

On with the story

Fairy Tail, Diabolos, and Tartaros. Three guilds reside upon Aldron's body

In the right hand city, Tartaros battled Diabolos and the White Fairy Tail as both sides intended to defeat the other

"OOOORRAAAAAA!" Ezel let out a battle cry as he was in a power struggle battle against Elfman who was in his Beast Soul "what's wrong?! Is this the best a man like you can do?!"

"Raaaahhh! MAN!" Elfman roared out as the two use their entire strength against each other

Keyes was in battle against Skullion Raider as both turns to ashes and strikes each other in the sky

"tch! You Demons are annoying!" Skullion exclaimed as his Ash Magic was countered by Keyes' attacks and he could not deal damage upon the demon, but Keyes in return can.

"very interesting this one, he can turn into ash just like I who can turn into Anti Ethernano Particles" Keyes said before they strike against each other

Madmole stood in his spot as Torafuzar strikes at him with his elbow blades but it did no damage upon the Armor Dragon

"it's useless, my Armor scales is impenetrable as the Armor Dragon has the strongest defense" Madmole said with his stoic expression

"is that so?" Torafuzar said with a smirk before he undergoes into his Etherious form and his body hardens "then what of this!?"

Torafuzar strikes down a hammering attack against Madmole as the blow sent the Armor Dragon crashing to the ground

"guh!? What!?" Madmole exclaimed in shock as his armor had cracked upon the attack

"Remember this, Armor Dragon!" Torafuzar exclaimed "I am the Dark, Torafuzar! Member of Tartaros' Nine Demon Gates! I am the demon with the most powerful defense!"

Madmole got back up as the Armor Dragon had a serious stare upon Torafuzar

Kyoka was up against Lisanna as the Avian Demon had taken down Lisanna

"forgive this one for doing this" Kyoka said as she placed a claw on Lisanna's forehead and the youngest Strauss Sibling instantly went into shock as she screams in pain

"Lisanna!" Mira exclaimed before going into her Satan Soul "what did you do!?"

"this one just increased her pain receptor 10x, she will not be able to move" Kyoka said before entering her Etherious Form "this one will do the same to you, in order to restrain you"

Mira glared hard at Kyoka before the two dashed and strikes their claws against each other

Lucy and Happy were heading to where the left shoulder's church is located but she was intervened by Macao, Wakaba, and Romeo

"where do you think you're going!?" "we'll take you down!" "yeah!" they shouted before they got pummeled to the ground and got their mouth stuffed with fish by Lucy and Happy

"if it's these three.." Lucy said with a grin before she high fived Happy

"we can win easy!" Happy cheered before they continued going to where they need to go

Laxus and Mard Geer battled in the left hand city as they destroyed nearby houses so easily

"haaa…haaaa….haaaa….haaaa….so this is….your full power, huh?" Laxus said while wiping away some blood from his lips "I thought the Treaty negates you from using your power against human"

"we are no longer in Ishgal, therefore the effects of the treaty is nulled and void" Mard Geer with some damage upon his body as the battle against Laxus, wore him out a bit "stand down, or Mard Geer shall do it for you"

"heh, so cocky aren't cha?" Laxus asked before lightning dance around his body and to his fist "but sorry, I ain't letting the White mage down"

"as I thought, you are mocking me" Mard Geer said spreading his claws before the two dashed towards each other

"Rairyuu no!" the electricity formed a lightning halberd in Laxus' grasp before the man swings it at Mard Geer "Hotengeki!"

"Haaaa!" Mard Geer's claws were encased in spheres of light before the demon sends them at Laxus' attack

The two attacks clashed before causing a giant explosion that took out nearby houses and wrecked the streets

In the church, was Erza, and Kyria who had appeared

Jellal was at a corner, wrapped up in bandages by Erza who had tied him up and took him down

Now the Scarlet Knight was facing against her foe in a rematch

"I'll be paying back what you did to me a few days back" Kyria said raising up her hand as magic soon covered it in a magic blade

"if you are here then the other two must be as well" Erza said watching Kyria's movement "are Diabolos planning to eat Aldron? This is troublesome"

Erza took a peek to the orb behind her as it was in the center of the church before to Jellal

"Erza~Erza~" Jellal called out to Erza as he looks to be in pleasure getting tied up

"I can't fight here head on, Jellal might get hurt" Erza looks back to Kyria who licked her lips

"let's finish our battle, once and for all" Erza said summoning Benizakura and changing into her Clear Heart Clothing

"sounds good to me" Kyria said with a smirk

The two looks to each other in a stand off before dashing towards each other and clashed their blades

"Natsu-sama! Natsu-sama! Please! Wake up! Natsu-sama!" Cocytus shouted out as Natsu laid on the ground, motionless

