A/N: I don't have an explanation for the long delay, all I can say is that I am sorry, and feel more motivated to write.

Shelby tossed and turned in her bed while her daughter slept peacefully in the bed next to hers. She was frustrated beyond belief. She had so much experience with teenagers and could normally read them like a book. So why was she struggling to understand her own daughter? Why weren't things clicking for them? Why was this so hard?

After Rachel's sudden mood change at intermission, she was completely back to normal while waiting for the cast at the stage door, and had rambled on and on about the show the entire way back to the hotel. Then, after they had both showered and gotten into bed for the evening, she had become suddenly mute again, only muttering a half hearted goodnight before turning and rolling over to sleep. Shelby couldn't figure it out. She knew she had to get to the bottom of it, but she didn't know how. She felt like she was constantly walking on eggshells around her own daughter, and she couldn't stand it. She felt like she was failing at being a mother, something she had been fearful of since the moment she first laid eyes on Rachel, the main reason she had walked away from her all those months ago. She knew that she could do better, but she didn't know how.

Shelby was pulled from her thoughts when her daughter's phone continued to buzz. It had been buzzing all night, and Rachel hadn't so much as stirred at the sound since falling asleep. She couldn't understand who could possibly be blowing her daughter up at this hour. She reached out for the offending device, only to pull her hand back suddenly as if she had been burned by it. She couldn't go through her daughter's phone, could she? Sure, Shelby was obviously footing the bill, and she was the parent, but Rachel hadn't done anything to break Shelby's trust. How shitty of a parent would she be if she broke her daughter's trust by snooping through her phone for no reason?

Shelby huffed and readjusted again, squeezing her eyes shut and promising herself she would talk to Rachel tomorrow and get to the bottom of her sudden mood changes. She wouldn't let her daughter down, not this time.

Rachel woke up the next morning and immediately tensed at the weight she felt across her midsection. She turned over and let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding when she saw it was only her mom. She furrowed her brows and tried to remember when she got into bed with the older woman, only to realize that she was very much in her designated bed, and that Shelby must have crawled in with her at one point after she had fallen asleep. She smiled softly to herself and snuggled deeper into the woman's embrace, enjoying being able to cuddle her mom without feeling clingy. She took the opportunity to study the older woman's face. It always shocked her how alike they looked, but how they also looked so different. When Shelby was awake, her features were normally much harder than Rachel's, but when she was asleep, Rachel saw that they actually were very soft. Her cheekbones were still sharp as ever, but they weren't as intimidating without the hard eyes to go with them. Her mother was beautiful, there was no denying that, but sometimes her intimidating presence could distract from the beauty.

"If you stare any harder I think I might explode." Shelby suddenly said, her eyes still closed.

Rachel jumped and threw her hand over her heart for dramatic effect. "You scared me."

"You scared me!" Shelby teased. "I woke up to someone staring at me so intently that for a second I thought you were trying to cast a spell on me."

Rachel giggled and snuggled back down against Shelby's shoulder. "Not that I mind," Rachel started timidly, "but why are you in bed with me?'

"I couldn't fall asleep, and you were looking extra cuddly." Shelby said sheepishly. "I also was worried about you."

Rachel snapped her head up to her mother and cocked a questioning eyebrow. "Why? Was I having a nightmare again? I'm sorry, I know how annoying those can be and I can get rather loud, I really am trying to get them under control and,"

"Rach, honey, relax." Shelby said, effectively cutting off her rambling daughter. "You weren't having a nightmare. I just noticed you seemed a little off yesterday. Especially during the show. I just wanted to check in with you and see what was going on. I know this trip is supposed to be fun and time for you and I to bond, but I know stuff at home is still pretty stressful and if you need a minute to talk about something that's okay. I don't expect you to just suddenly forget everything that's going on at home, and you can always come to me with anything. No matter where we are, no matter what we're doing."

Shelby watched as Rachel worried her bottom lip, and she could tell that her daughter was having an internal monologue, most likely trying to decide if she wanted to talk to her mom or not.

"Talk to me, baby. I don't like seeing you like this."

Rachel looked up at her mother, feeling her eyes fill with unshed tears and she willed herself to not let them fall. She wanted to trust her mom so badly, and she knew that this could give her the reassurance she needed that Shelby wouldn't walk away again. But there was still that small part of her that was so fearful to mess anything up.

"You have to promise you won't be mad." Rachel said softly. "And that you won't leave me again." She finished timidly.

"Honey, I will tell you every day for the rest of your life if that's what it takes for you to understand that I am never going to walk away from you ever again. It's you and me against the world, kid."

Rachel nodded and let a tear slip down her cheek. That was all she needed to hear to be able to launch into the story that she knew her mother was not going to like. She told her everything, the phone calls, how her daddy didn't want her to testify against him, and how she felt guilty. She told it all in one breath, never once stopping to gauge Shelby's reaction, only allowing herself a quick glance at the woman as she quieted her sobs and rocked her to sleep.

