Disclaimer- I do not own the Labyrinth or any of its original Characters, that privilege belongs to Jim Henson
My story does contain: some violent scenes, sex scenes and some mild sexual violence. It is rated R . This is not a dark Jareth story.
Also this is my very first time ever writing anything. I have never really considered myself much of a writer so I am extremely nervous at publishing my first chapter. Please be kind. I am open to feed back good or bad and I will definitely take it on board. Please let me know if you would like me to continue the story and I will try to smash more out. I don't want to request reviews but they are valuable beyond belief. Thanks guys and I hope you enjoy my first fan fic xx
Chapter 1: The Surrendering
Sarah Williams laid on the cold concrete of her captors floor. Covered in blood, battered and bruised from a psychotic man that had told her just moments before that he loved her. In addition he had forced her to return the words to him. She had never felt more disgusted with herself. At that very moment there was truly only one person who came to mind. Only one person who she really wanted there and she knew deep down that she had burnt that bridge upon their last encounter.
As she laid there, she began thinking back on what had occurred earlier that day, the events that had led her to this dismal and depressing point in her life. She realised that at that moment if she did not act quickly her young life would be over in a blink of an eye.
It had been an average morning like any other, except for the fact that is was her first day of college. She had been nervous leading up to it. All summer long she had tried to keep herself busy not only to keep her mind occupied from the nervousness of beginning college but also to help distract her from her longing of returning to the labyrinth. Over the summer, Sarah had joined a drama club and had made some new friends, hoping to make the transition from high school to university easier, she thought having made some acquaintances with students that had similar interests to her own would mean that she would have people to turn to when she was feeling awkward and alone.
She was used to being alone, she didn't have many friends during her high school years, most people thought she was weird and reserved. All the boys in her year didn't even bother despite how beautiful she was, it was common knowledge that there was no point in trying to get anywhere with her. She was considered a prude and it honestly didn't bother her in the slightest.
Her teacher, Mr. Kendall, had taken what some people would consider an abnormal interest in Sarah's talents as an actress.
Mr. Kendell was a Tall man with a domineering physique, he had dark brown eyes and hair and a strong jawline, he was always nicely dressed usually in a three piece suit. Sarah thought that he looked to be in his early thirties, although a lot of women would have found him attractive to Sarah he just didn't quite make the cut. To her he was too forward and came across as being creepy. Which in turn made him physically unattractive to her. She wasn't against the idea of an older guy, after all her heart fluttered with the thought of Jareth, who had to be... at least a century old?
Mr Kendell's consistent unprofessionalism included his constant need for his students to call him Nick. Sarah felt awkward calling him by his first name but he constantly insisted so she felt obliged to. Towards the end of the summer the entire drama class had noticed the unusual interest "Nick" had taken in Sarah. She often felt him gazing over at her.
Whenever she would act out her lines, he would always look her over, up and down like some sort of piece of meat. He was always complimenting the dramatisation of the scenes she would act out. He would tell her that when she was recognised by Hollywood,
"she would be the object of every mans fantasy."
Of course he would never say these things to her around her other classmates. He would wait until after class when she was packing her bag up. No matter how quickly she tried to escape he always seemed to catch her on her way out. She didn't really know how to reject his advances so she always just tried to laugh it off and tell him she was running late to meet up with her boyfriend. (Her non existent boyfriend)
When she wasn't acting she often found her thoughts drifting back to her encounter with the Goblin King. He had awakened a lust and heart wrenching pain that she hadn't realised was within her until she had finally come to the realisation that she could never return back to the place where she truly felt she belonged-back to the Goblin King. It had been three years since she had last seen him, her thoughts would always go back to the final words that she said to him.
"you have no power over me."
She thought of his face- Shock and disbelief that a young girl could reject the offer of her dreams laid out on a silver platter. At the time she had just been too young and too focused on the task at hand. Her only thought was to rescue her baby brother. Toby had been her responsibility and she had wished him away. Her dreams meant nothing to her if she had to live with the fact that she was responsible for her baby brother being turned into a goblin. So her tunnel vision had prevented her from grasping her dreams which in short were to: live in a fantasy, to find her prince and live happily ever after- her own personal fairytale, just like all of her books.
The morning she had awaken for her first day she found that Despite her efforts of trying to organise herself the night before, she was running late.
She had woke in a panic and was reminded of where she was meant to be that morning, as she gazed with foggy eyes at the piles of new books on the desk in the corner of her room. She found herself in an abrupt scurry across the house as she ran down the stairs to find Karen her selfish and unloving stepmother glaring at her.
