War. War never changes. In the year 2077, mankind was nearly wiped out by a global nuclear war, survivors began calling the Great War. 200 years later, mankind is continuing to reemerge. Places like the Capital Wasteland, NCR, New Vegas and the Northwest have begun the slow process of reconstruction and reestablishing society, but these attempts are not without conflict. Another area building up society once more is the New Texas Government, a coalition of surviving settlements from Texas' four major cities in the northeast, Dallas, Houston, Austin and the remnants of San Antonio. But no attempt is without problems. War between rival factions vying for control over their efforts in reestablishing civilization.
The Great State of Texas is no stranger to war. From 1810 to 1821, Texians fought for independence from Spain for Mexico. In 1835, Texians took up arms to gain independence for themselves from Mexico as well. From 1861 to 1865, Texans fought alongside their fellow Confederate States against the Union in the American Civil War. In the year 2288, Texas stands one of the few places scarcely touched by the Great War. And now, Texas finds itself on the brink of another war. This one against the forces of one of Post-apocalyptic America's largest and deadliest armies. Caesar's Legion. After the Legion's defeat at Hoover Dam, the new Caesar set their sights on the South, rather than the West. In light of the returning threat, the Texas Rangers, the NTG's standing police and military force, have been sent by the their leaders to its most populated cities and settlements to recruit soldiers to defend their home.
A man woke up at the crack of dawn and yawned as he stretched out before getting out of bed. After going through his morning routine, he clipped on his PipBoy and attempted to turn it on, only for the dials to snap off. "Son of a bitch," he muttered before taking off the broken device. This man was Chief of Security for Vault 28. He ran a hand through his unkempt black hair and strapped his holster to his waist. He picked up his side arm, a Prewar Colt .45 revolver, and some spare ammo before grabbing a black Stetson and making his way out into the Vault proper. He pressed a button on the intercom by his door and sighed. "Preston. Call the eggheads and tell them it broke again."
"You know they're still pissed about you breaking it last time, you know," came the female voice on the other end. "What happened this time?"
"Hell if I know. Damn thing just out and busted on me. The dials jumped out like a Molerat on Jet."
"I'll let Angie know. You should report to the lab after your done making the rounds up top, Chief."
"Yeah, yeah. No rest for the Weary. Alright, making my way up."
"Oh, Overseer Michael wants to see you as soon as possible."
"Great. What now?"
"Hell if I know. I'm busy looking after the Drunk Tank."
"Great, give the difficult job to me."
"You are the chief."
"Bite me, Preston." The Chief sighed before nodding to a few of the other residents before making his way up the elevator to their Vault to the Alamo above.
Vault 28 was a Control Vault. Set to return to the surface with its twin, Vault 25, 75 years after the Great War. Upon returning to the surface, the Vaults set up their G.E.C.K.s and established supply lines between themselves and surrounding communities of survivors. Not long after emergence, word got out to the rest of the state and more communities outside of San Antonio started setting up caravan routes to properly trade resources between them and the Twin Vaults. Vault 28 became the biggest trading city within the newly formed New Texas Government, making it one of the busiest towns as well. Unlike most cities, San Antonio was oddly untouched. The warheads aimed at its heart landing to the country to the north of the city. No one knew why this was the case, but to be frank, no one cared as long as they had a safe place to trade and possibly settle in without high amounts of radiation in the air.
The Chief made it top side and nodded to the Vault Security by the entrance before making his way out to La Marketa, the trading area surrounding the Alamo in the ruins of downtown San Antonio. Upon arriving the usual line of stalls lined the wall protecting the entirety of the Alamo settlement. He pulled on a dark brown duster to cover his jumpsuit and made his way to the market. "Hey, Jefe," called one of the caravan traders. "Care for some Nuka Cola?"
"The day I drink that swill, Diego, is the day I've lost my damn mind."
"Come on! It's rad free!"
"I'm calling bullshit right there. Want me to arrest you for false advertising?"
"It's true! Mano a Dios!" The man rose his right hand and held out a bottle with the other. The Chief quirked an eyebrow before taking the bottle from the trader. He sniffed it before taking a sip. The familiar burn of irradiated soda was missing and instead the cool taste of a clean caffeinated beverage washed over his tongue. The Chief looked at the bottle in shock as Diego smiled. "Muy bueno, huh?! One of the caravans found a lead-lined truck filled with these! Cost me a lot of caps! But I'll make plenty more!"
