to give the hat back to Naruto as soon as possible. Nevertheless, he would do his duty for his village.

Taking a moment to admire the man, Sakura couldn't help but look beyond the traditional robes, remembering the body that was obscured by those baggy clothes. They made him look older than he was, instead of the lean, well-built man who was amazing at keeping her up throughout the night.

Sakura, Shikamaru, Genma, and Tenzo all stood waiting for the debrief on their mission. It was a bit of a powerhouse type of team—Sakura thought that it was more than required to complete any mission that they were hired for. But perhaps Kakashi had an inkling of something terrible that could happen.

"Shikamaru is lead on this mission. You'll be escorting Daimyo Kobayashi to the Land of Canyons and back. It shouldn't take more than a week." His voice seemed somber, even for this time in the morning.

Both Genma and Tenzo were giving Kakashi an odd look, but it seemed that he was ignoring them. Kakashi was busy staring down at the mission scroll in front of him.

"All the information is in the scroll that Shikamaru has. Please leave within the hour. Sakura, stay back for a moment," Kakashi commanded. He was sounding and looking glum. But that could be because it was so early in the morning, and that he had never really been the chipper early bird type.

"Meet at the main gates in an hour," Shikamaru called out as he strolled out of the office. Genma and Tenzo followed behind him slowly. It seemed that none of her team were excited about getting out, like she was. But nothing was going to bring down her mood.

Kakashi stood up slowly and walked around to the front of his temporary desk, slumping against the front of it. As the door shut, Sakura took a step closer.

She reached out and played with the edges of his robe. She smiled at him, excited to be getting away from the village, even if it meant being apart from him for a bit. All too often, she got forgotten about for mission assignments as she spent all of her time in the hospital. That and she was sure that Naruto liked keeping her in the village, for whatever reason. She was getting a hunch that Kakashi might have the same preference.

"You've got a good team, and there hasn't been as many issues in Canyons since the Fourth War, so it should be a straightforward mission," he said reassuringly. "But they asked for a high caliber medic, and you're the only one available right now, since Shizune is away and isn't due back until tomorrow. Unfortunately this mission can't wait."

Sakura was slightly confused with his apprehension, since she knew that this was going to be an easy mission. Especially with the strong and diverse team that she was a part of, so she didn't understand his reluctance of sending her out.

"I'm not worried in the slightest, Kakashi. It seems like a fairly above-board type of mission, and I trust the team. Don't worry so much." She reached out and cupped his masked cheek. "Just think of good things while I'm away—like what we did right here in this office," she teased quietly.

He leaned into her warm hand while looking into her bright emerald eyes. They shone with happiness and trust. However, something about sending her out just wasn't sitting well with him. He knew that sending out his personal guards might be ridiculous, but with him acting as Hokage, there was a whole ANBU squad watching his every movement, so he doubted he was in any danger. He wanted to make sure that her chances to be safe on this mission were high—even if he wasn't there for her this time.

"I'll be back in a week," she said quietly. With a smile on her face, she reached down and gave him a quick peck on his masked cheek, and then turned and left the room with a bounce to her step.

Kakashi remained sitting on the desk, watching the door close behind him. Something just didn't feel right to him and he couldn't put his finger on it.

He moved back at his desk and looked dejectedly at the mounds of paperwork that seemed to have piled up in the last few weeks before Naruto took some time off.

He sent Shikamaru out on this team with Sakura, even though he had relied so heavily on the passive man during his tenure of Hokage. Kakashi wanted his brilliance at strategies and foresight on that team. Shizune was due back by tomorrow morning and he was sure that she wouldn't mind stepping back in to help him out for a day or two. He just had to survive until she was back.

He heaved a dramatic sigh to no one but himself—he was so happy that there was only a week left until Naruto was back.

The following day started out fine for Kakashi. It felt just like any other day—nothing out of the ordinary.

