So, we are here for the twelfth chapter in this, and will probably go on. So, let's get to the reviews:
Red Mage of Balance: I think I already covered the OLD MAN.
Gematron: It's good to be back. And yeah, I know plagiarists sucks, but I am planning a raid of sorts, where we all go and fill up the comment section of the 'story' with the fact that EmikoVictoria is plagiarizing my story.
poopheadpyro: I can't remember the name of the SCP, but can you give me his/her SCP designation.
freddylane.1: Yeah, SCP-2295 is awesome. And yeah, Darkdeath12 deserves recognition for that.
ultrawing: Wattpad doesn't have any report option for plagiarization, so I had to make do.
uchiharen1p: In a way, yes. Naruto does exist within my story, but as a leader of a village out in the uncharted lands.
KitCat0922: Thanks for your kind words. Even though I am a mediocre writer at best, I do try and improve my skills. And yeah, I have been constantly checking out her 'story', and I am glad that some of you guys are fighting against the plagiarizers.
Dakumun: Damn, I'll have to check that one. I know that the Foundation has three bears, but I know the exact properties of two of them, those being SCP-2295 and 1048. Not sure about yours.
Shout out to jackthur, CrimsonVolk, Izuku_TheFallenHero, CheekiJhin, resonatorcannon and 15Damned on Wattpad on fighting against the plagiarizer, EmikoVictoria.
We will be having RWBY read SCP-0001, Dr Clef's Proposal, The Gate Guardian, as it is Darkdeath12's choice.
It was a couple of days after the Vytal festival, which was quite hectic to say the least. Jaune's uncle had also arrived at the festival, which was surprising, as his uncle was tall as heck. He was one of the referees of the match.
During the matches, when it was Yang's match against a guy named Mercury Black. It was an easy win, since Mercury Black and his team had to go back home for some personal matter, giving Yang the win. Though she really wanted a fight, it was Jaune's uncle, Naruto, who stepped up for that. He asked his son to participate in the fight, which ended in a tie, and the two combatants left the field with respect.
Team RWBY could clearly see why Jaune had much respect for his uncle, as the man was not only tall as heck, he was also married to the princess of the village, Hinata. Ruby then met their second child, Himawari, and was confused at their name, though it was Blake who could talk to them in their native language, due to the fact that they all came from the same continent. (Thanks to JackWhitenight for recommending me this scene in place of the previous one.)
Soon after that, Naruto met up with Ozpin, Qrow and Ironwood to plan on what to do next. Weiss had met his son, Boruto, who was here to learn how to deal with diplomatic decisions and what not.
After that, classes resumed as normal. Once their classes were over one day, Professor Ozpin had mentioned that someone was going to meet them.
Soon, Team RWBY were all in their room, with Juniper looking at them. "So, what happened?" She asked. Weiss was not with them, as she was hanging out with Boruto to learn about the village and the fact that they both were children of important people.
"Well, Professor Ozpin mentioned that someone was going to come meet us." Ruby replied.
"Should I hide myself?" She asked.
"Well, since it's Professor Ozpin, I think we can trust them." The leader replied.
"So what shall we watch today?"
"How about SCP-0001?" Blake asked.
"Which one?" Juniper asked as everyone got seated onto the sofas that were present. "There are currently 32 different proposals for SCP-0001."
"Hmm, surprise us." Yang said.
"Um, excuse me, is this Team RWBY's room?" A voice asked. The team turned their heads to look at the person, who was a female with a light brown skin. She had green eyes, with a beauty mark under her left eye, with straight brown hair. She wore plain shirt and jeans. "My name is Amber." She introduced herself.
"Hey, welcome to Team RWBY Amber." Ruby introduced herself.
"So what are you doing?" The Fall Maiden asked, which Blake explained as Juniper had them all seated.
"Well, this is Dr. Clef's Proposal for SCP-0001." Juniper told them all, as the recording started.
Item #: SCP-001
Object Class: Euclid/Keter
"Huh, Euclid? Keter?" Amber asked them.
"Well, there are several classes of containment." Yang said, "With the higher the level, harder the containment." She explained, to which the Fall Maiden nodded.
Special Containment Procedures: Because of the nature of SCP-001, no containment procedures are necessary.
"Wait, if it's a Euclid class, shouldn't it be contained?" She asked.
