AN - Just wanna let you peeps know that many of you love or at least care for this fanfic and I greatly appreciate it considering I am pretty new to this, at least a couple weeks or a month. So I'll answer some questions for reaching a total of 76 of follows and favorites, I think.
Q: Can you mix Blue Lions and Golden Deer route?
A: No I will not mix the routes, but expect all houses to join together at a point and also expect Byleth to teach ALL houses.
Q: Am I correct to assume that the reason Grima did not die was because at the last moment, he merged with Robin? If so, will he soon return and try to takeover his vessel's body?
A: You are correct to assume that, but the Grima in our Robin (one you play as) dies while the other merges with him. And yes he will return but not soon, look at it like this, Grima is deceiving Robin.
Q: Will there be a Grima/Robin vs Sothis/Byleth, a battle/war between two avatars and The Beginning and The End?
A: Of course there will be a battle between the two or four! I'm not a man of good endings! I love sad ones! But that doesn't mean the ending will be sad.
Walking into the camp of mercenaries felt familiar. Robin couldn't know what about it felt familiar though. He let out a long sigh and slumped into his chair. He got to know the mercenaries, at least the big figures. Jeralt, the leader of the camp, and his daughter Byleth, and in the time he got to know them Jeralt just felt like a dotting father and Byleth was a bit of a mystery he will solve. Seeing the two train together was like seeing an entirely different person, the curious gaze turned into a calculating gaze, her air around her turned from relaxed and lazy to rigid and firm.
"Robin...?" He turned around to see Byleth poking her head into his temporary temp. "Father wants to speak with you..."
He let out a sigh, not out of annoyance but out of the unknowns, he didn't know anything about himself nor the world itself, "I'll be right there Byleth, I won't keep him waiting." He got up from the chair and exited the tent, following after Byleth.
"Ah! Robin, didn't expect you to come this quickly," he stood up reaching out his hand for a handshake, "I honestly thought you would take longer seeing as it is the night, most people tend to turn in early." He let out a small laugh.
Robin thought the man was too trusting, shaking his hand nonetheless, "And what do you need of me Jeralt?"
He walked over towards a nearby table, signaling them to get closer, "I wanted to let you know we are passing a village soon, thought you might want to stay there."
Looking at the map he noticed it did show a village, remembering he was in a kingdom called... Fodland, "Thank you for the offer but I would like to stay here." Jeralt looked at Robin, curious of why he would want to stay with a band of mercenaries, "It's just I seem to remember something when I'm here with you."
Jeralt smiled, slapping Robin into the back causing him to almost fall but Byleth caught him in time. "Sorry. But I'm happy to know your starting to remember things, being an amnesiac is not a fun thing. Now that your staying though, you should get some rest, we move soon." With that he shooed them out.
Steadying himself on his two legs, he looked at Byleth, "So... What are you guys doing?"
Looking up (Yes, up, Robin won't be short, yay.) she stared at him as they continued walking. Making Robin fidget uncomfortably. Letting out a sigh she answered, "We are traveling across Fodlan to find jobs as mercenaries. It seems we are at your tent."
Looking at his tent he let out a small fake laugh. "O-oh! Well, thank you for bringing me here. Would of got lost."
She stared at him again, "yes. you would. Goodbye." With that she left, disappearing behind the nearby tents.
Robin watched as she left and shook his head, "What an odd person."
Byleth opened her eyes, she was back at this dream again. A yell rang across the place, "What are you doing!" turning around she saw a familiar girl on the throne. "You imbecile! I told you stay away from it! It could kill us!"
Byleth looked up on confusion, "It? What could kill us?"
The girl on the throne kicked her legs in annoyance and rubbed her temple, "The thing?" She still looked confused, "never mind, must be because you woke up too soon last time." She mumbled before looking at Byleth again, "Robin, the new guy?"
"What makes him so dangerous."
She threw her hands in the air, "What is this! An interrogation!?" She then slumped into her throne, "Besides the fact he can kill you, he can destroy the world. Better?"