Lots of annoying paperwork and meetings. Shizune had come back and thankfully agreed to help him out in the organization of his office while Shikamaru was away. She needed the cursory day off after a mission, but she said she had no problem coming in the next morning to help him out. He just had to survive until then.

New missions going out, finished missions coming in. It was the basic routine of the Hokage. The days were long; however, that was nothing new. Kakashi wanted to help Naruto out by completing some of the items that had been left on the back burner for the past few months, so he was staying longer than normal to tie up some loose ends.

Another day done and Kakashi was spent. Deciding that he was too tired to hit the pub on the way home, Kakashi strolled down the quiet streets and back to his empty home. It was almost too quiet and calm there. It didn't help but add to the feeling that something just wasn't right. He put the kettle on, hoping that one of Sakura's teas would help him relax. He wasn't even sure when he had started keeping some of her tea here.

Something was off, and he couldn't put his finger on it. This thing that felt amiss had started plaguing him just after lunch yesterday—and it hadn't left him yet.

He couldn't remember if perhaps Sakura had asked him to do something at her place. Without waiting for the kettle to finish boiling, he popped over to her place and looked around. The stove was off, the refrigerator was empty of any perishable foodstuff, and her plants were watered.

Nothing was out of place. But he still couldn't put his finger on what was bugging him. So as a precaution, he summoned Mio and Tamotsu.

"Can you stay here and take care of Sakura's home while she's gone? She isn't due back for a few more days, but something feels off. If anything happens, please let me know immediately. Also notify me the second she gets back." He looked at the pups. This was a good easy job for them to practice following commands. "Try not to make too much of a mess, and try to keep at least one of you here at all times." He looked down at the two dogs sitting politely, waiting to start their mission. Tamotsu was likely to protect her place fiercely—since he was rather defensive of Sakura since their initial meeting—while Mio was smart enough to be the brains behind taking care of the absentee medic's home. They were a good team for this little mission.

"Thank you, and I'll check back the day after tomorrow." He left the pups in her living room, feeling slightly better that her place was going to be looked after.

Now he just had to get home and rest. He had another full day of paperwork and meetings to face tomorrow.

The days passed slowly for Kakashi.

He was keeping on top of all of the paperwork for Naruto. In fact, he probably hadn't worked this hard while he held the title himself. However, he felt that he owed it to Naruto to go above and beyond his typical duties. The Nanadaime was a young father, and his family deserved to spend time with him, rather than having him work long hours in the coming weeks.

Plus Kakashi was bored. He didn't have anyone to go home to and most of his friends were out on missions. There was nothing to take him away from working late into the night and sometimes into the wee hours of the morning.

Over the week, he stopped in a few more times at Sakura's apartment to check in on the pups. The pups looked confused every time he had shown up. Everything seemed to be fine and nothing was out of the ordinary. But something still just felt off—and it was rare that his instincts were incorrect.

Regardless of his sixth sense going haywire, there was nothing more he could do right now, so he continued to push on with the endless paperwork and meetings that kept Konoha running smoothly.

It was long after dinner one night that he heard a light scratching on the door of the Hokage's office. Kakashi put down the scroll he was reading through to go investigate.

He suspected it was one of his ninken pups and he wasn't surprised when he saw the little ball of white fur.

"Sakura is home," she said flawlessly. It surprised him how quickly Mio was able to pick up and perfect her human speech. And it was perfect for times like these. The relief he felt by hearing that she was home surprised him.

He knelt down to scratch her ears. "Thank you, Mio. Anything else to report?"

"She's hurt. Not big hurts, but small hurts." He sighed, patted Mio on the head a few times and stood back up. He didn't bother going back to his desk to finish with the scroll he had been reading. He had done enough for the day, and it would still be there waiting for him when he returned in the morning.