"Well, sometimes, some SCPs can be self-containing in nature." Ruby replied.
Amber nodded in acceptance, "Oh."
24/7 monitoring of SCP-001 is to take place from a safe (10 km+) distance from a pre-determined location (Site 0). The location of Site 0 is known only to the current SCP Administrator and the single Overseer-level Agent of Abrahamic faith (O5-14) assigned to monitor SCP-001 from Site 0.
"What's Abrahamic Faith?" Amber asked, to which the rest also shrugged.
"I think its best that I explain this," Juniper interjected, "Abrahamic faiths are those religions which have ties with Prophet Abraham, as it were his descendants who spread the three religions which are Abrahamic; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam." She explained.
"So, you all have different religions?" Amber asked. She was amazed by that.
"Yes." Juniper replied to the question of Amber.
Said Agent is authorized to take any action necessary should SCP-001 become active, and is required to immediately alert the Administrator and all other Overseer-level agents should SCP-001 show any change in behavior, as this may constitute the beginning of a PATMOS XK-class end-of-the-world scenario.
They all paled at that. An end-of-the-world scenario. That was something they never even thought of. "And to think, this Foundation keeps them monitored daily, several of them." Amber spoke.
Should SCP-001 become active in any way, personnel are required to immediately consult the Patmos series of Emergency Orders. Decoding algorithms for Emergency Order Patmos are to be maintained on-site at Site 0 in the possession of the designated observer, and are to be transmitted to SCP Foundation offices only in the event of SCP-001 becoming active.
"It's quite amazing how much organized they are." Amber said.
"Oh please, not another Weiss." Yang muttered, only to receive a bonk on the head by Blake.
"No talking behind someone else's back." She said sternly, as Yang yelped.
Foundation Personnel with vital roles in one or more variants of Emergency Procedure PATMOS are to be advised to take the following precautions:
1. To maintain good relations with one or more organized Abrahamic faiths.
2. To maintain, on hand, a supply of the following: holy water, a rosary, crucifix, cross, prayer rug, or other symbol blessed by an Abrahamic cleric of bishop or equivalent higher rank, a copy of Abrahamic scriptures (Torah, Bible, Quran),
"Huh, what are those?" Ruby asked.
"They are the messages written down by the Messengers of their God, which the followers of Abrahamic Faith use as a way of living." Juniper explained to the girls.
and standard emergency supplies in mobile form (bug-out bag).
3. In case of a premillenial rapture scenario, all vital personnel are to designate a secondary operative of non-Abrahamic faith. Said secondary operative is to be informed of the location of the primary designate's copy of Emergency Procedure PATMOS and memetic kill agent innoculant, and is to be kept on ready status to take over the primary's duties as necessary.
"What?" Ruby said, her eyes dizzy as she did not understand the terms being used. "What is a memetic kill agent?"
Blake sighed as she had read up the definitions of these terms on her free days. "Ruby, these are chemicals which is used to kill a person if sensitive data is breached."
Ruby turned a bit green at that notion, while Amber and Blake sighed at that. It seemed that Ruby was still innocent in the ways of real life.
4. To maintain familiarity with all other SCPs involved in possible PATMOS XK-class end-of-the-world scenarios.
"Finally!" Yang said as she stretched on the sofa, "Something to know how the anomaly looks like."
SCP-001 is a humanoid entity, approximately seven hundred (700) cubits in height,
"How big is that?" Amber asked as she looked at Juniper.
"Seven hundred cubits is equal to one thousand and fifty feet, and three hundred and twenty-four meters." Juniper said, as she suddenly looked at the readers, "This story is being plagiarized by EmikoVictoria on Wattpad."
The last part, however, was not noticed by the team and Amber as they continued listening to the report.
located in an undisclosed location near the intersection of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The following features are known about the entity:
1. A number of luminous, wing-like appendages emerging from the shoulders, back, temples, ankles, and wrists of the entity. Although an accurate count has never been established, most observers place the number of wings at anywhere from two (2) through one hundred and eight (108), with the mean number being four (4).
Ruby and Yang gasped, "Like an angel?" They asked.
"It seems so." Blake replied. There had been several fairy tales depicting angels as saviors of children and many creatures, so it was still surprising to see that a sort of angel existed in another universe.
