Hello!! New story!! So far, all my romance stories have been Kurama/OC. So now I'm heading off in a different direction. This time, it's Hiei/OC!! Yeah for me!!

On Tuesday, I heard "Miss Independent" on the radio and I couldn't get it out of my head. Then, today in English class (snore), I had an idea for a story that is kind of like the song. I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Yu Hakusho or any of the characters in it. I do own Bronwyn. I also do not own the song "Miss Independent" by Kelly Clarkson.


*Miss Independent*


The girl just seemed to fall out of thin air, hitting the ground with a loud thud, a cloud of dust floating up around her. As she lifted her head slowly, she could see the metal glint of the communicator laying in the grass in front of her. She quickly pulled out her arm from under her and scrounged it up. She pushed the red button on its side.

"What happened?" She growled, wincing as she ran her free hand over her leg, which was swelling.

"Simple." A deep voice answered, "I had to send you there by force."

"Okay buddy, get it through your thick skull," she angrily screamed into the metal box, "I do not want to kill anybody. I do not even want to come in contact with these humans. I...am...a...loner!!!"

"C'mon Bronwyn, if you just do what I ask, you may return." The voice pleaded.

She sighed heavily. "What do you want me to do?"

"I just need you to kill the fire demon." It said.

"Well, where is he?" I asked.

"Probably with the humans." He said calmly, relieved that Bronwyn was cooperating.

"Great." She snorted, and clicked the communicator off. As she tried to stand up, she screamed in pain. Her leg was broken, she could tell. As she fell back to the ground, she leaned her head back on the ground and closed her eyes. But just as she was about to drift off into sleep, a voice was heard not far away...

"Hello? Is anybody there?" A kind male voice called.

But Bronwyn did not want to meet anymore. Ignoring the voice best she could, she fell asleep.


Short, but that was just the prologue. REVIEWS!!!