"How much, Diego?"
"For you, Jefe? On the house for this one. After that, 30 caps."
"Considering the rarity, that's justified." The Chief handed the trader a small bag of caps. "I'll take two more."
"Gracias, Señor! Hasta luego!" The Chief nodded before making his way to La Marketa's outskirts and its protective wall.
"Gonzalez! Where the hell are you?!"
"Other side of the wall, Chief," called a man behind the stone wall. The Chief climbed the rafters and looked over the wall to see Gonzalez, one of the guards for La Marketa, patching up a hole in the wall. "Damn raiders thought they could shoot the hell out of the wall to break in last night. You missed one hell of a shootout."
"It was my day off, shoot me. Where'd they go? I don't see any bodies."
"Took off heading north. Caballeros territory."
"Caballeros. Can't tell if they're stupid or brave going there. Anything else happen?"
"New girl came into town last night with a ghoul."
"A ghoul? Haven't seen one of those around here in a while."
"I know what you mean. Apparently, they're starting their own settlement to the west. Outside the Trade Routes."
"Going independent, huh? Well, can't say I blame them. Damn bigots in the other towns as well as the occasional one here."
"Why don't you have a problem with them, Chief?"
"They're still human, Gonzalez. Least we can do is treat them with some dignity. Finish patching up the hole and get back to your rounds. Those raiders come back, I want someone up on the wall to keep an eye out."
"You got it, Chief." The Chief left La Marketa and made his way to Villa, the housing area of the Alamo settlement. Here, families of Vault Dwellers and settlers alike lived outside of the Vault to improve relations between both sides. As he made it to the middle of Villa, a kid ran over to him.
"Chief! Chief! My Molerat is missing! I don't know where she could've gone!"
"I'll keep an eye out for her. She can't have gone far. I'll bring her back to your house when I find her."
"Thank you, Chief! Thank you!" The Chief tipped his hat before leaving Villa and heading out of the wall.
"Where you goin', Chief," asked one of the guards.
"Checking on the brahmin pens. Gonzalez said he spotted raiders shooting at the market wall. Want to make sure they weren't the smart kind."
"Smart raiders? That'll be the day."
"Better watch what you say, Chase. Don't want your words coming back to shoot you in the ass." He made his way to the barn where cows, horses and longhorn were raised and allowed to stay. A nearby radio played Big Iron on Alamo City Radio, housed atop the Tower of America, one of the still standing buildings in the San Antonio ruins.
"Hey Chief," said the woman in charge of the barn.
"Samantha Hawkins. Any problems?"
"Other than Ol' Sarah stampin' up a storm all night. Not really. Why you ask?"
"Raiders spotted at the market wall. Just checking in."
"You and your paranoid mind. There is no such thing as a smart raider."
"Tell that to the Legion, Sam. You know as well as I do it doesn't take a whole group of them, just one."
"So you say. So you say. You feelin' like takin' Sarah for a spin?"
"Not today, Sam. Tell her I'm sorry. But I got busy day ahead of me."
"You don't nearly take her out as much as you should. I've had to give her exercise myself since you bought her."
"Well being Chief doesn't give me a lot of days off, Sam."
"That's no excuse."
"And Michaels doesn't want me riding her through town like an old sheriff. Not unless I want to clean her mess myself before it gets people sick."
"At least say hi to her and go for a quick ride around the pens before you go. Poor girl misses you." The Chief sighed before making his way into the barn and up to black haired horse. With the emergence of Vaults 28 and 25 came the beginning of not just terraforming from the G.E.C.K.s but also the return of normal, non-mutated animals. Cows, horses, longhorns, chicken and all of them genetically modified as embryos to be rad-resistant. The Chief pat the horse's side and smiled as she snorted in greeting.