Shelby was furious. Absolutely, blood boiling rage, furious. She didn't know how Hiram had managed to one, get ahold of his daughter's new number, and two, somehow manage to contact her without the guards finding out. He was breaking the restraining order that was put into effect the second that they were arrested. He was making her daughter feel guilty for the abuse he had done to her, he was manipulating her. He was fucking with Rachel's head, and mama bear Shelby was not about to let this go on for a second longer.

She waited until she had soothed Rachel to sleep before grabbing her phone and quietly slipping in the hallway to call her lawyer and inform him of what was going on. After she had been assured by her lawyer he was going to handle everything the second she hung up, she called her phone service provider and had the number from the prison blocked from calling both Rachel's phone and her own. If Hiram Berry thought he could pull one over on Shelby, he clearly forgot who exactly he was messing with.

After she had called her lawyer and her phone provider, Shelby called the airline and made some arrangements. New York would always be here, all Shelby wanted to do right now was take her baby home and never let her out of her sight again. She hoped Rachel wouldn't be too heartbroken, but she knew that the rest of the trip wouldn't be enjoyable. She wanted to be able to enjoy the city with her daughter, and that just wasn't an option right now.

She walked back into the room and quietly packed up the few things that were strewn across the floor before going to the bathroom to take a quick shower and pack up all their toiletries. Once she was done, she walked over to the bed where Rachel was still sleeping peacefully. "Rach," She started quietly, gently brushing some hair out of her daughter's face, "honey, wake up." She smiled when the younger girl started to stir, and watched as her eyes slowly fluttered.

"Mama?" Rachel said groggily, and Shelby felt her heart flutter.

"Yeah baby, I'm here."

"Mama," Rachel said again, sounding slightly more coherent, "I want to go home."

Shelby smiled, finally feeling like a good mom and already being one step ahead of the game. It was her first small victory of what she hoped to be many. "Okay, baby. Let's go home."

Rachel settled down into the passenger seat of her mother's car, happy to be one step closer to home. She had been surprised when her mother had so easily agreed to going home, knowing that she had to have spent a fortune on their trip, and that most of it went to waste. She had been even more surprised when her mom had informed her that she had made the decision to leave before Rachel had even woken up. Rachel had felt guilty, but Shelby had quickly assured her that she had received a refund for most of the trip, and that she rather they come back when they can enjoy it more. Rachel easily agreed and was happy to hear that Shelby planned on bringing them back in the future.

Now that Shelby knew about the phone calls, Rachel felt like a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. She didn't realize how much she hated hiding it from her mom until she told her. And now that Shelby knew, she didn't feel so under pressure to come up with a solution. Shelby had told her she had taken care of everything, and Rachel trusted her. She finally was starting to understand what it was like to have a parent who loved with no boundaries. She couldn't wait to get home and snuggle up on the couch with her mom and watch Funny Girl.

Even though Rachel was feeling lighter, there was still something lingering in the back of her mind that she just couldn't shake. "Hey, mom?" Shelby hummed a response and Rachel took that as her cue to continue. "Do you mind if Quinn comes over tonight? I kind of blew her off that day before we left and I haven't spoken to her since."

"Of course, Rach. Find out what she wants from the chinese place and I'll make sure I order her something too."

Rachel smiled a megawatt smile and immediately whipped out her phone to text her new found friend. Things were finally looking up.

Rachel was pacing in front of the door, much to Shelby's amusement. Quinn's food was easily going to need reheated at this point, and Rachel couldn't understand why the girl was running so late. She had seemed excited to come over when Rachel had texted her, saying she had something really important to tell her and that she would be over shortly after they arrived home.

But that was close to two hours ago and Quinn was still MIA and Rachel was starting to get really worried. She wasn't answering any of her calls, and Rachel found herself wondering if Quinn had set her up and this was all some cruel joke. She was just about to call her again when there was a light knock at the door.

"Finally!" She huffed dramatically, stomping over to the door.

"Don't be too hard on her, honey." Shelby called from the kitchen sink where she was cleaning up.

Rachel rolled her eyes, muttering to herself about the importance of timeliness while yanking open the door. "Quinn! Do you know how worried I was, I thought that-"

Rachel was cut off by soft hands gently cupping her cheeks and feather light lips being pressed against her own. Before she even realized what was happening, the lips were gone and Quinn was staring deep into her eyes.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to figure out how to tell you that I'm in love with you."

A/N: I'm not very happy with this chapter, but I couldn't make you guys wait any longer.

I also want to take the time to send my prayers to Naya Rivera's family and her beautiful son Josey. I am absolutely heartbroken by this devastating loss, as Naya's portrayal of Santana and her storyline helped me become the person who I am today. Her legacy will live on through her portrayal and the beautiful songs she left behind. She will never be forgotten.