"it is useless" Wraith said "he is dead"

"damnit! Damnit!" Cocytus growled in anger while in tears as he couldn't protect his master

"now, to eat this flaming soul" Wraith said looking upon Natsu's soul in his hand

Natsu was in a white land, nothing was there, no sound to hear, nor nothing to see

"where…" Natsu uttered out before seeing a door appearing in front of him

He looks to the door before going to it

Natsu grabbed the handle and opens the door

Inside the door were a chair and a table

Natsu ventured in as the door closed before it disappeared

He looks around as there was only darkness, nothing else other than the chair and table

Natsu went to the table and sat down on the chair as he looks around the place once again

"how long are you going to fool around?" a dark voice spoke out as Natsu sensed a dark presence behind him

He turns but sees nothing but darkness

"you need to remember. Your friends and family need you" the voice spoke again as this time it is in front of Natsu

Natsu turns his head and sees Sala seating in front of him with a smile

"Sala-san" Natsu uttered out as Sala nodded with a smile before everything turned white

"ugh!" Natsu shielded his eyes before he finds himself in a city

He looks around before a couple of kids ran through him

"where am I now?" Natsu asked before seeing someone off in the distance as this person seems to be looking at him "who…"

The person quickly turns and started to walk away

"hey! Wait!" Natsu quickly runs to chase after the person as he runs and runs before reaching to an orphanage

"this is…." Natsu looks to the orphanage as he sees children of all ages, playing around in the playground before he saw a woman with black hair and brownish skin and was in the middle of playing with some younger kids "you….you're…"

The woman turns as she looks like Sala

"you're….not Sala-san…you're…" Natsu said before holding his head "you're…."

The woman smiled and she uttered out words for Natsu

Natsu didn't hear her as she didn't even speak

The woman repeated her actions as Natsu reads her lips

"remember?" Natsu said as the woman smiled before she and everything disappeared into white

Natsu was now in a room as he looks around to see many children's toys laying around everywhere and there was someone sitting on a rocking chair, and was facing the window, where the sun was shining

Humming were heard as the rocking chair swayed back and forth

Natsu listens to the humming before his legs unconsciously started to move himself forward towards the sound of the humming

He reached to the rocking chair where he finds Sayla, holding a pink bundle in her arms

Sayla turns to Natsu as she smiled to him before looking to the bundle, she is carrying

She pulled the tip down a bit as she revealed a baby girl with pink hair and little gold horns on the side of her head

Natsu looks to the child as the baby girl slowly opened her eyes and sees Natsu

The child instantly smiles and let out an adorable laugh to him

Natsu felt his lips formed a smile as his hand reached towards the child and he poked the child's nose, making the baby girl scrunch up her noise before she yawned

Sayla caresses the little girl's cheeks and gives her a peck before she turns to look at Natsu

"remember who you are, Natsu-sama" she uttered out as Natsu looks to her before feeling something bumping to his legs

He looks down and sees Azael hugging his legs

The child looks up to his father and smiled

"Papa!" he called out as Natsu felt a tear slides down his cheeks before everything turned white

Wraith opened his mouth as he slowly leaned towards the flaming white soul

He was about to eat it and gain Natsu's power but he stopped when the white soul, turned red and suddenly rages on like wildfire

"this is!?" Wraith looks in shock before he threw away the soul as his hand got burned

"i..can't die yet" Natsu uttered out as black markings and red scales started to crawl up his neck and to his cheeks

"Natsu-sama?" Cocytus looks to his master as the red flaming soul rages on before flying back into Natsu

"not yet…..not till I see my daughter….." Natsu said as he burst into flames

"this is…" Wraith looks at Natsu as the man got back up in flames before a red dot appeared in the flames

"I won't die…..not while Family is waiting for me!" Natsu shouted out before the flames blew away and revealed him in his original form

"what's…what's going on here!?" Wraith looks in surprise as he took a step back "how are you still alive!?"

"my will…" Natsu said as he glares at Wraith "my will to live!"

Natsu pulled back his right fist before sending it straight at Wraith

"it won't work. I am a gho-!?" Wraith said before Natsu's fist connected to his cheeks and sends the Ghost Dragon flying "h-how?!"

"Natsu-sama!" Cocytus exclaimed as Natsu clenched his fist hard before igniting it in flames

"may it be a ghost or anything…." Natsu said as his flames rages on even more "my flames will burn it all!"

Natsu dashed towards Wraith as he grabs a hold of his neck before sending a powerful right flaming hook to the Ghost Dragon's cheek before sending a knee kick to his stomach, then slamming his face to the ground

"Guuaaahhh!" Wraith cried out in pain before Natsu threw him away

"what a surprise" Wriath said getting back up "but…can you attack your own ally?"

