Rome, Holy See

Never in his life did Joel Mettler think he would be where he was now, while his halberd was buried in the body of a Roman-looking soldier, he had flashbacks about what happened a few hours ago.

"Quick, we have to help the Holy Father," commented one of his fellow Swiss guards.

"There is no time to lose," he said as he adjusted his helmet after removing his halberd from the body of that sinner.

Walking the halls of the Holy See, Mettler could hear the sounds of struggle around the Vatican, the papal army had come to help all those who were trapped in the city, from the parishioners and priests, but with priority in safeguarding the Pope's safety

"There they are!" exclaimed one of the Swiss guards pointing to a group of Romans who crossed with their swords the priests with their backs

"Finish the lives of those who have led astray from the path of God," Mettler ordered as he carried his halberd before the enemy squad.

The leader of these Romans, a tall and excessively stocky man let out a maniacal laugh while blocking Mettler's attacks "More followers of the pathetic god of this world, the followers of the true gods will have to eliminate your heresy"

Mettler felt his blood boil, those degenerates spoke Latin so he could hear all his heresies causing him to carry his halberd towards that servant of the devil.

His companions also began combat against the men of that Roman blasphemer who mocked the only true God Jehovah, "You will burn in the fire of hell when this is over."

The Roman who initially expected an easy-to-defeat enemy had met a group of soldiers who did not seem to give in.

Mettler stepped back when he saw that he could not defeat that unhappy man, he soon noticed when he tried to recover the sanity that the man wore armor with scales of some reptile.

"Damn it, it's hard for me to get through his armor" while catching my breath.

The leader of these Romans made a challenging gesture with his hand "Are you tired, what a shame"

Mettler refrained from charging the man who, in addition to offending his God, was offending his honor and ability as a soldier, rather than a soldier, a Swiss guard at the service of the Pope.

The Roman pointed his sword at him while he was still mocking "Our duel was very entertaining, but I'm getting bored"

"I don't think so," said a voice that echoed in the halls of the Holy See.

The Romans turned and found themselves facing a group of musketeers who aimed their muskets against them.

"More idiots seem to want to offer their soul to Emroy" he scoffed

"Getaway" Mettler muttered who took the opportunity to get away from the projectiles

"Fire!" It was heard before a rain of bullets fell on the Romans who realized too late and fell dead to the ground.

"Firearms easily go through their armor," commented the leader of those musketeers.

"Thank you," Mettler said, catching his breath.

"You're welcome," said the man as he approached to shake hands "Captain Leone Regina, 14th papal musketeer regiment"

Unlike Mettler, Regina wore a blue uniform and black boots with a wide-brimmed hat, contrasted entirely with Mettler's heavy armor.

"The Pope! We must ensure your safety!" Mettler commented panting from the accumulated fatigue

"He is already with a group of Swiss guards, managed to escape through one of the passageways and is in a safe area now," Regina said as he and his men recharged their muskets.

The signs of fighting were still heard, even the noise of cannons was constantly followed shortly after by the piercing scream of men who had lost limbs because of the flat bullets.

"We will not be able to stay here for a long time, there are some areas occupied by these pagans that are already being sacked, I am not sure that the papal army can leave this combat very well."

Regina approached one of the walls where there was a window, she could see how the boobies and musketeers were fighting fiercely against the 'Roman' legions and their auxiliary beasts.

Even with numerical inferiority, the pontifical troops managed to endure against an outdated doctrine of more than a millennium ago, the Renaissance style of war was being imposed on the ancient tactics of the Empire that once conquered the world.

Meanwhile, Mettler lay in a corner holding his helmet while drying the sweat on his forehead, he could see how there was blood on his hands, both the enemy and his own.

It hurt to keep carrying his halberd, but he had to do it, he had to defend the Holy See at all costs.

Regina kept watching for the sale until she quickly walked away from this calling Mettler's attention, soon a large piece of rubble hit the wall.

While the dust dissipated, Mettler got up and put on his helmet, grabbed his halberd and prepared for the worst along with his unit.

Regina and her men also pointed their muskets to the gap in the wall, soon a 3 meter green Troll and a horrible face appeared, he gave a roar revealing his lousy breath to the soldiers.