"Hey there, girl. Heard you were restless." Sarah replied with a swish of her tail. He grinned and placed his saddle on her back, strapping it in place before climbing up. "Once around the pens, girl. That's all the time I can spare today." Sarah snorted before taking off. The Chief smiled as he rode the horse around the pens. Running beside a heard of longhorn who'd been let out to get some exercise and keep in shape before being returned to the pens. The ranchers keeping an eye on the herd nodded at him as they kept pace before Sarah broke off on her own and towards the ruins. "Whoa girl. Not to the ruins." The horse ignored him and got as close as possible before slowing and rearing up. The Chief looked ahead of her and spotted a corpse hidden under some rubble. It looked fresh and was wearing what looked like Prewar sports gear. "What the hell?" Climbing off Sarah, he moved the rubble aside and rolled the corpse over. "Legion. Why are you here?" He searched the corpse over and removed some ammunition, poison vials, and a note.
Head into Alamo City and do what you can to bleed them dry. Poison their herds, ruin their crops, do whatever you can before we make our way into Texas. Burn this note when you're done reading it.
Vulpes Inculta
"What the hell?" He checked the corpse again and saw claw marks on the body. "Deathclaw. Well that's just dandy." He climbed back onto Sarah and looked around, worried. "Come on, girl. Let's head back. Something's not right." Sarah jotted back to the barn, the Chief looking around cautiously as she did. After getting back to the barn and putting Sarah in her stable, the Chief made his way back to Alamo City. He turned to the guards at the gate and frowned. "Hey. Keep an eye out. Found a corpse in the ruins nearby. Slashed apart by a Deathclaw."
"Deathclaw," asked one of them. "Should we get the big guns ready?"
"Yeah. If we have a Mother on our hands, we need to be ready for hungry Hatchers possibly going after the cattle. I want missile turrets facing the ruins. I don't know if it's just one wandering around, but just in case there's a nest starting up, we need to be ready."
"Missiles won't stop an enraged Mother, Chief."
"No, but it'll send a message to her not to let her children go this way. They have a family mentality, Dietrich, a Mother will do everything in her power to protect her young. And we'll do everything in our power to protect our own. I gotta report this to Michaels."
"Gotcha. Hey, Preston said she needs help in the Drunk Tank."
"I thought she could handle those guys while they were nursing a hangover."
"Normally, yeah. But apparently this one is more than she can handle." The Chief sighed before heading back to the Vault. On his way, he heard a rustling nearby. Looking into a pile of trash he spotted a Molerat with a bow on its head gnawing away at half eaten vegetables.
"Hey! Get on home!" the Molerat jumped and scampered away, leaving the Chief to shake his head and go on his way.
"Chief," cried one of the settlers. "What's going on?! Why's a Ranger here?!"
"A Ranger? This is the first I'm hearing of this."
"He strolled into town a few hours ago."
"Must be what Michaels wants to speak with me about. Nothing to worry about." He handed the settler ten caps before heading to the Vault and nodding for them to send him down. Before heading to either the Drunk Tank or the Overseer's office, he made his way to the labs and ducked under a wrench flying for his head.
"Three in one month! I've never met anyone as careless as you," shouted the woman in a lab coat glaring angrily at the Chief.
"Good morning to you too, Angie. Look I swear this time it wasn't me. Just woke up and the dials snapped off."
"Only you could manage to break a PipBoy even once! But three times?!"
"Can you just fix it?"
"Do you have it on you?" The Chief sighed.
"No, I left it lying on the floor of my bedroom."
"Then go get it!"
"Jesus, Angie. You sure you ain't half Screecher?"
"So help me God…"
"I'm going. Jesus." The Chief returned to his room and picked up the busted PipBoy and its dials before bringing them back to the lab. Angie looked over the PipBoy before the glaring at him.
"How the hell did you do this?!"
"Stop screaming at me. No wonder you can't keep a man." He ducked under another tool and sighed. "That temper of yours is a real turn off."
"Shut up, asshole!" She turned back to the PipBoy and sighed. "This thing is too busted to repair as it is. You're just going to have to go without one for a while."
"Oh sure. And when I get shot because I can't see a raider it's on you." Angie growled before going to a case and pulling out another PipBoy. This one wasn't a wrist mounted device. Instead it was a handheld device. "What is that?"
"An older, more valuable model. Break it and you're going to pay severely."
"When did you…?"
"Despite the constant demands to fix things, I do have a life!"
"This says otherwise." Angie threw another wrench at his head.
"Get out of my lab!" The Chief chuckled softly before tipping his hat and heading to the Drunk Tank. He looked beside him as a bottle of whiskey hit the wall by the door and glanced at who threw it. It was a woman with red hair tied in a ponytail hidden under a light brown Stetson. She wore blue jeans and a green shirt and was currently wrestling with a woman in Vault Security Armor for another bottle of whiskey.