He quickly took off the Hokage hat and robes, tossed them onto the chair beside the door and left the office. By the time he reached the front of the building, he was too impatient to leisurely stroll to her home, so he took to the roofs at a semi-casual sprint. He was eager to see the medic and make sure that she was okay. Kakashi highly doubted that she would go get herself checked out by a medic as she had always demanded of him after his missions. Plus, he didn't trust her to take care of herself as well as she took care of everyone else.

He wasn't sure what to expect when he arrived at her home. He was sure she was tired from the mission, but he just wanted to check in on her to make sure that she was okay, and to see what these "little hurts" were.

He honestly didn't know what was going on between them. But he craved her body almost all of the time. He didn't expect the desire for her to be so strong, so addictive. It wasn't just for a woman or any woman—it was for this woman and only this one. These feelings were new for him and definitely were new territories as well.

It was another few minutes before he arrived at her home. Her living room lights were on, and unsurprisingly the balcony door was unlocked—she had been expecting him to visit. He quietly entered and saw Tamotsu curled up on her couch, unfazed by Kakashi entering.

He went over to his nin-ken pup and patted him on his head, like he did Mio. "Thank you for a job well done. I'll take it from here." Tamotsu's tail wagged a few times before the pup poofed away.

Kakashi continued through the apartment looking for Sakura. It only took a second to find her in the bathroom, showering and washing away the mission.

"Kakashi? Is that you?"

"Of course, unless you were expecting another strange man in your bathroom at this time of night." He watched as the shadow behind the curtain moved as she did.

"Nope, you're the only strange one," she teased. "Thank you for leaving Mio and Tamotsu to take care of my place while I was gone."

Kakashi didn't see the need to explain the real reason why he left the two nin-ken at her home. It was easier in this instance to just silently agree with her assumption.

The shower turned off and the curtain opened. He lazily gazed at her wet naked body, trying to suppress the bolt of lust that shot through him. Even peppered with quickly healing bruises and scrapes he was turned on by her.

"How was the mission?" he asked as subtly as he could.


He waited for a beat and for her to continue. "That's it? That's all I get? Uneventful doesn't usually give you bruises and scrapes," he pointed out. He studied her closely as she wrapped a towel around her body.

"Do you want my mission report now?" she asked as she walked up to him with only the towel covering her.

He wasn't sure if he wanted her to know just how bothered he was to see marks on her, so instead it was easier to turn things to a sexual nature. Sex was a safe topic for them, since it was what linked them. "I've got other things on my mind besides a formal mission report," he said as she leaned into his body to give him a kiss on his jaw.

He reached up and pulled down his mask so that he could kiss her properly. Kakashi didn't have to lie about how much he enjoyed her being warm and wet and in his hands. His body was so in tune with hers and what she liked, it had quickly become second nature to him. She wrapped her arms around his back while his hands went up into her wet hair to angle her head just a perfect way to deepen the kiss.

However, when she gasped as his hand brushed across a bump on the back of her head, he pulled back immediately, halting the kiss.

"What happened?" he demanded. She instinctively reached for the injury on the back of her head. Kakashi wasn't satisfied with her lack of a speedy response and forcefully turned her around and started searching the back of her head for the bump that she covered with her hand. There was a sizable goose egg on the back of her head. "How did this happen?" he pressed, his voice more harsh than was required.

"It was just a minor accident. Don't worry about it. It'll be healed by morning," Sakura laughed, startled that he was acting as if he was the angry medic. "And with that, I'm going to tuck in, because I've missed my own comfy bed!"

"What if you have a concussion?" he called out to her as she walked past him. She had left the bathroom and headed straight for her bedroom. She tossed the towel onto the edge of the door as she looked for something to wear. Kakashi trailed into her room after her. "If you have a concussion, then you need to be woken up every few hours, don't you?"

The tired medic pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank top, and turned to the man in her room. "And are you volunteering to play nursemaid?" She walked over to where he was standing in the doorway. Her wet hair sending rivulets of water down her breasts and back, letting her clothes go damp where it lay.

