[pic] Yu-Gi-Oh! is a registered trademark of ©Kazuki Takahashi, Jump Comics, Konami and 4Kids Entertainment. My characters don't mean any harm to the show or to other's ideas.

"Desert Love"

Okay the author here. JJ ::Waves:: I decided on Seto's past name as Setau. Joey's past name is Kadjadja or Jadja for short. Bakura's past name as Bakenmut. This is my idea on the names so if you wish to use it for your fic please ask me first, Thank you.

Kadjadja had had enough of his father's beatings. He had thought for a long time what to do. He couldn't kill his father. Murder was against the law. Child beating, though, wasn't a major problem known to the Pharaoh, but Kadjadja was nearing the end of his rope.

One of the few things he enjoyed was the shadow game. He had his own deck and worked hard to acquire some of the cards in that deck. What surprised him was that he won a Red Eyes Black Dragon.

Kadjadja didn't do the hard core dueling as he saw what happened to some of the other duelist. He wanted to disappear into the sands of the desert. Sitting on the well wall, he looked down into its deeps. Maybe he should just drop into the murky waters and be done with this life. He shook his head.

-No there's has to be a better way.-

A tear ran down his bruised face. He was different from his fellow Egyptians. His hair was blond. He wondered if the gods made a joke of him or blessed him. Another thing he was doing was collecting dragon orbs. They were winnings he received in some of his duels. The orbs helped him to heal his Red Eyes after a duel as well as a good source of energy for the dragon. Kadjadja sighed.

He had to get away from his father but how was the question plaguing his mind. -If I can't go up in life... I might as well go down.- Kadjadja stood up and started to walk. He was going to see one of the few friends he had. Walking down the streets, he watched happy children playing with wooden toys or with friends.

His face hurt from all the hitting he took last night from his father. He came up to the place where Piye lived. The boy took a breath. He grabbed his chest. -Nuts he really hurt me this time.- He knocked on the door. An old man opened the door. "Kadjadja!" The blond walked into the stone hut. "I see your old man's been at it again." The boy nodded. "So what do you want from me?"

Kadjadja looked at him. "Sell me."

"Kadjadja, do you know what you are doing?"

"I thought for a long time on this Piye. I think if I'm going to be a person that is hit all the time I want a reason for it. Sell me as a slave."

"Sit down Kadjadja." The boy did as Piye told him to do. The old man grabbed a stool. "You know what you are asking?" The boy nodded.

"Kadjadja... Well I've been hearing about this person looking for a slave that does not fear the shadow games." Kadjadja looked at Piye. "I know you play that game. As well I know you are a bit smarter than most people when playing that game." The boy nodded. "The thing is this is the High Priest of Egypt."

Kadjadja's eyes widened in surprise. "The High Priest." His voice was high pitched.

"Yes. He seemed to want someone to play with for a time. How long I can't say."

Kadjadja thought for a moment. He stood up. "Take me to him."

"But Kadjadja."

"Take me to him now!" It was hard for Kadjadja to speak. He waited for Piye to move.

"I wish I could talk you out of this but if this is what you want. Come with me."

Soon the pair walked down the street towards one of the many temples in the city. Piye watched his friend's reaction as they walked up the steps. He saw a blank look on the boy's face. "Once we meet the Priest, Kadjadja there be no turning back." The boy just nodded to Piye. There were people all over the temple praying and offering things to the gods.

Piye took Kadjadja to one of the corners of the building. "Stay here and I'll go find the High Priest." Piye then left the boy by himself.

The boy looked around at all the statues of the gods. He felt alone once again. -What's going to happen to me now?-

Setau was chanting to one of the gods when Piye came up behind him. The golden Millennium Rod in his hand. "What do you want Piye. I'm a busy person."

Piye bowed down to Setau. "My High Priest I have found what you been looking for."

Setau turned around to look at the slaver. "Really Piye you have found me such a slave."

The old man nodded. "He waits for us now here in the temple."

Setau glared at the old man. "You bring him here now!"

"My High Priest, he's not in chains. He looks normal right now."

Setau kept his ice blue eyes on Piye "He will not run away then."

"No. He will not. Come, the boy waits for us." Piye turned and waited for Setau to follow him.

Setau said something to the gods and then followed Piye. He wondered what kind of slave wouldn't run from this kind of life.

Kadjadja saw them first as they came closer. He saw the Millennium Rod in the Priest's hand. "My High Priest, this is Kadjadja." The boy bowed to Setau. He kept his eyes low as the priest examined him.

Setau could not keep his eyes off the boy's strange hair color. He reached out for it. Kadjadja twitched slightly as the priest touched him. He tried not to move as the priest moved closer to him. "Mmmm... I see he's been beaten a bit, but he is lovely Piye. Where did you find him?"

"Well let's say the gods brought him to me."

Setau glared at Piye once again. "What is your price for this gift then?" Setau sniffed Kadjadja's hair.

-I must live with my decision now. I can't run now.-

"A chest of gold, my High Priest. I do have bills to pay off."

"Can I take him now? I'll make sure a chest is brought to you soon."

Piye looked one last time at Kadjadja. "Agreed."

Setau grinned. "Agreed then. You should have your chest tonight."

Piye bowed to Setau and left Kadjadja to his fate. "Come Kadjadja."

The blond followed the priest as he went back to praying to the gods. Kadjadja remained still as Setau did his duties for the day.

Setau looked at the boy once in a while. -What have you sold me Piye. Well I'll find out tonight.- Soon both boys left the temple. "You do duels?"

