This is in honor of my Daddy's birthday. Couldn't resist it December 9th I always try to make it special for him. NO RUDE REVIEWS PLEASE!

Review Responses (THANK YOU for taking the time too):

Deals, Deception and Deers:

GirlPower54: I knew you would agree. Yes that Miraculous Cure is truly overkill. Really it was cool? Thanks, I keep trying. I KNOW RIGHT?! Poor Kitty, shouldn't EVER degrade himself. Paris would be lost without him! Curious on future akumas? Well hopefully I don't disappoint. 😂😂 OH MY DAMN CHERRY BLOSSOMS! I so love the ship name. Adrielia even tho your not completely sold on it. Not offended there, may not be your taste. Plus you know me: Adrigami shipper ALL THE WAY! Glad you enjoyed the quick read.

W.R Winters: Really? You think they make a cute couple, thanks. Kitty's NOT that obsessed with that Ladybrat. Excellent akuma? Thanks, guess I'm doing better I thought.

UnicornSecrets: Right on Unicorn. So I'm assuming you and Melissa are rooting for her togther? 😉🌸🌸 Heroine?! Hmmmm... far from it actually. Doing it all for personal reasons, NOTHING MEW-ORE!

Cecilia Roserade lays sound asleep on her full size bed. The pink and white heavy blanket blocking any sight of her. From Cecilia's right of the bed, on the nightstand resting on toy bed Kwami of Empathy Deerja. Her light brown ears twitch in her sleep. 'Wait, I don't hear Sweetie bumbling around.' Her light green doe eyes burst open turning to left side to find Cecilia still tangled under the heavy blanket.

Smiling cutely at the sight, Deerja floats over grabbing her Sweetie's black eyeglasses that rest close to her toy bed. Softly flies under the blanket starts to kiss her fingers singing between enough kiss. "Cecilia my Sweetie, arise it's time open your eyes. A new glorious day, for mischievous work at play." Cecilia annoyingly moves to lay on her stomach slowly lifting herself up on her knees. Yawning rubs at her left eye "Morning Deerja..." She trails off suddenly springs awake eyes going frantic.

"I'm sorry Sweetie. I didn't check the time yet. It can't be that late." Deerja answers the question in her Sweetie's pale pink eyes. Before Deerja is told she paws over Cecilia's glasses. Once their placed on her nose, Deerja lifts the pink rose cased cell phone.

Cecilia blinks a few times to get her vision back than glances at Deerja as she unlocks her cell. "Thank you Deerja. Right it can't be that... LATE! OH MY PINK! Damn it." The numbers read 8:24AM.

Cecilia practically jumps off her bed as if it burned her. "Slept through the alarm! Hate that. Not to today, NOT TO TODAY!"

Forgetting her slippers hastily rushes to walk in closet. Deerja phases into to turn the light switch on it doesn't give Deerja time before Cecilia stabs her bare feet on her pink lacked high boots. Biting her lower lip, eyes shut tight grips her headband shelf on her right getting her bearings.

"Double damn it." She grits out angrily. But ignores her pain, lightly rubs her foot. Deerja looks concerned flies over to collect the articles of Cecilia's usual. "Sweetie, please calm yourself. You slept late, Ray will understand. Besides you and Angel had fun right?"

The strawberry-blonde smiles lovingly thinking of yesterday at the Louvre with Angel. "He really is a sweet guy." She shakes her head to get her focus.

"Yes okay I had a very amazing reason I slept through my alarm. Yes I know Daddy will something like that. It's still not right. It's just... today ugh stupid me." She grumbles by the door leaning against it.

Gently grabbing any clothing Deerja brings her way. Moving to her vanity desk dumps everything atop it. Rushes to get dressed, deciding against wearing her black pink stitched jacket. Wraps it around her waist.

Placing her strawberry-blonde hair into a messy bun held up by two white rose clips. Scurries into her personal restroom. Leaving the door open brushing her teeth and quickly washing her face dubbs pink lip gloss on her lips.