Several of the soldiers crossed themselves before entering combat

"Fire!" Regina ordered without thinking twice

Hijaz, Mecca

The smoke from muskets was the only thing that could be breathed in addition to the smell of blood, hundreds of pilgrims killed by barbarians who had left a gate-shaped structure.

"Fire!" commanded Captain Ekim Yasin, leader of one of the Janissaries regiments that guarded pilgrims in the sacred city.

A wave of bodies of 'Roman' soldiers fell to the ground while the second line of Janissaries was preparing to shoot

"Fire!" he ordered and another wave of enemies fell to the ground

Again the order to shoot and a new wave fell, even so, the tide of enemies seemed endless, there was no time to reload so he decided to take out his scimitar and with his men prepared to receive the enemies.

"We will not give in to these infidels who have raised their sword against the followers of Allah, whoever dies in combat will be worthily rewarded by the only true God," he shouted as his sword collided with those of his enemy.

They would endure while the men of the Sultan and the garrison of the city joined in the fight, the fight would be long and tortuous, but it was a small price to pay for fighting those wayward.

This enemy was different from the soldiers of Europe, they dressed like the soldiers of more than 1000 years ago and brought with them beasts that he had only heard in legends, he could see sidelong as dragons flew over the sacred city while trolls, ogres and beastmen attacked to the Ottoman soldiers.

Of the 200 soldiers who formed his regiment, there are now less than half left, but even so, the number of enemy casualties was much greater.

He had decided to prostrate himself on a wide street where musket fire could be maximized at the same time as they had no exposed flanks, now in the fight with swords the enemy did not reach the same level as they who had been trained all their lives to Be the elite troops of the Sultan.

But sadly, the numbers are what many times decide the fighting and this did not seem to be the exception, quickly his men were falling before the enemies in a proportion of what appeared to be a 4 to 1.

While Yasin's sword cut the necks of those 'Romans', a great beast appeared which demonstrating his little intelligence and barbaric attitudes began to lash out against his own.

A cyclops of almost 4 meters who carried a club in one hand and the decapitated corpse of a Janissaries had appeared, his mouth full of blood seemed to determine how that poor man died.

The 'Romans' moved away while the cyclops approached the Yasin regiment, were little more than 50 men who were tired and injured, even so, many of them took the opportunity to recharge their muskets, 30 seconds were what they needed.

Meanwhile, Yasin and some men who preferred to stay with the scimitars planned to face the monster.

Even so, no one charged against knowing the risk they ran from attacking frontally.

The cyclops slowly approached while Yasin and the swordsmen kept their distance, the musketeers managed to recharge and shot at the unprotected head of the creature.

The bullets hit his face fully and he began to scream and bleed, he held his right eye tightly, indicating that one or several bullets had entered his eye instantly blinding him.

The musketeers began to reload again but the cyclops this time did not give time and began to violently attack the Janissaries hitting with its club to the nearby buildings and the occasional unfortunate Janissarie .

Yasin managed to dodge one of these blows and was able to position himself on the side of the cyclops, he again received a musket discharge and this time impacting on his only healthy eye. The captain of the Janissaries took advantage and buried his sword in the heel of the ciclope causing him to scream

The sound of a cannon echoed like thunder over the skies of the city, the bullet fired by it hit the cyclops all over his chest causing it to collapse.

The Janissarie quickly pounced on the cyclops who even with a hole in his chest tried to recover and began to stab him mercilessly, Yazin went to his head and there he buried his sword again, twisting it inside causing the cyclope to agonize until he gave his last breath and died because of all the wounds that the jenízaros and the cannon infringed on him.

Yazin drew his sword covered in blood and brains from the cyclops and lifted it in the air "Those faithful who follow the holy writings of the Qur'an may be endowed with the power to defeat beasts brought by the infidels, brothers, we send our enemies to the most hidden part of hell to suffer from the wrath of Allah "

His Janissaries raised their swords and gave a shout of war, Yazin turned and saw how the 'Romans' against whom he was fighting before the Cyclops seemed to want to seek a rematch, although when they saw the dead cyclops they decided to go back.

"We will expel these infidels and bring Jihad to their lands, Allah wants it" shouted seeing them with an unhinged look.