Max let out an obnoxiously loud yawn as he rose groggily from his place on the couch. He'd gotten home pretty late last night from one of the biggest parties of the fall semester, his wicked bellyache now beginning to rear its ugly head. Despite it being the first day of winter break, it was turning out to be complete shit- all Max had managed to do was sleep until nearly one o'clock in the afternoon, give himself a hangover and...that's it. Is this what he had to look forward to for the next six weeks?

"Son of a bitch," Max muttered, finally finding the strength to completely sit up straight. He shook his head slightly, attempting (and failing) to keep his head from swimming. He stumbled over to the bathroom, staring at his... repulsing reflection.

His fluffy, dark hair was a complete wreck, gum and other mysterious foods sticking out from it, and his face had been blessed with a crude Sharpie drawing of a dick on his left cheek. Awesome.

Not even thinking twice, Max ripped off all of his clothes, turned on the shower, and did his best to wash away last night's remanences.

A good hour later, Max found himself laying topless on his bed, thumbing through whatever his friends had posted on social media.

"Boring," he passed a picture of one of his college friends at a football game. Next.

"Nobody gives a shit," he rolled his eyes at a picture of another one of his buddies posing next to his girlfriend, and every other picture that followed was just as stupid as the last.

"Ugh, everyone sucks ass," Max huffed impatiently, glaring down at his phone in disappointment. He then came across a picture that Nikki, one of his best friends since their summer days at Camp Campbell, had posted. It was of her posing next to an alligator she'd helped rescue. "Hmm, wonder what Nikki's up to today."

Not hesitating any longer, Max sent his best friend a text.

Max: yo where tf are you

Not even a minute later, his phone chirped as a new message came through.

Nikki: At the dorms

Nikki: I take it you're lonely, wanna hang

Max rolled his eyes, a light chuckle barely managing to escape his lips.

Max: yea sure whatever. will pick you up in 10

Nikki: You got it maxi-pad ;P

Max frowned at the god-forsaken nickname, his signature scowl finding its way onto his face.

Max: fuck off

And with that, Max threw on a tank top and a pair of slides, exhaling calmly as he faced the warm, Florida air. Climbing into his Jeep, he made his way over to UCF to begin what he hoped would be one hell of a day. Who was he kidding; with Nikki, everyday was an adventure.