She immediately started undoing the buckles to his vest, letting it fall to the ground. With a little help from him, she pulled his sweater off and tossed it aside too. He wasn't about to stop her from removing his clothes. However, it wasn't his original goal to get into her bed when he came over tonight—he had honestly just wanted to check on her to make sure that she was okay.

When her hands reached up his shirt and caressed his chest, he was powerless to stop her. He would let her do anything she wanted to him, since he was so caught up in all things Sakura. It amazed him how quickly he went from needing to know she was okay to just needing her. She pulled off his undershirt, knocking his hitae-ate askew and mussing his hair up even more.

Kakashi kicked off his shoes and started to undo his pants, but he had his mind set to keep his boxers on. He could see how tired she was, and she was technically injured, so he wanted to take it easy—but it was getting hard to resist her wandering hands and hot mouth. Sakura was busy peppering brief kisses up his chest to his jaw and ear. She was so enticing and she knew all of the spots on him that would make him shudder with need and give in.

"Sakura, wait." His words didn't stop her as she pushed his pants down to the ground and pressed herself against his growing arousal. "You're injured and you need sleep, and I honestly didn't come over to have sex with you. I just wanted to make sure that you're okay."

"Is that so?" she asked as she continued to pepper him with kisses, trying to distract him. She palmed his growing erection, making him groan.

"Yes, you little minx." He took a deep breath and gently pushed her back. He kicked off his pants and picked her up without ceremony.

Startled by the sudden change in angle, she squeaked and wrapped her arms around his neck for balance. "What are you doing? You should be treating the injured carefully!"

"Putting you to bed. I'll be waking you up every few hours to make sure that you don't have any brain damage," he said as he kissed her nose. Carefully he dropped her down on the bed, while he got in behind her. She only struggled for a brief second until he placed an arm around her and dragged her into him.

"That's both sweet and insulting," she stated indignantly, but allowed him to manipulate her to his whims. She could still feel his half hard erection against her back, and she knew that she could change his mind in a matter of seconds, but she was sleepy and her head did ache.

"Fine. You big bully," she sighed, lacing her fingers with his.

"You know you like it. Now sleep," he said as he pulled her in tightly against him and carefully nuzzled the back of her head. She breathed in a deep breath and settled into his arms, where she truly was happy.

Kakashi dozed on and off for the first part of the night. He was fairly used to working on little sleep, so staying awake to wake her up a few times was an easy task. He couldn't help but spend the time thinking about the woman in his arms.

How easy it was to fall into bed with her, his former student no less. What was growing between them startled him to no end. He had tried to not think of her as his former student, but it was hard to forget the age difference between them. He was sure some people would be outraged and would probably ostracize him if it became common knowledge that he was sleeping with his former student, regardless of the fact that she was a grown adult.

To be honest, he had never really spent much time on her as a student. She had been much more self-sufficient than either Naruto or Sasuke had been when they were younger. However, even though he had barely taught her anything during the short period he was her teacher, those technicalities wouldn't matter to the masses.

The more he thought about it, the more he came to the conclusion that this was between Sakura and himself, and the judgements of the villagers didn't matter to him. Kakashi could only hope that if their relationship ever became public knowledge, the negative opinions of the masses wouldn't matter to her either.

It was easy for Kakashi to get caught up in his own wayward emotions while he stared down at the sleeping woman. There was just so much history between them, and now there was more. More of everything: emotions, feelings and strings.

Kakashi determined that he had felt worried over her while she had been away on mission. And now he worried about her again. There were very few words that made sense to him in this situation. It obviously felt wrong for her to be injured while away on a mission, but it felt right that it was him who was making sure she'd be okay now.

There was just so much to think about as he laid there in the dark.

After what he estimated had been close to two hours, he started the gentle process of waking her up. Squeezing her softly around her middle, he quietly hummed in her ear.

"Wake up."

She squinted her eyes closed and shifted in her sleep. He could tell that she was half awake and trying to ignore him. However, Kakashi wasn't about to allow her to fall back asleep, so he rolled them over until she landed on top of him.