Natsu looks at Wraith as the Ghost Dragon disappears into Cocytus

"I am able to possess bodies of humans, although this is a pup though," Wraith said in Cocytus' body "I can control them as freely as I want"

Natsu looks down on Wraith who was possessing Cocytus as the man just scoffed

"you really think that your magic is superior to mine?" Natsu asked as he lifts his hand up and did a gun sign at Cocytus before a powerful blast of light barrages at the small wolf and Wraith came out

"h-how!?" Wraith exclaimed in shock as he was out of Cocytus' body

"what, what happened?!" Cocytus asked looking confused

"your Ghost Dragon Magic is just a branch magic of Light Dragon Magic and Dark Dragon Magic, I mastered both centuries ago" Natsu said as he did a clenching motion and Wraith flied to him, as he got strangled by the man "manipulating your magic is merely child's play for me"

"is this….E.N.D!?" Wraith said before he got a powerful flaming punch to the stomach and the man was sent flying away "Gaaaahhhh!"

"what….what is going on?" Cocytus asked as he had no idea on the battle had just happened

Natsu looks to the small wolf before he snapped his fingers

Black mist surrounds Cocytus before flying into him and made his shine

Cocytus was reverted back to his human form as the Etherious looks at himself

"I've returned to my normal form?" Cocytus said before he kneeled down in front of Natsu "eternal gratitude to you, my lord!"

"who is protecting Sayla and Azael in Tartartos absence?" Natsu said to the wolf demon "explain yourself"

"forgive me my lord!" Cocytus said before he explained everything to Natsu

After getting the explanation, Natsu crosses his hands "the blast from my last battle with Ignia must've caused temporary Amnesia and made my powers go dormant?" Natsu said before he closed his eyes

Natsu's eyes appeared in the guild of Tartaros as he sees Sayla and Azael in their room with Yukino accompanying them

Soon, Franmalth came in with a tray of tea and some snacks for them

"at least, they are in protection" Natsu muttered out before he snapped his fingers and the once burned grocery bag appeared in his hands, in its previous form "go, Cocytus, Wendy will need your help"

"at once, my lord!" Cocytus said looking up to Natsu "but what of you, My lord?"

"I have something to attend to first" Natsu said as he turns and started walking away before stopping and took once last look to Cocytus "there are enemies whose power rivals that of Fairy Tail, you are allowed to use full force in defeating them"

"yes my lord!" Cocytus nodded before he turns and transforms into his wolf form and dashed towards the direction of the Right shoulder church

Natsu looks to his subordinate before turning around and started walking away

He waved his hand to the side as a powerful magic pulse was unleashed

At the Right Hand City,

Kyoka, Torafuzar, Ezel, and Keyes were in their battle against Mirajane and Diabolos before they stopped when a powerful magic pulse was unleashed

"this sensation, this one knows of it" Kyoka said before she pushed away Mira and jumped back with Ezel and the others doing the same

"Tartaros, you have my permission to use any means necessary to subdue your opponent and aid Wendy and her team in their mission with everything you have"

Natsu's voice rang out in their heads as Kyoka and the others heard it

"our lord's voice….just now" Torafuzar said as Kyoka nodded

"this one hears Master's orders" Kyoka said as she smirks "it has been long since we used our full potential"

"let's get this party started then!" Ezel exclaimed as his body glowed "Zangeki Mode!"

the multi handed Demon then charges at Elfman as he slashed his blades at him

"interesting, interesting….i shall now see how my foe fare against my true power" Keyes said before he turns into dust and barrages Skullion

"hehehe, I shall sink the Armor Dragon to the deep Abyss!" Torafuzar exclaimed

"the time has come for this one to show the true power of the Etherious" Kyoka smirked before she dashed towards Mira and pushed her to the ground "this one will enjoy a good battle after so long!"

"Mard Geer hears your words, my lord" Mard Geer said after hearing Natsu's message

"Raaaah!" Laxus sends a fist at Mard Geer who caught it before the Underworld King sends a fury of punches at the Lightning Dragon and then sends the man flying to the sky

Mard Geer spreads his wings before he jetted up and appeared above Laxus

"Dea!" a ball of light formed in Mard Geer's claws as it started to enlarged "Ygdrassil!"

