Disclaimer: I don't own HP or LoZ WW.


(Later That Night)

Harry had been taken back to the doctor's home. They decided it was for the best since Sirius couldn't walk. A nurse was there to keep an eye on the injured teen. She left him alone so that he could rest. At some point she fell asleep at the desk. Sirius was still awake. Light filled the room and two transparent people appeared. They floated next to his bed.

"Lily? James?" Despite talking to them earlier he was shocked to see them.

"I'm offended you said her name first." James pouted.

"Shut up." Lily rolled her eyes. "Remember we only have until the sun rises to talk with him and say our goodbyes."

"Right." His pout disappeared.

"Dumbledore, as I said, isn't a good man." She told Sirius. "He planned to take over the world with Grindelwald."

"What?!" He choked on his spit.

"Dumbledore had a little sister who had gotten tortured by a group of muggle boys after they had seen her use magic. It drove the poor girl insane. That was why his father had done what he did to the muggles. Not for being a muggle hater but for getting revenge for what they had done to his daughter. His mum hid her away so that she wouldn't become a prisoner in the hospital. There was an accident with his sister's magic and it killed their mother. He was then forced to stay and take care of her. Grindelwald wasn't happy." James continued.

"An argument broke out. No one knows who's spell killed Ariana. Grindelwald went off on his own and continued with the plan. Dumbledore made sure no one knew what he had planned and erased all evidence that he knew the man." She said.

"When Dumbledore finally was forced to confront him a duel broke out. He defeated the man and it had given him a huge taste of fame and power." He told Sirius.

"It corrupted him. The more fame and power he got the more addicted he became. He'll now do anything to get more." Lily continued. "Voldemort was that chance."

"The prophecy angered him because it meant that he wasn't meant to do it. He had heard the prophecy in his office weeks before Snape overheard it. That was just a set up. He knew that the prophecy was about either Harry or Neville and he wanted them taken care of." He said.

"When Harry didn't die he devised a plan. Harry would defeat Voldemort and then die. Dumbledore would take credit for defeating the dark lord." Lily finished.

"Wow." Sirius had no idea what else to say.

"When you fell through the veil Harry followed you." She informed him.

"W-what?" That shocked the man.

"You were the first adult who wanted to take him out of the Dursleys care. You didn't see him as the BWL or James. You tried to argue with Dumbledore as best as you could. Harry loved you a lot. The Weasleys, well the parents, blindly followed the man and Remus refuses to burden Harry with his curse and follows Dumbledore. That bastard has only helped Remus to get his loyalty and does the bare minimum. Hopefully soon Remus will see the truth. The veil saved you both. Dumbledore planned on killing you since you didn't blindly follow him and if Voldemort and his followers didn't kill Harry he planned to." She explained.

"I-i see." He felt so betrayed.

"Pure magic erupted from the veil once Harry went through it." James told him.

"He's Magic's heir!" His parents had taught him what a person using pure magic meant before he started Hogwarts.

"Yes." He was very proud that she chose his son. "His friends and allies were healed. Voldemort died and all his horcruxes were destroyed. The Death Eaters were knocked unconscious and their magic was taken."

"Nice." Sirius was happy about that.

"Indeed. Now both of your souls were judges. You and Harry were sent here by Death. He wanted you to get a chance at living a normal life. Dumbledore wouldn't let that happen." Lily told him.

"I… I…" He began sobbing.

"Shh. It's okay Sirius. We understand." She said.

The two worked together to calm him down. It was hard because they couldn't touch him. Once he finally did the three talked for a while. Goodbyes were said before the two ghosts disappeared. Sirius fell asleep.

(One Month Later)

Sirius had recovered. The islanders gave him a small house and some furniture to use. They had even given him toys for Harry. He worked at a thrift shop as a cleaner. He cleaned any products the owner bought and routinely cleaned the products they had. The doctor's wife happily watched Harry when Sirius was at work. The two were happy.

Back at Hogwarts happiness couldn't be found. Many were saddened by the loss of their friend and hero. Some hated him more due to what happened to their parents. They had learned once the Death Eaters had woken up that their powers were gone. They weren't sealed, they were gone. The minister took great joy in sending them to a muggle prison. He made sure to issue an apology to Harry in the newspaper. He regretted his actions and wished the boy was still alive. He felt awful that he couldn't apologize in person.

He had a funeral held for the boy. He was given many awards for his services. His friends took them and had them hung up. A holiday was set up in honor of his sacrifice. Luna had told the others what happened to Harry and what he was. They promised to keep it a secret. All were happy for Harry and Sirius.

Dumbledore was pissed off. Harry was revered as a hero and not him. He was given more fame then he had gotten for defeating Grindelwald. He was even given a holiday. The elderly wizard wasn't being showered with praises, Harry was. That wasn't what he wanted or planned.

"I need to find a way to discredit him." He said as he sat in his office.

Luckily no one realized what pure magic meant. It seemed that the knowledge of that type of magic had been lost. Sirius may have been the last person to have been taught and those who did know thanks to Luna kept their mouths shut. Everyone else believed that Harry was just that powerful. Harry being Magic's heir was a secret and Harry and Sirius were safe at the moment. Too bad evil never rests.