"Oof," she grunted.

"Wake up," he repeated as he once more squeezed her against his body.

"Mmm... I'm awake," she mumbled, obviously still half asleep and disgruntled at the change in positions.

"What's your name and my name? And where are we?" he probed.

"'Kashi...what?" she murmured and then tried to snuggle back into his body.

When she didn't continue immediately he grew concerned. "Sakura, wake up. You don't remember the rest?" He sat up, forcing Sakura to fully wake up. She huffed at him, displeased at being woken up, even if Kakashi was mostly naked and had a cute bedhead.

"I'm Sakura, you're Kakashi, we're in my bed in Konoha. And you're annoying. Now let me sleep." She turned over while still on top of him and spread out over him. It was only a moment before her breathing changed back to a sleeping state.

He refrained from laughing since it would likely wake her up and annoy her once more. Instead he returned to his mental debate about the woman who rested on top of him.

Resisting her physically was impossible for him now—even just being around her literally brought a rise out of him. He was sure that she wanted only something physical from him. A way to spend some pent up energy. Sakura was nothing but vocal about the things she wanted and she had never indicated that she wanted anything more than sex—so maybe this was enough for her. Yet the more time that passed, the more Kakashi thought that he wanted more even if he was unsure what 'more' meant. Perhaps with time he could convince her that what they had between them extended further than just a physical draw. But was that even what he really wanted? Could he really see himself in a relationship?

He looked down at the woman who was sprawled on top of him and smiled. Could he be anymore lucky to be here, right now? Just sleeping with a woman was something he rarely did. But he couldn't help but want to spend more time with the pink haired vixen—and not just between the sheets.

It all confused him so much. Nothing was straightforward and easy when it came to sleeping with someone who was one of his important people. He knew her for long enough that a sincere trust had been built between them and he valued that and her, deeper than he was perhaps willing to recognize. It may be too late to take a step back now—now that they were so tangled up in each other.

Heaving a mental sigh, he settled in, stroking her hair to relax himself as he fell into another light sleep.

Kakashi felt that he was falling and falling hard and unable to stop.

After another few hours had passed, Kakashi's internal clock rang once more and it was time to wake Sakura up again to repeat the same questions. Over his own career, she had this done to him a few times when he had received a sizable blow to his own hard head in the past, so he was familiar with the drill.

"Come on, wake up again." He stroked her hair, trying to wake her up as gently as he could so he wasn't on the receiving end of her bad temper.

She pushed her face into his chest and shook her head no.

"Come on, you know the drill. Who are you? Who am I? Where are we? What day is it?" His fingers pressed into the back of her neck, gently massaging it as she slowly woke up fully.

"Sakura. Kakashi. My bed in Konoha, and depending on what time it is, it's either late Friday night or early Saturday morning," she mumbled out in a rush, trying to go back to sleep immediately.

"It's sometime past midnight so it's technically Saturday morning," he amended. "We'll do this twice more and then you're free from me waking you up in the middle of the night." As he tucked her hair behind her ear, she settled back down for more sleep. His other hand rested on the small of her back where he could feel her back expand and contract as she breathed deeply a few times before once again descending back to sleep.

Unconsciously, she hummed as she reached up and put her arms around the back of his neck and pressed her face into his hot skin. Being wrapped up in her was akin to what he could only describe as perfection.

It scared him that it seemed to be out of his control now. He had no choice, the more he thought about it. He was going to have to convince her to let him stay with her longer.

Kakashi was finding it impossible to fall into a deep sleep since Sakura was shifting so often while on top of him. He looked at the clock on her nightstand and saw that it was time again to bring her out of her deep sleep. He was feeling a little bad for constantly waking her up, but they both knew it was for her own health.

Running his hand up and down her body, stroking her soft skin gently, he started the routine of waking her once more. He felt her shift restlessly as she tried to ignore him while pressing her face further into him and trying to fall back asleep. Feeling her sigh and snuggle back into him felt more natural than he was comfortable with.