"It's mine," said the woman. "Give it back!"
"So you can hurl it at my head again," asked Preston. "Hell no!"
"Preston. Just give her the damn bottle. If she passes out again, it's just back to the tank." Both women glanced up at him before Preston kicked the woman off of her and to the Drunk Tank before stuffing the bottle into a safe in a desk.
"You took your sweet ass time."
"Getting a new PipBoy from Angie. Though I have no idea how to use this damn thing yet."
"Broke another one, huh?"
"Shut up." The Chief went to the woman as she leaned against the cell and sighed.
"Mind tellin' me your name, darlin'?"
"Up yours," she replied.
"Cute. Sober her up, Preston and send her on her way. Just get her out of the Vault and Alamo City."
"I have business here. Meeting someone. They're late."
"I don't care. You make problems for my people you get the boot. You got three hours to leave, Up Yours." He nodded to Preston and headed for the Overseer's office. "Alright, Michaels. What's the problem?"
"Hello Chief," said the Overseer. A man of forty years with sandy brown hair and dark green eyes wearing the Vault 28 jumpsuit. "This is Vincent Price." He gestured to a man wearing the familiar brown trench coat of the Texas Rangers and had his riot helmet sitting on the desk beside him. "He's a Ranger Elite from Dallas."
"Pleasure to meet you, Chief," said Vincent. The two men shook hands and showed their respect to one another.
"What's the NTG doing here," asked the Chief.
"Recruiting," said the Overseer. "Wouldn't tell me what for exactly."
"Need to know, I'm afraid," said Vincent.
"It's the Legion isn't it," asked the Chief. The Ranger looked at him in surprise. "Found a spy torn to shreds in the nearby ruins. Deathclaw. He was apparently trying to ruin things here."
"How are you sure he was Legion?"
"Had their stupid repurposed sports gear on."
"If it were Frumentarii, they wouldn't be in armor. They'd have infiltrated in civilian garb."
"Then maybe they're already here. But if that were the case, would they be stupid enough to warn us of the plan?" Chief handed him the note. The Ranger frowned as he went over it.
"Vulpes Inculta? Word was he was killed alongside the first Caesar in the Mojave."
"Those were just rumors from the caravans. NCR never found the body when they stormed their fortress," said a voice from the doorway. The Chief turned around and spotted the woman from the Drunk Tank.
"Ma'am," he said, tipping his hat.
"And who are you," asked the Overseer.
"Call her Rose," said the Ranger with a smirk. "Pisses her off."
"Asshole," said 'Rose'. "Call me Cass. I was fighting during the Second Battle for Hoover Dam alongside my friends."
"You're the one who wanted to meet with me," asked Price.
"Yeah. Was hoping you could help me with a personal matter. In exchange, I give you all the intel NCR Rangers gathered on the Legion 3 years ago."
"That intel is outdated," said Price. "Someone new is leading the Legion. They have different tactics than the older Caesar. Different methods of engagement. And possibly different infiltration methods as well. I suggest you check anyone who's come through town recently. Alamo City is a major trading and settling station. They manage to take this place it'll mean they cut off supply trains between NTG and the towns to the south. Right now, we've tracked their main forces to the El Paso and Amarillo ruins. Right now, we're prepping the heavy artillery for any coming conflict."
"Missile silo in Dallas, right," asked Cass.
"No, ma'am. That is just rumors we let Foresteros pass around outside of Texas. We got tanks and Sentrybots we managed to repair and program to recognize us as the military."
"So why are you here," asked the Chief.
"Plain and simple. We have the tactical advantage in equipment, but we lack the numbers. We've engaged the Legion on several occasions, but we've lost Amarillo. They salted the earth after crucifying the defenders there."
"That's one of the wheat towns."
"It was. It's a ghost town now. We were attacked in the middle of the night up there and we don't plan on losing anymore cities any time soon. I've been sent to Alamo City to recruit capable fighters to help fight the Legion. Unlike the Mojave, we know our own home better than the NCR ever did. We also have reliable transport and can flank and outmaneuver the Legion. I don't plan on this being a long engagement. We're finishing the Legion as fast as possible, not waiting for them to dig themselves in."