The Underworld King soon unleashed a powerful blast as a giant wooden beam hits Laxus and sends the man crashing to the ground

"Gaaaah!" Laxus let out a shout of pain as Mard Geer looks to the defeated man before flying to the church to aid Erza in her battle

At the Right hand City, Gray and the others were heading to right shoulder church but stopped when they meet up with Lucy and Happy

"you guys!" Happy called out

"you ok?!" Lucy screamed out

"we are!" Gray replied before they heard a loud explosion a few kilometers away from them

"is that…" Juvia said as Gray nodded

"those guys are letting it loose" Gray said before he heard footsteps coming from in front of them

They turn to see who it was and it was Natsu

"my lord!" Tempester instantly bowed down to his master as the man kneeled down on his knees

"at ease, Tempester" Natsu said as Tempester stands back up

"where's Cocytus? Didn't he go to you?" Lucy asked

"he went to aid Wendy, she might be in trouble" Natsu replied before walking away

"Natsu-sama, where are you?" Tempester asked

"I have something to attend to, Tempester come with me" Natsu said as Tempester nodded before he followed him "while the rest of you, should go and find this White Mage. She's very troublesome"

"and what are you going to do?" Gray asked

"tell me where she is" Natsu said as he looks to them and let them see his eyes glowing black and his fangs sharpened "and I'll be the one who erases her"

Gray and the others felt a shudder run down their spine as the man was a very terrifying

Natsu then turns around as he started walking away with Tempester following

"o..kay…let's go and find the White Mage" Gray said as everyone nodded before they head off

In the Right Shoulder Church, Wendy in her cocooned form was up against Nebal as she looks determined in defeating the Sticky Dragon

"you…..what Dragon are you?" Nebal asked

"I'm the Sky Dragon, The Sky Dragon Slayer" Wendy said

"no…you the Coocon Dragon" Nebal said surprising Wendy

"coocoo" Nebal laughed

"I'm Wendy!" Wendy shouted

"get wrapped up one more time!" Nebal exclaimed as he fired sticky webs all over Wendy

"not this time!" Wendy exclaimed as she dropped down and rolled away "the same trick won't work again!"

"coocoo rolled!" Nebal said in surprise as Charla sweatdropped in Wendy's action

Wendy rolled around before she rolled towards Nebal and jumped up

"Tenryu no!" she jumped up before sending a kick at Nebal's head "Kagizume!"

Nebal dropped down to the floor before he got back up quick and shot a stick web towards the orb and escaped another attack from Wendy

"the orb!" Wendy exclaimed

"coocoo interesting…me decided not to eat you…" Nebal said as his webs started to wrap around the orb "me do real goal"

"Wendy! Stop him!" Charla exclaimed before the or got wrapped up in the web before it shattered into pieces

"boom!" Nebal laughed as he cackled

Soon, the right shoulder city, started to rumble and shake due to the destruction of an orb

Natsu and Tempester were walking in the street before Natsu stopped when he sensed the rumbling of another city

"they destroyed two now…" Natsu muttered out before walking to a restaurant, where Sala owns "Aldron is going to wake up soon"

He and Tempester entered in as he finds Sala at the cashier of her restaurant

"standby here" Natsu told Tempester as the demon nodded with a bow

Natsu entered in as Sala looks to him

"welcome back" Sala greeted him with a smile as Natsu nodded

The two went towards each other before Natsu passes the grocery bag to her

"I've got the grocery" Natsu said as Sala nodded in gratitude

"I thank you, Sala." Natsu bowed a bit as he paid his gratitude for her "for rescuing me and helping me"

"it's nothing" Sala said "go, your friends are going to need you"

Natsu nodded before he turns around and started walking away

"you aren't from here, right?" Natsu asked as Sala nodded "you came from somewhere called Takka?"

"I'm from Tekka" Sala replied "I came here a few years back with my passed away Fiance"

"I see..then I suggest that you need to leave" Natsu said

"why?" Sala asked as Natsu stopped walking and looks to her

"Aldron is waking up soon, and things might be a bit hectic" Natsu said before he snapped his fingers and a small sack appeared on a table near Sala "take it and leave as fast as you can, there's enough gold in that sack for you to start a new"

Natsu leaves the restaurant as Tempester followed

Sala looks to the man before to the sack of jewels and then head back to the back and started to pack up, heeding his words

The towns rumbled as they all shake

Wraith got back up from Natsu's attack as he was going back to find him

"i….i can't…..i can't be defeated yet!...not till…..i find…..the one who killed me!" Wraith said as he was going to the direction of where Natsu was before he encountered Makarov who was walking by

"that old man…..he has power….." Wraith smiled as he approached the old man and was about to posses him when he stopped

(Skipping the whole remembering scene)

"Wraith…..i….i can feel your presence" Makarov said looking to the sky "are you…here?"

Wraith looks at Makarov in tears as he smiled before he sparkled and started to disappear

"how foolish I am" Wraith said as he started to go invisible "trying to gain power when I could just rest in peace for my family"

Makarov felt a breeze pass by him before he looks to the side and Wraith was gone

That's a wrap!

Bye bye