2. A weapon, possibly a sword or knife (SCP-001-2). The weapon appears to emit flames at a temperature rivaling that of the sun, based on spectrographic analysis,
"Damn, as hot as the sun." Yang muttered, as she began to drool on the prospect of having that as a weapon.
Knowing her teammates intentions, Blake interjected, "I don't think that's a good idea."
"Why not?" Yang huffed.
"Well, it seems that only this SCP is capable of handling the heat of the weapon." Amber added, making the young blonde huff at that.
although there appear to be no destructive effects from the intense heat on the surrounding area. Any entity that approaches within 1 km of SCP-001 is immediately struck by the weapon and obliterated from existence.
Yang and Ruby paled at that, "F-from existence?" Ruby stuttered at that. She knew that when one died, they'd be sent to either Heaven or Hell, but to see that a move existed that actually removed a person from even existing was horrifying.
3. Any and all hostile actions taken towards SCP-001 have resulted in the annihilation of the attacker, regardless of range (see incident report re: Indian Ocean Submarine Missile Experiment, December 26, 2004)
"Okay, quick question." Blake stopped them as she looked at the AI woman, "If they know that it is hostile, why are they still attacking it?"
"Well, sometimes, to get a better understanding of an anomaly, sacrifices need to be made to ensure it does not behave in a manner that could be destructive to the humanity." Juniper said, hoping that they all understood.
Amber nodded at that, as she knew the risks that were present with having such power.
4. SCP-001 appears to be standing with its head bowed in a gesture of supplication with SCP-001-2 held in both hands point-down in front of it. Since originally recorded by the Founder over [DATA REDACTED] years ago, SCP-001 has not deviated from this stance.
"That's some dedication." Blake muttered, impressed with it.
5. Human beings exposed to SCP-001 report hearing a voice in their heads, giving them a directive which the subject reports cannot be disobeyed. The most common directive is "FORGET", which results in the subject walking away from SCP-001 with no memory of having encountered it.
"So it can control someone's mind and give directions on their next actions." Yang said.
"It can also remove memory as well." Blake added.
"It's a good thing that it doesn't exist here on Remnant." Amber muttered, making Ruby look at her.
"Or maybe it does and it made us all forget it was even there." She said proudly, making all of them slap their head.
On rare occasions, however, other directives have been given: the most famous of these is the one given to the Founder ("PREPARE"), which he has claimed formed the impetus for founding [DATA REDACTED] to catalog and contain any and all supernatural and/or paranormal artifacts that represent a serious threat to the current existence of humanity. This is the organization now known as the SCP Foundation.
"Ah, so this is how the SCP Foundation was made." Blake said. "I was curious as to why it was made."
"Seems so." Amber replied to the Black Cat.
6. Observers have reported that SCP-001 appears to be standing in front of a gate of immense proportions. Long-range photographs have occasionally detected what appears to be a pastoral grove within, containing numerous other entities of the same composition as SCP-001, as well as several fruit trees of unknown composition.
Ruby's mouth watered at the knowledge of the fruits. Being a sweet tooth, she really wanted to try these fruits. "I really want to try them." She said, only to receive a warning glare from Yang.
"Remember what happened the last time?" She asked her, only to receive a nod.
Curious, Blake asked Yang, "What happened?"
"Well, Ruby here ate one of the fruits that were on a tree when we went picnicking with Mom, and she developed food poisoning." Yang huffed, "Had to cancel the rest of the trip." She explained as the little Rose blushed at that.
Of particular note are two fruit trees of immense proportion near what appears to be the center of the grove: one, it is noted, appears to be an ordinary apple tree, although the other bears a fruit unknown on earth, described as [DATA EXPUNGED].
It is the avowed belief of the Founder that the gate which SCP-001 guards may be the gate to [EXPUNGED]
"C'mon, why the secrecy, we also want to know." Ruby whined at that, "We won't tell anyone, I swear." She added, making Amber sigh at that.
"Ruby, some chemicals exist that could force the truth out of you." She said, "And I am pretty sure that some semblances exist that could give off a false sense of security, making you spill the secrets to the enemy." She added, making the young leader sigh.
"Dammit." She said as she added money to the swear jar.
based on correlations with ancient Babylonian texts and the Dead Sea Scrolls. In which case, one can deduce that the entity known as SCP-001 may be [EXPUNGED].
"Oh come on." Ruby whined more, making Yang, Blake and Amber shake their head at the maturity of the young leader.
