"So this is my deck…"

"Indeed, it shall function as it did in the work of fiction you described, but with the full power of the spirits, instead of a diluted copy," an androgynous voice responded, without emotion.

"With this, the debt is repaid, start the process now," another voice said, this one clearly male, with a prideful and deep voice. "You will not be able to contact us again, we thank you once more for what you have done."

You could feel the gratitude rolling off his voice, but I waved him off. The 17 years of suffering had already passed. No phantom pains were felt, and the torturous pain would never graze my body ever again. To make sure of that I got a different body, and settled for a different world. I only took on the responsibility in the first place because I knew what gifts awaited, and I have a high pain tolerance.

And today, finally, my efforts bore fruit, and a golden stream of light started swirling around me slowly, like a tornado, it just kept rising and rising, and soon, I started floating after it.

I observed the deck of seven thick cards. They had assured me they could never break, and never be lost. Saber, Lancer, Rider, Archer, Caster, Berserker, and Assassin– were the label written on each card, with a humanoid drawing accurately representing what you would imagine when you read those words, a caster clad in robes holding a staff, or an assassin wearing dark clothes, hiding all features, and wielding two knives.

Soon I would be at the top of the tornado. I could feel my body changing, but I noticed I wouldn't be able to actually see it happen. I was being forced asleep by the mysterious powers of the gods below me, and it would be futile to resist. In the end, it was what I wished for, so I would not resist anyways, and soon, the sounds of the golden swirl of divine wind lulled me asleep.


I did not know how much time had passed since then, but when I woke up, it was noon. I was sitting in a comfortable chair outside, with an ice cream cone in my hand in the middle of a loud city. It didn't even feel like I had fallen asleep in the first place, but that I had been here all along, awake, but I suppose my reincarnation happened this way to ease me into it.

"Are you listening, jou-chan? This information is hard to come by so listen carefully, sheesh.."

In front of me, sitting on the other side of the round table I had appeared on was a muscular middle aged man with dark green hair and a beard. It would appear I was reincarnated like this to make me naturally fit into the world. It's a relief I wasn't just dropped into a random forest, without any identification or clue as to where I am.

"Sorry, but could you repeat that?" since I had no reason not to, I took a bite of my ice cream and looked the man in the eyes. He leaned closer and glanced around to make sure nobody was watching, so I leaned in too. Obviously he wants secrecy, and I'd be stupid to give up potentially useful information.

"Okay, so here's how it is. The hunter exam will start 4 hours from now in Zaban City, in the restaurant next to High Rise Hotel. To get access to the actual exam, ask the chef if the back room is open. He will ask for your order, and here is where you respond with this: 'The steak combo that opens your eyes to the light. For one,' if you are alone, that is. When he asks how you want them served, respond with: 'Grilled over a low flame, until cooked.' That's all the information you'll need to get into the hunter exam. Cya, jou-chan."

The man glanced around once more to see if anyone was eavesdropping, before walking away when he was in the clear.

While he did that, I wrote the information down in a mini notebook found in my chest pocket, and also confirmed my class cards to be in a holster tied around my left thigh. The holster was made of brown leather, and was not bothering me at all.

It appears I have also become a little girl, but that's the secondary to this. Apparently, the gods dropped me into the start of Gon's timeline. The hunter exam location swaps every year for something new, and this, as far as I can remember, perfectly resembles the scenario I know of.

I wrote everything he told me down, checked through all my pockets and found a thick wallet in my skirt's pocket, filled to the brim with money. I had a phone in the other pocket, but it had no personal files, notes, or apps. A smartphone, thankfully, as I have more experience using those than the old button phones. At least I have mobile wifi, so I opened the map app, and found that Zaban city was a train ride away.

With that, I set off to the train station with my gps. The train to Zaban would be leaving in 30 minutes, and it was almost fully booked.

On the way there, I looked myself in the mirror of the window panes of various stores. I resemble a character from an old manga I used to read. Neumann from Reincarnation no Kaben, which I don't mind, since she was apparently a beauty leaving the manga. The pointy ears might be a problem, but I am not sure about discrimination of this world. Red eyes shouldn't be a problem, considering hisoka had yellow eyes, neither should white hair, as proven by Killua.

Though, if anyone tried something funny, I could just beat them up or kill them.

It would make no difference in the end, I won't stay in this land for too long. Only about three years if I'm not mistaken.

The train ride was very comfortable, I had picked a spot close to the back end of the train that was fairly empty, and could enjoy some really good sleep. The second I sat down, I felt exhausted, and fell asleep before I knew what happened. Either the reincarnation process was straining, or this body was simply exhausted.

When I woke up, it was to the sound of our arrival in Zaban City being announced. I was almost too late to get off the train, but I managed before the doors shut. I pulled out my phone to see two hours have passed, the exams start in another two, but do I want to go now, or be with the last to get there?

I guess it would be better if as little people as possible know my appearance. I will get some food and drinks, then go there in an installed state..

I guess I could go as assassin.

I stopped by a few stores and stalls and bought food and drinks, all of which were foreign to me, but looked delicious or interesting. Especially the snacks here in Zaban, they had candies that resembled nothing of my old world. I put my purchases in a plastic bag while I ate something reminiscent to a taco.

It was delicious, and just as I finished eating, I arrived in front of the restaurant.