Nods to her decent appearance. Hugs Deerja close to her cleavage whom zoomed into the restroom with her cell phone. Numbers read 9:03AM. Grabbing her pink coated black cat paw printed stitched purse Deerja phases into it. Cecilia rushes out her multi-colored roses design door still zooming towards the hallway only to nearly bump into Nancy. Her grey eyes stare down pale pink in mid collision. She quickly grabs the Roserade Heir at arms length.

Her black and pale pink maid's uniform is replaced with a long sleeve cut at the wrists green turtleneck shirt and a pair of dark black jeans. "Whoa Cecilia, don't run unless Bruce is around watching you." She lightly scolds smiling leading the strawberry-blonde to the kitchen. "Your father's still alseep, I cleared his schedule he's completely hers today. His pancakes and eggs are ready." Nancy points to a tray of still steamy made food.

Cecilia sighs in relief. Automatically moving to the coffee machine. Nancy's smile grows wider seeing her young employer work making the coffee for her father. As Cecilia makes sure there's no dishes in the sinks Nancy chuckles. "I made sure you wouldn't worry about anything. Yes I myself had breakfast." Cecilia smiles sheepishly.

Taking the steamy tall white tiger mug out the micwave she slowly places it down the tray. Nancy goes to grab the tray kisses Cecilia's forehead leading her to Raymond Roserade's chambers. The two arrive to find Bruce waiting there smirking an unlit cigar in his mouth.

"Bookworn Nancy morning." Nancy nods her head smiling back at that can't help but tease. "Why Mr. Howler are you feeling alright? Your cigar isn't lit." Cecilia looks between them can't help but giggle. "Adorable Ms. Aconite." He states flatly.

As Bruce moves to let Cecilia knock. "Daddy?... Daddy I'm coming in." Opening the door, they find Mr. Raymond Roserade knocked asleep. Cecilia walks over to the bed lightly shakes him awake. Pouting badly "Dadddyyyyy... Dadddyyyy." Ray mumbles still snoozing away "Purrincess... 5 morrreee... mintunes."

Cecilia stomps her foot huffing her arms crossed. Bruce places his left hand on her head lightly petting her. "I got this Bookaholic." Bruce struts to the bed standing soldier rim rod. Clears his throat the force in his voice. "Ahem... Ray I'm smoking in Cecilia's presence."

Nancy and Cecilia both jaws drop. Bruce counts on his fingers 3... 2...1 and "HOWLER GET YOUR ASS OUT OF HERE!" Ray roars ready to struggle Bruce. Said bodyguard chuckles hilariously as the headmaid and young heir simultaneously smack their foreheads.

Ray scowls at Bruce. "One day I will punch for that." Bruce smiles kindly arms crossed "Ray you know I wouldn't ever do that. Shit I hate it when can't watch our girl, think I would purposefully do that so I don't?" Howler's tune is firm but teasing. Ray's golden-brown eyes stare into Bruce's dark blue ones. Niether unyielding until they burst out laughing.

"Alright, alright. I know you won't. Your dismissed Bruce." Ray turns from Bruce, Cecilia rushes into his open arms. "Morning Daddy. I love you." Ray smiles tighly hugging her. "Morning my little life, love you more." They release hugs but Cecilia looks stern at him at arms length side glances Bruce leaving.

"You both own a buck." Seriously spoken both men grimce at the other. Nancy smirks at Bruce than to Ray. "You heard her gentlemen." Nancy teases. Ray gets out of bed walking to his closed walk in closest door his hanging pants for the day to get his wallet. Bruce grabs his wallet from his back pocket.

Ray hands over the dollar "I know, I know bad Daddy." Cecilia smiles kissing his cheek with a giggle. Turning to Bruce expectedly. He gives her two bucks. Cecilia raises a brow. "In case Bookaholic." All four laugh wholeheartedly, knowing Bruce is right. Hearing Nancy's laugh Ray turns his head to her.

Smiling brightly as Bruce shouts from behind her existing "Happy birthday Ray, damn your old." The two men 2 finger salute each other smirking. As Bruce closes the door he hears Ray shout. "I can still kick your ass young man." He chuckles until Nancy coughs getting Ray's attention she points to Cecilia glaring at her father. Ray sighs "Opps I know bad Daddy."