"Hey, wake up for me," he mumbled, his voice groggy while he was half asleep himself. He was already dreading how long the next day was going to be as he would slave away in the office. Kakashi was thankful that there were only three more days of covering for Naruto. Perhaps at the end of the day he could come and mooch dinner off Sakura. For now, he had to make sure that she was on the mend and truly back to normal.

"You know the drill..." he got out with a wide yawn. He caught Sakura staring tiredly up at him. With her half tired, half irritated look, he wasn't sure what he was getting himself into at the moment. To smooth any ruffled feathers, he cupped her cheek and brushed a thumb across her lips—it seemed to work well enough as the angry look slid off her face.

Sakura sighed before answering him. "I'm Kakashi, you're Sakura, and I like it when you fuck me in my bed. Now go back to sleep." She smirked at him and then let her head drop back to his shoulder and nuzzled his neck.

He had to force himself to breathe naturally as he pushed down the things that he was beginning to feel. Now was not the time for those unmanly butterflies in his stomach—now was the time to make sure that she was okay.

"Funny, haha," he said dryly, trying to cover any other emotions he might be showing.

"Come on, Kakashi, I know I'm fine now. Remember, I'm the medic here. Let's just sleep until morning," she grumbled. Her arms tightened around him briefly as she pressed her lips to his pulse for a moment.

Kakashi froze stiff at her tender actions and waited with bated breath for whatever she did next. With yet another sigh, she rolled off him, turned and snuggled back into his side. As subtly as he could, he let out the breath that he was holding in his chest while bringing his arm around her body to keep her tight against himself. Resting his hand in the soft dip of her hips, he reached out to the Icha Icha Tactics he had stashed on her bedside table. Skillfully, he opened it and flipped to a random page with one hand and pretended to read.

There was no way he could truly concentrate on the book in his hands—at least not with the way she was splayed across his bare chest. He could feel every intake of her breath and sigh as it escaped her lips and drifted over his skin. Having her in his arms after her coming home from a mission—albeit hurt—seemed normal. Which couldn't be right. There was nothing normal about the words 'relationship' and 'him'—they just didn't go together. So the questions that kept coming to his mind were: What is he doing? Could he walk away now? Would she have more of him if he asked? Did he want more?

There was just too much going through his brain. Too many possibilities— probabilities of unhappy endings. However, when she reached out in her sleep and placed a hand on his chest over his beating heart and pushed her face into his hot skin, all rational thoughts stopped.

Where he was right now was good. Very good.

The way her hot breath rushed over his skin made his own nipples harden. It was easy to remember the times when her mouth trailed across his chest, the way her breath fluttered along his skin. And hearing that she liked their activities—especially here in this bed—he couldn't help the shot of lust that rushed through him.

That lust pushed one set of thoughts to the back of his mind while bringing forth a whole new set of thoughts. He knew his mind wasn't likely to quiet for a while, so he ignored his need for sleep and settled into the world of Icha Icha. At this rate, morning was only a few hours away and he was unlikely to get much more sleep. Especially with her feminine body pressed into his side. It'd be easier at this point to just stay awake until the last check-in with her.

Quietly immersing himself into the pages of his favourite literature, it was the best way to pass the time while the woman beside him slumbered. It was calming to have something so familiar in hand while having something so new to his side.

Page after page, he had kept himself entertained until the small rays of sunlight started coming through the windows. It was almost time for the last check in with her. He placed his book down on the top corner of the bed, out of the way, while he took a moment to just look at her.

One of her hands was between them and rested against her own body while her other hand stretched out and was flat against his chest. With every one of her breaths, her body shifted against his. Her hair tickled his arm slightly as she breathed. She was a complete contradiction—so strong, yet feminine—so capable, yet vulnerable like this. His own emotions confused him during quiet moments like these—throughout the time she had been gone on that mission, things just didn't feel right.