As the answer Byleth nodded her head, "What is this place."
"You can think of this like... a dream! Yes a dream, you can come here by sleeping for now."
Byleth rubbed her chin thinking, "If this is a dream... then I don't need to believe what you say."
The girl stared at Byleth, dumbfounded, "What are you! An idiot!" She slowly started to fade, "Wait! I'm not done with you!"
Opening his eyes, he felt uneasy. He was surronded by darkness, not a single thing in sight, "Robin..." he felt his spine tingle, turning around he saw a beast of nightmares, "What am I going to do with you~" he sing songed slowly bringing his head down to Robin's level.
Robin backed up, "Wh-who are you!"
Grima let out a fake gasp, "You don't remember me! My dear Robin. We were very close friends."
"And why should I trust you!?"
"Well, I can show you your missing memories to prove my point, I may look intimidating but I'm not that bad."
He weighed his choices, trust him, pros, gain his lost memories and know what's going on. Cons, worst comes to worst he dies. Don't trust him, pros, not many and cons, still die. He didn't know what to pick, both seem like horrible options. "I... I trust you..."
The beast let out a laugh, "Wasn't that hard was it?" Bringing his sharp claw to Robin's forehead he tapped it, "I guess a deals a deal." The pain that followed was unbearable, he collapsed grabbing his head slowly losing consciousness.
Opening his eyes again he was standing before two blue haired individuals, Chrom and Lucina, "On Ylisses behalf I will end you!" Chrom shouted dashing at him.
Robin tried to do something but it seemed impossible, as if he was watching his memories, "What is the meaning of this!" Jumping to the right he pulled out his tome and levin sword.
Lucina soon dashed at him, "The exalt decided Plegia needs a new ruler!"
Parrying her sword he launched a spell of thunder, "arcthunder!"
Chrom and Lucina soon regrouped, "Stop this and we will make it painless!" Chrom shouted.
"You think I'm going to let myself die for such a pity reason!? Arc wind!" Launching another spell Robin dashed at the two through the smoke of the debris.
Lucina sidestepped the spell disappearing into the dust, "a pity then."
Robin looked through his memories, it was all clear now. He was the next king of plegia after his father, the exalt of Ylisse and his daughter soon attacked him when they were in a meeting to discuss future plans for the greater good.
Suddenly feeling a burning sensation in his sides he looked to see both Chrom and Lucina both stabbed him, "You... traitors..." collapsing on the ground he saw the two walk out of the room until it faded into pitch black.
He felt someone shaking him, opening his eyes he saw Byleth staring at him again, "What are you doing."
She let go of his shoulders, "Meeting." She then walked out of the tent with no other words to share.
"A meeting?" Lifting himself off of the bed he stared through the slit of the tent, it was day. 'Was that really a dream?' Walking out of the tent he was greeted with the brightest light he may ever seen. His eyes soon adjusting to the light he saw the mercenaries going about their days.
He felt someone tap his shoulder, "What are you waiting for."
"Oh, I'm sorry. Lead the way." Walking down the aisle of tent felt awkward so he tried to start some small talk, "So, what is the meeting about?" He asked.
Byleth answered quickly not sparring him a single glance, "We are moving soon, Jeralt wants you to be with him when we move so he can protect you."
"Shouldn't I be in the middle then? What if we get attacked from the front, just him won't be enough to defend me."
"Ask him, I don't know why." Walking for what seemed forever they soon reached the biggest tent compared to the rest, "We're here." Lifting the entrance Robin saw Jeralt holding a map.
"Ah! I thought you would take longer." Walking in most of his belongings were already packed and ready for the trip. "I just want to discuss some things for this trip if that's ok with you."
"It is." Robin swiftly responded.
Jeralt let out a laugh, "If you reply that quickly I'll have trouble telling my daughter and you apart!" Robin scratched his neck, "Anyways you'll be in the front with me and Byleth."
"But what if we get attacked with mages? You guys aren't properly prepared to defend yourselves and me."