"Where were you three years ago," asked Cass.
"With the real Rangers."
"So you want to recruit my men," asked the Chief.
"I want to recruit you. The Chief of Alamo City. Word reached Dallas about you. Best gun of the south."
"Just an urban legend, Mr. Price. Take it with a grain of salt."
"You don't gain the respect of three settlements just by word of mouth alone. Certain actions need to inspire people to believe the legend first-hand."
"Rumors do nothing but bring unwanted attention. Sorry, Mr. Price. But I'm needed here."
"Rhoades," said the Overseer. "Your men can handle this place on their own. Preston can hold down the fort."
"I'm surprised you want me to go, Boss."
"Truth of the matter, we need to make sure Alamo City survives. If that means sending you to the Dallas to help fight some idiots in skirts, then so be it."
"I really don't think…"
"Go, Rhoades. That's an order." Chief Rhoades sighed before turning to Price.
"When do we head out?"
"Soon as you're ready. Miss Cassidy, if you're still looking for help with your personal matter, meet me at the gate." Cass nodded before the two left the office and Chief Rhoades turned to the Overseer.
"Don't give me that look, Markus," said Michaels. "You and I both know we need to make sure our people are safe. Besides. You're not doing anyone service staying cooped up in the Vault at all times."
"Fine. I'll go. But you're gonna have to sweeten the deal for me."
"How would I do that? You're not getting paid for this."
"I want Betty."
"You heard right, Boss."
"Why would I give you Betty?!"
"Cause, you need me to come back and keep these idjuts in line. Betty will help with that." Michaels mulled it over before tossing him a set of keys.
"Keep her clean and up to spec, Markus, or I swear to Atom."
"Don't go preachin' that Children of Atom, brahmin shit. We both know you don't believe a word of that."
"Just… get out of here…" The Chief grinned before leaving the office and stopping by Angie's lab.
"I swear to god if you've broken it already," shouted the scientist.
"No, no. I don't even know how to work it."
"It's simple. While it doesn't have the same V.A.T.S. system as the 3,000 models and up, the 2,000 still helps with certain attributes. Considering your natural aiming and reaction speed, V.A.T.S. shouldn't be a problem. It'll keep track of your health via a sensor that'll attach to your glove to read your pulse. It'll keep track of your inventory as well and notify you if you're addicted to whatever Chems you end up taking along the way. And again. Don't break it. Is that all?"
"No. You uh… you got family up in Amarillo, right?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Ranger came down from Dallas. Amarillo was sacked." Angie stared at him for a few seconds, her mind trying to process this information. "Legion forces. There were survivors but…"
"...Why was that Ranger here?"
"Recruiting me to help fight the Legion."
"Do me a favor, head by Amarillo. Try and find my sister, Abigail. If she survived… I need to know." Markus turned to her and saw she had a haunted look in her eyes.
"Just… please. She's the only family I have. Mark. Find my sister. Please. She's my twin. You can't miss her. Mark. If she's alive. Make sure she's alright. Bring her back here." The Chief sighed and pulled her into a hug. Angie didn't fight it. The two stood there for a moment before Angie pulled herself away and wiped away at her eyes as she turned her back on him. "Now get out of my lab." The Chief sighed softly before tipping his hat and leaving the lab. He made his way to the armory and found Preston there taking stock of the weapons they had on hand from the Vaults original inventory and what they've traded since Alamo City was established.
"Hey, Chief," she said. "Just making sure we've got enough Claw-Killers. Also checking the armor piercing ammos. Filters are acting funny, so I was taking a hunting team to the aquafer in case the Mirelurks are back or some raiders are bathing down there."
"Send Gonzalez instead. You're gonna have your hands full here."
"What are you going on vacation?"
"More like off to war. NTG wants me to help fight Legion up north. Michaels gave me the all clear. Until further notice, you're in charge." Preston dropped her clipboard before rounding on him.
"What?! You can't be serious! Me?!"
"Of course you. You're my second in command. You know all of the ins and outs of the Vault and Alamo City. And out of all of our people, you're the friendliest face we have."
"Lot of good that'll do against a raider with a shotgun."
"Stop doubtin' yourself, Sally. You may look sweet and innocent, but I've seen how you can get when you're angry. You're probably the toughest bitch this side of the Rio."