Watching her sleep was likely going to become one of his favourite pastimes. Seeing her nose twitch as if something was tickling it; seeing her lashes rest against the top of her cheek; seeing her lips part as something happened in a dream to make her tongue dart out to lick her lips.

He looked down at her sleeping face, and his chest both tightened and soared at the same time.

He was falling for her.

Kakashi knew that it was too late to stop it—but for now it would have to wait. He couldn't concentrate with her so close—he couldn't think clearly while in her bed. At least now, once he had been sure that she was out of danger from complications from her concussion, he felt comfortable enough to tease her a little.

Sure, he could ask her the standard questions, or he could taunt her with his words and see if he could get a rise out of her—his new favourite pastime.

Shifting his body until he was on his side facing her, he kept a small grin hidden as he pushed his mouth next to her ear.

"Sakura, wake up. Tell me what I want to hear," he purred and nuzzled her ear.

"Mmmm... Kakashi," she moaned as her fingers flexed and gripped his skin tightly, pulling him into her. Sakura was instantly awake and turned on. "Don't stop." There was something so addictive about waking up surrounded by him—especially when he was playing with her sensitive skin so skillfully.

"You've got to answer my questions first," he whispered as his mouth captured the rim of her ear, granting him another lusty moan from her.


"Yes. Now who's your daddy?" he whispered with another tug of her earlobe.

Sakura pulled her head back with a chuckle. "I already have a sensei kink, not to mention a Kage kink. I don't think I need a daddy kink too."

Kakashi loved seeing the way she was relaxed and laughing in his arms. It brought an even bigger smile to his face.

"So you say you're kinky for sensei?" he asked as he rolled them until he was hovering over her. He let his lower half press her body into the mattress while capturing her eyes with his own. Giving her his best smirk, he moved forward for a quick peck on her nose, enjoying this kind of play.

"More like sensei is kinky for me," Sakura said with a wink before rolling back on top of him. " So what do you say, sensei? Feeling hungry?"

"Ravenous," Kakashi murmured as he reached forward to capture her lips in a loud smacking kiss. "I think I'll save you for dessert though."

He smacked her ass lightly, causing her to laugh out loud as she scrambled away from him. "I'm going to need subsistence before you take advantage of your sensei."

Sakura laughed as she patted his cheek. "Last one to the kitchen does the dishes from breakfast!" she sang out as she raced out of her bedroom.

Kakashi flopped back onto her bed. He didn't mind having to do the dishes if it meant that he got to spend more time with her.

This was something he certainly could get used to.

It was easy. So easy.

His job was to watch her. Stay close to her. But when he was close to her, he was also close to him.

From the perch on the tiled roof, he could clearly see them—study their habits. Watching them fool around nearly made him sick to his stomach, but it was one more thing to endure.

His grip tightened on the kunai he clenched in his hand. His hand itched to lodge it deep into the belly of the man who took everything from him—the man who doesn't deserve any happiness that he was getting from a woman like Sakura. Belly wounds were slow and painful and he wanted to watch the light fade from his eyes.

It disgusted him that she would fall into bed with a man like that. There were better men out there. More honest men. Men who didn't betray fellow shinobi.

How easy it would be to dismiss the others and end their torment right now...

He had been waiting for most of his life for the right moment. But the more he thought about it, the more he knew the time wasn't right. He had plans and visions of how he wanted his solution played out, and a quick death wasn't nearly good enough. It wasn't nearly enough of a reward for how patient he had been over the years.

True retribution could only come with knowledge and understanding of the situation. The full history and the effects of his choices and actions.

And then there would be a slow carving of the man. Piece by piece, he'd explain everything he had endured because of him. It would be measured and violent. He would make sure that the room would be painted red before he was done.

And once he was done, he'd be free of the anguish of seeing him still alive, and he'd finally have his revenge for his family.

His beloved family.

Thank you for reading ^_^