Nancy stiffs a laugh finally handing over the luke warm breakfast while getting Ray's wallet for him from the table. Nancy takes a dollar out than gives the wallet to Boss Roserade than the dollar to Second-in-Command Roserade. As Raymond starts to eat some pancake he smiles in bliss. "Nancy thank you. It's good, very good." Lucky for the headmaid her long dark brown hair covered her blushing red cheeks. "Your very welcome Sir, anytime Sir."

Cecilia giggles at the two. She hands over her father's white tiger mug, he adds a bit of sugar. Cecilia pouts. "Daddy be careful your diabetes." Nancy snaps her fingers as if forgetting something. "Cecilia is right Sir. Shall get your medicine?" Ray looks between them flabbergasted and bit annoyed. "Between you two I can't win, can I?" He states smiling small.

Nancy walks over to Cecilia sitting on her father's bed edge and hugs the Roserade Heir. "Of course not Daddy/Very true Sir." They laugh at his expose. He drinks his coffee leans down to kiss Cecilia's head. "Perfect coffee Cherry Blossom, thank you." Cecilia giggles kisses her father on the cheek. Once finished completely Nancy takes the tray turning to walk out.

"Sir you are free of any obligations today. I will handle Flower Power and other errands. Bruce will call you if anything. Sir have a very happy birthday." Nancy bowed low at her waist to the two Roserades. As she exists closing the door. Cecilia gets up with a spring in her step waiting outside her father's door so he gets ready for the day.


The two Roserades first stop is the the zoo. Raymond chats with Otis Césaire about his work and if the aniamls need more financial services. Cecilia practically jumps up and down looking at the panther. She smiles thrilled to see the beautiful black feline. The panther's tail twitches happily it shows his fangs Cecilia believes in a smile at her. Before she continues to eat her food.

The second stop is to see Raymond's "brother" Wang Fu. Whom wishes Raymond he's best and long lasting happiness. Cecilia hugs her Uncle Fu, purromising to visit again soon maybe with her friend Kagami.

The third and final stop before heading back to Roserade Mansion is Tom/Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. Cecilia pouts walking in arm and arm with her father. 'Today's been pinkish purrfect. Purrlease don't let me see Clumsinette purrlease.' Of course Marinette Dupain-Cheng is working the counter right now.

Cecilia blinks faking a sweet smile. 'It's for Daddy. I'm doing this for Daddy.' She plays in her head like a broken record. "Hello young lady. I would like 2 chocolate croissants, and a box of a dozen caramel chocolates. Do you have pink frosted sugar cookies, if not than can you create them? I will pay double." Raymond orders polite but firmly.

Marinette blinks slowly, smiles nervously. Cecilia crosses her arms as nice as she can she demands. "Marinette do you understand my father's orders? If not, can you please get Mr. Dupain out here?" Cecilia has a tight smile on her pink glossed lips. Trying not roll her eyes or physically biting her tongue. Marinette lightly shakes her head. "I'm... very sorry. Yes I under-understood everything be back with your order." She scurries into the back Cecilia crosses her arms leaning her back against the counter. 'Dupain-Cheng what does Luka see in her?!'


Mr. Dupain comes out with Marinette holding the huge order. Raymond nods to Mr. Dupain. "Thank you both very much. Have great rest of your day." He says handing the euros and tip to Mr. Dupain. Cecilia takes the bag of pink frosted sugar cookies from her father. She smiles kindly noding her head to them "Thank you. They look delicious." before turning on her heel walking out. Taking a deep breath as she does. Raymond holding the other bags smirks knowing.

"Cherry Blossom good work. I understand why you don't like the young Dupain-Cheng, but thank you for being polite. As best you could. Don't think I didn't see your eye roll and biting your tongue." Cecilia blushes in embarrassment. "Don't apaw-logize to mew Purrincess. Just next time make it mew-ore subtle."

Cecilia giggles nodding as they walk back home "I understood Daddy. Right need to work on my poker face." Raymond side hugs his baby girl. "That's my little life. This birthday was extra special. I got to spend it with you and NO interruptions." Raymond kisses her head. She giggles hugging him tightly. "Love you too Daddy. I'm glad you had a great birthday."