Addendum 001-a: Experimentation re: SCP-001-2's effective kill range
"So this is before they had figured out the kill range for this SCP." Blake presumed.
Ruby didn't like that they were using real people to figure this out.
1. EXPERIMENT A: 1 Class-D personnel instructed to approach SCP-001 as closely as possible on foot.
Result: Upon making visual contact with SCP-001, subject is ordered to "LEAVE." Subject immediately turns away from entity and walks away.
"Phew." Ruby said as she wiped some sweat off her forehead. She then looked at the audience, "This story is being plagiarized by EmikoVictoria on Wattpad." Which no one caught.
Despite repeated orders to continue the experiment, Class D Personnel refuses to obey and is terminated. Upon termination of Class-D personnel, all research staff involved are immediately obliterated by an unknown force, presumably SCP-001-2.
Yang's eyes widened. "Damn." She looked at her friends, "So any ideas why'd that happened?"
Amber hypothesized, "Maybe the D-Class was made into a sort of bomb by SCP-0001, which could be activated when he was terminated by the staff."
2. EXPERIMENT B: 1 remote-operated research robot guided to approach SCP-001 from the ground.
"Wait, if they could use a robot, why didn't they use that?" Ruby asked.
"Ruby." Blake called out, "Using a simple robot is quite expensive, since they could cost the people thousands to millions of liens." She explained.
Result: Upon approaching within 1 km of SCP-001, research robot is obliterated, presumably by SCP-001-2. All further attempts at remote reconnaissance have the same result.
3. EXPERIMENT C: 100 pre-programmed research drones instructed to approach SCP-001 from multiple angles simultaneously.
Result: Coordination is successful, and all 100 drones cross the 1 km mark simultaneously; however, all 100 are simultaneously obliterated by SCP-001-2. Designated observer at Site 0 reports that SCP-001-2 appeared to "strike in all directions at once." SCP-001 did not deviate from its stance while this took place.
"Ah got it. Nothing's getting past the 1km mark." Yang nodded as she noted this down.
4. EXPERIMENT D: Wire-guided missile fired from a distance of 3 km.
Result: SCP-001-2 obliterates weapon upon crossing the 1km mark, simultaneously obliterating the launch site and killing all personnel.
Everyone paled at that. So it was a failed experiment to the max. "So, it also destroyed the area where it was launched." Blake mused at that.
"It looks like it has a sort of primary range, which it can extend to further distances if it wants to." Ruby said. She had played several games that applied the same logic.
5. EXPERIMENT E: Multi-Warhead Intercontinental Ballistic Missile fired from SCP nuclear submarine "Nautilus."
Result: See Indian Ocean Submarine Missile Experiment, December 26, 2004
"Can you access that?" Ruby asked, to which Juniper shook her head.
"No sorry." She replied, "That data is sensitive, though I can try."
At this, Ruby pouted.
6. EXPERIMENT F: SCP-076 and Task Force Omega 7 instructed to approach SCP-001 on foot.
Result: SCP-076 refuses to carry out mission, despite not being informed of the mission's nature. Upon being asked why, SCP-076 replies, "No. Just no."
"Hey what is SCP-076?" Blake asked the inter-dimensional AI.
"Well, you can learn about it later if you want." Juniper replied to the black themed girl.
7. EXPERIMENT G: SCP-073. Due to the results of experiment F, SCP-073 was not informed of his destination until arriving at Site 0.
Result: SCP-073 approached the site on foot. Upon seeing SCP-001, SCP-073 became distressed and asked to abort. SCP-073 was ordered to continue. At that point, the symbol on SCP-073's forehead became [DATA EXPUNGED]. Experiment was terminated due to [DATA EXPUNGED]. See Addendum 001-aa.
"SCP-073 and 076 are related, in a way, so it would be best to learn about them together." Juniper said, to which the girls nodded.
"Oh, I hope Weiss gets here soon." Ruby said, since this topic was quite interesting and she really wanted to relay this to the white haired girl. 'Though I wonder how her date I going?' She mused.
Addendum 001-aa: By executive order of the Administrator, no further experiments are to be carried out re: SCP-001. No further SCPs are to be exposed to SCP-001. SCP-001 is not to be used to dispose of dangerous SCPs. Please see revised containment procedures for details.