"Chief, you know I hate that word…"
"Just calling it like I see it, Sally. I know you can keep Alamo City safe. Just try not to let it get to your head." He dug into his pocket and pulled out a silver star badge before handing it to her. She stared at the badge for a moment before sighing.
"Fine. I'll do it. But I'm not being called Chief. That's you, Boss. Besides. It makes me sound old."
"Hey, I ain't that old." Markus chuckled and went to the special weapons lockers before unlocking the one labeled Betty and pulling out a scoped .45-.70 Government repeater rifle with a silencer and slung it on his back.
"He let you take Betty?"
"Special circumstances."
"He'll kill you if you lose or break her."
"No chance of that ever happening."
"Good luck, Chief. I'll hold down the fort. You kill some slavers for me."
"Can do." Markus tipped his hat and made his way topside where he met Price and Cass at the gate to Alamo City. "Y'all ready?"
"How long is the walk to Dallas," asked Cass. "I came to Texas via Vertibird."
"We ain't walkin'," said Price as he led them out. "We're riding. Fastest way to get around Texas is on a horse, darlin'. Just how long you been in Texas anyway?"
"Just a few weeks. Wait, you actually have horses down here? Actual horses?"
"How the hell do you think we manage to get news around as quickly as we do," asked Price. "NTG will pay for a horse of your own, Miss Cassidy. Mr. Rhoades, what about you?"
"Got my own horse. Don't waste your caps." He led them to the stables and walked over to Sarah's stables.
"Where you off to, Chief," asked Sam as she looked up from an old copy of La Fantoma.
"Dallas, Sam. Off to war."
"I hope you're not taking Sarah into battle."
"Wouldn't dream of it. She'd just helping me get where I need to go. I wouldn't dream about putting her in danger." Markus unslung Betty and set the rifle into a holster in the saddle before climbing onto Sarah. "Ever ridden a horse before, Miss Cassidy?"
"Haven't even seen any before. Just in old holovids and books. Wait…" Markus grinned as she saw the cattle pen. "Are those one headed brahmin?"
"Cows, ma'am. Natural cows from embryos kept in Vault 25. Would prefer we have an open pasture for them, but with the critters still wandering the wastes, that's asking for too much. Sam. You got a spare saddle for Miss Cassidy here?"
"Sure do," said Sam. "It ain't pretty. But it'll get the job done well enough." Sam helped get an old saddle on a brown stallion and helped Cass on top of it. "There you go, ma'am."
"Thank you," said Cass. She turned to Price. "How long till Dallas?"
"Bout a day and a half," said the Ranger. "We're gonna stop by a scavenging town after Austin before getting to Dallas. Stock up on supplies and give the horses a break."
"Sounds good."
"At least we're going through Austin. A friend of mine went on ahead while I was in the bar last night." The Chief shook his head before turning to her.
"Watch us as we go full gallop. Proper posture prevents injury on the trail." Cass nodded. "Lead the way, Ranger."
"Don't gotta tell me twice," said Price. "Yah!"
"Come on, Sarah!"
"Giddyap," shouted Cass, not knowing what else to say.
(Caballeros Territory)
Northeast of Alamo City in an old military bunker, a woman is brought in front of multiple people wielding laser and plasma rifles aimed at her head. "Who the hell are you," asked one of the men in front of her. She looked the man in the eye and sighed.
"I used to be a Brotherhood Scribe," she said. "My name is Veronica Santangelo. I came here because I need your help. My friend came to Texas not that long ago and I need some help finding her. She's in grave danger! Please! You have to help me!"
(Author's Notes)
This story is not related to any other project of the same name. Fallout Lonestar is an experiment into expanded fan universe for myself. With little to no knowledge about my home state, and no, I do not include parts of the Fallout Bible, Brotherhood of Steel game, or the Van Buren cancelled project as canon, I figured I'd throw my hat in the ring to try and make a satisfying story involving the unknown fate of Texas. If you think this is interesting, leave a review and let me know. If this is the first story you've read from me, welcome and I hope my other stories are to your tastes as well. For anyone familiar with my work, let me know how well I did on this and if you'd like to see more of this. For now, consider this a one shot and nod to the Fallout series and it's memorable characters. Until next time, Y'all!