There was a clear contrast between the high end hotel, and the common little restaurant at it's side. Opening the door to the restaurant gave a pleasant little bell sound, and the chef who was washing dishes as there weren't that many customers noticed my entry.

"Is the back room open?" I called out.

This seemed to get more attention, although he did hide it fairly well. "What'll you be having?"

"I'll have..."–I hummed, and made it look like I was considering it–"the steak combo that opens your eyes to the light. For one."

He smirked very subtly, "And how do you want it?"

"Grilled over a low flame, until cooked."

"Go right ahead, then."

I nodded and walked through the restaurant. The back room was as I remembered it from the show, and had three chairs around a rotatable round table. After I closed the door, it started acting like the elevator it was supposed to be.

"Okay, let's do this.." I pulled out the assassin class card, placed it on the floor, and let instincts guide me through the process as I uttered the keyword, "Install!"

An intricate red magic circle appeared on the floor, and a flash of red covered me as it rose through me like how you imagine a scanner to do. The process did not last long, but as it passed through me, the clothes it passed through were altered.

My black sneakers turned into a pair of black, flat heeled shoes, and my white skirt turned into black sweatpants barely loose enough not to call skin-tight. Instead of the noble-ish 1900's shirt I wore, instead I wore a thin form fitting black shirt turtleneck, with a dark gray hooded cloak that only hung over my shoulders, and covered my chest. Under the cloak I wore the skull mask every Hassan assassin wore, and I held two black dirks, though I could tell I could summon more.

My appearance would be fairly eye catching, to be honest, but it hid my identity, and would work to my favor during the third stage.

My cards were not attached to my thigh, but had probably been stored until I uninstalled, but it was a relief that my bag of snacks was still here. With a thought, both of the weapons disappeared somewhere, and I picked up the bag while the elevator door opened to a ding.

Just like in the anime, the underground hall was filled to the brim with people glaring at and trying to intimidate the newbie, though some quickly appeared intimidated in return at my appearance. I walked over to the side, ignoring the rabble, and took a seat on a pipe I had to jump two meters up to reach. It'd be so embarrassing if I had misunderstood the feeling of strength I had for something else and not been able to make the jump, but it worked out surprisingly smoothly.

I soon had to drop down again and repeat when the bean man approached and handed me a tag, with this number 100, which I attached to my chest, on my shirt instead of my cloak, meaning it was hidden, but I was not breaking any rules.

The snacks were delicious, as expected, but ran out soon enough, and I had nothing to do for, according to my phone, another hour. I had no connection, so I couldn't scroll through the internet, and I still had only gotten two hours of sleep, so I considered taking another nap, but decided against it.

First, we have the so called 'Rookie Crusher Tonpa', and then we have at least a dozen poison specialists –one of which uses hornets, and another who uses a snake– who might try something. And last but not least, we have Mr. Assassin himself, Illumi Zoldyck, in all his needly glory. I don't want to let my guard down in the presence of all of these threats.

So instead, I simply sat there, remembering each tag, and no one knew I was looking at them due to the mask, the only knew I was facing their general direction. And though that was enough the freak out the weak willed, the more confident contestants ignored me.

I forced myself through the boredom after I had memorized as many, only twenty minutes remained, and the rookie hunter apparently worked up the courage to approach me..

As fat as he was, he sort of reminds me of a wrestler, and considering he has gone through this exam 35 times without dying, it should be fairly obvious he knows some sort of martial arts, or something like that. His friendly facade was clearly tense as he approached me, and considering my most likely intimidating appearance, I don't blame him.

It's like I'm wearing a halloween costume, but I went a bit overboard.

Well, that's none of my concern. I don't want to talk to him. I created a dirk, then I flicked my wrist so quick that he didn't know what happened, flinging a dirk knife with expert precision, as if I had been doing this for years with the nonchalance that would come with being this good at something. The knife, like I had seen many anime portray, narrowly missed his face, only cutting a thin line of on his cheek.

He flinched and sweated up instantly, before he mechanically turned around and walked away, with fear rolling off of his body in waves. All the while, he laughed awkwardly.

Soon enough, Gon and his party came, but they are irrelevant to me. At most, they are a source of nostalgia, but that did nothing to mend my lack of interest in them. I've seen their adventures, and I understand their personality like I had known them personally for years. Hell, their personality is accurately described in wikis on the internet, it ain't no secret if you're from my old world.

So I relaxed on my pipe, and waited for the annoying alarm I knew would come, as the wall would open, and the Hunter Exam would start.


Okay, there we go, first chapter. I rewrote the ending, and the monologue and interaction with Tonpa, because I really disliked how I handled it. Now let me clear up a few things.

First of all, I realize I have not uttered the MCs name yet, but that will come later.

Secondly, there will be no pairings, or at least, if there is a pairing it will be with an OC. I am sick, and tired of this amazing anime's fanfiction being solely romance or fluff, or even just an OC following Gon and Killua on their adventures. The Phantom Troupé fics are just as bad, considering it always ends up either being a romance fic in the end, or they join Gon and Killua, or Kurapika. Nen has so much potential, but I haven't seen a single fic yet, that fucking explores it.

Third, this isn't a harem fic.

And last but not least, yes, these are the class cards from fate/kaleid, and she has 7 cards, one of each class. Please leave a review, telling me which card you want to see, and what the servant can do, because I really am not sure who I want.

Archer, Saber, and Assassin are taken.

No Gilgamesh or Arturia.