ADDENDUM: On --, the following errant transmission was received by Foundation personnel:
"Oooh, this is interesting." Yang said as she began to eat popcorn.
ATTN: All Foundation Personnel.
The following message was received at approximately :: this morning from Site 0.
After that, they began to hear a voice.
SCP-001 has left its location. The Gate is Open. They are riding forth.
"What's in it?" Ruby asked as she looked at the transmission.
Oh G_d, it's so beautiful…
"Aw man, I really want to see." Ruby moaned. This wasn't fair. Here they had a chance to see what it was guarding and she wasn't there to see it. If she was there, she could simply use her Speed Semblance and boost her way to the gate.
"… What just happened?" Ruby asked, terrified at the frantic mumbling of the man.
"It seems that he went mad as he saw what lay ahead the gates." Blake mused at that.
Because of this event's confluence with the recent breach of SCP-995, the opening of SCP-616, and the activation of SCP-098, the Foundation is required to immediately begin preparations for an XK-class end-of-the-world scenario. SCP-076 and SCP-073 are to be secured immediately.
Everyone here paled at that. It was an end-of-the-world scenario, and they were witnessing it first-hand.
All personnel are to unlock and decode Emergency Order Patmos-Omega, and follow all orders within. Site 19 is to be secured, and all nonessential SCPs and personnel terminated and/or destroyed. Repeat, because of this event's confluence with the recent breach of SCP-995, the opening of SCP-616, and the activation of SCP-098, the Foundation is required to immediately begin preparations for an XK-class end-of-the-world scenario. SCP-076 and SCP-073 are to be secured immediately.
Everyone noted the different protocols being used here.
"So many things they are doing." Yang mumbled to herself, "Hey, Juniper, what sort of procedures occur if it actually is an end of the world?" She asked.
"The Foundation has a plan for that as well." She replied. "You can learn about that later." She said as she thought of a certain facility under a certain park.
All personnel are to unlock and decode Emergency Order Patmos-Omega, and follow all orders within. Site 19 is to be secured, and all nonessential SCPs and personnel terminated and/or destroyed. Repeat, because of this event's confluence with the recent breach of SCP-995, the opening of SCP-616, and the aktivation of SCP-098, the Foundation is rekwired to immediatelebegin
They noticed that the transmission was getting faulty, as they words seemed to fuse into one another and static could be heard at times.
preprrations ffr an XK-class end-of-theworldsenario. SCP-076 and SCP-073 re to be secured immediately Cain and Abel my two sons, I amcoming all personnel are to unlock and decode behold, I stand at the gate and knock and if anyanayansdfysffollow
aall alla khaf3242!$$ andisawanewheavenandanewearthandthefruitofofof
^& #$ # #$ #$
Everyone sat there, wide-eye at what just happened. "W-w-what if it was waiting for the end of the world to start, what if it was guarding the gate to be opened at the time of the end?" Ruby stuttered to herself.
Upon contacting Site 0, O5-14 responded that no such message had been sent from his location and that SCP-001 remained inert.
"Wait what?" Yang said, shocked at such a development.
"Maybe it is an apparition from the future?" Amber suggested.
The transmission was initially determined to be a hoax. However, close examination of the transmission reveals a timestamp dated [DATA REDACTED] years in the future. It is theorized that [DATA EXPUNGED].
"So, I was right." Amber said to herself as she nodded.
"Hey, who's this?" They heard another voice behind them. Turning their head, they saw that Weiss was entering the dorm room.
"Well, hello there, I am Amber." The Fall Maiden introduced herself to the Schnee.
"Hello, my name is Weiss Schnee." She replied. Weiss looked at the room, noticing the recently ended entry, "Did you all started without me?" She asked.
"Yeah, sorry about that. But we are going to learn about two SCPs at the same time." Yang said, apologizing on the Team's behalf.
Weiss nodded at that as she sat down beside Amber, "I expect full reparations from all of you."
Soon, the entry began.
So, Dr Clef's Proposal for SCP-0001 is done, and SCP-073 and -076 are next.
So, I am planning to raid EmikoVictoria's stories with claims of plagiarism. Also, can you guys inform the following authors about EmikoVictoria: Chief of Rage, Brightest Darkness, Onyxhellstone75, since their stories are also being plagiarized by her.
Reviews waiting.
Gonna Yeet Myself to SCP-0001