"Then we send in the Calvary."
"Then what if they send in heavily armored people to counter?"
"We have mages at the ready, where are you going with this?"
"What if they prepared for that and had archers waiting for that?"
Jeralt let out a laugh, "Well then, are you are tactician or what?"
Robin scratched his neck again, "I believe I am. So, can I be positioned somewhere else?"
Jeralt slapped his back for the second time in a span of 24 hours, "No. You don't know what this old man can do yet!"
"C-captain!" A man bursted into the tent. "We spotted three people being attacked by bandits!"
Jeralt switched to a serious demeanor quickly erasing his carefree one, "Robin, Byleth with me you, quickly tell the others to protect the area around them, we don't want more people attacking them." He looked at Robin, "Well tactician, let's see what you can do."
Quickly running into the forest with Robin and Jeralt, she spotted three kids being attacked. "They look like nobles." Robin stated.
Her dad soon spoke, "Noble or not we protect them."
Robin rolled his eyes, "Didn't say I wasn't going to protect them. Elfire!" Launching Fire at the two bandits that were trying to attacked the yellow garbed noble.
Byleth looked shocked, she wasn't expecting him to pull out a tome and sword out of no where and destroy those two, in fact the only remains were their ashes, "Your a mage?" She asked.
"No, I'm a tactician, Jeralt, mind covering the blue one? He needs some help I'll help the yellow one, Byleth the Red one." The two broke off leaving Byleth standing there watching them run off.
"ARRRGHHH!" Turning to the source she saw a bandit wielding an axe preparing to swing from behind, about to kill the red garbed female. Running quickly Byleth grabbed her and turned around, her back facing the bandit and the girl with a shocked expression.
Around her time seemingly froze, "Gahh! What are you doing!" She heard that voice before, the one from her dreams, "Trying to get yourself killed already! Whatever, let me help you." The time around her seemed to rewind, watching Robin and Jeralt run off again and the same battlecry from the bandit. Acting quickly she instead ran towards the girl grabbing her and swung her iron sword at the bandit, his body falling over in front of the two.
"I have your back." Byleth assures the girl
"Edelgard." Swinging her axe at another bandit, killing him.
Parrying a sword from a bandit she kicked him back, "Byleth..."
Three of the five bandits rushed Byleth, two doing an overhead and the last one going for a stabbing motion, Byleth side stepped, successfully dodging the overheads and stab, she then slashed at one of their legs, crippling one of them from the battle. "You wrench!" One of them shouted, recklessly charging at her with a predictable swing she parryed it and dodged another swing from behind, "Just die already!" From the distance she could hear the galloping of horses drawing closer, "Damn, they have backup!" The rest of the bandits started to run away, trying to avoid an unwinable battle.
"Stop right there!" Turning around she saw a man in clad in armor and on a horse, noticing him look to his right he looked shocked, "Captain Jeralt!?" Leaning over his horse to confirm his suspicion made him even more shocked, "It is you! Goodness, it's been ages! Do you remember me!? Your right hand man! Well, that's how I saw it."
Jeralt let out a sigh, "Yes Alois, I recognize you, are these your kids?"
Alois recoiled back, "Kids?! Goodness no! These are the students!"
Robin soon walked towards Jeralt, "Students? Why are they all the way out here?"
"Well, they were on their latest assignment to hunt an animal together. I also noticed you and the girl over are good fighters."
Jeralt put his hand on Byleth's shoulder, "This girl here is my daughter Byleth! Pretty amazing eh?"
"Wh-What!? I never knew you were married! I apologize!" Byleth shook her age at Alois to tell him it was fine. "Anyways I would like to offer your daughter and the boy something old friend."
"Hmm? An offer? For what?" Jeralt asked curiously.
"To teach the students of the future generation of course, what else!"
AN - Sorry for writing another short chapter, at least if you consider 2000 words short, and for not posting for a while. Got pretty busy with school and a new game! Anyways I'm back.