She was seated at the small table in the kitchen with a judgemental frown on her face, she glanced at Sarah's father As if to say:
"This is what im talking about, she is always running late and constantly acting irresponsibly."
Sarah ignored her stepmothers unkind stares and quickly scarfed down some oatmeal and ran back upstairs to her bedroom. She then jumped in to the shower and scrubbed her hair and body with such hast her porcelain skin had turned a pale pink, her dark tresses laid knotted down her back. She charged out of the bathroom and ran a brush through her wet hair. She proceeded to throw on a pair of pale pink cotton bikini briefs and matching sports bra followed by her favourite jeans and a clean blouse.
She gave a quick glance in the mirror and gave a gentle shrug as if to say "Meh, good enough."
She was normally a natural kind of girl but most days she at least tried to dry her hair and put some lip stick on.
She grabbed the large pile of books and her brown leather book bag that was already filed to the brim. She ran out of her bedroom door and down the stairs.
As she crossed the threshold of the front door, she exclaimed. "Bye Family, As usual I'm unorganised and running late!"
With that she was out the door and down the road on her way to her first day of college.
As she arrived at her university's steps, she approached the large building, its old and majestic appearance made Sarah feel even more nervous and overwhelmed. She had ran all the way from her home which was really just around the block when driving, but when she had to walk she found it seemed like forever.
"One minute is a lot of time when you don't have it." She though to herself, with a sigh.
As she marched up the steps she realised she must have looked a mess. A light bead of sweat had taken residence upon her brow, her book bag dug deeply into her shoulder, the books she carried felt heavy and she felt her fingers going numb. She had been in such a frazzled hurry that as she lept up the large brick stairs, she lost her footing and missed a step. She found herself falling forward, purposely dropping all of her books with the instinct to try and break her fall with her hands. Just as she was about to dive face first into the bricks in front of her. A pair of large masculine hands grabbed her forearms and pulled her towards their body. Sarah looked up curious and embarrassed to see who had broken her fall. She was shocked and disappointed to see it was in fact her teacher, Nick.
"So glad that I was able to catch you Miss Williams. You have just made my day." He whispered into her ear.
Sarah proceeded to break their contact with a flustered swoop she began to pick up her books and toss her bag back over her shoulder. In an attempt to look less distressed, she grabbed her still damp dark locks and twirled them to one side of her head, over her shoulder.
"Sorry Mr. Kendall, I'm running so late I wasn't watching where I was going, if you'll excuse me, I really need to get to class, I can't be late on my first day." She timidly replied.
He proceeded to close the gap between them, bending down to Sarah's face he raised an eyebrow and licked his lips. She could feel his warm breath on her face.
"Okay Sarah, perhaps I will catch up with you later, I would love it if we could rehearse some lines together. And as always please call me Nick." He said smoothly.
She raised a brow and felt her face blush out of sheer shock from Nicks forwardness. She new that the look of uncomfortableness was clear across her face. She racked her brain with how she should reply,
"I think I will be really busy, I'm planning on spending all my spare time studying in the library. If you'll excuse me, I really do have to go." She hesitantly said, her innocent eyes burning into his lustfilled ones.
She politely smiled and ran up the rest of the steps into the building.
Surprisingly after a day of long classes Sarah had actually decided she would go to the library, not to study but to indulge in the current novel that she found herself engulfed in. She really didn't want to go home to be judged and ostracised by her family. So she decided the library was the best place to curl up and read her book. She chose one of the large velvet antique chairs in the corner. As she looked around she found that the lights were low and the only lights she could see were that of the old fashioned green desk lights that were sparse through out the old drafty room.
"Great how the hell am I going to see what I'm reading." She said quietly to herself.
She rolled her eyes and looked around the room, she then noticed just how old the library really was. The walls looked as though they were made of a dark mahogany, the old shelves matched their appearance, she noticed a strong smell of moth balls that accompanied it. She also noticed that she was in fact alone. Sarah then decided that it was getting late and maybe she should just head home and read in bed. As she started to get up to collect her things. She heard footsteps in the stacks behind her. She stopped what she was doing and hesitantly walked over to investigate the noise, after all she had thought that she was alone. As she proceed towards the stacks an uncomfortable feeling settled in her stomach, most would refer to it like butterflies but Sarah felt it to be more like flying bats.
"Hello? Is someone here? I was just on my way out, sorry if I disturbed you." She gently spoke out, so quietly it almost came out of her lips as a whisper.
No reply. No further noise of any kind.
Sarah Froze with a sudden fear, she had seen way too many horror movies and knew how this kind of scene ended.