"Yes Master."

"You have your deck with you?"

"Yes Master."

Setau turned around, gripping the boy's chin and raised the boy's head to look into the boy's eyes. It was love at first sight for Setau. Deep brown eyes looked at him. "What are you?"


Setau took in a deep breath. "Come, it's getting late and you need to be cleaned up." He turned around again and walked to the palace.

Kadjadja was in wonder at the surroundings. He all most stopped a couple of times. Setau had to snicker at the boy's reactions to where he was now going to live. "Come time for a bath." Kadjadja followed the priest into a large bath room.

There were hot baths and waterfalls. "Undress now!" Kadjadja blushed. "Undress." Slowly Kadjadja slowly removed his cloth skirt and sandals. Setau held his breath at the sight of the boy in front of him. Setau moved over to a chest that was in the room.

He opened it with a key around his neck. He placed his own clothes and the Millennium Rod in to it. "Bring your stuff over here so they'll be safe as I clean you up."

Kadjadja picked up his clothes and a small cloth pouch. He placed them into the chest. Setau then locked it. The key was around his neck. He moved over to one of the hot pools. "Come and let's clean you up." Kadjadja moved slowly towards the priest. Setau drank in the boy's strange beauty. He led the boy into the bath.

Soon Setau was rubbing the boy's back. Kadjadja was holding his breath as the priest cleaned him. -Well I got my self in a fix but I must live with it now.-

Setau made circles around the blonde's back. "Tell me the truth Kadjadja. How did you come to be in Piye's possession?" The boy remained silent. Setau walked around to face the boy's deep brown eyes. "Tell me?"


Setau grip the boy's neck. "Tell me."

"I wanted to get away from my father...." A tear ran down his face.

Setau backed off; he was in shock. "So these bruises are his doing?"

"Yes Master."

"So how did you come to be in Piye's hands?"

"Piye is one of my few friends. I went to him for help."

"To be sold as a slave."

"Yes, Master." Setau ran his fingers though the boy's blond hair. Kadjadja was a bit nervous from the priest's touches. "Master..."

"Well now this is a strange turn of events. You had freedom but you didn't like it."

"Yes Master." Setau looked deeply into Kadjadja's dark brown eyes. "Let's finish up your bath and find you better clothes than you had."

"Yes Master."

Setau let out a breath. "First you don't have to keep calling me Master when we are alone. Call me Setau." Kadjadja blushed. Setau loved how he looked so innocent. "Come let's get you dressed right for the palace."

They grabbed the clothes from the chest. Then Kadjadja followed Setau to his room. The room was lager and it had a view of the kingdom from a balcony. "Undress now please." Kadjadja took off the kilt. Setau grinned. "Sit on the bed." He pointed to the large bed. It was cover in animal furs and silk. "Setau?"

"Yes, Kadjadja."

The boy blushed. "You can call me Jadja if you like." Setau walked over with a golden collar. It had red, green, blue gems in the gold. "I can't wear that... I"

"Jadja. When you are mine you wear any thing I tell you."

"Yes Setau." He placed it on Kadjadja. "So beautiful." Soon Kadjadja was dressed in gold and silk. "There we go." Setau looked now at the boy in front of him. Kadjadja felt weird but he did like the feel of the new kilt. Setau sat down beside the boy.

"Now for a few ground rules." Kadjadja nodded. "When I tell you something you must do it. Next you will only listen to my orders."

"What if it's the Pharaoh that is ordering me to do something?"

Setau took note of the boy's words. "Mmmm... Good question Jadja. You don't have to worry about the Pharaoh right now he's out on a tour of his kingdom. Third you sleep with me in this bed. Don't worry, I will not force you do to any thing of yet. I want you to get used to me first." Setau was now rubbing Kadjadja's leg.

"I... Yes Setau. I will try to please you. I just don't want to be beaten for no reason any more."

Setau smiled. "Ah good. Don't worry I don't hit anyone." He stood up from the bed. "Last rule. I'm going to show you where you are allowed to go in the palace. I don't want you to get into trouble with anyone." He motioned the boy to follow him again.

Setau showed him the library, some of the gardens and the temple inside the palace. "These are the places you can go. Most of them are where you will find me."

"Where do you play the shadow game, Master?"

Setau stopped and looked at Kadjadja. "I forgot all about that. Come this way." They walked down a long hallway to two big doors. Carvings of monsters covered all of them. Kadjadja's eyes were drawn to the Red Eyes Black Dragon that was on one of the doors.

Setau was watching the boy's movements. "We'll play a game soon but for now it would be best you stayed in my room. I need to do a few things first."

"Yes Master." Setau led Kadjadja back to his room. -Yes he will do fine. Best to take my time in working him. I don't want him to run from me but then he wants to stay way from his father. So I best not hit him or he will run.- Kadjadja moved back to the bed. "What would you like me to do Setau?" He sat down on the bed with him.

"Let me touch you." The blond laid back on the bed. "Do what you want. You are my Master."

Setau moved closer to Kadjadja. "That is true." He moved his hands up and down the blonde's chest. He touched him softly. Kajadja moaned. "Good." Setau moved his hand slowly to the boy's legs. He was about to touch the shaft when there was a knock on the door. Setau hissed and got up and headed to the door. Kadjadja was breathing hard. -What happened to me? I...- He sat up and try to see what was going on.

So what's going to happen to Kajadja now he a slave to the High Priest Setau?