She quickly high tailed back towards her chair and started quickly to grab her things. As she was fumbling her bag together a large hand came up from behind her and plastered itself over her mouth. The other large arm came around her waist and firmly held her arms against her sides. Sarah tried to scream but it was no use. She kicked and screamed, her last attempt was to try and bite the hand that covered her mouth. And that was the last thing she remembered before she woke up to find herself in what looked to be a dark and dingy basement.
She opened her tired tear filled eyes to see Nick squatting down next to her. Her head ached and she felt an overwhelming feeling of drowsiness overcoming her body. Nick bent down and picked up her petite frame, almost as if she were weightless. He looked at her with hungry lust filled eyes, and bent his head down to hers and stole a kiss. It was aggressive and sloppy and made Sarah's stomach turn sour.
In an attempt to stop his tongue from darting into her mouth. She bite down hard on his lip. She tasted a metallic liquid following and knew she had broken the skin.
Shocked, Nick dumped her to the floor.
" Oh I see, that's how you like it." He said excitedly, wiping the blood from his lip.
Sarah scrambled across the floor and backed herself in the wall creating as much distance between them as she could.
"Why are you doing this to me." She replied in what she felt as a pathetic whimper.
"My dear, simply because I love you... I want us to be together. You just simply haven't been able to make the time for me to be able to show you just how perfect we will be together. I can't wait to show you just how much you mean to me. Once you let your guard down and let me in, I will show you a love that no other ever will. I will treat you like the princess you are... and in bed well... I will bring you to an ecstasy that no boy would have ever been able to give you. Please Sarah just give me the chance to show you... I know you feel it too, I can feel it whenever we are together. This whole summer haven't you been able to feel our chemistry? I want you more than I have ever wanted anything. " He said desperately.
Sarah felt angry, violated and belittled. She felt her blood boiling she simply could not control her rage.
"YOU ARE A PSYCHO. You don't know me, you don't love me and I sure as hell could never love a nut job like you, now let me the hell out of this dungeon!" Screamed with fury.
Angered out of being rejected yet again. Nick briskly walked up to Sarah bending down he grabbed a handful of her thick beautiful hair and yanked hard to bring her face to level with his. Sarah cried out in pain. He peered into her eyes with a wrath that sent a shiver of fear down Sarah's spine.
He shouted so aggressively that he spat in Sarah's face.
And with that he slammed her up against the wall and proceeded to rip her blouse open. He was surprised to see that underneath her blouse was not a normal bra but a sports bra and he found that as hard as he tried to yank it he couldn't seem to rip it. He pulled her bra up from underneath and mauled at her breasts. Then began yanking at the button on her jeans in an attempt to take them off.
Sarah cried out tears streaming down her face.
"Please don't. I'll say it but please don't do this to me." She begged.
A smile overcame Nicks face he had received the reaction he had wanted, she was surrendering her self over to him and giving him the power. He gently patted her hair down her face.
"Good girl, now tell me that you love me." He whispered to her.
Sarah gulped hard in attempt to hold back the vomit she could feel herself ready to hurl up.
"I love you." She whispered with a face of shame.
"Say it again like you mean it. Say it with my Name. I want to hear you really say it and mean it." Nick replied with a face of greed.
Sarah felt that same rush of anger as before overcome her. Her blood boiled her face felt hot with fury and her hands became hot and sticky with sweat. She decided she wasn't going to be a victim tonight.
She grabbed Nick by his broad shoulders and with as much force as she could conjure, kneed him in the balls. she bolted towards the door, as she was running she felt that overwhelming feeling of nausea take over her again and could no longer control the convulsion. She sprayed the room with a quick coating of vomit.
Nick caught up to her and grabbed her from behind he violently threw her onto the ground. He then started to kick her over and over again until she was nearly unconscious. He then yanked Sarah's jeans completely off of her and threw them across the room, he looked down at her like a prize that he had won.
Blood poured from Sarah's mouth and nose, she felt it trinkle down onto the cold concrete floor. As tears began to stream from her eyes, she looked up to Nick, knowing full well what was about to happen next.
Nick then removed his pants and the proceeded to straddle Sarah's delicate form, between his legs stabbing her with his prominent groin.
"You've made me do this Sarah, now say it like you mean it and we will pretend that this never happened... we can be happy. I'm sorry that it had to start off like this, but you just won't admit your feelings. I just have to show you." He said crazily.
Her eyes were so swollen they appeared nearly shut it prevented Nick from seeing the hopelessness in them. Her lips formed a bloody smile. .
" I know he probably doesn't care, I know he probably won't save me... But I wish the Goblin king would come and take me away- Right now. Please Jareth I need you." She said weakly, with She tears streaming down her face.
End of Chapter 1 Please please review me and let me know what you think!